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A Tragic End Assessment

Step 1: As you progress through Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, you'll track the use
of literary elements as they're used to create meaning in the play. You will find
two examples of each element. Be sure to include:
● the act number in which the literary element appears (I, II, III, IV, V)
● the scene number where the literary element appears (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, etc.)
● the line in which the literary element appears
● an explanation of the literary element in the context of the scene


Archetypes Example One Example Two

A common type Act: II Act: III
of character, Scene: i Scene: iii
conflict, or plot Copy & paste the line that Copy & paste the line that
seen in
contains this element: “[Cassius] contains this element: “[Cinna]
And therefore are they very And things unlucky charge my
dangerous. fantasy.
I rather tell thee what is to be I have no will to wander forth of
feared doors,
Than what I fear, for always I am Yet something leads me forth.”
Caesar.” Explanation: When Cinna traveled
Explanation: Because he persuades to the city for Caesar's burial, he
Brutus to join a group that turns led by example. The crowd believes
against him and writes fictitious he is a betrayer. Cinna tells the
letters to support his belief that throng that he is not a traitor in an
Caesar must be assassinated, attempt to evade punishment, but
Cassius is an inspiration to follow. he is ultimately hanged.

Dramatic Irony Example One Example Two

The reader Act: II Act: IV
knows some Scene: i Scene: i
piece of Copy & paste the line that Copy & paste the line that
information a
contains this element: Th' abuse of contains this element: And let us
character does
not. greatness is when it disjoins presently go sit in council
Remorse from power. How covert matters may be best
Explanation: Three times the disclosed,
crown was given to Caesar, but he And open perils surest answered.
turned it down each time. This is Explanation: The conspirators
paradoxical because Caesar's lust plan to have Mark Antony address
for power proves to be his downfall a crowd since they are aware that
in the end. his statement over Caesar's murder
would ignite a revolt.

Foreshadowing Example One Example Two

A sign of Act: I Act: II
something Scene: ii Scene: ii
ahead of time in Copy & paste the line that Copy & paste the line that
a text that
contains this element: Then, contains this element: Thrice hath
suspense Brutus, I have much mistook your Calphurnia in her sleep cried out,
passion, “Help, ho! They murder
By means whereof this breast of Caesar!”—Who’s within?
mine hath buried Explanation: The wife of Julius
Thoughts of great value, worthy Caesar dreamed that her husband
cogitations. was dying. It implied that his
Tell me, good Brutus, can you see execution was imminent.
your face?
Explanation: Cassius convinces
Brutus to take part in the
conspiracy against Caesar. This is a
premonition of what would
transpire later in the play, when the
conspirators' deeds bring about
Caesar's demise and the collapse of
the Roman Republic.

Juxtaposition Example One Example Two

Contrasting Act: III Act:
characters, Scene: ii Scene:
ideas, or words Copy & paste the line that Copy & paste the line that
that are used
contains this element: Did this in contains this element:
for emphasis
Caesar seem ambitious? Explanation:
When that the poor have cried,
Caesar hath wept.
Ambition should be made of sterner
Explanation: This deed highlighted
the difference between Caesar, the
true man, and Brutus, the unfaithful
guy. Mark Antony participated in
the fighting in this scenario.

Symbolism Example One Example Two

The use of Act: V Act: III
objects or Scene: i Scene: i
weather to Copy & paste the line that Copy & paste the line that
stand for
contains this element: This contains this element: But I am
another idea or
concept morning are they fled away and constant as the northern star,
gone, Of whose true-fixed and resting
And in their steads do ravens, quality
crows, and kites There is no fellow in the
Fly o'er our heads and downward firmament.
look on us Explanation: Caesar likens it to the
As we were sickly prey. constellation Neptune. As the king
Explanation: In this passage, of Rome, he sees the North Star as a
Cassius refers to a raven/crow as a representation of his fortitude and
symbol of power and achievement. will.

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