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Comparing Governments

Government and Economy Analysis

Your Name: Alexandra Duffey

1. Choose one country for analysis: France, India, Japan, Mexico, or

Venezuela. Contact your instructor if you wish to examine a different

Your Chosen Country: Japan

2. Use the CIA World Factbook and Freedom House websites to learn
about your chosen country. Answer the following questions based on the
lesson and your research in complete sentences:

● What type of government does the country have? Describe how it

structures authority.
Japan is a parliamentary democracy with a monarchy that is constitutional.
The Prime Minister is in charge of the government, while the Emperor acts like
the head of the monarchy. The Prime Minister and the elected lawmakers of the
parliament have the majority of control due to the tiered structure of the
● Does the country have features of democratization, meaning are there
signs it is moving closer to or away from democracy? Explain.
Japan is known as a democracy with a long history. Regular elections, a
system with several parties, and protections for both freedoms of speech and
political liberty are all features. There are not any obvious indications that Japan
is departing from democracy. The nation, on the other hand, has an extended
record of reliable democratic systems and an unwavering dedication to
democratic principles.
● Is this country's economic system closer to a command or to a free
market economy? Use at least one fact in your response.
With components of both the government and free industry systems, the
economic system of Japan is somewhat comparable to an economy that is mixed.
The government plays a significant part in oversight and encouragement of
important industries including motor vehicles, electronics, and banking and
financial services even though it permits ownership by individuals and
● How does the country’s economy compare to that of the United States?
Use at least one data figure in your response, such as GDP per capita.
Japan, behind the United States and China, has the third biggest economy
worldwide. The World Bank estimates that Japan’s economic output per person
will be $40,247 by 2020. The gross domestic product (GDP) per person in the
United States that year was $63,416 in contrast. This shows that when viewed
alongside Japan, the United States has a greater average income per person.
● To what extent does the country’s government and economic system
support or conflict with U.S. principles? Use one specific principle in
your explanation. (Recall that some of the principles are limited
government, rule of law, and individual rights.)
The rule of law is one American value that is compatible with Japan’s
political and economic structure. Both nations value having a judicial system that
upholds justice, openness, and responsibility. A solid legal structure which
upholds the rule of law guarantees individual liberties and supports stable
economic conditions is present in Japan. This is consistent with the American
concept of the rule of law, which places a strong emphasis on fairness, due
process, and legal rights.

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