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Rowlatt Act


.Hindus were doing a lot of movements in the favour of Nationalism and to ask for swaraj
[freedom] that was disturbing the overall peace of Subcontinent.

.To stop the uprising movements that were causing discipline issues and to have better grip
on subcontinent and the people living , Rowlatt act was passed

.The act was passed by Sir Sidney Rowlatt thats why its named as Rowlatt act

.The act was passed on 18,March,1919 in Delhi

.The law was passed that the British had the power to arrest a person without any trial

.The jail was for 2 years for everyone who they suspected of terrorism in Subcontinent

.Hindus strongly opposed this law as they thought it’s the violation of civil liberties
Sir Sidney Rowlatt
.British barrister and judge

.He was the one who thought that hindus are

talking a lot about their freedom that's making a
threat on the government of British thats why he
made a act Rowlatt against them

.Giving possible power to British to jail anyone for

2 years
Reaction of Hindus
.A lot of protests and riots happened in the reaction of the Act

.It was a very dark time for the people of Subcontinent

.Gandhi launched civil disobedience because he believed that the act would lead to
torture, widespread arrests and kill alot of innocence

.The protest started nationwide on April 6,1919 known as Rowlatt Satyagraha

.It was a civil disobedience movement that started to show the people of British
government that hindus are against the Rowlatt act

.It's also known as Salt March and in this Hindus protested against the heavy taxes they
had to pay on their own resources.

.It led to violence and civil unrest and the usage of the weapons
Jallianwala bagh Massacre
.Several demonstrations were against the rowlatt act of 1919.

.The British government used all available techniques to end these gatherings and
.On April 10, 1919, Dr satyapal and Dr saifuddin kitchlew were ordered to be arrested by sir
michael O'dwyer, Punjabs lieutenant Governor at that time.
.As a result, the protestors became angry. On April 10, 1919, angry protesters marched to Mr
Irwin's house and yelled for the release of Drs. Satyapal and Saifuddin Kitchlew.
The police suddenly opened fire on them, and the demonstrators responded by throwing stones
and lathis at the Britishers.
. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre remains a controversial event in Indian history and is one of
India's darkest chapters of the British Raj.
. On April 13, 1919, Baisakhi day, many people mostly from the neighbourhood villages
gathered at jallianwala bagh to celebrate the baisakhi festival.
. On the same day a peaceful protest was also held against the rowlatt act, however the
people who gathered to celebrate the festival outnumbered the protestors.
. When the news was reached to Reginald Dyer he reached the Jallianwala bagh with his
troops and opened fire on the unarmed gathering without giving a warning, the people
could not escape as the exit point was blocked.
. The death figure estimated by Reginald dyer and Mr irving was 291. The committee
headed by Madan Mohan Malviya estimated that 500 were massacred.
. The hatred of Indians towards the British grew even more.
. Mahatma Gandhi said relating to the jallianwala bagh tragedy “No government merits
respect which holds the liberty of it’s subject"
Reginald Dyer
Sketch made by people

He was the one because of whom a lot of

innocent people died in Jallianwala bagh

He was later taken off his position but was

appreciated by british as well
Q1.What was the reason of Rowlatt Act?

Q2.Why did Hindus reacted negatively on Rowlatt Act?

Q3.What was the civil disobedience protest known as?

Q4.Explain the event of Jallianwala Bagh?

Q5.Who passed the act of rowlatt with legislature?

Q6.In your opinion what was the message that Mr Jinnah wanted to convey to

1. The Rowlatt Act was passed in ________.

2. The jail was for _______ for the one arrested.
3. Estimated ______ died in the massacre.
4. __________said relating to the jallianwala bagh tragedy “No government merits
respect which holds the liberty of its subject"
5. Another name for the salt march is ______________.
6. Kaiser hind was given to _____________.

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