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Time: 45 minutes;
Mã đề thi: 357
(40 multiplechoice questions)

(Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu)

Họ, tên thí sinh:..................................................................... Mã số: .............................

Read the passage and choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
How far would you travel for a good meal? If you were a humpback whale, the answer would be five
thousand miles. These large sea animals travel at least that far from their winter home off the (1)______
of Columbia to their summer feeding areas off Antarctica. The distance covered by some types of whale
is amazing, especially when you considered their enormous size. The blue whale is the largest animal
that has ever lived and it can weigh as much as thirty elephants. It comes as no surprise, (2)______, to
hear that ancient folk legends tell of sailors mistaking these creatures for islands.
The more we find about whales, the more wonderful they seem. Some species can hold their (3)______
for more than an hour and dive to a depth of over 2000 metres. They use a system of sounds known as
echo-location to find the fish they eat and they have further sounds to (4)______ with each other. The
noises they produce can travel hundreds of miles under water. Some species seem to sing complicated
songs consisting of a number of separate themes, sung in a specific (5)______ which can last up to half
an hour or more. If you ever get the chance to see one of these great creatures in the wild, you will
understand why they have inspired so many legends.
Question 1: A. coast B. ground C. beach D. seaside
Question 2: A. however B. because C. though D. therefore
Question 3: A. field B. oxygen C. fins D. breath
Question 4: A. keep in touch B. catch up C. put up D. face up
Question 5: A. accent B. language C. order D. voice

Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation.
Question 6: A. reasonable B. assignment C. ecosystem D. dinosaur
Question 7: A. capable B. family C. activate D. champion

Choose the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the original one.

Question 8: He declared his love by making someone send her flowers and a diamond ring.
A. He visited her with flowers and a diamond ring on his hands to declare his love.
B. He got his love by buying her flowers and a diamond ring.
C. He declared his love by having flowers and a diamond ring sent to her.
D. He started his romantic relationship by buying her a plane full of flowers and a diamond ring.
Question 9: A group of professional cleaners are usually asked to come and wash all the carpets in my
A. My company usually has all the carpets washed by a group of professional cleaners
B. A group of professional cleaners usually ask my company to wash all their carpets.
C. All the carpets in my company are usually washed by the employer.
D. A company usually has all the carpets washed professionally by my company.

Choose the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 10: John: “Let me give you a ride home.” Mary: “______”
A. I believe you are right. B. Maybe.
C. Thank you. I’d really appreciate it. D. You’re welcome.
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Question 11: Nick: “Do you mind my taking this seat?” James: “______”
A. Yes, take it please. B. No, of course not.
C. No, you can’t take it. D. Yes, sit down please.

Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
Question 12: A. disease B. complete C. device D. trouble
Question 13: A. attitude B. activate C. universe D. resurrect

Choose the correct answer to the question.

Question 14: Only 712 people ______ the sinking of the Titanic out of 2,207 aboard.
A. lived B. fought C. existed D. survived
Question 15: In large amounts, calcium supplements may ______ with certain blood pressure
A. interfere B. encounter C. modify D. prevent
Question 16: Many of the ______ of diabetes are much more likely to occur if you have high blood
glucose levels or high blood pressure over long periods of time.
A. simplicity B. treatments C. diseases D. complications
Question 17: ______, the greater the purchase is.
A. the paycheck is larger B. the large paycheck
C. the larger the paycheck is D. larger the paycheck
Question 18: How long ______ your boyfriend when you get married?
A. do you know B. will you have known
C. have you known D. will you know
Question 19: I was nervous about eating sushi when my brother had me ______ it at a Japanese
A. trying B. try C. to try D. tried
Question 20: The more you're involved in volunteering for the less glamorous subcommittees, ______ to
be recognized when you apply to the association.
A. you know more people, and the less you are likely
B. more people know you, and more likely you are
C. the fewer people know you, and the more you are likely
D. the more people know you, and the more likely you are
Question 21: By examining key features of the facial skeleton, scientists can evaluate the ______
history of the modern human face in the context of its development.
A. formation B. surgical C. evolutionary D. survival
Question 22: The development of ______ remarkably improves the quality of life and aids social
advancement in almost everything.
A. future B. emotion C. technology D. technique
Question 23: In less than seven decades, global warming ______ most of the polar ice caps.
A. melts B. has melted C. will have melted D. had melted
Question 24: There are a lot of online language learning programs which are able to ______ with
A. chat B. attacked C. interact D. taken
Question 25: Do they often get you ______ questions about your unusual professional background?
A. answered B. to answer C. answer D. answering

Indicate the word or phrase that is incorrectly used in the sentence.

Question 26: By the time we will have got to the conference about wildlife protection, the opening
speech will have started.
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A. will have got B. about C. will have started D. opening
Question 27: After the car accident, Cynthia had to have her nose reshape by a famous plastic surgeon
and looked as she did before.
A. had to B. as C. plastic D. reshape
Question 28: The more the demand for ivory products is, more drammatically the number of elephants
A. falls B. more drammatically
C. the more D. for

Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
Question 29: It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of their sex, religion, disability
or certain other personal characteristics.
A. illegal B. legal C. obedient D. normal
Question 30: It is DA company that designs and builds automated machinery for a variety of industries
throughout the US and Mexico.
A. mobile B. robotic C. hand-opereated D. activated

Choose the sentence that best combines the following pair of sentences.
Question 31: My brother is going to the dentist’s next week. He wants the dentist to pull his tooth out.
A. The dentist is getting his tooth pulled out by my brother next week.
B. My brother is going to the dentist’s to have his tooth pulled out next week.
C. When my brother goes to the dentist’s next week, he will pull his tooth out.
D. My brother wants to pull his tooth out, so he is going to the dentist’s next week.
Question 32: The third meeting of the Emergency Committee will be called next month. People hope
that scientists will have invented a vaccine for the novel coronavirus 2019 before that time.
A. It is hoped that the third meeting of the Emergency Committee will have happened before scientists
invent vaccine for the novel coronavirus 2019.
B. It is hoped that a vaccine for the novel coronavirus 2019 will have been invented before the third
meeting of the Emergency Committee next month.
C. The third meeting of the Emergency Committee is hoped to have taken place a month before a
vaccine for the novel coronavirus 2019 is invented.
D. Scientists should have found a vaccine for the novel coronavirus 2019 before the third meeting of
the Emergency Committee.
Question 33: You are less concerned about the others’ business. They disturb you less.
A. You should be involved less in the others’ business and you are less relaxed.
B. You are concerned about the others’ problems and they disturb you.
C. The less you are concerned about the others’ problems, the less they disturb you.
D. You don’t worry about the others’ business but they don’t disturb you.

Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
Question 34: In order for the forest to be preserved, cutting down trees should be banned.
A. prevented B. planted C. grown D. protected
Question 35: There is a new personalised tool that can detect cancer, predict patient survival and also
how well a cancer patient would respond to immunotherapy.
A. identify B. treat C. cover D. cure

Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
As computers have become powerful tools for rapid and economic production of picture, computer
graphics has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing fields in computers science. It is used routinely
in such diverse areas as business, industry, art, government, research, training, and medicine.
One of the initial uses of computer graphics, and ultimately its greatest use, has been as an aid to
design, generally referred to as computer – aided design (CAD). One of its greatest advantages is that
designers can see how an object will look after construction and make changes freely and much more
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quickly than with hand drafting. For three-dimensional rendering of machine parts, engineers rely heavily
on CAD. Automobile, spacecraft, aerospace, and ship designers use CAD technique to design vehicles
and test their performance. Building designs are also created with computer graphics systems.
Architects can design a building layout, create a three-dimensional model, and even go for a simulated
“walk” through the rooms or around the outside of the building.
Business graphics is another rapidly growing area of computer graphics, where it is used to create
graphs, charts, and cost models to summarize financial, statistical, mathematical, scientific, and
economic data. As an educational aid, computer graphics can be used to create weather maps and
cartographic materials. Computer art also has creative and commercial art applications, where it is used
in advertising, publishing and film production, particularly for computer animation, which is achieved by a
sequential process.
Question 36: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Computer graphic applications
B. Computers as the architects of the future
C. Routine uses of computers
D. The rapidly growing field of computer science
Question 37: The word “it” in line 2 refers to ______
A. production B. computer graphics
C. picture D. computer science
Question 38: According to the passage, engineers use CAD for ______.
A. rendering machine parts B. making cost models
C. advertising products D. a simulated “walk” through modal rooms
Question 39: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use of computer graphics in business?
A. making cost models B. paying money
C. drawing graphs D. creating charts
Question 40: According to the last paragraph, computer graphics are much applied to ______.
A. playing sports B. producing drugs C. growing crops D. making cartoons
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