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5.4 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Health‑Care

Systems: Postacute Levels of Care
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Peter A. Lim1,2
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, 2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX, USA
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Curative, Preventive, and Rehabilitative Medicine Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in the
For much of the history of health care, the curative imperative Health‑care System
has dominated and associated specialties have flourished. Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM also known as
In pharmaceuticals, the early potions and antibiotics have rehabilitation medicine [RM]) is part and parcel of a good
progressed to biologically‑active drugs and stem‑cell therapy. health‑care system. Depending on the type, level, and case
The quick‑handed barbers with sharp blades capable of mix of the hospital, potentially 5%–10% of patients will
performing amputations within seconds have advanced to require inpatient rehabilitation services. A recent study from
complicated surgical reconstructions and multiple‑organ Canada[2] using a Stroke Rehabilitation Candidacy Screening
transplants. The rudimentary microscope and Roentgen X‑ray Tool (SRCST) revealed that 37% of stroke patients were
machines have gone on to computerized tomography, magnetic appropriate candidates for inpatient rehabilitation. The
resonance imaging, positron emission tomography scans, and SRCST included the AlphaFIM® score, ability to follow
DNA testing. They all have in common a focus on finding the commands, rehabilitation goals, functional improvement
cause of disease or injury, and curing it. demonstrated over time, verbal consent to participate, and
It was subsequently recognized that much more has been achieved rehabilitation readiness including tolerance to sitting and
in preventive medicine and public health. Clean water and proper medical stability.
sanitation have saved millions of lives, and vaccinations have The South Australia Government has stated that as its
prevented the loss of many more. Public health strategies and population ages, the need for rehabilitation services
policies such as quarantine and contact tracing of infected patients will increase, and that rehabilitation is part of all patient
has been successful in limiting catastrophic epidemics in more care. It should be provided acute care, ideally for a short length
recent times. Laws including safety belts and restraints, crash of stay (LOS) with a straightforward program before discharge
helmets have mitigated the impact of trauma. Public education on home, or until transfer to a specialist rehabilitation unit where
issues ranging from eating right, smoking cessation to exercising a formal multidisciplinary program is provided to facilitate
have had good albeit sometimes only partial success. independence and attainment of goals.[3]
In the continuum of health care however, it is only relatively In a large multicenter cohort analysis on 5739 patients with
recently that rehabilitative medicine has received deserved acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury, peripheral and
attention. Across the world, economic development and progressive neurological conditions undergoing specialist
cultural changes with improving health indices are resulting rehabilitation in England, functional outcomes, care needs, and
in the phenomenon of aging populations. As life expectancies cost efficiency were evaluated. All groups showed significant
lengthen, so has incidence of disabilities with a direct reduction in dependency between admission and discharge on
correlation between age and number affected.[1] In addition,
society increasingly values bigger, faster, and higher. Motor
Address for correspondence: Prof. Peter A. Lim,
vehicle accidents, violent sporting pursuits, work‑related Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Singapore General Hospital,
trauma, injuries, and falls may result in brain, spinal cord, 169856, Singapore.
and back injuries, repetitive stress disorders and other related E‑mail:
health problems that require rehabilitation.
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DOI: How to cite this article: Lim PA. 5.4 Physical and rehabilitation medicine
10.4103/jisprm.jisprm_20_19 in health-care systems: Postacute levels of care. J Int Soc Phys Rehabil
Med 2019;2:S87-92.

© 2019 The Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow S87
Lim: Physical and rehabilitation medicine in healthcare systems: Postacute care

all outcome measures used, with reduction in weekly care costs Postacute, Acute, Subacute, and Long‑term Care
of 760, 408, and 130 pounds/week in the high‑, medium‑, and
low‑dependency groupings, respectively.[4] Rehabilitation
The terms acute and subacute rehabilitation are often difficult
PRM plays an important role in the development of new
to precisely define and delineate. The term “postacute”
approaches and strategies for improving the care and
rehabilitation may more suitably cover the continuum of care
rehabilitation of patients with disabilities. This includes clinical though which rehabilitation occurs, from the hospital into the
trials, and the difficult but crucial task of data collection and
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community. The PRM physician may initially be involved in

rehabilitation database analysis. rehabilitation triage and care while the patient is still in the
hospital intensive care unit (ICU), with prehabilitation prior
Services Provided by Physical and Rehabilitation
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to surgery, and in the optimization of a patient’s condition

Medicine before chemotherapy. A period of inpatient rehabilitation
stay may subsequently be needed where the patient receives
The classic RM physiatrist has two main distinct roles: intensive comprehensive rehabilitative therapy intervention
i. Management of the complicated “fragile” or potentially of 3 hours or more, while medical management continues
unstable rehabilitation patient with specialized needs, for under the physiatrist. For patients requiring lower intensity or
example, spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries, severe “slow‑stream” rehabilitation, a skilled nursing facility (SNF) or
strokes, multiple sclerosis, cardiopulmonary diseases, step‑down community hospital stay for a longer period may be
cancer, and renal failure patients on hemodialysis. These appropriate. Some patients require physiatrist follow‑up in the
patients require physician supervision and specialist settings of nursing homes/extended or long‑term care (LTC)
intervention for complications such as spasticity, facilities for maintenance rehabilitation programs to avoid
thromboembolism, anticoagulation, and depression while deconditioning and physical deterioration. Occasionally, the
undergoing an intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation physiatrist may be involved in home‑based care and assisted
program. Typically, the goal is for a discharge home living programs.
within a relatively fast time period
ii. Consultation and management of the rehabilitation
needs and complications of more stable patients though
Settings for Postacute Care
the continuum of care from community hospitals, The US National Stroke Association’s Complete Guide to
day rehabilitation centers, and to nursing homes. This Stroke (1st Edition, 2003) refers to the option for rehabilitation
will require a close collaboration and coordination at different locations including: (i) rehabilitation unit in the
with the therapists, geriatricians, palliative care, and hospital, (ii) subacute care unit in the hospital or extended care
family medicine physicians who may be a part of the facility, (iii) a rehabilitation hospital, (iv) home with outpatient
rehabilitation care. therapy, (v) stroke day program, (vi) LTC facility providing
therapy and skilled nursing care, and (vii) home therapy.
There are also PRM physicians who work mostly or
exclusively in the clinic or ambulatory care setting. These The US model allows differentiation for postacute rehabilitation
include specialists in nonoperative pain management, sports interventions and the following is based on Centers for
medicine, and outpatient occupational injuries. They are well Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publications.
suited for undertaking this role in comprehensive assessment
and diagnosis as well as rehabilitative management of such Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
patients. Inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs)[5] may be freestanding
i. The training of a physiatrist or PRM physician includes not rehabilitation hospitals or rehabilitation units within acute care
only medicine but also a neurological and musculoskeletal hospitals. They provide an intensive rehabilitation program
emphasis that includes anatomy, physiology, psychology, with patients able to tolerate 3 hours of intense rehabilitation
and biomechanics. This enables a comprehensive holistic services per day. Group therapy may be included but not be the
assessment and treatment plan based on the functional majority of therapy provided and must be well documented.
as well as medical perspective. An X‑ray is not seen as At least 60% of a facility’s total inpatient population must
only bones, joints, and soft tissue but also its potential require treatment for one or more of 13 conditions, namely, (i)
for range of motion, strength, endurance, spasticity, and stroke, (ii) spinal cord injury, (iii) Congenital deformity, (iv)
pain. Amputation, (v) Major multiple trauma, (vi) Fracture of
ii. The PRM physician is trained in and has a good femur (hip fracture), (vii) Brain injury, (viii) Neurological
understanding of many “languages” including that of a disorders, including multiple sclerosis, motor neuron diseases,
physician, surgeon, psychiatrist, therapist, social worker, polyneuropathy, muscular dystrophy, and Parkinson’s
orthotic and equipment specialist, and prosthetist. This disease, (ix) Burns, (x) Active polyarticular rheumatoid
enables the PRM physician to function as the ideal arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and seronegative arthropathies, (xi)
orchestra conductor of the medical rehabilitation team. Systemic vasculitides with joint inflammation, (xii) Severe

S88 The Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Supplement 1 ¦ June 2019
Lim: Physical and rehabilitation medicine in healthcare systems: Postacute care

or advanced osteoarthritis involving two or more major status, and has a predetermined average LOS which is the
weight‑bearing joints (elbow, shoulders, hips, or knees) typical for such a patient.
with joint deformity and substantial loss of range of motion,
atrophy of muscles surrounding the joint, (xiii) Knee or hip Skilled Nursing Facility
joint replacement (with bilateral joint replacement surgery,
The terms SNF, nursing facility or home, and convalescent
extremely obese with Body Mass Index of at least 50, or age
home may often be used interchangeably. They all describe
85 or older).
residential facilities that provide on‑site 24‑h care, but the
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In general, there must be significant functional impairment of SNF[7] is a facility with a higher level of care provided by
ambulation and other activities of daily living (ADL) that has trained individuals including registered nurses, licensed
not improved after an appropriate, aggressive, and sustained practical nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists,
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course of outpatient therapy services or services in other speech‑language pathologists or audiologists, and medical
less intensive rehabilitation settings immediately preceding social workers. These services may be for a period of
the inpatient rehabilitation admission. However, the patient rehabilitation from an illness or injury, or for those needing
has potential to improve with more intensive rehabilitation. LTC on a continuous basis due to chronic medical conditions.
Patients with comorbidities secondary to the principal Skilled nursing and skilled rehabilitation services are those
diagnosis may also be included under certain conditions, services furnished according to the physician orders.
e.g. significant decline in functional ability requiring intensive
rehabilitation treatment unique to IRFs that cannot be Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
appropriately performed in another care setting. IRFs provide
Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities (CORFs)[8]
intensive rehabilitation services using an interdisciplinary
provide coordinated outpatient diagnostic, therapeutic, and
team approach in a hospital environment and for patients with
restorative services at a single fixed outpatient location, for
complex nursing, medical management, and rehabilitative
rehabilitation of injured, disabled, or sick individuals. PT,
needs. The patient must:
OT, and speech‑language pathology services may be provided
• Require multiple therapy disciplines ( physical
in an off‑site location. Core services to be provided include
therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech‑language
consultation and medical supervision of nonphysician staff,
pathology, or prosthetics/orthotics), at least one of which
establishment and review of the plan of treatment and other
must be PT or OT
medical and facility administration activities, PT services,
• Require an intensive rehabilitation therapy program,
social or psychological services.
generally 3 hours/day at least 5 days/week; or in certain
well‑documented cases, at least 15 hours within a
7‑consecutive day period Postacute Care in Singapore
• Reasonably be expected to actively participate in and Introduction
benefit significantly from the intensive rehabilitation Singapore is a city‑state in Southeast Asia with a population of
therapy program 5.6 million. Although an island only 720 km2 in size (smaller
• Require physician supervision by a rehabilitation than New York City), Singapore is a major international
physician, with face‑to‑face visits at least 3 days/week city engaging in activities such as trade and transshipments,
to assess the patient both medically and functionally and information technology products, financial services, and
to modify the course of the treatment as needed biotechnology. From a third world country at the time of
• Require an intensive and coordinated interdisciplinary achieving independence about 50 years ago, Singapore in 2016
team approach to the delivery of rehabilitative care. had a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of SGD 73,167.
Health‑care statistics are excellent with an infant mortality rate
Long‑term Care Hospital of 2.4 deaths/1000 live births, and life expectancy of 82.9 years
LTC hospitals (LTCHs)[6] are certified under Medicare as in 2016. It has a doctor to population ratio of 1:430, nurse ratio
short‑term acute care hospitals, but generally treat medically of 1:140, dentist ratio of 1:2550, and pharmacist ratio of 1:1950.
complex patients who require long‑stay hospital‑level care. There are a total of 1693 physiotherapists, 1067 occupational
For Medicare purposes, they are generally defined as having therapists, and 524 speech therapists. This was achieved on
an average inpatient LOS >25 days. a national health‑care expenditure of 4.6% (2011) of GDP.
However, Singapore has committed to increasing expenditures
LTCHs use the Medicare Severity‑LTC‑Diagnosis Related
significantly to cope with one of the fasting aging populations in
Groups (MS‑LTC‑DRG) as a classification system. This is
the world, with those aged 65 years and over expected to grow
similar to the MS‑DRG; the CMS uses under the Inpatient
from about 11% currently to almost 20% in the year 2030.[9,10]
Prospective Payment System but weighted to reflect the
different resources used by LTCHs. Each patient stay is Health‑care system
grouped into an MS‑LTC‑DRG based on diagnoses (including About 80% of acute and hospitalization care takes place in
secondary), procedures performed, age, gender, and discharge the public sector under the charge of the Ministry of Health

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Singapore, and only 20% in the private sector. The reverse is their families against losing their public housing apartments
true for primary care services where 80% is provided by private in the event of death, terminal illness or total permanent
practitioners and 20% by the public sector. The step‑down disability. The Dependants’ Protection Scheme is an opt‑out
care sectors including nursing homes, community hospitals, term insurance scheme, which covers for a maximum payout
and hospices are often run by voluntary welfare organizations, sum of SGD 46,000 for death, terminal illness, or total
although most are funded to a large extent by the government. permanent disability.
There are three medical schools in Singapore: the Yong Loo Lin
Through its Agency for Integrated Care, the government
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School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS)

coordinates day rehabilitation centers across the island, Day
founded in 1905 is a leading medical educational and research
Care and/or Rehabilitation Facilities, Senior Activity Centers,
institution in Asia, the Duke‑NUS Medical School which
Community Health Centers with general practitioners, Home
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emphasizes medical research and education follows a US

Medical, Home Nursing, Home Therapy, Home Personal Care,
curriculum in collaboration with Duke University North
and Meals on Wheels. There are also Caregivers Training
Carolina, and the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine has a
Grants, Seniors’ Mobility and Enabling Fund (for assistive
curriculum developed and implemented in partnership with
devices such as wheelchairs, transport, and home health‑care
Imperial College London.
consumables), Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance
Nurses receive diploma‑level training from two polytechnic Scheme of SGD 100 monthly for those with disabilities and
institutes, and undergraduate degrees from NUS and born before 1950, Medical Escort and Transport, Community
overseas tertiary institutions. Postgraduate qualifications Health Assist Scheme to subsidize doctor and dentist visits,
for rehabilitation may be obtained locally or overseas. Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Grant of SGD 120 monthly,
Physiotherapists and occupational therapists may earn FDW Levy Concession for Persons with Disabilities, and
undergraduate degrees from the Singapore Institute of Medical Fee Exemption Card.
Technology or overseas. Speech therapists typically obtain
Rehabilitation medicine in postacute care
undergraduate degree from overseas, but a masters’ level
PRM or RM in Singapore has a relatively recent history.[13]
degree is available at NUS. Prosthetists and orthotists are
Singapore is a country with capability for biologic transplants,
usually trained overseas and the de facto national prosthetic
readily available joint replacement surgery, state‑of‑the‑art
and orthotic center is sited at the Foot Care and Limb Design
cardiac and cancer treatments, as well as being a center
Centre. There are also several legacy private practitioners with
for cutting‑edge genetic and stem cell research. It is home
recognition based on apprenticeship programs.
to international collaborations of academic medical and
All Singaporeans are covered under the 3Ms of Medisave, health‑care institutions such as Duke University and Johns
Medishield, and Medifund. [11] Medisave is a national Hopkins from the USA, Imperial College London from the
medical savings scheme into which individuals put aside UK, and Curtin University from Australia. There is however
part of their income. This personal health savings account a situation of expanding needs and insufficient capacity, partly
can be used for hospitalization, day surgery, and approved because of rapidly changing demographics and culture. As an
outpatient treatments. Medishield is a low‑cost voluntary Asian country with a culture based on Confucianism, families
catastrophic medical insurance plan. Medifund provides for and neighbors have traditionally taken care of the elderly
needy Singaporeans to pay their medical bills and is based on and those with disabilities. Along with the country’s rapid
household income for eligibility and amount of assistance. development however, family sizes have plummeted (fertility
The government provides large subsidies for hospitalization rate of 1.24 children per female in 2015) to where the previous
as well as other medical and rehabilitation expenses, based on situation of many adult children and family available at home
the patient’s choice of hospital bed class. The “A” class private to provide care rather than being out in the workplace (female
bed is single room, air‑conditioned, with attached bathroom workforce participation rate of 58.1% in 2013) no longer
and the patient’s choice of doctors - the patient pays full fare. exists. Neighborhoods have also changed, from the communal
On the other end is the “C” class where there are multiple spirited, care-providing kampungs (villages) to fast‑paced
beds in a cubicle with shared bathroom and assigned doctors. high‑rise living where next‑door neighbors may not know
However, this bed choice carries a 65%–80% subsidy. each other’s names. Rehabilitation which emphasizes function
and independence has hence become an important part of the
In addition, the government has several other programs relevant
health‑care continuum.
for those with disabilities.[12] The Interim Disability Assistance
Programme for the Elderly provides SGD 150–250 monthly The first specialized RM unit in Singapore was founded
for up to 72 months for those unable to perform three or at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital in 1973 with a focus on
more out of 6 ADL including washing, feeding, dressing, providing rehabilitation for orthopedic and spinal cord injury
toileting, mobility, and transferring. Elder Shield pays SGD patients. The pioneering RM physicians then were sent by
300–400 monthly for 60–72 months for those with inability to the Ministry of Health for diploma‑level training at RM
perform at least three of the six ADLs. The Home Protection rehabilitation centers in Australia or the United Kingdom.
Scheme is a mortgage insurance that protects members and RM physicians with training and certification from Australia,

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Lim: Physical and rehabilitation medicine in healthcare systems: Postacute care

UK, US, and Canada were also eligible for licensing and physiatrists and equivalent to IRFs at all the major public
specialist accreditation. To cater for patients with amputation, hospitals. Patients discharged from the hospitals and
the Artificial Limb Center was established in 1981 with new patients referred for rehabilitation assessment and
prosthetic staff sent to Japan for training or recruited from management are seen in the specialist outpatient clinics or
Taiwan and Hong Kong. In the early 1990s, a post‑Internal ambulatory care clinics of the hospitals. The RM physicians
Medicine (IM), 3‑year RM specialist training program also have visiting consultant privileges at the step‑down
was established locally. On successful completion of the community hospitals which are similar to LTCHs and
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program, the graduate was eligible for the title Fellow of the SNFs, and at day rehabilitation centers which are similar
Academy of Medicine Singapore (RM) and recognized as a to CORFs. The RM presence is currently limited in the
RM physician. This program incorporated an elective year nursing homes, and typically their residents are assessed and
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of clinical fellowship internationally, with most graduates reviewed in the hospital ambulatory care clinics. Nursing
going to major rehabilitation institutions in the United States and therapy interventions prescribed are then provided
including Baylor College of Medicine Houston and Harvard within the nursing home or by way of a readmission to the
Spaulding in Boston. In 1998, RM was formally accredited RM unit when more intensive intervention is needed.
as a distinct medical specialty by the Specialist Accreditation Singapore has many foreign domestic workers (FDWs) or
Board, Ministry of Health, Singapore. “maids,” who live within the home and are primarily hired for
Subsequent RM departments or units providing comprehensive housework, cooking, and childcare. They however frequently
multidisciplinary rehabilitation were established at other take on or are hired for the role of primary caregivers for
public hospitals across the island: Changi General Hospital disabled patients and provide some of the postacute care.
in 1998, Singapore General Hospital in 2000, and National The initial rehabilitation program may hence also need their
University Hospital in 2008. These physiatrist‑led units training as caregivers, including care of feeding tubes, bowel
have a full complement of rehabilitation staff including and bladder management, transfers, range of motion, and
nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech simple exercises.
pathologists, medical social workers, and prosthetists/
orthotists as needed. They have the capacity to manage Conclusion
medical care and rehabilitation of the most complicated The need for rehabilitative care gains importance with aging
patients including severe strokes, tetraplegic spinal cord populations across the world in conjunction with increasing
injuries, traumatic brain injuries, renal dialysis, multi‑trauma, rates of acquired disability. Up to 5%–10% of a hospital’s
and cancer patients. There are presently a total of 37 patients may require inpatient rehabilitation services, with
credentialed and accredited physiatrists in Singapore, with 37% of stroke patients being appropriate candidates. In a
14 more in training. Almost all practice in the public health large cohort analysis with spinal cord injury, acquired brain
care and academic sector with the largest numbers based at injury, and other neurological diagnoses undergoing specialist
Tan Tock Seng Hospital and Singapore General Hospital, both rehabilitation, there was shown to be significant reduction in
major tertiary teaching hospitals and the main training sites functional dependency and weekly care costs.
for RM in Singapore. The rehabilitation physicians also work
The physiatrist or PRM physician may work in the ambulatory
in the community with a presence in the smaller community
care or clinic setting with nonoperative pain, sports medicine,
care hospitals, day rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes.
or occupational injuries. The classic role of the PRM physician,
There has been a recent shift of approach from the traditional however, focuses on in-hospital management of complicated
British‑based system of medical training and Membership or rehabilitation patients with specialized needs, extending this
Fellowship with the Royal College of Physicians or Surgeons, expertise along the continuum of care into the community and
to one that is more American. In 2010, the residency system LTC facilities. Care may hence occur at different postacute
was established in Singapore with Accreditation Council for locations including the IRF, LTCH, SNF, and CORFs.
Graduate Medical Education – International (ACGME-I)
Postacute rehabilitative care in Singapore is quite well
recognition. As of 2014, trainees who choose to specialize in
developed and includes organized physiatrist – led rehabilitation
RM must first complete a residency in IM before competing
units and programs at different levels and locations, including
for a 3‑year RM Senior Residency (PGY 4–6) training position.
public, private, and academic sectors. There are also strong
With the compulsory IM residency as a prerequisite to national health‑care funding systems and professional training
RM training, rehabilitation physicians are trained and institutions for health‑care providers in most rehabilitation
able to manage patients acutely from the ICU into the disciplines.
medicosurgical wards. The main RM departments have
Financial support and sponsorship
early reach‑in arrangements with other departments, go into
the ICU and acute wards to assess and triage patients for
rehabilitation, as well as help manage early complications Conflicts of interest
of immobility. There are comprehensive RM units led by There are no conflicts of interest.

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