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NPM 19188203001




JUNE 2023


Submitted to Fulfill One of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana degree (S-1)
in English Education at the English Department of the Institute of Teacher
Training and Education PGRI Tulungagung



NPM 19188203001




JUNE 2023

This is to certified that thesis of STEVEN CHRISTOVER HARTONO has been

approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by the Board of Examiners

Tulungagung, 29th of May 2023

Thesis Advisor


NIDN. 0707078801


This is to certify that thesis of STEVEN CHRISTOVER HARTONO has been

aprroved by the Board of Examiners on 20th June 2023

Tulungagung, 20th of June 2023

Examiner I


NIDN. 0707078801

Tulungagung, 20th of June 2023

Examiner II


NIDN. 0716108601

Tulungagung, 20th of June 2023

Examiner III


NIDN. 0722038602

Approved by: Acknowledged by:

Dean of Social Science and Humanities Faculty Head of English Department,


NIDN. 0722038602 NIDN. 0707078801


Herewith, I:


NPM : 19188203001


Declare that:

1. This thesis has never been submitted to any other tertiary education institution

for any other academic degree

2. This thesis is the sole work of the author and has not been written in

collaboration with any other person, nor does it include, without due

acknowledgement, the work of any other person.

3. If at later time it is found that this thesis is a product of plagiarism/

falsification/fabrication, I am willing to accept any legal consequences that

may be imposed on me.

Tulungagung, 29th of May 2023

The writer,


NPM. 19188203001


“Reach your dreams to be come true and believe in yourself”

(Steven CH - 2023)


This paper is respectfully dedicated to:

• To the Lord Jesus Christ who has given me the strength to overcome all
my problems obstacle.
• To my beloved parents, who raised me and always supported and prayed
for me from the beginning of my life, until the day I die.
• To my younger sisters, who always gives full attention to me and always
give me his best love.
• To Yulia Nugrahini, M.Pd. my beloved supervisor who has given progress
and suggestions for this research. And also guide me, so I can successfully
completed this research.
• To all my friends and my partner who want to share any knowledge with

And last but not least, I want to thank you for trusting me. I want to
thanks for not giving up. And I want to thank me for doing all this good


Steven Christover Hartono. 2023. The Implementation of ZTYPE Games to

Learning Vocabulary for English Students of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.
Thesis, English Education Department. Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.
Advisor: Yulia Nugrahini, M.Pd.

Key Words: ZTYPE games, vocabulary, students perspective.

ZTYPE games are one of the good learning media to be used in teaching
vocabulary. The researcher conducted this research to answer the formulation of
the research problem, how do students develop their vocabulary after experiencing
ZTYPE games and what is the perspective of students in learning vocabulary using
the ZTYPE game. The aims this to describe how to apply learning vocabulary with
ZTYPE games and to describe the perspective of students to learning English using
ZTYPE games. The subjects of this study were 4th semester students of English
education, totalling 12 English students of. Researchers used descriptive qualitative
research methods and used three instruments to obtain and collect data, namely:
observation, interviews and questionnaires to students. The results of the
application of ZTYPE games in vocabulary teaching are very good because it helps
to understand vocabulary and new learning media for lecturers and students and
can be applied so that they can understand each other's learning materials well. It is
proven that the answers that have been obtained from English students when
applying the learning, they have enthusiasm in improving vocabulary learning so
that they pay attention to the lecturer's teaching style and consider it important for
vocabulary learning.


Steven Christover Hartono. 2023. The Implementation of ZTYPE Games to

Learning Vocabulary for English Students of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.
Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI. Advisor: Yulia Nugrahini, M.Pd.

Key Words: Permainan ZTYPE, kosakata, perspektif para siswa.

Permainan ZTYPE adalah salah satu media pembelajaran yang baik

untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran vocabulary. Peneliti melakukan penlitian ini
untuk menjawab rumusan masalah penelitian, Bagaimana mahasiswa
mengembangkan kosakata mereka setelah mengalami permainan ZTYPE dan
bagaimana perspektif mahasiswa dalam belajar kosakata menggunakan permainan
ZTYPE. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana
penerapan pembelajaran kosakata dengan permainan ZTYPE di Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI dan mendeskripsikan perspektif mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris menggunakan permainan ZTYPE. Subjek penelitian ini adalah
mahasiswa semester 4 pendidikan bahasa inggris yang berjumlah 12 siswa bahasa
inggris. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan
menggunakan tiga instrumen untuk memperoleh dan mengumpulkan data yaitu:
observasi, interview dan kuisioner kepada mahasiswa. Hasil dari penerapan
ZTYPE games pada pengajaran kosakata sangat baik karena membantu
mengertinya kosakata serta media pembelajaran baru bagi dosen maupun siswa dan
dapat diaplikasikan agar dapat saling memahami materi pembelajaran dengan baik.

Itu terbukti jawaban yang telah diperoleh dari siswa inggris saat
penerapan pembelajaran tersebut, mereka memiliki antusias dalam meningkatkan
pembelajaran kosakata sehingga mereka memerhatikan gaya mengajar dosen dan
menganggap penting untuk pembelajaran kosakata.


Praise to the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ because of his blessing so that
the writer finishes this thesis and her thanks humbly offered to God the Almighty.
The thesis is submitted as a partial fulfilment for the examination of the Strata-
One (S-1) of English Education Department of Teacher Training College
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

Although there are many difficulties in constructing this thesis, the writer
is able to finish it by guidance and suggestions of many sides. That is why the
researcher wants to say thanks to the honourable:
1. Dr. Imam Sujono, S.Pd, M.M. as the Rector of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI
who has given his permission writing this thesis.
2. Dr.Yepi Sedya Purwananti, M.Pd. as the Dean of Social and Humaniora
Faculty at of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI and the second examiner, who has
given me valuable suggestions in writing thesis.
3. Yulia Nugrahini, M. Pd. as the Head of English Department at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI and the advisor who has directed and suggested the writer in
everything is her dealing with it.
4. Titik Lina Widyaningsih, M.Pd. as the first examiner, who has given the
writer valuable suggestions in writing the thesis.
5. Rosanita Tritias Utami, M.Pd. as the validator lecturer, who has provided
valuable instrument suggestions to the author in writing this thesis.
6. My beloved mother, father, and younger sisters who encourage me during the
thesis writing process.
7. My friends, my partner who always provide support and share knowledge
with me during the writing of this thesis.

Finally, the writer realize that this thesis is far from being perfect.
Furthemore, the writer expects any suggestions to improve this thesis. Hopefully,
this thesis would give some positive effects in the development of education,
especially in vocabulary and useful for the readers.

Tulungagung, 29th of May 2023

The Writer,

Steven Christover Hartono


ADVISOR’S APPROVAL.......................................................................................i
EXAMINER’S APPROVAL...................................................................................ii
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP...................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLE..................................................................................................xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES.......................................................................................xiv
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of The Study...............................................................................1
1.2 Research Problem...........................................................................................3
1.3 Objective of Study..........................................................................................4
1.4 Significance of The Study..............................................................................4
1.5 Scope of The Research...................................................................................5
1.6 Definition of Key Term..................................................................................5
1.6.1 ZTYPE Games........................................................................................5
1.6.2 Vocabulary..............................................................................................6
1.6.3 Students Perspective...............................................................................6
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................7
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................................7
2.1 Vocabulary.....................................................................................................7
2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary........................................................................7
2.2.2 Active and Passive Vocabulary...............................................................7
2.1.3 Vocabulary Types...................................................................................8
2.2 ZTYPE Games.............................................................................................13
2.3 Students Perception......................................................................................13

2.4 Review of Study...........................................................................................14
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................20
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................20
3.1 Research Design...........................................................................................20
3.2 Research Procedure......................................................................................21
3.3 Setting and Subject of The Research............................................................23
3.4 Instrument of The Research.........................................................................23
3.5 Data Collection Method...............................................................................25
3.6 Data Analysis Methods................................................................................27
3.7 Triangulation................................................................................................28
CHAPTER IV........................................................................................................30
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION.....................................................30
4.1 Research Subject..........................................................................................30
4.1.1 The Students Participant.......................................................................31
4.2 Research Finding..........................................................................................31
4.2.1 Research Finding on Observation.........................................................32
4.2.2 Research Finding on Interview.............................................................42
4.2.3 Research Finding on Questionnaire......................................................50
4.3 Discussion....................................................................................................58
CHAPTER V..........................................................................................................61
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS..............................................................61
5.1 Conclusions..................................................................................................61
5.2 Suggestions...................................................................................................62
5.2.1 To Students...........................................................................................62
5.2.2 To Lecturers..........................................................................................63
5.2.3 To Other Researchers............................................................................63
LIST OF APPENDICES........................................................................................69


Table 3.2 Adapted of Model Process Taken From John W. Creswell3


Appendix 1 Lesson plan...................................................................................96

Appendix 2 ZTYPE Games..............................................................................97
Appendix 3 Observation Result........................................................................104
Appendix 4 Interview Result............................................................................126
Appendix 5 Questionnaire Result.....................................................................141
Appendix 4 The Documentation.......................................................................155
Appendix 6 Expert Validation..........................................................................158



For this chapter contains about background of study, research problem,

objective of study, significance of the study, scope of the research, definition of
key term.

1.1 Background of The Study

Language is a way to express one's meaning, and English is one of them.

Almost all countries use English to build business and political relations.
According to Rao (2019) ”As English serves the purpose of international
communication, most of the foreign language learners try to learn it.” Learning
English as a foreign language is very important in Indonesia to facilitate
communication between countries. Therefore, Indonesian education in corporates
English into the subjects that students must take. According to Felani & Zubaidi
(2014) “Listening, speaking, reading, and writing is the main skills you need to
work in any language.” These four skills are described in relation to language
teaching. Productive language is the language produced by the learner (oral or
written), and receptive language (read or heard) is the language that is directed by
the learner. Another important term is "channel". It refers to the medium of
spoken or written messages. As a result, speaking is the most useful oral skill. It
contains linguistic statements organized to convey meaning. Therefore, the
utterance must be delivered with the correct vocabulary, taking into account the
interaction that occurs with the environment and the main concept of the speaker
or writer in discussing his views on the subject of the reader.


Vocabulary is considered one of the sub-skills of the four integrated

skills (writing, reading, speaking, and listening). Vocabulary is also considered a
difficult part of language learning. Moreover, there are no clear and effective rules
or methods to help students learn vocabulary and terminology. More specifically,
the purpose of this study is to explore how to teach vocabulary through games,
how to make students learn words to improve listening, reading, writing, and
speaking skills, and how the vocabulary should be academic in order to be
understood by each other. Therefore, there is a learning medium used to increase
vocabulary so that it is easier to speaking, reading, writing, and listening in a
foreign language.

According to Akrim (2018) “Learning media are intermediary

conveying subject materials to students by using certain tools so that students can
understand quickly and receive knowledge from educators.” Learning media has
unique features that make it easy for teachers and students to use. The benefits of
learning media for teachers are that they make it easier for teachers to present
material in more diverse ways, they use their time and energy more efficiently,
they make the classroom atmosphere more lively and interactive, to enable
students to be more active teaching never gets boring so that the purpose of
teaching and learning activities can be achieved effectively. The advantage of
media for students is that they have a better understanding of the material, and it is
more enjoyable and easier to understand, improves the quality of student learning,
allows the learning process to take place anywhere, and creates motivation,
interest and pleasure in learning.. Over the years, educators have struggled to find
creative ways to teach vocabulary to students. Indeed, traditional methods have
proven to be less effective. However, the popularity of online games has given
teachers the opportunity to integrate games into the learning process. ZTYPE
Games is one of those platforms that has proven to be a valuable tool in this
respect. Implementing ZTYPE games in vocabulary learning is simple: create a
fun and engaging way for students to learn new vocabulary. This approach has
made learning a more interactive and enjoyable experience for students.

Additionally, the game design allows for repetitive practice, which reinforces the
learning process.

According to Natasha (2012) “ZTYPE is an online game where you can

practice and test your typing speed and increase your vocabulary with more fun.”
This game is created by You will be pressed for time in this game.
All enemies must be destroyed before they reach the "Headquarters". Your typing
speed determines the plane's speed when destroying enemies. The game can make
your own words and has also been prepared by the developer. ZYTPE games can
deliver entertainment and motivation to study and complete a mission or problem.
Games can present a variety of foreign languages. There are also offline and
online games. Online games can also train interaction with people using various
languages. Nowadays, children love games. Many experts have shown that games
can improve students' language skills. With English lessons using very fun games.
In addition, it requires special imagination training to analysis the English words.
Therefore, the authors hope to reduce the problem of English vocabulary skills
through "The Implementation of ZTYPE Games to Learning Vocabulary for
English Students of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI."

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the background above this study is arranged:

1.2.1 How do students develop their vocabulary after experiencing ZTYPE


1.2.2 What is the perspective of students in learning vocabulary using the

ZTYPE game?

1.3 Objective of Study

Based on the statement of the problem above this study is arranged:

1.3.1 To describe how to apply learning vocabulary with ZTYPE game.

1.3.2 To describe the perspective of students to learning English using

ZTYPE games.

1.4 Significance of The Study

The researcher hope that this study can be useful in the education world
particularly for the students, lectures and the other researchers.

1.4.1 For Students

From this study conducted by the researcher, it is expected that

students have acquired vocabulary in English, utilizing the power of
games to create a fun learning environment, so that they have the
confidence and motivation to continue to improve their vocabulary skills
and can think more critically.

1.4.2 For Lectures

From this study, the researcher hopes to encourage teachers to

adopt it. Games can be an opportunity to support effective vocabulary
learning through contextualization. By incorporating word recognition,
spelling, and typing skills into the game, students are exposed to words in
meaningful context, reinforcing their understanding and usage. This
approach not only improves vocabulary memorization, but also
encourages the development of language skills that go beyond
memorization in the digital age in a way that is better, more engaging, and
less boring.

1.4.3 For Other Researchers

Other researchers really believe that the findings of this study may
assist other researchers in improving students' vocabulary through
games. Other researchers might use these data to do more research or
to investigate the applicability of game-based learning in various
educational environments.

1.5 Scope of The Research

Based on the identification of the problem, the contents of this research

will be focused knowing the implementation of ZTYPE games to vocabulary
learning to English students.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

The writer defines the key term to avoid misunderstanding. These are
some explanation key terms of the research:

1.6.1 ZTYPE Games

ZTYPE game is an online game that tests typing speed and can increase
vocabulary. You will be pressed for time in this game. All enemies must be
destroyed before they reach the "Headquarters". Your typing speed determines the
plane's speed when destroying enemies. The game can make your own words and
has also been prepared by the developer.

1.6.2 Vocabulary

Vocabulary is considered one of the subskills of the four integrated skills

(writing, reading, speaking and listening). It is also perceived by learners as a
difficult part of language learning. Also, there are no clear and effective rules or
methods to help students learn vocabulary and terminology. More specifically, the
purpose of this study was to explore how to teach vocabulary through games, how
to get students to learn words to improve their listening, reading, writing speaking
skills, and how the vocabulary should be academic to understand each other.

1.6.3 Students Perspective

Student perspectives are opinions of students on what happens in the

teaching and learning process, and they can give lecturers with arguments and
ideas for improving teaching techniques. Students can get motivated to study for a
variety of reasons, including the desire to attain a specific academic goal, gain
new knowledge, or prepare for a future job. Students' attitudes might be altered by
how motivated and attached they feel to their learning objectives.


For this chapter contains about vocabulary, ZTYPE games, students

perception, and review of the study.

2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

According to Nurdini & Marlina (2017) “Vocabulary (kosakata) is the

core component of all aspects of language competences.” A vocabulary is a set of
words that belong to a person or another entity or part of a particular language. A
person's vocabulary is defined as the set of all the words that a person can
understand or possibly use to form new sentences. the way to learn vocabulary is
by reading readings on internet media or writing them down after that memorize
and apply them so that we can get used to multiplying new vocabulary.

2.2.2 Active and Passive Vocabulary

In certain conversations, we often unconsciously use passive-active

vocabulary in our daily lives. Active vocabulary consists of words that are directly
usable because they're easily understood by both listeners and speakers. As a
result, this active vocabulary is generally used in everyday life. Unlike passive
vocabulary, this vocabulary tends to be understood only by certain groups.
Conversations about profession, race, religion, or specific groups of people.
Passive vocabulary includes words that you can’t remember but whose meaning
you can understand. It's good that both are used continually in everyday life, but
only active vocabulary is much easier to understand outside our circles, as long as
we speak the same language.


2.1.3 Vocabulary Types

English Vocabulary have various types. According to Thornbury (2002)

“Types English vocabulary according to is as follows: word classes, word
families, word formation, multi-word units, collocations, homonyms, polysemes,
synonyms and antonyms, hyponyms, lexical fields, style and connotations.” Word Classes Definition of Word Classes

According to Rengki Afria, Warni (2022) ” Word class is a grouping or

classification of words with the aim of finding a system in language.” Thus a
word class is a collection of words that have the same formal properties,
especially their inflections and distributions. Type of Word Classes

There are a total of eight types of words (or parts of speech) by Thornbury
(2002) Verbs are action or state words such as: run, work, study, be, seem;
Nouns are words that refer to people, places or things such as: mother, Rome,
car, dog; Adjectives are words that describe nouns, such as: nice, smart, gentle;
Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs, such as: quick,
back, never, badly; A determiner is a word that introduces a noun. It always
comes before a noun, not after, and it also comes before any other adjective used
to describe a noun. For example: The rabbit goes home; Prepositions are words
that usually come before a noun or pronoun and show a relationship to another
word or element, such as: after, below, near, more, round; A pronoun is a
substitute for a noun, such as: me, you, his, that, this, that, mine, yours, who,
what; Conjunctions are words used to connect words, phrases, clauses or
sentences, such as: but, and, yet, or, because, nor, since, unless, while, where.
9 Word Families Definition of Word Families

According to Cucu Sutarsyah (2018) “Word families means that words

with the same family are considered one word family.” According Lucia Kemp
Henry (2014) “Word families, also called phonograms, are rhyming chunks of
words that have the same spelling pattern and make the same sound.” Thus, word
families is a group of words that have a common characteristics, patterns, or
meanings. For example: - ain: brain, chain, explain, gain; - age: cage, engage,
rage; -ell: bell, hell, farewell; etc. Word Formations Definition of Word Formations

According to Zeki Hamawand (2011) “Word formation is the study of the

creation of new words and the principles involved in their formation.” According
to (Fitria, 2019) “Word formation is the process of forming words, by adding a
word suffix and dorming words with other meanings by adding prefixes and
suffixes.” Thus, word formation is related to the processes of how living words
are assembled and how new words arecreated. For example: wild + flower=
wildflower, hair + dryer=hairdryer. Type of Word Formations

According to Yule (2010) “It is stated that there many types of word
formation processes. They are coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending,
clipping, backformation, conversion, acronym, derivation, prefix and suffix, and
multiple processes.”
10 Multi-Word Units Definition of Multi-Word Units

According to Yulia Tsvetkov (2014) “Multiword expressions (MWEs)

are lexical items that consist of multiple orthographic words.” According to
Thornbury (2002) "These are known as multi-word units, but they are often called
simply lexical chunks." Thus, multi-word is lexical pieces that are put together to
form the concept of a new word meaning. For example: I would appreciate it, as
soon as possible. Collocation Definition of Collocation

According to Thornbury (2002) “Two words are collocates if they occur

together with more than chance frequency, such that, when we see one, we can make
a fairly safe bet that the other is in the neighbourhood.” According to Daban Q. Jaff,
(2013) “Collocation is pervasive term that could be found in any language yet
relatively it was not major concern of Writers’ studies, it is new to linguistics, as
compared to other aspects of language, because of its nature, it is controversial and
open to debate in linguistics." Thus, collocations are the ways in which words are
combined in a language to produce new meanings. For example: pay attention, break
a second, make a noise. Homonyms Definition of Homonyms

According to Thornbury (2002) "Words that share the same form but
have unrelated meanings are called homonyms." According to Storkel &
Maekawa (2005) "Homonyms are words that have one phonological form but two

distinct meaning.” Thus, homonyms are words that have the same form but have
different meanings. For example: write, right; see, sea. Polysemes Definition of Polysemes

According to Vicente & Falkum (2017) "Polysemy is characterized as the

phenomenon whereby a single word form is associated with two or several related
senses." According to Erwansah, Ahadi Sulissusiawan (2018) "Polysemy is a
language phenomena that show a word has more than one meaning.” Thus,
polysemy is a lexical phenomenon that shows a word has further than one
meaning. For example: I was held overnight in a cell, you need to hold a work
permit. Synomyms and Antonyms Definition of Synomyms and Antonyms

According to Thornbury (2002) "Synonyms are words that share a

similar meaning. Words with opposite meanings-like old and new-are called
antonyms." According to Amilia (2017) "Synonyms are similarities in meaning
between one word and another”. According to Salih (2015) "Antonym is a word
that has the opposite meaning of another word." Thus, synonyms are words that
have the same meaning. While antonyms with the opposite meaning. Example of
synonyms: able/capable/competent. Example of antonyms: good x bad.
12 Hyponyms Definition of Hyponyms

According to Thornbury (2002) "Hyponym is another -nym word that is

useful when talking about the way word meanings are related." According to
Zakiyah & Zakrimal (2020) "Hyponym is a lexical part where the meaning is
related to the hierarchy owned.” Thus, hyponyms are lexical items whose meaning
is related to their hierarchy. For example: Color (red, blue, green, etc.) Lexical Fields Definition of Lexical Fields

According to (Thornbury, 2002) "Words that have this kind of thematic

relationship are said to belong to the same lexical field." So, the term lexical
field. It is defined as a sequence of semantically related words whose meanings
are separated from each other. For example: Would you like another clothes? Yes,
please /No, thank you. Style and Connotations Definition of Style and Connotations

According to MasterClass (2021) “A writing style is an author’s unique

way of communicating with words." According to Chandra Sekhar Rao (2017) “A
connotation is an idea that is suggested by or associated with a word.” So,
everyone is free to have a style and connotation to create his own style without
changing the meaning of a word or something suggested by an object or situation
or changing it directly. For example: bro (brother), fml (formal).

2.2 ZTYPE Games

According to Natasha (2012) “ZTYPE is an online game where you can

practice and test your typing speed and increase your vocabulary with more fun”.
According to Wati (2023) “This game will test your ability to type words on the
keyboard because that is the key to this game." This game is created by You will be pressed for time in this game. All enemies must be
destroyed before they reach the "Headquarters". Your typing speed determines the
plane's speed when destroying enemies. The game can make your own words and
has also been prepared by the developer.

2.3 Students Perception

According to Dwinata (2017) “Perception is the way we try to

understand the world around us.” According to Barroso (2013) “Perception is an
emergent property in which the context provided by human’s past experience is
involved.” According to Alvarado et al. (2011) “Perception is the interpretation of
information from the environment so that we can identify its meaning.” Using the
above definition, researchers can conclude that perception is the way a person
interprets or realizes something. This means that each student has a unique
opinion of what they get from the teaching and learning process and how they
react to it.

In an educational setting, student perception refers to how students

comprehend, interpret, and react to information, events, or circumstances. The
cultural background, past knowledge, interests, motivation, and personal
experiences of students are only a few of the many variables that affect how they
perceive the world. Perceptions of students may affect how they engage and learn
about a subject. A student will probably be more motivated and engaged in the
learning process if they have a good opinion on the subject or course. In contrast,
if a student gets a bad impression, they can be less motivated and run into
difficulties comprehending the subject.

To promote successful learning, it is critical for educators and teachers

to comprehend their students' perspectives. The use of teaching strategies that fit
the learning preferences of the students, open communication, and the provision
of encouraging feedback and support may all help achieve this. In other words,
the student's perception is the student's view of what is happening in the teaching
and learning process and can provide the lecturer with arguments and suggestions
for improving vocabulary using ZTYPE games.

2.4 Review of Study

Studies on teaching styles and student perceptions have been conducted

by some researchers with varying degrees of success. In general, these studies
focus on teaching styles and student perceptions as important factors influencing
faculty professional development. These studies are mentioned as follows:

The first research is conducted by Erkkilä (2017). She conducted

high school students' perspectives on language literacy games" which undermines
the perspective of Finnish high school students on whether digital games are
profitable for their English education as well as special types or views of what
language to expect and gain throughout the game stage. It has also looked at the
impact of the duration used to play the game as well as the special comparisons
between the male and female actors who play and practice gests
This study was tried as an online questionnaire that covered open and
unlimited problems regarding game applications and language education. The
initial one listed the issue of consuming the duration and the game played, as well
as the last one listed, create problems, analogies between the language of words
and notes, details of views or language skills, as well as an analysis of how to play
has helped to get the language and how it is useful to know the game outside of
life every day at school and outside of school. The questionnaire was answered by
779 informants, most of whom were high school seniors aged 16 to 18, but the

illustration files also covered a younger and older minority of informants. The
informants started from 15 different universities in different parts of Finland
The information is anatomized by qualitative as well as quantitative
methods. All open information is read entirely as well as examples of very
distinctive assumptions, sometimes very unusual) presented as well as dianatomic.
A match of the capabilities of all numerical information, (double option issues) is
also presented and the next very important discovery is anatotypized in statistical
analysis software. As a result, it was found that the teen cast not only thought the
games were useful for their language skills, but they were also appropriate for
recognizing and identifying what games were profitable and what types of
language or language views had been reached. Similarly, statistical analyses
evidenced a tie between educational experience and duration of play, proving that
playing digital games in English does support players' language education.
Typically, games feel like they challenge the use of recorded language skills
rather than spoken language, as well as the bonus of solving skills from product
Even so, multiplayer online games allow the cast to talk and act
similarly either in a literal or verbal way, in a real-time way. There is also a
special community of games, which allows player-to-player communication
outside of the actual game. That way, the determination of the game affects the
type of language the cast uses and learns, and the view of combination education
is not excluded from games without multiplayer alternatives. The language
education aspect of vocabulary feels very advantageous from playing games, but
many parts of the language also find use. Boys also feel to take advantage of and
practice the language of words in bonus games from girls, which is basically
because of the type of game that male actors love. Not only are boys more active
gamers, but they also get more language from games from girls. This study also
presents excretions that can be calculated. For this reason, a more global concept
of checking may have been expected, as a representative, in Issue 15, where
perhaps it is not real to respond to what the comparison between similar dyads is,
"really little" and" Up to a special limitation" or- indeed more than that- between

"A lot" and "In a meaningful way". Furthermore, the alternative responds to
invariance inconsistencies throughout the check, but there is a negligible
improvement in the ratio of alternative answers, which makes it a bit more useful
for anatomy and consideration.
In a short, this study shares solid facts about the bond between the
committed duration of play and the educational experience of the cast and
advocates the language practice power of commercial and educational games to be
taken into account in the aspect of language guidance. It is useful for the category
of profiting from the insistence and power of students who play games, which
kind of system in games or uniform programs can be applied to language
education, as well as what other picnic leisure duration conditioning is available to
increase language literacy for those who do not watch about games. Furthermore,
since mobile technology first allowed game-inferred language literacy without any
restrictions on position or duration, perhaps the large literacy of uniform mobile
outcomes must be recognized and reviewed more widely among preceptors and
Therefore, many recommendations for bonus research also arise.
Initially, how did practicing language from digital games know when many
people from different age groups were concerned about problems, how did
children's language skills at school-age base and without official L2 education
experience, or parents with poor or unavailable L2 skills, grow among digital
games? Second, do the benefits of playing at least affect when the game is self-
shown, optional, and extramural, or can the cast go further than the play on
language skills when the game is organized and actual game activities are tried
with educational value as well as reliable instruction and counter-goals? Thirdly,
can special games, either as well as or in the future) act as a platform for
curricular route literacy, Where do the missions and educational values of various
school subjects come together? In order to respond to these questions,
experimental research is needed.
For the similarity between this research and the author's research is that
both of them conduct learning using games. The difference between this research

and the author's research lies in the focus on vocabulary mastery, and the
perspective of vocabulary learning using games for English students. The name of
the game is ZTYPE. ZTYPE is a spaceship online game where we can train our
typing speed and increase our vocabulary by typing each word to destroy the
enemy within a certain time. When the time is up, your spaceship will explode as
it crashes into the enemy. We can also set the words we want to enter into the
game after which it can be played alone or can be shared with friends; The method
used is descriptive qualitative by means of interviews, observation, and
questionnaires to find out how interest in learning vocabulary taught by lecturers.
After that, the researcher provides a game. After that, the researcher will introduce
and give the game to students. The target is fourth semester English students.
Finally, each student gave a screenshot to the researcher. Then the researcher will
add up the scores given by students from the first meeting to the last meeting to
find out whether the students are proficient and conduct interviews and
questionnaires to students to find out the differences in learning methods taught
by lecturers and their impact.
The second research is conducted Kristianto (2016). He conducted
research entitled “Teachers' Perspective on the Use of Games in English Teaching
and Learning Process” in which discusses in order to recognize the teacher's
perspective on the use of games for how to practice guiding English. Teachers
play a meaningful role in delivering modules and therefore it is their responsibility
to justify learners getting back to that module. One of the methods that is needed
to deliver modules is to use games. Games have many suggestive uses for
education as well as education. Although so, as well as at the middle number, the
game's use is greater than its negative view, when used together with categories.
This is in the same direction as Mubaslat (2012) claiming that the game is
motivating as well as challenging. It shares language guidance on a variety of
skills that come close to dialogue, writing, scrutiny, and reading. They also urge
students to connect, talk, and produce in meaningful areas. You could say that
when the game arrives, one of the methods is very efficient to deliver obligations
because foster participants can improve their language power with safe methods.

This profit has implications for education on using games in English.

First of all, teachers may argue that games are needed to guide some of the special
skills that come close to dialogue and scrutiny. Second, teachers can produce
positive conditions by urging their experts to serve and practice at the same time.
The limitations of this research are his great conception of the game itself.
Because the game has advantages and disadvantages in the same time. It can be
difficult for teachers to create what games are best to try for special English
modules. As research findings show, for education experts, games are a
meaningful part of English education simply because they share a lot of profits.
Even so, in order for a game to reach its goal, it takes teachers to think about some
aspects that come close to making a decision on which game to use and the
usability of the period. Not only that, but teachers are required to make some of
the planning needed before implementing the game, organize categories, and carry
out the smoothest possible mobilization of power.
Therefore, in order for the game to be successful in a pedagogical way, it
means for the teachers to know their position. In corporating games into education
in a suggestive way to improve education in Indonesian schools. This is a
pedagogical strategy to link experts and increase their literacy, and I believe it can
be included more by synergizing it with classes in Indonesian educational
geography. For further research, he advocated using a monitoring approach as
well as larger film stars because the observation of the right era could make
greater results and larger movie stars could reach such a many different
educational perspectives further to optimize the use of games in English
For the similarity between this research and the author's research is that
both of them conduct learning using games. The difference between this research
and the author's research lies in the focus on vocabulary mastery, and the
perspective of vocabulary learning using games for English students. The name of
the game is ZTYPE. ZTYPE is a spaceship online game where we can train our
typing speed and increase our vocabulary by typing each word to destroy the
enemy within a certain time. When the time is up, your spaceship will explode as

it crashes into the enemy. We can also set the words we want to enter into the
game after which it can be played alone or can be shared with friends; The method
used is descriptive qualitative by means of observation, interviews, and
questionnaires to find out how interest in learning vocabulary taught by lecturers.
After that, the researcher provides a game. After that, the researcher will introduce
and give the game to students. The target is fourth semester English students.
Finally, each student gave a screenshot to the researcher. Then the researcher will
add up the scores given by students from the first meeting to the last meeting to
find out whether the students are proficient and conduct interviews and
questionnaires to students to find out the differences in learning methods taught
by lecturers and their impact.


For this chapter discusses the research method used in this research
covering research design, research procedure, setting and subject of the
research, the research instrument, data collection method, data analysis, and

3.1 Research Design

The research design in this research is descriptive qualitative. According

to Aspers & Corte (2019) “We define qualitative research as an iterative process
in which improved understanding to the scientific community is achieved by
making new significant distinctions resulting from getting closer to the
phenomenon studied.” According to Busetto et al. (2020) “Qualitative research
can be defined as the study of the nature of phenomena and is especially
appropriate for answering questions of why something is (not) observed, assessing
complex multi-component interventions, and focussing on intervention

The researchers used qualitative research to explore and understand

information about the implementation of ZTYPE games to learning vocabulary
using for English students which will be described later.

The approach used in this research was case study. According to Heale &
Twycross (2018) “Case study can be defined as an intensive study about a person,
a group of people or a unit, which is aimed to generalize over several units.” So
case study consist of single or multiple source of evidence.


3.2 Research Procedure

In order to carry out this study, a research procedure was needed. John
W. Creswell (2012) described a step model process of research approaches:

Table 3.2
Adapted of Model Process Taken From John W. Creswell

Identifying a  Specifying a problem

research problem  Justifying it
 Suggesting the need to study it for audiences

 Locating resources
Reviewing the
Literature  Selecting resources
 Summarizing resources

 Selecting some students to be studied

Collecting Data  Obtaining permission by the validator
 Collecting information

Breaking down the data, representing the data,

Analyzing and
explaining the data
Interpreting Data

Deciding on audiences, structuring the report, writing

Reporting and
the report sensitively
Evaluating Research

Before starting the research, there are several procedures that need to be
followed. The researcher started by observing the problematic vocabulary learning
methods in the English education department. After that, the researcher was given
advice by the supervisor to choose the 4th semester students who were used as the
material for this study. After that, the researcher asked the head of the 4th
semester English education department for data to find out the names of students
who were in the fourth semester and would be studied by the researcher. The
researcher chose 12 students as a sample of subjects to be studied because of the
factor of government internship program activities as well as recommendations
from the class leader of semester 4 English education. After that, the researcher
will create a WhatsApp group to make it easier for researchers to contact students.
Furthermore, the researcher will ask for the determination of research time and
explain a little to the fourth-semester students. To validate the question instrument
by looking for questions that are in accordance with the research problem, looking
at previous research, and looking for validator lecturers.

Next, the researcher interviewed each student online on Google Meet

about the problems in vocabulary learning methods at Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI, offered vocabulary learning using a game called ZTYPE, and gave
directions that the implementation time of this study was for eight online and
offline meetings. For the first meeting, the researcher provided online interview
questions using Google Meet on how to play the ZTYPE game. For the second
meeting, the researcher will explain ZTYPE and its implementation by giving
words or stories in the game offline in the classroom. For the third to seventh
meetings, the researcher gives words or stories in online games in ZTYPE Games,
and then each student must give a score if the game is defeated to the researcher
by taking a screenshot of each student's score. After that, researchers can analyze
each student by looking at the total number of scores from the first meeting to the
seventh meeting. For the eighth meeting, the researcher will give a paper
questionnaire and an in-class interview.

3.3 Setting and Subject of The Research

The implementation of this research at the English Department started

from February until March 2023. The researcher chose this location because
researchers knew that every lecturer at the English department had a different
teaching style and the researcher wanted to know students' perceptions about it.
The results of the research can help lecturers to develop their teaching style in the
teaching and learning process.

The subjects of this research were students from the fourth semester.
Researchers have observed and know many lecturers teach with different styles.
In addition, researchers are fully aware that students who are taught by lecturers
have their perceptions about it. The purpose of this research can be achieved
through interviews with students as the subject of this research.

3.4 Instrument of The Research

According to Sappaile (2007) “In terms of data collection, instruments are

very important in research, since they are measuring instruments and will provide
information that is about what we are researching.” In this research instrument,
the researcher use observation, interview, and questionnaire.

According to Malgorzata Ciesielska Dariusz, Magnus Öhlander Stockholm

(2018) “As a matter of fact, observation may be regarded as the basis of everyday
social life for most people; we are diligent observers of behaviors and of the
material surroundings.” An item is often reviewed, supervised, and examined
during an observation in order to get accurate data. Moreover, observation is
frequently understood as a human activity that involves observing even the minute
details of life, effectively examining certain occurrences and actions.

The data gathered from these observations will subsequently be extremely

helpful for further study based on the knowledge and results from the observations
conducted. Generally, the information or outcomes derived from this observation
are facts that can be justified and are objective.

As a result, one cannot simply infer conclusions from observations by

attaching views, as everyone's ideas vary and are not necessarily based on the data
or objects being studied. In this study, the researcher took the full role of an

According to Bolderston (2012) “Interviews are a cornerstone of modern

health care research and can be used by both experienced and novice researchers to
gather data for projects.” One method of gathering data for qualitative research is
interviews. The phase of qualitative research that involves collecting and analyzing
data is interactive. A two-way relationship between the researcher and the person or
group being investigated must be established during this phase. In this research
interview using an internet interview.

According to Bhandari (2021) “A questionnaire is a list of questions or

items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or
opinions.” With questionnaires, analysts can learn the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors,
and traits of various important members of the company who may be affected by
the proposed system or the current system. A questionnaire is a collection of
questions that must be filled in or responded to by respondents or research
subjects. Questionnaires can provide information about a person's personal
circumstances or facts, experiences, expertise, and other things. In this research,
researcher using an open-ended questionnaires.

To carry out this research, the instruments prepared by the researchers

were recorders and cameras, ZTYPE games, Google Drive, Google Meet, paper,
Whatsapp, and Android. These tools are used to support this research.

3.5 Data Collection Method

The techniques used to collect data in this study are observation,

questionnaires and interviews. This was done to describe the data.

3.5.1 Observation

The research data was obtained by the researcher playing a full role as an
observer. Researchers collect data through participatory observation. Participatory
observation is a type of observation carried out by actively participating in the
things that are being observed. The observer must be directly involved in the
process of observing and observing directly to get a clear picture of what is being
observed. For observation by interviewing the phenomenon of vocabulary
learning to fourth semesters English students.

The contents of the observation are:

1. How is the vocabulary learning process?

2. What media do lecturers use for vocabulary learning?

3. Does your lecturer use some media needed to give the material?

4. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches in class?

5. Are you certain that you comprehend the materials presented by your lecturer?

6. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students?


3.5.2 Interview

In this research, researcher using an internet interview. Internet interview

utilize the potential of computers or mobile phones as methodological tools for
research. Semi-structured online interviews and virtual groups can be conducted
by e-mail, instant messaging, video conferencing, chat rooms, discussion groups,
and more. The interview process in this study with fourth semester English
students by using Android, Google Meet, and Whatsapp.

The contents of the interview are:

1. What is your opinion about learning vocabulary through ZTYPE game?

2. Are there any obstacles when carrying out vocabulary learning using ZTYPE


3. Is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning?

4. What do you think about using the ZTYPE game to compared vocabulary


3.5.3 Questionnaire

In this research, researcher using an open-ended questionnaires. Open-

ended inquiries let respondents react in their own terms. Respondents are able to
provide answers that researcher may not have otherwise thought of since there are
no limitations on their options. The questionnaire that the researcher gave to all
fourth semester students using the paper, while the data source was fourth
semester English students. This study was conducted to obtain data on ZTYPE
game as a learning media to improve vocabulary in the fourth semester English
students. The researcher collected data from observing and recording what
happened in the classroom, especially for the subject of observation when students
were learning vocabulary. It also included the conditioning of lecturers and

students. This was also to find out whether the literacy process was enforced or

The contents of the questionnaire are:

1. How is the vocabulary learning process?

2. What media do lecturers use for vocabulary learning?

3. Do you like playing games?

4. What device do you use to play the game?

5. How fast do you type using mobile phone keyboard?

6. How fast do you type using laptop keyboard?

7. Do you agree that games can add new vocabulary learning?

8. How do you find that playing ZTYPE games can improve your vocabulary


9. What advice would you give to someone when learning vocabulary using

ZTYPE games?

10. How did you develop your vocabulary after the ZTYPE game research?

3.6 Data Analysis Methods

This study uses descriptive qualitative method in its data analysis. The
analysis was conducted by synthesizing the application of vocabulary learning
with ZTYPE games and students' perceptions of the teaching style. Based on the
data obtained by the researcher, then developed through the vocabulary learning
method of ZTYPE games and the results of observations, interviews and
questionnaires with fourth semester English students. After that, it is calculated
how many students support vocabulary learning using ZTYPE and there are
suggestions for application into learning in the English department.

3.7 Triangulation

According to (Noble & Heale, 2019) “Triangulation is a method used to

increase the credibility and validity of research findings. Credibility refers to
trustworthiness and how believable a study is; validity is concerned with the
extent to which a study accurately reflects or evaluates the concept or ideas being

According to (Denzin, 2017) “The four basic types of triangulation are

data, with these types; (1) time, (2) space, (3) person, and these levels (1)
aggregate (person), (2) interactive (person), (3) collectivity (person); investigator
(multiple vs. single observers of same object); theory (multiple vs. single
perspectives in relation to the same set of objects) ; and methodological (within-
method triangulation and between-method triangulation).”

3.7.1 Data Triangulation

The utilization of many data sources, such as time, place, and people, in a
study is known as data triangulation. Results can be confirmed, and any data
inadequacies can be made up for by the strengths of additional data, improving the
results' validity and dependability. The method has been applied in numerous
industries to reinforce findings' conclusions and lower the possibility of erroneous

3.7.2 Investigator Triangulation

The employment of more than one investigator, interviewer, observer,

researcher, or data analyst in a study is known as investigator triangulation. The
capability of cross-investigator confirmation of findings without previous
discussion or cooperation between them can considerably improve the findings'
veracity. Particularly crucial for reducing deviation in the collection, reporting,
and/or analysis of study data is investigator triangulation.

3.7.3 Theory Triangulation

Using several theories or hypotheses to analyze a situation or event is

known as theory triangulation. The objective is to examine a topic or phenomena
from various angles, using various filters, and with various questions in mind. It is
not necessary for the various ideas or hypotheses to be similar or compatible; in
fact, the more diverse they are, the more probable it is that they may identify
various problems and/or issues.

3.7.4 Methodological Triangulation

The application of several methodologies to analyze a situation or
phenomenon is known as the method of triangulation. The goal is to lessen the
shortcomings and deviations that result from using a single method. In other
words, the advantages of one approach may make up for its disadvantages. The
mixed method approaches employed in social science research, where the
outcomes of one method are utilized to enrich, augment, and clarify the outcomes
of another, are very similar to this form of triangulation

This approach follows methodological triangulation. The method uses

observation, interviews, and questionnaires in qualitative research. Some of the
included datasets consist of observing the problematic vocabulary learning
methods in the English education department. After that, the researcher requested
data from the head of the English department to find out the names of students
who were in the fourth semester who would be studied by the researcher.
Interviews were conducted using Google Meet with fourth-semester English
students. The interviews secured documents of fourth-semester English students
recorded on mobile phones during Google Meet interviews as well as
administering questionnaires using paper. After that, the researcher compares data
in different ways to verify the truth.


In this chapter, research subject, research findings and discussion of the

findings are presented. The data were gathered from observation, interview and

4.1 Research Subject

The research subject is a general description of the research subject. The

description needs to show and make the researcher know about the background of
the study. The subject of this research is the fourth-semester students of English
Education Study Program. Previously, the researcher asked the assistant lecturer
for advice to find subjects that were by this research and the validator lecturer to
validate the instrument that the researcher made for the research subject.

The researcher also asked the head of the fourth semester of the English
education study program to select twelve active and critical students to get valid
information from the questionnaire and interview sheets for the observation and
final results, because they fit the criteria that the researcher needed (students who
are ambitious and understand more about learning).


4.1.1 The Students Participant

The fourth semesters students of the English education study program at

Universitas Bhinneka who participated in this study areF, KPC, I, IW, CN, NWL,

4.2 Research Finding

The research results are intended to answer all the questions of the
research problem collected by the researcher. Researcher received data from
participants. That is, the lecture's teaching style and the student's perception of
learning vocabulary through ZTYPE games. This is in the form of student
understanding during learning, media, or lecturer teaching styles, especially
regarding student perceptions of these teaching styles and student responses when
given this research to develop learning by increasing vocabulary understanding
using ZTYPE games.

Step to improve vocabulary skills and develop opinion analysis by

playing the ZTYPE game.

Step 1: Introduce the ZTYPE game to students and explain its purpose. ZTYPE is
a fun and addictive typing game in which the player defends his spaceship by
typing words that appear on the screen. The game gradually increases in
difficulty, challenging players to type faster and more accurately.

Step 2: Give students a list of words they will encounter in the game. These words
should be relevant to the English curriculum and relevant to the student's current
proficiency level. For example, if students are learning vocabulary at an
intermediate level, you can include words like dissipate, enmesh, epithet, interdict,

Step 3: Discuss the meaning and usage of the words with students. You can
provide definitions and sample sentences and encourage students to reflect on

their own examples. This step is important for students to understand the meaning
of words and how they can be used in different contexts.

Step 4: Playing this ZTYPE game can be done by students individually or by

creating small groups and having them play the ZTYPE game together. Each
student must take turns typing the words that appear on the screen. Encourage
them to discuss the possible meanings and contexts of the words as they play the

4.2.1 Research Finding on Observation

Researcher collect data through participatory observation. Participatory

observation is a type of observation carried out by actively participating in the
things that are being observed. The observer must be directly involved in the
process of observing and observing directly to get a clear picture of what is being
observed. For observation by interviewing the phenomenon of vocabulary
learning to fourth semesters English students. There are data results from 6 out of
12 participants selected by the researcher.

The first research observation was with participant SFN, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

SFN : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

SFN : I don't remember that in university is learn about vocabulary. But

sometimes we can learn vocabulary from when we talk or teacher talk
about English, they talk about vocabulary too.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

SFN : They use a video and like a text.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give
the material?

SFN : Yes, sometimes teachers use YouTube video and give the student
reading text.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecture
teaches in class?

SFN : The teaching style is used GTM (grammar translation method), so they
talk in English and they translate in Indonesia.

S : Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented by your

SFN : Yes, sometimes I'm comprehend.

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

SFN : I think this is very interesting, because vocabulary is one of the subjects
that can help students learn English.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

SFN : My pleasure.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (SFN), it was

found, she sometimes comprehends in understanding the material provided by the
lecturer. She doesn't remember that there is a vocabulary lesson at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI. But sometimes they can learn vocabulary from when they or
lecturers talk about English, they talk about vocabulary too. For learning media,

she uses YouTube videos and gives reading texts to students. While the teaching
style is using GTM (grammar translation method), so they speak in English and
translated into Indonesian. She thinks vocabulary learning is very interesting for
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI because vocabulary is one of the subjects
that can help students in learning English.

The second research observation was with participant I, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good morning.

I : Good morning.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

I : Vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, in my opinion is

quite effective because it keeps up with this time.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

I : Usually reading or with song and movies.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecturer use some media needed to give
the material?

I : Yeah, so that the delivery of material is easier to understand.

S : Next question, what do you think of the teaching style when your
lecturer teaches in class?

I : Sometimes the learning style is rather boring.

S : Okay. Does your lecturers use some media needed to give the material?

I : Little understand

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by

your lectures?

I : I think so.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


I : Yeah, I think so interesting for students.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

I : You're welcome

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (I), it was found,

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite effective because it
keeps up with the times. The media used by lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI for vocabulary learning are reading or songs and films. Lecturers at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI use several media that are needed to make the
delivery of material easier to understand. The lecturer's teaching style when
teaching in class is rather boring. According to her, she little comprehends
material if the lecturer at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI uses the necessary media,
and vocabulary learning is interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The third research observation was with participant IW, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good morning.

IW : Morning

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI?

IW : In my opinion, is the vocabulary learning processes at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI is a little bit boring because we need to search by
ourselves because the teacher just say something when we doesn't
understand we need to search it by ourselves.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

IW : Some lecturer using scientific research to learn and sometimes they also
using a PowerPoint that shop by and they show for their students.

S : Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give the

IW : Yes, like I said before, like scientific research and powerpoint.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches
in class?

IW : In my opinion, some lecturers maybe a little bit boring because they're just
repeating their teaching method again and again. It actually makes me
bored on class.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by your

IW : Some lecture yes and some lecture maybe no.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


IW : For myself is yes, because it will make me easier to talk in English, from

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

IW : You're welcome, anytime


Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (IW), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is a bit
boring because they have to look for themselves, because the lecturer only says
something that they don't understand, they have to look for themselves. Some
lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI use scientific research for learning and
sometimes also use PowerPoint that they buy and show to their students. Some
lecturers' teaching style when teaching in class might be a bit boring because it's
the same old, same old. It makes me bored in class. Some of the lecture material
can be understood and some of the lecture material may not be understood.
Vocabulary learning is interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI
because it will make it easier to speak in English.

The fourth research observation was with participant A, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

A : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

A : Actually, we don't have vocabulary subject, so we learn from the

material from lectures, like some article, and then we read it and we
study it alone.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

A : By direct teaching media. So the lectures speak in English and then

when teaching us and I think using reading material.

S : Okay. Does your lecture use some media needed to give the material?

A : Yes.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecture teaches in

A : Quite, monotonous (It means always the same tone, the same tone, the
same variation, always repeating the same as before.) and no more

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented
by your lecture?

A : I certain that I comprehend the material.

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

A : Yes, it was interesting.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

A : Yes, you're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (A), it was found,

they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) don't have a vocabulary
course, so they learn from materials in lectures, such as articles, which we read
and learn by ourselves. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers
for vocabulary learning is direct teaching. So the lectures are in English and then
when teaching us and she thinks about using reading materials. Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI lecturers also use the necessary media to provide material. The
lecturer's teaching style when teaching in class is quiet and monotonous (meaning
always the same tone, the same tone, the same variation, always repeating the
same as before) and there is no variation anymore. she believes that he can
understand the material delivered by the lecturer. Vocabulary learning at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, is interesting for students.

The fifth research observation was with participant FKA, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

FKA : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI?
FKA : I think vocabulary learning process Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is great.
I as student English education department, i learning new vocabulary
every class meeting.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

FKA : Use a media electronic like projector then show on the screen so we all
can look together in class.

S : Okay. Does your lecture use some media needed to give the material?

FKA : Only use electronic media sometimes lectures share some file like PDF
on the WhatsApp group.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches in

FKA : Teaching style by a lecture in class it's fine because learning process to
face to face in life so it is optimal, if I think.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented by
your lecture?

FKA : Yeah, I got it. Well sometime no because this is the teaching style by

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas


Bhinneka PGRI?

FKA : It is really interesting if I think is student English education department

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

FKA : Yes, you're welcome

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (FKA), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is very
good. As a student majoring in English education, I learn new vocabulary every
time I meet in class. The media used by lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI
for vocabulary learning is electronic media such as projectors and then displayed
on the screen so that we can all see together in class. Lecturers also use the media
needed to provide material such as electronic media and sometimes lecturers share
some files such as PDFs in WhatsApp groups. The lecturer's teaching style when
teaching in a class by lecturing in class is good because the teaching and learning
process with direct face-to-face is more optimal. He sometimes understands and
does not in understanding the material because of the teaching style of Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI lecturers with lectures. Vocabulary learning is very interesting for
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI because she is an English education major.

The sixth research observation was with participant MY, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

MY : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI?

MY : In my opinion, the vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is


some are good and not, because some of lectures teach in the student
with online class. So i think it's not effective.

S : What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary


MY : Some lectures in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI use some media to

teaching as specially vocabulary. For example they are using social
media like Facebook and they also use a website for leaning, electronic
media such as computer, projector, and smart phone.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give
the material?

MY : Yes, the lecture using media to give the material and some media is an
effective for example using Facebook and smartphone.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer
teaches in class?

MY : I think the lecture have a teaching style with their passion. So the are
different from each other but it's not problem. I think any of teaching style
is fine or learning, if the student can feel enjoy in learning process.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material you
represented by your lecture?

MY : Yes, i'am. Because in my opinion to get information for lecturer, i mean

to get knowledge information for from lectures, we must be comprehended
material is sent by lecture.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


MY : Yes it's interesting, because some lecture in their learning process in

there give material from foreign student. They are use only one method on

one media but they are use some media. So this can make student boring
in their learning process.

S : Thank you. That is all from me. Thank you for your time.

MY : You're welcome

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (MY), it was

found, vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is both good and bad,
as some lecturers teach in online classes. Good and not, because some lecturers
teach in online classes. So I think it is less effective. Some lectures at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI use several media to teach vocabulary. For example, they use
social media such as Facebook and they also use websites for learning, and
electronic media such as computers, projectors, and smartphones. In lectures, they
use media to provide material and some effective media. Lecturers at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI have a teaching style according to their passion. So they are
different from each other but it doesn't matter. According to him, any teaching
style is fine, as long as students can enjoy the learning process. He understands
the material to get information from lecturers, meaning that to get knowledge
information from lectures, they (English students from Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI) must understand the material delivered by lecturers. For interesting
vocabulary learning for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI because some
lectures there provide material that comes from foreign students. They do not only
use one method in one media but use several media. So this can make students
bored in the learning process.

4.2.2 Research Finding on Interview

In this research, researcher using an internet interview. Internet interview

utilize the potential of computers or mobile phones as methodological tools for
research. Semi-structured online interviews and virtual groups can be conducted
by e-mail, instant messaging, video conferencing, chat rooms, discussion groups,

and more.The interview process in this study with fourth semester English
students by using Android, Google Meet, and Whatsapp. There are data results
from 5 out of 12 participants selected by the researcher.

The first research interview was with participant KPC, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

KPC : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

KPC : I think it's quite fun and interesting, but kinda difficult if we don't have
ability to type.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

KPC : No.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

KPC : It is beneficial enough. Because it's fun, so it will not makes the learners
boring but if they use phone, maybe it's less challenging.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

KPC : Ah, I think ZTYPE could be an instrumental the understandable

vocabulary in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

KPC : Yes, You're welcome.


Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (KPC), it was found,

vocabulary learning through the ZTYPE game is quite fun and interesting, but it is
a bit difficult if we don't have typing skills. When implementing vocabulary
learning using the ZTYPE game, she did not have any obstacles and felt that the
ZTYPE game was beneficial and could be a tool for understanding vocabulary at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The second research interview was with participant F, and can be seen below

S : Hello, good afternoon.

F : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

F : I think using that type is fun. We can learn how to spelling and
memorizing word in English or Bahasa.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

F : No, I think for until people use us it type is quiet easy.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

F : Well, it's beneficial in learning English in our spare time.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

F : To compare with English learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI,

ZTYPE still need more Federation and upgrading. Maybe like giving
more difficulty in the cable because you know, setup is still too easy.

Especially for me, and i get bored when i reach level 20 Or maybe 50
Okay, like better me.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

F : Yes, You're welcome

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (F), it was found,

vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is fun and useful. We can learn to
spell and memorize words in English and Indonesian. When she plays ZTYPE, he
feels that there are no obstacles. For the comparison of using the ZTYPE game
and learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI in vocabulary learning, it still needs
more federation and upgrades in ZTYPE game. Maybe like giving more

The third research interview was with participant SFN, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

SFN : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through ZTYPE

SFN : I think this great idea because this is one way to learn vocabulary and
easy to remember the vocabulary using a game because the game is very,
very fun.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

SFN : Maybe the obstacle is when you have to type so fast and you don't know
about you don't know the spelling of the word. So it's difficult to fast type.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

SFN : Yes, I think it's very beneficial. Beneficial because this game make
students easy to must remember the word, the spelling the word one by
one. So this is so beneficial.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

SFN : I think it's better if we learn a we use this game in laptop, our PC
because we're the students playing this game in handphone is too boring
for us. Because you always win, never lose.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

SFN : Yeah, you're welcome, my pleasure.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (SFN), it was found,

vocabulary learning through the ZTYPE game is a good idea because it is one of
the ways to learn vocabulary and it is easy to remember vocabulary by using the
game because the game is very fun and very beneficial. Advantageous because
this game makes students easy to remember words, and spell words one by one.
So this is very beneficial. The problem is when you have to type very fast and
don't know the spelling of the word. So it is difficult to type fast. For the
comparison of ZTYPE Games in vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI is that it is better if we learn by using these games on our laptops, and PCs
because as students playing these games on mobile phones is too boring for us.
Because player always win, never lose.

The fourth research interview was with participant AH and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

AH : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions. what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

AH : Yeah, ZTYPE games is so good because when you read you must do
typing vocabulary on your phone or your laptop. I think the game is good
for learning English.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

AH : Until now, I think no, but the importance of obstacle if your connection
is bad.

S : Okay. Next question. Is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

AH : Yeah, I think it's so big benefit. You can improve your knowledge about
vocab and improve your typing speed. I think like that.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

AH : Okay, question is what do you think about using ZTYPE Games to

compared vocabulary, I think if it's a good idea, because ZTYPE easy
using, easy to use for all component in university.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

AH : Yeah, You're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (AH), it was found,

vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is great because when you read you
have to type the vocabulary on your mobile phone or laptop. This game is good
for learning English. The obstacle faced when implementing vocabulary learning

using ZTYPE games is if the internet connection is bad. Vocabulary learning

using ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning has great benefits. You can increase
your knowledge of vocabulary and improve your typing speed. Using ZTYPE
Games for vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is a good idea
because ZTYPE is easy to use, easy to use for all components in the university.

The fifth research interview was with participant MY and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

MY : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through ZTYPE

MY : Using games set as ZTYPE for vocabulary learning can be an effective

way to improve vocabulary retention and motivation.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

MY : Maybe the the midrange of vocabulary of indicators, which may not

cover on vocabulary a learner needs to know Additionally, some learner
may not find the game engaging with code hander their motivation to
continue playing and learning.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

MY : Yes, it is. The use of ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning can
beneficial as they can make the learning process more interesting and
enjoyable which can improve motivation and retention of vocabulary.

However, it should be used in conjunction with other methods to ensure a

well around vocabulary learning experience.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (MY), it was found,

vocabulary learning through ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning can be an
effective way to improve vocabulary retention and motivation. Constraints when
implementing vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game are the moderate range
of vocabulary from the indicators, which may not cover the vocabulary that
learners need to know. In addition, some learners may not find the game
interesting with the coder, which may not motivate them to continue playing and
learning. Vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games is favorable. The use of
ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning can be beneficial as it can make the
learning process more interesting and fun which can increase motivation and
vocabulary retention. However, these games should be used in conjunction with
other methods to ensure a good vocabulary learning experience.

4.2.3 Research Finding on Questionnaire.

In this research, researcher using an open-ended questionnaires. Open-

ended inquiries let respondents react in their own terms. Respondents are able to
provide answers that researcher may not have otherwise thought of since there are
no limitations on their options. The questionnaire that the researcher gave to all
fourth semester students using the paper, while the data source was fourth
semester English students. This study was conducted to obtain data on ZTYPE
game as a learning media to improve vocabulary in the fourth semester English
students. The researcher collected data from observing and recording what
happened in the classroom, especially for the subject of observation when students
were learning vocabulary. It also included the conditioning of lecturers and
students. This was also to find out whether the literacy process was enforced or

The contents of the questionnaire are:

1. How is the vocabulary learning process?

2. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary


3. Do you like playing games?

4. What device do you use to play the game?

5. How fast do you type using mobile phone keyboard?

6. How fast do you type using laptop keyboard?

7. Do you agree that games can add new vocabulary learning?

8. How do you find that playing ZTYPE games can improve your vocabulary


9. What advice would you give to someone when learning vocabulary using

ZTYPE games?

10. How did you develop your vocabulary after the ZTYPE game research?

There are data results from 7 out 12 participants selected by the researcher.

The first research questionnaire was with participant KPC, and can be seen below.

1. The vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite good.

2. Direct teaching media method, using reading material like an article, and

3. Yes, I do.

4. Mobile phone.

5. Quite fast I think more than 5 words in second.

6. Not too fast. Maybe 3-5 words in second.

7. Yes, I do.

8. By typing the text that appears on the screen, because the text appears
repeatedly I can remember the vocabulary and theme meaning.

9. Put a lot words randomly, you can copied from online and put that so you can
get a new words that you might haven't get.

10. By reading English text or text game like scamble or anything on the Play

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (KPC), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite
good. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers for vocabulary
learning are direct teaching media methods, using reading material like an article,
and movies. She likes to play games using her mobile phone. She typed on his
mobile phone quite fast, estimated to be more than 5 words a second. While using

a laptop is not too fast, maybe 3-5 words in a second. She agrees that ZTYPE
games can improve vocabulary mastery. According to her, by typing the text that
appears on the screen and the text appears repeatedly it can remember the
vocabulary and meaning of the theme. She also advised someone when learning
vocabulary using ZTYPE games by putting a lot of words randomly, you can copy
from online and put it so you can get new words that you might not have got. To
improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research by reading
English text or text games like scamble or anything on the Play Store.

The second research questionnaire was with participant F, and can be seen below.

1. Vocabulary learning process in UBHI are quite good.

2. Use PPT and YouTube video.

3. Yes.

4. Phone.

5. Very fast.

6. Very fast.

7. Of course.

8. It can train our capability in memorize and apply it in text.

9. Try to understand the meaning to get memorize the word easily and add more

time to practice.

10. I develop it. Well by try it multiple times to reach high score.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (F), it was

found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite good
by using PPT and YouTube video media. He likes to play games using his phone.
He types using a phone and laptop keyboard very fast. He agrees that ZTYPE
games can improve vocabulary mastery and train our ability to memorize and
apply in text. He also gave advice to someone when learning vocabulary using the
ZTYPE game which is to try to understand the meaning to memorize the word
easily and add more time to practice. To improve the vocabulary after giving this
ZTYPE game research by trying it several times to achieve a high score.

The third research questionnaire was with participant SFN, and can be seen

1. In Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, we don't have vocabulary subject. So we learn

Vocabulary by self.

2. Lecturers use video or reading text.

3. Yes, I like.

4. I use handphone.

5. Not too fast.

6. 5 second one word.

7 Yes l agree.

8. I have to remember the word so I can type the word fast.

9. I using hand phone but better using PC.

10. I easily to remember the word.


Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with a participant (SFN), it was

found, in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, they don't have a vocabulary subject. So
they learn vocabulary by themselves. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI lecturers for vocabulary learning are video or reading text. She likes to play
games using her handphone. She typed on her handphone not too fast. While
using a laptop is 5 seconds in one word. She agrees that ZTYPE games can
improve vocabulary mastery. According to her, she has to remember the word so
she can type the word fast. She also gave advice to someone when learning
vocabulary using ZTYPE games by using a PC. To improve her vocabulary after
giving this ZTYPE game research, she easily remembered the word.

The fourth research questionnaire was with participant I, and can be seen below.

1. At Universitas Bhinneka PGRI takes the process of learning vocabulary by

listening, writing, and reading.

2. The media used by lecturers for learning vocabulary is reading articles, writing

article reviews and analyzing videos.

3. Like it but not overly.

4. I use a mobile phone.

5. Quite fast because accustomed to typing on the phone.

6. Less fast because I haven't used the laptop often.

7. Agree, because in this era there are many game enthusiasts.

8. Yes can improve vocabulary well.

9. Get into the habit of paying attention to words and typing speed.

10. By memorising at least 5 vocabulary words a day in order to easily remember

the vocabulary and increase the vocabulary.


. Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (I), it was

found, at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI takes the process of learning vocabulary by
listening writing, and reading. The media used by lecturers for learning
vocabulary is reading articles, writing article reviews, and analyzing videos. She
likes but is not overly to playing games using mobile phones. She typed on her
mobile phone quite fast because accustomed to typing on the phone. While using
a laptop is less fast because she haven't used the laptop often. She agrees because
in this era there are many game enthusiasts and can improve vocabulary well. To
improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, get into the habit
of paying attention to words and typing speed and memorising at least 5
vocabulary words a day in order to easily remember the vocabulary and increase
the vocabulary.

The fifth research questionnaire was with participant AH, and can be seen below.

1. The vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI are firstly from
the courses every semester and then secondly there are some activities to learn
vocabulary well and lastly from the surrounding environment such as friends
and lecturers.

2. Direct teaching method.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Mobile phone.

5. Quite fast

6. I think not to fast.

7. Yes, I do.

8. By typing the text.

9. Put a lot learning something.


10. Reading a lot of english text.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (AH), it was

found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI Firstly from the
courses every semester and then secondly there are some activities to learn
vocabulary well and lastly from the surrounding environment such as friends and
lecturers.and by direct teaching method. He likes playing games with his mobile
phone. He typed on his mobile phone quite fast. While using a laptop is not fast.
He agrees ZTYPE games can add new and improve vocabulary learning. To
improve his vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with type the
text, put a lot learning and she thinks with development her vocabulary increases
and more confident to speak.

The sixth research questionnaire was with participant LET, and can be seen

1. The teaching and learning process is pretty good, because the lecturers are
experienced so they know better bored or happy it depends on each Student.

2. The media not a lot enough, like book or dictionary sometimes the lectures send
PDF on WA groub.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Handphone.

5. Fast I think use thumb.

6. Not Fast, Still use Index finger.

7. Yes agree, especially now that many are using english word So that they can be
used for learning.
8. Playing ZTYPE every day and have to remember about the vocabulary, so it
can help.

9. Have to type fast.


10. Vocabulary increase, and more confident to speak.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with the participant (LET), it was

found, the teaching and learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is pretty
good because the lecturers are experienced so they (English students at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) know better bored or happy it depends on each
student and using book or dictionary sometimes the lectures send PDF on WA
group. She likes playing games with her handphone. She typed on her handphone
fast with her thumb. While using a laptop is not fast because uses many fingers.
She agrees ZTYPE games can add new and improve vocabulary learning,
especially now that many are using English words So that they can be used for
learning. To improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with
type fast, playing ZTYPE every day and have to remember the vocabulary, so it
can help. and she thinks with development her vocabulary increases and more
confident to speak.

The seventh research questionnaire was with participant MY, and can be seen

1. In my opinion, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is

quite boring. Because the lecturer just repeating the same teaching method.

2. Lecturers usually using power point and scientific research.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Handphone and laptop.

5. Medium.

6. Medium.

7. Yes, I agree.

8. I'm not find this game improve my vocabulary, but it is improving my typing


9. Try to learn using a fun method like this.

10. With pay attention to words in game.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with the participant (MY), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite
boring. Because the lecturer just repeats the same teaching method by using power
point and scientific research. He likes playing games with his handphone and
laptop. He typed on his handphone and laptop medium fast. He agrees ZTYPE
games can add new and improve vocabulary learning, especially now that many
are using English words So that they can be used for learning. To improve her
vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with try to learn using a fun
method like this, and with pay attention to words in the game.

4.3 Discussion

Based on data from 6 out of 12 questionnaires of English Students, it was

found that in the English language education at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, there
is no in-depth vocabulary learning so that students have difficulty in
understanding the material provided by the lecturer because the lecturer only
provides articles or material from various lessons with the form or media of
projectors for video presentations, social media tools such as WhatsApp, telegram
by providing PDFs, YouTube, learning applications such as google classroom,
learning management system learning websites and providing student reading
texts such as the demonstrator method or coach style teaching style and authority
style. And there are also lecturers teaching directly quietly and monotonously
(always the same tone or no variation and always repeating) such as GTM
(grammar translation method) learning which is speaking in English translated
into Indonesian so that the conditions are boring. Interesting vocabulary learning

is important to understand the meaning in various lessons for English education

students of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

Based on data from 5 out of 12 interview of English Students at

Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, it was found that, vocabulary learning using the
ZTYPE game at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is easy, and fun and has the benefit
of motivating students to improve in-depth vocabulary learning so that they can
follow all lessons easily and can be understood in English. For the negative
perspective students in learning vocabulary using ZTYPE games is that the higher
the level- the higher the typing speed, so students must have speed skills in typing
and understanding there are also if students do not have mobile phones and lack
internet so they can take turns using adequate devices and internet, And for advice
on using a laptop to use this ZTYPE game to make it more challenging, you have
to make a lot of words so you can understand more about the meaning of the

Based on data from 7 out of 12 questionnaires of English Students at

Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, it was found that English students at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI have a positive perspective, namely like to play ZTYPE games
because the game can be a vocabulary learning medium depth in order to
understand the meaning of new vocabulary and is very helpful in learning English
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI. However, there are negative perspective
on the lecturer's teaching style because they are only given material in any
learning with electronic media, presentations, and providing material articles in
PDF after which they are sent via social media or websites or learning
applications without explaining the material in detail so that students feel bored
and cannot understand the learning material well. There are also suggestions by
students to use ZTYPE games using PCs / laptops because they are more exciting
and challenging and provide a lot of vocabulary so that students can learn a lot of
new vocabulary in between learning.

Based on the findings of researcher from the implementation of ZTYPE

games to learning vocabulary for English students of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI,
it can be concluded that each lecturer has a different way of teaching. However,
students have expectations for lecturers with a fun and detailed learning teaching
style and also the development of new vocabulary using ZTYPE games so that
they can understand the material well. This is step to improve vocabulary skills
and develop opinion analysis by playing the ZTYPE games.

Step 1: Introduce the ZTYPE game to students and explain its purpose. ZTYPE is
a fun and addictive typing game in which the player defends his spaceship by
typing words that appear on the screen. The game gradually increases in
difficulty, challenging players to type faster and more accurately.

Step 2: Give students a list of words they will encounter in the game. These words
should be relevant to the English curriculum and relevant to the student's current
proficiency level. For example, if students are learning vocabulary at an
intermediate level, you can include words like dissipate, enmesh, epithet, interdict,

Step 3: Discuss the meaning and usage of the words with students. You can
provide definitions and sample sentences and encourage students to reflect on
their own examples. This step is important for students to understand the meaning
of words and how they can be used in different contexts.

Step 4: Playing this ZTYPE game can be done by students individually or by

creating small groups and having them play the ZTYPE game together. Each
student must take turns typing the words that appear on the screen. Encourage
them to discuss the possible meanings and contexts of the words as they play the


In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusions and suggestions

following the finding of the study.

5.1 Conclusions

Several conclusions were drawn based on the analysis of the relationship

between ZTYPE games and student's perspective learning vocabulary. Step to
improve vocabulary skills and develop opinion analysis by playing the ZTYPE

Step 1: Introduce the ZTYPE game to students and explain its purpose.

Step 2: Give students a list of words they will encounter in the game

Step 3: Discuss the meaning and usage of the words with students.

Step 4: Playing this ZTYPE game can be done by students individually or by

creating small groups and having them play the ZTYPE game together.


Students' perspectives and suggestions on the teaching style applied in

the classroom can be seen from the answers to observation sheets, interviews and
questionnaires where most students feel bored and confused by the lessons
delivered because the lecturer only gives or sends material or does not explain in
detail and there is no vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI in depth.
Therefore, it is important to develop vocabulary in every lesson so that students
can learn and easily know the meaning of all English lessons at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI.

For the positive perception that emerged from 12 English students at

Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is that students always pay attention to the lecturer's
teaching style so that it supports in this study that Universitas Bhinneka PGRI
lecturers develop students' vocabulary by using ZTYPE games. The students
prefer a variety of vocabulary learning development in between all lessons by
using ZTYPE games at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI and the lecturers should also
explain the material in detail so that students can understand it well.

Based on the above description, it can be concluded that this study

answered all research questions. The students also gave positive feedback to the
instructor's teaching style, which always conveyed the information the students
needed. Therefore, this action helps students understand the lesson better.

5.2 Suggestions

5.2.1 To Students

Students must give their opinions and convey their perspectives about the
learning styles of lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI and the importance of
learning vocabulary using ZTYPE games or other media. Students need to be
active in class discussions so that they can be happy and easily understand the
lecturer. Students also have to pay full attention to any learning process and ask
the lecturer about material they don't understand so they can understand and
digest the lessons explained by the lecturer in detail and not be bored.

5.2.2 To Lecturers

Lecturers must fully understand the needs, abilities, and weaknesses of

their students' learning. To make the learning process better, lecturers must
realize that each student has a different level of understanding and way of
learning to understand the lesson. It is hoped that the lecturers can given
variations teaching vocabulary using the ZTYPE game media so that students
feel they understand the material better and are not bored. As well as the
importance of learning vocabulary in every lesson because the English study
program at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI does not have in-depth vocabulary
learning, so some students do not understand new vocabulary in any lesson and
cannot achieve their learning and teaching goals to the fullest.

5.2.3 To Other Researchers

There are still many aspects remaining that can be further analyzed on
the topic of this study. The next study on this topic might examine the teaching
styles of lecturers and student perspectives on a larger scale. Future research can
involve more participants from various majors or conduct research using other
types of games.


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Appendix 1

Lesson Plan

Step 1: Introduce the ZTYPE game to students and explain its purpose. ZTYPE is
a fun and addictive typing game in which the player defends his spaceship by
typing words that appear on the screen. The game gradually increases in
difficulty, challenging players to type faster and more accurately.

Step 2: Give students a list of words they will encounter in the game. These words
should be relevant to the English curriculum and relevant to the student's current
proficiency level. For example, if students are learning vocabulary at an
intermediate level, you can include words like dissipate, enmesh, epithet, interdict,

Step 3: Discuss the meaning and usage of the words with students. You can
provide definitions and sample sentences and encourage students to reflect on
their own examples. This step is important for students to understand the meaning
of words and how they can be used in different contexts.

Step 4: Playing this ZTYPE game can be done by students individually or by

creating small groups and having them play the ZTYPE game together. Each
student must take turns typing the words that appear on the screen. Encourage
them to discuss the possible meanings and contexts of the words as they play the


Appendix 2


Vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games in meeting 2 to meeting 7. The

researcher included some vocabulary in ZTYPE games.

Meeting 2

The game link:

Insist : bersikeras

Introduce : memperkenalkan

Involve : melibatkan

Justify : membenarkan

Know : tahu

Learn : belajar

Lose : kalah

Maintain : mempertahankan

Manage : mengelola

Negotiate : negosiasi

Obtain : memperoleh

Occur : terjadi

Owe : berhutang

Participate : ikut

Persuade : membujuk

Pour : menuangkan

Prefer : lebih suka

Prepare : mempersiapkan

Prevent : mencegah

Prove : membuktikan

Meeting 3

The game link:

Pursue : mengejar

React : reaksi

Realize : menyadari

Receive : menerima

Recognize : mengakui

Recommend : sarankan

Reduce : mengurangi

Refer : lihat

Relate : berhubungan

Relax : bersantai

Relieve : meringankan

Rely : mengandalkan

Remaining : yang tersisa

Remember : ingat

Remind : mengingatkan

Replace : menggantikan

Require : memerlukan

See : Lihat

Send : Kirim

Settle : menetap

Meeting 4

The game link:

Abjure : mengharamkan

Apparent : nyata

Benediction : doa

Credence : kepercayaan

Disburse : membayar

Disseminating : penyebaran

Dissipate : menyia-nyiakan

Enmeshed : terjerat

Epithet : julukan

Extol : memuji

Extraneous : tidak sesuai

Extricate : melepaskan

Grapple : menggenggam

Havoc : malapetaka

Hypochondriac : murung

Inscription : prasasti

Interdict : melarang

Lachrymose : orang yang suka menangis

Libel : fitnah

Verbose : bertele-tele

Meeting 5

The game link:

Accumulate : Terkumpul

Abundant : Sangat banyak

Acquire : Memperoleh

Advocate : Membela

Arbitrary : Sewenang-wenang/berubah-ubah

Cohesion : Kepaduan

Coincide : Bertepatan/Bersamaan

Continuosly : Terus menerus

Contradict : Bertentangan

Decay : Kehilangan

Deny : Menyangkal/membantah

Disrupt : Mengganggu/mengacaukan

Diverse : Berbeda-beda/bermacam-macam

Emphasize : Menekankan

Enhance : Meningkatkan/menambah

Endure : Menahan

Evidence : Bukti

Expand : Memperluas

Fundamental : Mendasar

Generate : Membangkitkan/menghasilkan

Meeting 6

The game link:

Accept : Menerima

Add : Menambahkan

Adjust : Menambah

Become : Menjadi

Buy : Membeli

Bread : Roti

Celebrate : Merayakan

Come : Datang

Cool : Dingin

Decide : Memutuskan

Delay : Menunda

Doll : Boneka

Eat : Makan

Egg : Telur

Fat : Gemuk

Fish : Ikan

Flour : Tepung

Goal : Tujuan

Grow : Tumbuh

Hilarity : Kegembiraan

Meeting 7

The game link:

Accident : kecelakaan

Acknowledge : mengakui

Accommodate : menampung

Acknowledgement : pengakuan

Accompany : menemani

Acquire : memperoleh

Accomplish : menyelesaikan

Acquisition : perolehan

Accomplishment : prestasi

According : menurut

Act : bertindak

Account : rekening

Action : tindakan

Accountability : akuntabilitas

Active : aktif

Accounting : akuntansi

Activist : aktivis

Accurate : tepat

Activity : kegiatan

Appendix 3

Observation Result

The first research observation was with participant KPC, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good morning.

KPC : Good morning.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

KPC : We don't have vocabulary subject, actually, so we learn from the

material that not connected with vocabulary subject, such as when natural
explain about the EFL (English as a foreign language) or when they share
an English academic article.

S : What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary


KPC : I think by direct teaching media. So the lecturer speak in English when
teaching us and I think using reading material.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecturers use some media needed to
give the material?

KPC : I think, yeah.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches in

KPC : Quiet, Monotonous (It means always the same tone, the same tone, the
same variation, always repeating the same as before.) and less variation, I

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by

your lectures?

KPC : I should attend it. I comprehend the material.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


KPC : Yes, I think it's interesting.

S : Okay. That's all from me. Thank you for your time.

KPC : Yes, okay.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (KPC), it was

found, she understands the material when the lecture gives the material in learning
but she also said that they don't have vocabulary subjects, so they learn from
materials that are not related to vocabulary, such as when nature explains about
EFL (English as a foreign language) or when lectures share academic articles in
English. The teaching, is direct, calm, and monotonous (meaning always the same
tone, the same pitch, the same variation, always repeating the same as before) and
lacks variety. So the lecturer speaks in English when teaching us and she thinks of
using reading materials and she thinks vocabulary learning is interesting for
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The second research observation was with participant F, and can be seen below.

S : Hello. Good morning,

F : Good morning.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka
F : I think it's more, like the student can do a project, I think. And the
teachers so use more variation in their class, I think.

S : What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary

F : Pardon me? A Media?

S : Yes, What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

F : I think mostly of the lecturer use reading section and sometimes use
speaking section to improve the skill of vocabulary.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecturer use some media needed to give
the material?

F : Well, I don't think so. Yes, same as my opinion before that most media
use the same media and I think it's not quite efficient for improving our
vocabulary, I think.
S : Okay, what do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer
teaches in class?

F : Yes. Same as KPC, it's boring. Mostly teachers use a presentation and
they are just reading their PDF without a communicative with their

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by


your lectures?

F : Just, I think, 50% and the rest is I'm learning outside my class, I think,
in my room.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


F : Mostly no, but it's quite interesting, I think.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

F : Thank you. Bye.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (F), it was found,

he had little difficulty in understanding the material provided by the lecturer
because the lecturer only provided PDFs and presentations, so he tried to pay
attention to the lecturer but the material delivered by the lecturer was less
acceptable to him and he thinks it's quite interesting to learning vocabulary.

The third research observation was with participant SFN, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

SFN : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

SFN : I don't remember that in university is learn about vocabulary. But

sometimes we can learn vocabulary from when we talk or teacher talk
about English, they talk about vocabulary too.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

SFN : They use a video and like a text.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give
the material?

SFN : Yes, sometimes teachers use YouTube video and give the student
reading text.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecture
teaches in class?

SFN : The teaching style is used GTM (grammar translation method), so they
talk in English and they translate in Indonesia.

S : Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented by your

SFN : Yes, sometimes I'm comprehend.

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

SFN : I think this is very interesting, because vocabulary is one of the subjects
that can help students learn English.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

SFN : My pleasure.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (SFN), it was

found, she sometimes comprehends in understanding the material provided by the
lecturer. She doesn't remember that there is a vocabulary lesson at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI. But sometimes they can learn vocabulary from when they or
lecturers talk about English, they talk about vocabulary too. For learning media,

she uses YouTube videos and gives reading texts to students. While the teaching
style is using GTM (grammar translation method), so they speak in English and
translated into Indonesian. She thinks vocabulary learning is very interesting for
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI because vocabulary is one of the subjects
that can help students in learning English.

The fouth research observation was with participant I, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good morning.

I : Good morning.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

I : Vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, in my opinion is

quite effective because it keeps up with this time.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

I : Usually reading or with song and movies.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecturer use some media needed to give
the material?

I : Yeah, so that the delivery of material is easier to understand.

S : Next question, what do you think of the teaching style when your
lecturer teaches in class?

I : Sometimes the learning style is rather boring.

S : Okay. Does your lecturers use some media needed to give the material?

I : Little understand

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by

your lectures?

I : I think so.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


I : Yeah, I think so interesting for students.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

I : You're welcome

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (I), it was found,

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite effective because it
keeps up with the times. The media used by lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI for vocabulary learning are reading or songs and films. Lecturers at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI use several media that are needed to make the
delivery of material easier to understand. The lecturer's teaching style when
teaching in class is rather boring. According to her, she little comprehends
material if the lecturer at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI uses the necessary media,
and vocabulary learning is interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The fifth research observation was with participant IW, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good morning.

IW : Morning

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

IW : In my opinion, is the vocabulary learning processes at Universitas


Bhinneka PGRI is a little bit boring because we need to search by

ourselves because the teacher just say something when we doesn't
understand we need to search it by ourselves.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

IW : Some lecturer using scientific research to learn and sometimes they also
using a PowerPoint that shop by and they show for their students.

S : Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give the

IW : Yes, like I said before, like scientific research and powerpoint.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches
in class?

IW : In my opinion, some lecturers maybe a little bit boring because they're

just repeating their teaching method again and again. It actually makes me
bored on class.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by your

IW : Some lecture yes and some lecture maybe no.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


IW : For myself is yes, because it will make me easier to talk in English, from

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

IW : You're welcome, anytime


Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (IW), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is a bit
boring because they have to look for themselves, because the lecturer only says
something that they don't understand, they have to look for themselves. Some
lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI use scientific research for learning and
sometimes also use PowerPoint that they buy and show to their students. Some
lecturers' teaching style when teaching in class might be a bit boring because it's
the same old, same old. It makes me bored in class. Some of the lecture material
can be understood and some of the lecture material may not be understood.
Vocabulary learning is interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI
because it will make it easier to speak in English.

The sixth research observation was with participant CN, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

CN : Hello, good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

CN : I think, first we don't have vocabulary subject actually, but we learn

from what teachers say to learning vocabulary.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

CN : I think using reading material.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lectures use some material needed to give
the material?

CN : Yes.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecture teaches in

CN : Sometimes it's interesting, but sometimes it's quite monotonous (It means
always the same tone, the same tone, the same variation, always repeating
the same as before.)

S : Okay. Does your lecture use some media needed to keep the material?

CN : Yeah, I think that I comprehend some material.

S : Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by your


CN : Yes.

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

CN : Yes interesting.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thanks for your time.

CN : You're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (CN), it was

found, they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) don't have an actual
vocabulary course, but we learn from what the lecturers say to learn vocabulary.
The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers for vocabulary learning
uses reading materials. In providing the material, lecturers use the necessary
media. The lecturer's teaching style when teaching in class is sometimes
interesting, but sometimes quite monotonous (meaning always the same tone, the
same tone, the same variation, always repeating the same thing from before). She
felt that she has understood some of the material. For vocabulary learning at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, it is interesting for students.

The seventh research observation was with participant NWL, and can be seen

S : Hello, good evening.

NWL : Hello. Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

NWL : We don't have vocabulary subject actually, so we learn from the material
that not connected with vocabulary subject, such as when lecturer explain
about EFL (English as a foreign language) or when they start an English
academic capital.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

NWL : By direct teaching media, so the lecture speak in English when teaching
us and I think using reading material.

S : Next question, does your lecture use some material needed to give the

NWL : I think, yes.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches in

NWL : Quiet, monotonous (It means always the same tone, the same tone, the
same variation, always repeating the same as before.) and less variation.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by your

NWL : I'm certain that I comprehend the material.


S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


NWL : I think it's interesting.

S : Okay. That's all from me. Thank you for your time.

NWL : Okay.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (CN), it was

found, they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) don't have an actual
vocabulary course, so we learn from materials that are not related to the
vocabulary course, like when the lecturer explains about EFL (English as a
foreign language) or when they start English academic capital. The media that
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary learning is direct
teaching, so lecturers speak in English when teaching us and she thinks using
reading materials and also giving some materials. Your lecturer's teaching style
when teaching in class is calm and monotonous (meaning always the same, same
tone, same variation, always repeating the same as before.) and lacks variety. He
is also confident that he can understand the material. For vocabulary learning it is
interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The eighth research observation was with participant AH, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

AH : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

AH : I think when the student want to start vocabulary learning, they are on

the subject and semester first and second semester, I think, yeah like that

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

AH : Okay. Some teachers give the vocabulary learning with Google

Classroom or directly in class and anyone teacher use learning
management system. This is application from university to study.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give
the material?

AH : Yeah, the media is sometimes WhatsApp, telegram, YouTube, classroom

and etc.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecture teaches
in class?

AH : I think it's good because the teachers give more options to students how
to learn vocabulary.

S : Are you certained that you comprehend material presented by your


AH : Sorry?

S : Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented by your

AH : Yes, sometimes I'm comprehend about the material and sometimes I

should learn the material in the other time.

S : Okay.Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

AH : Yeah, I think we are as interesting, but this is important to English

student because vocabulary is the basic for we want to know about

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

AH : You're welcome, Mr. Steven and good day.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (AH), it was

found, vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI when students want to
start vocabulary learning, they are in the first and second semester courses and
semesters. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers for
vocabulary learning with Google Classroom or directly in class and some also use
the learning management system. This is an application from the university for
learning. In providing material, lecturers use the necessary media such as
WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, classrooms, and others. The teaching style of the
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturer when teaching in class is good because the
lecturer gives more choices to students on how to learn vocabulary. Sometimes he
understands the material presented and sometimes he has to study the material at a
later time. Vocabulary learning is interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI because vocabulary is the basis for us to understand English.

The ninth research observation was with participant A, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

A : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka

A : Actually, we don't have vocabulary subject, so we learn from the

material from lectures, like some article, and then we read it and we
study it alone.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

A : By direct teaching media. So the lectures speak in English and then

when teaching us and I think using reading material.

S : Okay. Does your lecture use some media needed to give the material?

A : Yes.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecture teaches in

A : Quite, monotonous (It means always the same tone, the same tone, the
same variation, always repeating the same as before.) and no more

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented
by your lecture?

A : I certain that I comprehend the material.

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

A : Yes, it was interesting.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

A : Yes, you're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (A), it was found,

they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) don't have a vocabulary
course, so they learn from materials in lectures, such as articles, which we read
and learn by ourselves. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers
for vocabulary learning is direct teaching. So the lectures are in English and then
when teaching us and she thinks about using reading materials. Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI lecturers also use the necessary media to provide material. The
lecturer's teaching style when teaching in class is quiet and monotonous (meaning
always the same tone, the same tone, the same variation, always repeating the
same as before) and there is no variation anymore. she believes that he can
understand the material delivered by the lecturer. Vocabulary learning at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, is interesting for students.

The tenth research observation was with participant FKA, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good evening.

FKA : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI?
FKA : I think vocabulary learning process Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is great.
I as student English education department, i learning new vocabulary
every class meeting.

S : Okay. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for

vocabulary learning?

FKA : Use a media electronic like projector then show on the screen so we all
can look together in class.

S : Okay. Does your lecture use some media needed to give the material?

FKA : Only use electronic media sometimes lectures share some file like PDF
on the WhatsApp group.

S : What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches in

FKA : Teaching style by a lecture in class it's fine because learning process to

face to face in life so it is optimal, if I think.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material presented by
your lecture?

FKA : Yeah, I got it. Well sometime no because this is the teaching style by

S : Okay. Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas

Bhinneka PGRI?

FKA : It is really interesting if I think is student English education department

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

FKA : Yes, you're welcome

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (FKA), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is very
good. As a student majoring in English education, I learn new vocabulary every
time I meet in class. The media used by lecturers at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI
for vocabulary learning is electronic media such as projectors and then displayed
on the screen so that we can all see together in class. Lecturers also use the media
needed to provide material such as electronic media and sometimes lecturers share
some files such as PDFs in WhatsApp groups. The lecturer's teaching style when
teaching in a class by lecturing in class is good because the teaching and learning
process with direct face-to-face is more optimal. He sometimes understands and
does not in understanding the material because of the teaching style of Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI lecturers with lectures. Vocabulary learning is very interesting for
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI because she is an English education major.

The eleventh research observation was with participant LET, and can be seen

S : Hello, good evening.

LET : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka
LET : I think process of learning in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite good
because the lectures are experienced, so they know the better but are
happy. It depends on each student.

S : What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary


LET : The media not a lot, but I think it's enough because the lecture can use
like a book or dictionary sometimes the lecture use PDF. The lecture
send PDF on WhatsApp group or something.
S : Okay. Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give
the material?
LET : Yes, use some media like PDF or video on YouTube.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer teaches
in class?

LET : I think I don't agree with A because the lecture has a various style in
learning, like presentation module or student center. So that's very

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material you
represented by your lecture?

LET : Yeah, maybe we have should ask again if there's something we want to

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


LET : It's interesting even not only interesting, but important. Especially as a
student at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI who has become a teacher, we need
vocabulary. So this is so important.

S : Thank you. That is all from me.Thank you for your time.

LET : You're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (LET), it was

found, vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite good because
the lecturers are experienced, so they know better but are happy. It depends on
each student. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers used by
lecturers for vocabulary learning during their lectures can use books or
dictionaries sometimes using PDFs. Lecturers send PDFs in WhatsApp groups or
the like. Lecturers also use the media needed to deliver material such as PDFs or
videos on YouTube. The lecturer's teaching style when teaching at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI varies in learning, such as module presentation or student center
or student center. So it was very effective. He is confident that he understands the
material in the lecture. If he doesn't understand, he can ask again. For vocabulary
learning for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, it is not only interesting but
important. Especially as Universitas Bhinneka PGRI students who are already
teachers, we need vocabulary. So this is very important.

The twelfth research observation was with participant MY, and can be seen

S : Hello, good evening.

MY : Good evening.

S : Today, I will conduct an interview with you to get data or information

about the teaching style of the instructor and your opinion on it. First
question, how is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI?

MY : In my opinion, the vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is

some are good and not, because some of lectures teach in the student
with online class. So i think it's not effective.

S : What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary


MY : Some lectures in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI use some media to

teaching as specially vocabulary. For example they are using social
media like Facebook and they also use a website for leaning, electronic
media such as computer, projector, and smart phone.

S : Okay. Next question, does your lecture use some media needed to give
the material?

MY : Yes, the lecture using media to give the material and some media is an
effective for example using Facebook and smartphone.

S : Okay. What do you think of the teaching style when your lecturer
teaches in class?
MY : I think the lecture have a teaching style with their passion. So the are
different from each other but it's not problem. I think any of teaching style
is fine or learning, if the student can feel enjoy in learning process.

S : Okay. Are you certained that you comprehend the material you
represented by your lecture?

MY : Yes, i'am. Because in my opinion to get information for lecturer, i mean

to get knowledge information for from lectures, we must be comprehended
material is sent by lecture.

S : Is vocabulary learning interesting for students at Universitas Bhinneka


MY : Yes it's interesting, because some lecture in their learning process in

there give material from foreign student. They are use only one method on
one media but they are use some media. So this can make student boring
in their learning process.

S : Thank you. That is all from me. Thank you for your time.

MY : You're welcome

Based on the researcher`s observation with participant (MY), it was

found, vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is both good and bad,
as some lecturers teach in online classes. Good and not, because some lecturers
teach in online classes. So I think it is less effective. Some lectures at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI use several media to teach vocabulary. For example, they use
social media such as Facebook and they also use websites for learning, and
electronic media such as computers, projectors, and smartphones. In lectures, they
use media to provide material and some effective media. Lecturers at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI have a teaching style according to their passion. So they are
different from each other but it doesn't matter. According to him, any teaching
style is fine, as long as students can enjoy the learning process. He understands
the material to get information from lecturers, meaning that to get knowledge
information from lectures, they (English students from Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI) must understand the material delivered by lecturers. For interesting
vocabulary learning for students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI because some

lectures there provide material that comes from foreign students. They do not only
use one method in one media but use several media. So this can make students
bored in the learning process.

Appendix 4

Interview Result

The first research interview was with participant KPC, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

KPC : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

KPC : I think it's quite fun and interesting, but kinda difficult if we don't have
ability to type.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

KPC : No.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

KPC : It is beneficial enough. Because it's fun, so it will not makes the learners
boring but if they use phone, maybe it's less challenging.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

KPC : Ah, I think ZTYPE could be an instrumental the understandable

vocabulary in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

KPC : Yes, You're welcome.


Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (KPC), it was found,

vocabulary learning through the ZTYPE game is quite fun and interesting, but it is
a bit difficult if we don't have typing skills. When implementing vocabulary
learning using the ZTYPE game, she did not have any obstacles and felt that the
ZTYPE game was beneficial and could be a tool for understanding vocabulary at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The second research interview was with participant F, and can be seen below

S : Hello, good afternoon.

F : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

F : I think using that type is fun. We can learn how to spelling and
memorizing word in English or Bahasa.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

F : No, I think for until people use us it type is quiet easy.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

F : Well, it's beneficial in learning English in our spare time.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

F : To compare with English learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI,

ZTYPE still need more Federation and upgrading. Maybe like giving

more difficulty in the cable because you know, setup is still too easy.
Especially for me, and i get bored when i reach level 20 Or maybe 50
Okay, like better me.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

F : Yes, You're welcome

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (F), it was found,

vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is fun and useful. We can learn to
spell and memorize words in English and Indonesian. When she plays ZTYPE, he
feels that there are no obstacles. For the comparison of using the ZTYPE game
and learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI in vocabulary learning, it still needs
more federation and upgrades in ZTYPE game. Maybe like giving more

The third research interview was with participant SFN, and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

SFN : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through ZTYPE

SFN : I think this great idea because this is one way to learn vocabulary and
easy to remember the vocabulary using a game because the game is very,
very fun.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

SFN : Maybe the obstacle is when you have to type so fast and you don't know
about you don't know the spelling of the word. So it's difficult to fast type.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

SFN : Yes, I think it's very beneficial. Beneficial because this game make
students easy to must remember the word, the spelling the word one by
one. So this is so beneficial.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

SFN : I think it's better if we learn a we use this game in laptop, our PC
because we're the students playing this game in handphone is too boring
for us. Because you always win, never lose.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

SFN : Yeah, you're welcome, my pleasure.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (SFN), it was found,

vocabulary learning through the ZTYPE game is a good idea because it is one of
the ways to learn vocabulary and it is easy to remember vocabulary by using the
game because the game is very fun and very beneficial. Advantageous because
this game makes students easy to remember words, and spell words one by one.
So this is very beneficial. The problem is when you have to type very fast and
don't know the spelling of the word. So it is difficult to type fast. For the
comparison of ZTYPE Games in vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI is that it is better if we learn by using these games on our laptops, and PCs
because as students playing these games on mobile phones is too boring for us.
Because player always win, never lose.

The fourth research interview was with participant I and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

I : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions. what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

I : Suitable when there is no work and continue to add new vocabulary.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

I : The rest is no problem

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

I : Usefull to.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

I : I find it workable, but only for leisure time fun.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

I : Yes, You're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (I), it was found,

vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is suitable when there is no work and
continues to add new vocabulary. She feels that there are no obstacles when
implementing vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games. ZTYPE game is useful
for vocabulary learning. The use of ZTYPE Games as a comparison for

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI can be used, but only for
leisure time.

The fifth research interview was with participant IW and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

IW : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

IW : In my opinion is learning using learning vocabulary using ZTYPE, I

think it's pretty fun method.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

IW : I think as long as the students have cell phone and mobile data, I think
there is no obstacles.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

IW : I think it's beneficial but for myself. I more focused on typing then
learning the vocabulary.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

IW : I think it's slightly better in a fun way.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

IW : Yes, You're welcome.


Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (IW), it was found,

vocabulary learning using ZTYPE is a quite fun method. For obstacles when
implementing vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games when students do not
have mobile phones and mobile data. The use of the ZTYPE game for vocabulary
learning is beneficial but he thinks he is more focused on typing than learning
vocabulary. For the use of ZTYPE games compared to vocabulary learning at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is slightly better in a fun way.

The sixth research interview was with participant CN and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

CN : Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through ZTYPE

CN : Honestly it's quite fine learning vocabulary to the type game.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

CN : I think when is the internet plus lose are when my people are liking us
playing the game. We must have faster time.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to you set use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

CN : Its benefits because can increase our vocabulary

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

CN : I think it's a good idea because it's fun to learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

CN : Yes, my pleasure.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (CN), it was found,

vocabulary learning through the ZTYPE game is good enough to learn vocabulary
with typing game. Obstacles when implementing vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games when the internet plus loses. Vocabulary learning using the
ZTYPE game has advantages because it can increase our vocabulary. Vocabulary
learning using ZTYPE games at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is a good idea
because learning vocabulary using ZTYPE games is very fun.

The seventh research interview was with participant NWL and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

NWL : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

NWL : In my opinion, honestly is quite fun learning vocabulary jokes that


S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

NWL : I think when my keyboard leaking cause playing ZTYPE game, we

must fast to type.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

NWL : Beneficial costs can increase our vocabulary.


S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

NWL : I don't think so about that.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

NWL : Thank you.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (NWL), it was

found, vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is quite fun. The obstacle
when doing vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is when the keyboard is
broken because of playing the ZTYPE game, they have to type quickly.
Vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games is useful to increase their vocabulary
(English students of Bhinneka PGRI). He also did not want to compare
vocabulary learning using ZTYPE Games with Universitas Bhinneka PGRI direct

The eighth research interview was with participant AH and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

AH : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions. what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

AH : Yeah, ZTYPE games is so good because when you read you must do
typing vocabulary on your phone or your laptop. I think the game is good
for learning English.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

AH : Until now, I think no, but the importance of obstacle if your connection
is bad.

S : Okay. Next question. Is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

AH : Yeah, I think it's so big benefit. You can improve your knowledge about
vocab and improve your typing speed. I think like that.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

AH : Okay, question is what do you think about using ZTYPE Games to

compared vocabulary, I think if it's a good idea, because ZTYPE easy
using, easy to use for all component in university.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

AH : Yeah, You're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (AH), it was found,

vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is great because when you read you
have to type the vocabulary on your mobile phone or laptop. This game is good
for learning English. The obstacle faced when implementing vocabulary learning
using ZTYPE games is if the internet connection is bad. Vocabulary learning
using ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning has great benefits. You can increase
your knowledge of vocabulary and improve your typing speed. Using ZTYPE
Games for vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is a good idea
because ZTYPE is easy to use, easy to use for all components in the university.

The ninth research interview was with participant A and can be seen below.

S : Hello, Good afternoon.

A : Good afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions. What is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

A : I think that was good because learning with games it's fun.

S : Okay. Are there any obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning
using ZTYPE games?

A : No. Maybe sometime i feel bored when play the games.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

A : Yes, that was beneficial because it's very easy play and learn. It's very
easy to play and learn.

S : Okay. What do you think about using the ZTYPE games to compared
vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

A : I think that was a good idea. But first didn't like us is before. Sometimes
then I think it's too slow when I play in my phone. Thank you.

S : Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for your time.

A : Yeah

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (A), it was found,

vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is good because learning with games
is fun. There are no obstacles when implementing vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games. She feels bored when playing games. Vocabulary learning using
the ZTYPE game is favorable because it is very easy to play and learn. Very easy
to play and learn. The use of the ZTYPE game to compare vocabulary learning at
Bhinneka PGRI University is a good idea. But sometimes she feels too slow when
playing on mobile phones.

The tenth research interview was with participant FKA and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

FKA : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

FKA : It is fun, like playing games, but on the other side, we can learn and
increase our vocabulary.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

FKA : Nothing

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

FKA : I think this is profitable for myself.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

FKA : Maybe can be a new learn idea for vocabulary learning at Universitas
Bhinneka PGRI.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

FKA : Yes, You're welcome.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (FKA), it was found,

vocabulary learning through ZTYPE games is fun, like playing a game, but on the
other hand we can learn and increase vocabulary. He has no obstacles when

implementing vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games. Vocabulary learning

using ZTYPE games is beneficial. The use of ZTYPE Games for vocabulary
learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI can be a new learning idea for vocabulary
learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The eleventh research interview was with participant LET and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

LET : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through
ZTYPE games?

LET : So fun and we're so enjoy when playing the game.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

LET : If the connection of internet bad, we cannot play the game, so we have
so we must have a good connection in internet.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE

games for vocabulary learning?

LET : Yes, very profitable because it's train hand speed, and less lot of
vocabulary word.

S : What do you think about using the ZTYPE Games to compared

vocabulary learning at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI?

LET : I think it's very effective and efficient and doesn't require a lot of stuff.

S : Okay, that's all for me. Thank you for your times.

LET : Thank you.


Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (LET), it was found,

vocabulary learning through the ZTYPE game is very fun and they (English
students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) enjoy playing this game. The obstacle
when implementing vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game is that if the
internet connection is bad, they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI)
cannot play this game, so we have to have a good internet connection. Vocabulary
learning using the ZTYPE game is very beneficial because it trains hand speed,
and more vocabulary is learned. The use of ZTYPE Games is very effective and
efficient and does not require a lot of things compared to vocabulary learning at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI.

The twelfth research interview was with participant MY and can be seen below.

S : Hello, good afternoon.

MY : Good Afternoon.

S : Today I will conduct an interview with you again to get data with your
opinion during the research that I research using ZTYPE games. First
questions, what is your opinion about learning vocabulary through ZTYPE

MY : Using games set as ZTYPE for vocabulary learning can be an effective

way to improve vocabulary retention and motivation.

S : Are there many obstacle when carrying out vocabulary learning using
ZTYPE games?

MY : Maybe the the midrange of vocabulary of indicators, which may not

cover on vocabulary a learner needs to know Additionally, some learner
may not find the game engaging with code hander their motivation to
continue playing and learning.

S : Okay. Next question, is it beneficial or detrimental to use ZTYPE games

for vocabulary learning?

MY : Yes, it is. The use of ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning can
beneficial as they can make the learning process more interesting and
enjoyable which can improve motivation and retention of vocabulary.
However, it should be used in conjunction with other methods to ensure a
well around vocabulary learning experience.

Based on the researcher`s interview with participant (MY), it was found,

vocabulary learning through ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning can be an
effective way to improve vocabulary retention and motivation. Constraints when
implementing vocabulary learning using the ZTYPE game are the moderate range
of vocabulary from the indicators, which may not cover the vocabulary that
learners need to know. In addition, some learners may not find the game
interesting with the coder, which may not motivate them to continue playing and
learning. Vocabulary learning using ZTYPE games is favorable. The use of
ZTYPE games for vocabulary learning can be beneficial as it can make the
learning process more interesting and fun which can increase motivation and
vocabulary retention. However, these games should be used in conjunction with
other methods to ensure a good vocabulary learning experience.

Appendix 5

Questionnaire Result

The contents of the questionnaire are:

1. How is the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI ?

2. What media do Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers use for vocabulary


3. Do you like playing games?

4. What device do you use to play the game?

5. How fast do you type using mobile phone keyboard?

6. How fast do you type using laptop keyboard?

7. Do you agree that games can add new vocabulary learning?

8. How do you find that playing ZTYPE games can improve your vocabulary

9. What advice would you give to someone when learning vocabulary using
ZTYPE games?

10. How did you develop your vocabulary after the ZTYPE game research?

There are data results from 12 participants selected by the researcher.


The first research questionnaire was with participant KPC, and can be seen below.

1. The vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite good.

2. Direct teaching media method, using reading material like an article, and

3. Yes, I do.

4. Mobile phone.

5. Quite fast I think more than 5 words in second.

6. Not too fast. Maybe 3-5 words in second.

7. Yes, I do.

8. By typing the text that appears on the screen, because the text appears
repeatedly I can remember the vocabulary and theme meaning.

9. Put a lot words randomly, you can copied from online and put that so you can
get a new words that you might haven't get.

10. By reading English text or text game like scamble or anything on the Play

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (KPC), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite
good. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka PGRI lecturers for vocabulary
learning are direct teaching media methods, using reading material like an article,
and movies. She likes to play games using her mobile phone. She typed on his
mobile phone quite fast, estimated to be more than 5 words a second. While using
a laptop is not too fast, maybe 3-5 words in a second. She agrees that ZTYPE
games can improve vocabulary mastery. According to her, by typing the text that
appears on the screen and the text appears repeatedly it can remember the
vocabulary and meaning of the theme. She also advised someone when learning
vocabulary using ZTYPE games by putting a lot of words randomly, you can copy

from online and put it so you can get new words that you might not have got. To
improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research by reading
English text or text games like scamble or anything on the Play Store.

The second research questionnaire was with participant F, and can be seen below.

1. Vocabulary learning process in UBHI are quite good.

2. Use PPT and YouTube video.

3. Yes.

4. Phone.

5. Very fast.

6. Very fast.

7. Of course.

8. It can train our capability in memorize and apply it in text.

9. Try to understand the meaning to get memorize the word easily and add more
time to practice.

10. I develop it. Well by try it multiple times to reach high score.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (F), it was

found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite good
by using PPT and YouTube video media. He likes to play games using his phone.
He types using a phone and laptop keyboard very fast. He agrees that ZTYPE
games can improve vocabulary mastery and train our ability to memorize and
apply in text. He also gave advice to someone when learning vocabulary using the
ZTYPE game which is to try to understand the meaning to memorize the word
easily and add more time to practice. To improve the vocabulary after giving this
ZTYPE game research by trying it several times to achieve a high score.

The third research questionnaire was with participant SFN, and can be seen

1. In Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, we don't have vocabulary subject. So we learn

Vocabulary by self.

2. Lecturers use video or reading text.

3. Yes, I like.

4. I use handphone.

5. Not too fast.

6. 5 second one word.

7 Yes l agree.

8. I have to remember the word so I can type the word fast.

9. I using hand phone but better using PC.

10. I easily to remember the word.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with a participant (SFN), it was

found, in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, they don't have a vocabulary subject. So
they learn vocabulary by themselves. The media used by Universitas Bhinneka
PGRI lecturers for vocabulary learning are video or reading text. She likes to play
games using her handphone. She typed on her handphone not too fast. While
using a laptop is 5 seconds in one word. She agrees that ZTYPE games can
improve vocabulary mastery. According to her, she has to remember the word so
she can type the word fast. She also gave advice to someone when learning
vocabulary using ZTYPE games by using a PC. To improve her vocabulary after
giving this ZTYPE game research, she easily remembered the word.

The fourth research questionnaire was with participant I, and can be seen below.

1. At Universitas Bhinneka PGRI takes the process of learning vocabulary by

listening, writing, and reading.

2. The media used by lecturers for learning vocabulary is reading articles, writing
article reviews and analyzing videos.

3. Like it but not overly.

4. I use a mobile phone.

5. Quite fast because accustomed to typing on the phone.

6. Less fast because I haven't used the laptop often.

7. Agree, because in this era there are many game enthusiasts.

8. Yes can improve vocabulary well.

9. Get into the habit of paying attention to words and typing speed.

10. By memorising at least 5 vocabulary words a day in order to easily remember

the vocabulary and increase the vocabulary.

. Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (I), it was

found, at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI takes the process of learning vocabulary by
listening writing, and reading. The media used by lecturers for learning
vocabulary is reading articles, writing article reviews, and analyzing videos. She
likes but is not overly to playing games using mobile phones. She typed on her
mobile phone quite fast because accustomed to typing on the phone. While using
a laptop is less fast because she haven't used the laptop often. She agrees because
in this era there are many game enthusiasts and can improve vocabulary well. To
improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, get into the habit
of paying attention to words and typing speed and memorising at least 5
vocabulary words a day in order to easily remember the vocabulary and increase
the vocabulary.

The fifth research questionnaire was with participant IW, and can be seen below.

1. In my opinion, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is

quite boring. Because the lecturer just repeating the same teaching method.

2. Lecturers usually using power point and scientific research

3. Yes, I do.

4. Handphone and laptop.

5. Medium.

6. Medium.

7. Yes, I agree.

8. I'm not find this game improve my vocabulary, but it is improving my typing

9. Try to learn using a fun method like this.

10. With pay attention to words in game.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (IW), it was

found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite boring.
Because the lecturer only repeats the same teaching method. Lecturers usually
teach using PowerPoint and scientific research. He likes playing games using
handphone and laptop. He typed on his mobile phone and laptop medium fast. He
agrees ZTYPE games can add new vocabulary learning. He did not find that this
game improved his vocabulary, but it improved his typing skills. To improve his
vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, try learning with fun methods
like this and paying attention to the words in the game.

The sixth research questionnaire was with participant CN, and can be seen below.

1. We don't have vocabulary subject actually. So we learn from what teacher teach
and say

2. I think we use reading text.

3. Yes i do like playing games.

4. Mobile phone.

5. Fast but not really fast.

6. I think not fast like a profesional.

7. Yes, I do agree with that.

8. Yes, I think it can improve our vocabulary.

9. Have to type fast.

10. Yes, I did

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (CN), it was

found, they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) don't have
vocabulary subjects. So they learn from what lectures teach and say and use
reading text. She likes playing games with her mobile phone. She typed on her
mobile phone medium fast. While using a laptop is not fast like a professional.
She agrees ZTYPE games can add new and improve vocabulary learning. To
improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with type fast
and she thinks she can develop her vocabulary after the ZTYPE game research.

The seventh research questionnaire was with participant NWL, and can be seen

1. It's fun.

2. The media not enough, like book of dictionary. Sometimes the lectures send
PDF on WA group.
3. Yes, I do.

4. Handphone.

5. Fast, use thumb.

6. Not fast, still use many finger.

7. Yes agree, especially now that many are.

8. Yes, I do.

9. How to type fast.

10. Vocabulary increases and more confident to speak.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (NWL), it was

found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI it's fun with a
book dictionary. Sometimes the lectures send PDFs to the WA group. She likes
playing games with her handphone. She typed on her handphone fast with her
thumb. While using a laptop is not fast because uses many fingers. She agrees
ZTYPE games can add new and improve vocabulary learning. To improve her
vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with type fast and she thinks
with development her vocabulary increases and more confident to speak.

The eighth research questionnaire was with participant AH, and can be seen

1. The vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI are firstly from
the courses every semester and then secondly there are some activities to learn
vocabulary well and lastly from the surrounding environment such as friends
and lecturers.

2. Direct teaching method.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Mobile phone.

5. Quite fast

6. I think not to fast.

7. Yes, I do.

8. By typing the text.

9. Put a lot learning something.

10. Reading a lot of english text.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with participant (AH), it was

found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI Firstly from the
courses every semester and then secondly there are some activities to learn
vocabulary well and lastly from the surrounding environment such as friends and
lecturers.and by direct teaching method. He likes playing games with his mobile
phone. He typed on his mobile phone quite fast. While using a laptop is not fast.
He agrees ZTYPE games can add new and improve vocabulary learning. To
improve his vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with type the
text, put a lot learning and she thinks with development her vocabulary increases
and more confident to speak.

The ninth research questionnaire was with participant A, and can be seen below.

1. Actually we don't have vocabullary learning, so we learn from what lecture

give to us like article and some books in internet.

2. I think we use Like PPT, some article and some book.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Mobile phone / hp.

5. Fast but not really fast.

6. I think not really than I use phone.

7 Yes, I agree

8. I think it can help us to improve vocabullary by memoryze and type that to win
and not to lose.

9. Have to type fast.

10. Yes I did.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with the participant (A), it was

found, they (English students at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) don't have
vocabulary learning, so they learn from what lectures give to them like, PPT,
articles, and some books on the internet. She likes playing games with her mobile
phone/hp. She typed on her mobile phone medium fast. While using a laptop is
medium fast not really than she uses phone. She agrees ZTYPE games can add
new and improve vocabulary learning. To improve her vocabulary after giving
this ZTYPE game research, type fast by memorizing and type that to win and not
to lose. and she thinks she can develop her vocabulary after the ZTYPE game

The tenth research questionnaire was with participant FKA, and can be seen

1. Fun for the first semester of learning vocabulary is basic.

2. Usually uses electronic media.

3. Of course, I like games.

4. On smartphone, computer.

5. Fast, I use my two fingers.

6. Fast I use 10 fingers.

7. I agree.

8. I found new vocabulary after playing ZTYPE game.

9. Elementary school children can play this game.

10. Remember new vocabulary. Yes, I learned.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with the participant (FKA), it

was found, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI its fun for
the first semester of learning vocabulary is basic with electronic media. She likes
playing games with her smartphone and computer. She typed on her smart phone
fast because she uses her two fingers. While using a computer is fast too because
she uses 10 fingers. She agrees ZTYPE games can add new and improve
vocabulary learning. To improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game
research, remember new vocabulary and she Elementary school children can play
this game.

The eleventh research questionnaire was with participant LET, and can be seen

1. The teaching and learning process is pretty good, because the lecturers are
experienced so they know better bored or happy it depends on each Student.

2. The media not a lot enough, like book or dictionary sometimes the lectures send
PDF on WA groub.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Handphone.

5. Fast I think use thumb.

6. Not Fast, Still use Index finger.

7. Yes agree, especially now that many are using english word So that they can be
used for learning.
8. Playing ZTYPE every day and have to remember about the vocabulary, so it
can help.

9. Have to type fast.

10. Vocabulary increase, and more confident to speak.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with the participant (LET), it was

found, the teaching and learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is pretty
good because the lecturers are experienced so they (English students at
Universitas Bhinneka PGRI) know better bored or happy it depends on each
student and using book or dictionary sometimes the lectures send PDF on WA
group. She likes playing games with her handphone. She typed on her handphone
fast with her thumb. While using a laptop is not fast because uses many fingers.
She agrees ZTYPE games can add new and improve vocabulary learning,
especially now that many are using English words So that they can be used for
learning. To improve her vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with

type fast, playing ZTYPE every day and have to remember the vocabulary, so it
can help. and she thinks with development her vocabulary increases and more
confident to speak.

The twelfth research questionnaire was with participant MY, and can be seen

1. In my opinion, vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is

quite boring. Because the lecturer just repeating the same teaching method.

2. Lecturers usually using power point and scientific research.

3. Yes, I do.

4. Handphone and laptop.

5. Medium.

6. Medium.

7. Yes, I agree.

8. I'm not find this game improve my vocabulary, but it is improving my typing

9. Try to learn using a fun method like this.

10. With pay attention to words in game.

Based on the researcher`s questionnaire with the participant (MY), it was

found, the vocabulary learning process at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI is quite
boring. Because the lecturer just repeats the same teaching method by using power
point and scientific research. He likes playing games with his handphone and
laptop. He typed on his handphone and laptop medium fast. He agrees ZTYPE
games can add new and improve vocabulary learning, especially now that many
are using English words So that they can be used for learning. To improve her

vocabulary after giving this ZTYPE game research, with try to learn using a fun
method like this, and with pay attention to words in the game.

Appendix 6

The Documentations


Appendix 7

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