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mn entrance
Where is the dathose kids keep
to th e Caves
talking about??
It’s li er clear.
sense ke she can
me ne


The old farm is now
priority 1 on the
patrol route!
Could the old legends of what
lies in the lake actually be true?

radio Gabby
Remember to time
from time to
This Book Belongs To:

the bloom

Josh Domanski & Goblin Archives
Layout & Design

Josh Domanski
Gabriel Reich
Christian Sorrell & Jarrett Crader
Zach Hazard Vaupen (creatures) & Joshua Clark (NPCs)
Space Penguin Ink

2 Introduction 28 Hines Farm
5 Character Creation 29 Firewatch Tower
8 Doom Clock 30 Pickman Lodge

9 Exploring Coldwater 32 The Forest

10 Voidcrawl 33 The Caves
12 Coldwater Overview 37 Appendix A: Consequences
13 The Bloom 38 Appendix B: Conversions
16 Coldwater 40 Appendix C: Fallout
20 Coldwater Surrounds 41 Appendix D: Residents & Tourists
22 Camp Coldwater 42 Appendix E: Rumors
25 Coldwater Lake 43 Appendix F: Artifacts
26 Haru’s Cabin 44 Appendix G: Random Search
27 The Station 45 References

Page Title

Welcome to Coldwater A Creeping Terror
Stunning mountain views and Deep beneath the town lies a creeping
coniferous forests surround the town terror. The mycelial cords of a
of Coldwater, a few hours drive from massive fungal colony, the Bloom,

the nearest city. The people that live stretch for miles underground, and
there are pleasant enough but hide the damp of the late spring rain
their deep distaste for outsiders brought the fruiting bodies to the
behind false smiles. surface. But something has changed.
The mushrooms light up the night

A Brief History of Coldwater with bioluminescence, and

› 1800s: Coldwater was established as pathogenic spores have begun to
a transit point for the logging trade. spread to plants, animals, and
› 1950s: Coldwater became a popular humans alike.
tourist destination.
› 1990s: Decreasing tourism took a To make matters worse, a group of
toll on the townʼs economy. campers disappeared overnight, some
› One Year Ago: An unexplained of the first tourists of the season. Now,
incident resulted in the death of the folks that live in Coldwater
multiple residents. typically prefer to handle their own
› One Day Ago: A group of campers affairs, but the news spread fast and
was reported missing under has drawn unwanted attention.
suspicious circumstances.
› One Week From Now: Coldwater is Disappearances are commonplace in Coldwater,
overtaken by a fungal infection. but something feels different about these ones.
Title Page
System One-Shots
This module is written for Liminal While the module works best letting
Horror. Conversion notes for Monster the events unfold over the course of
of the Week, Agents of the O.D.D., several sessions, there have been
Cthulhu Dark, and Triangle Agency considerations made to support a
are provided in Appendix B (p.38). short-form style of play. Here are
some recommendations:
Starting Fresh
If youʼre starting a new campaign, › Campground Investigation: Begin

begin with the Investigators entering in Camp Coldwater (p.22) as night
the town of Coldwater (p.16). Use the is about to fall, searching for clues
Archetypes (p.6) to help define why on the missing campers. The Flesh
each of the characters have come to Hydra (p.15) stalks in the darkness.

this place and what their individual
goals are. When in doubt, start them › Lost in the Forest: Begin at the
all as patrons of the Coldwater Cafe entrance to The Caves (p.33),
(p.16) with a news report blaring on leaving a party after night has
about the missing campers, and let fallen. Navigate back to Coldwater
events unfold naturally from there. through The Forest (p.32) as weird
e things start happening.
If youʼre running an ongoing › Checking In: At the behest of
campaign, place the town somewhere Coldwaterʼs mayor, investigate
within a few hours of a major city the Hines Farm (p.28) to determine
Investigators are familiar with. Seed why JJʼs shipment for the Blueberry
rumors of the missing campers and Festival is late.
the strange backstory of Coldwater.

To use the module as a funnel, take

the idea below or any of the one-shots
and reference the funnel rules found
on the Liminal Horror website.

› Assault on Coldwater: Start the

Investigators as patrons of the
Coldwater Cafe and play out their
escape as a horde of Hosts (p.14)
descend upon the town.

s that
To the brave soulbook:
found this note !
Good Luck
Page Title
Make note of the mechanics below from Liminal Horror, as they will play an
important role over the course of the module.

Critical Damage and Wounds Healing

Physical damage dealt to an individual HP is regained with a quick rest.
is applied to their HP (Hit Protection). Catching your breath, drinking some
If their HP is reduced to 0, any water, eating a snack, etc. Ability loss
remaining damage is dealt directly to generally takes longer to overcome,
their STR and they must make a STR with up to a week of medical aid and

Save with the new total. If they fail, rest.
they take Critical Damage and receive
a Wound, which fills an inventory A Wound as a result of Critical Damage
slot. can be mitigated with conventional

medical treatment but can leave
If STR is reduced to 0, the Investigator lasting effects.
Under most circumstances, Fallout is
Critical Stress and Fallout permanent. However, there may be
Like physical damage, Stress is also some unorthodox treatments
applied to an individualʼs HP. If HP is available depending on the severity of
reduced to 0, any remaining Stress is the specific Fallout.
applied directly to their CTRL and
they must make a CTRL Save with the Vehicles
new total. If they fail, they take Vehicles have HP. When HP reaches
Critical Stress and gain a Fallout 0, the vehicle is totaled. Vehicle
(p.40), which fills an inventory slot. damage is relative to the target and its
speed (start at d6). Many weapons that
If CTRL is reduced to 0, the are devastating to flesh do negligible

Investigator is lost, generally damage to the structure of a vehicle.

becoming a Host (p.14) under most
circumstances in this module. Item Tags
› Blast: An attack that hits everything
Deprived in a target area with damage rolled

The Deprived condition comes from a separately for each affected.

lack of critical needs (food, rest, etc.) › Brutal: Roll damage at advantage.
and prevents HP recovery. If Using this item causes 1 Stress to
Investigators push themselves, and the wielder.
are Deprived for more than 24hrs, they › Bulky: Bulky items take two slots
add the Fatigue condition to an and are awkward or require two
inventory slot. Each Fatigue requires hands.
suitable recuperation to remove. › Discreet: Easy to hide. Often
› Messy: Creates a mess (blood, bone,
than one
Kass has overlooked more re low viscera). Witnessing causes 1 Stress.
bill of mine when funds we › Non-lethal: Targets DEX after HP.
and a meal was needed.
Title Page
Below is an adjusted alternative character creation process that can be used in
lieu of the standard Character Generation method specified in Liminal Horror.

Abilities Populating Coldwater

Roll 3d6 for your ability scores. Any Go around the table and ask each
two of these results may be swapped: player to propose a Non-Player
› Strength (STR): Physicality, brawn, Character (NPC) to be added to
toughness. Coldwater. These could be one of the
› Dexterity (DEX): Speed, sneaking, missing campers, a store owner, a

precision. general resident, a visitor, etc. Give
› Control (CTRL): Willpower, charm, them a name, a basic description, a
weird. location they can be found, and
determine if they have any

Roll 1d6 for Hit Protection (HP). connection to the Investigators.

Archetypes Bonds
To determine a character's Archetype, Each player should create a Bond for
roll 1d20 (or choose) and refer to the their Investigator with another
options on Page 6-7. These represent member of the team. Some
the Investigatorsʼ history and provide Archetypes may have an implied Bond
clues to their personal goals. Players with an NPC of Coldwater. Example
may also work with the Facilitator to Bonds can be found in Liminal Horror
create their own Archetype or start (LH p. 11).
with one of the basic Backgrounds
from Liminal Horror. The Party
If Starting Fresh, reflect on the
Character Details Archetypes, Connections, and Bonds
Age: Choose or roll 2d10+20. of the group to determine why they

Traits: Use your chosen Archetype to joined together as a group. Did they
help determine your basic clothing, just happen to arrive in Coldwater on
general style, and demeanor. the same day? Is there a common goal
Drives: Based on your Archetype, they share? Is investigating the news
determine what brought you to of the missing campers just an

Coldwater and what motivates you to interesting way to spend the day?
be an Investigator. Were they hired by a benefactor to
Name: Whatʼs your characterʼs name? investigate the disappearances?

Starting Gear Vehicles

Each Archetype provides a set of As a group, determine what types of
unique items. Many items can be used vehicles the party has access to based
as a weapon for d6 damage. on their selected Archetypes. The
Investigators also begin with a party should have at least one vehicle.
smartphone (camera, flashlight, etc.)
and 1d6 x 100 cash. Folks in Coldwater can be a bit
too trusting sometimes. If you’re
If creating a custom Archetype, use desperate, there’s a spare key in the
the Starting Gear tables in Liminal visor more often than their should be.
Horror (LH p.10).
Page Title
1. True Crime 6. Blue Devils
Everyone with a microphone has a The whole “solo career” hasnʼt really
podcast these days, and your metrics been working out as planned. This
have taken a dive. The mystery next gig at the “Blueberry Festival” is
surrounding Coldwater has been just one of a long line of crummy
floating around the back channels, shows with meager pay.
but youʼre just the person to get to the Take: Instrument of choice, vintage
truth of the matter. dynamic microphone, portable amp.
Take: Mini shotgun mic, smartphone
7. Passing Through

tripod, LED light.
Coldwater was as far as that truck
2. Prodigal Child driver would take you on your way to
As a child, you spent your summers the city, but this place has a pleasant

here in your familyʼs cabin by the charm, so maybe youʼll stay a while.
lake. Itʼs been ten years since your last Take: Backpack (+2 inventory), rain
visit. This isnʼt the town you coat, walking stick (d6), pocket knife
remember. (d6).
Take: Outdated guidebook, rusted set
of keys, old fishing rod. 8. According to Plan
e The reputation that precedes you is
3. Gone Squatchin’ well deserved. The townsfolk are
An expert in your field, youʼve been shelling out good money to ensure
chasing the elusive Sasquatch for their silly little festival goes off
years, looking for proof thatʼll finally without issue, and youʼve planned out
convince the public. All of the everything perfectly.
evidence points here. Take: Laptop, multi-tool, DSLR
Take: Thermal camera, bear mace (d4 camera, business cards.
blast, non-lethal), ghillie suit.

9. On Call
4. Late to the Party Coldwater doesnʼt have a veterinary
You did the research, set the date, and office, but when a farm animal gets
booked the campground reservation, sick, they call you. This time, itʼs the
but an unexpected work task wildlife that has been acting strange,

prevented you from leaving with your and folks are getting concerned.
friends. Now theyʼre missing. Take: Scalpel (d6), forceps, bottle of
Take: Sleeping bag, camping disinfectant, surgical clamps.
backpack (+2 inventory), small
survival kit. 10. Enblightened
The area surrounding Coldwater has
5. Writers Retreat some fascinating species of fungi.
Itʼs been far too long since you put And, unfortunately, some destructive
anything on your editorʼs desk. Maybe ones. The farmers have been
some fresh air and time away from complaining about lower yields, so a
the bustling city will get the creative blight might be cropping up.
juices flowing. Take: Pocket microscope, small
Take: E-paper tablet, whittlinʼ sampling kit, tree corer (d6).
jackknife (d6), bottle of liquor.
Title Page
11. Small Town Beat 16. Fraud Finder
While the local regions are your Your company has been buried
passion, working this beat hasnʼt processing the stack of insurance
resulted in a noteworthy column in claims that have come out of this
years. Hopefully the Blueberry Fest is region over the past year. The
buzzworthy enough to keep you vagueness in the reports has triggered
employed for a bit longer. an in-person audit.
Take: Voice recorder, digital camera, Take: Insurance claims, pepper spray
notebook, taser (d6, targets DEX). (d6, non-lethal), digital camera.

12. Horror Helmer 17. Rainmaker
Youʼve sold a script for “the next great The company you work for began as a
slasher”, but the studio wants a “Mom & Pop” general contractor, but

filming location locked down before a few lucky jobs have left them flush
the next meeting or the film will be with cash and looking to expand into
tabled. On paper, Coldwater is perfect real estate. This dated town is ripe for
considering your shoe-string budget. new development.
Take: 360 degree camera & pole, Take: Company credit card, hard hat
script, light meter, stack of blank (+1 armor), reflective vest.
rental agreements.
18. Golden Years
13. Avant-Gardener After decades of stressful work, youʼve
Thereʼs some pretty wild culinary finally retired. A few years early at
trends going on in the city, and word that! Away from the bustle of the city,
has it that Coldwater is an untapped Coldwater seems like itʼs going to be a
goldmine for unique ingredients to great place to settle into.
forage. Maybe youʼll make a proper Take: House in Coldwater, collapsible
career out of this. hiking pole (d6), Anna Stone novel.

Take: Hooked knife (d6), collapsible

shovel (d6), foraging basket. 19. Phase 1 ESA
Government funding has surprisingly
14. Grom been allocated for the revitalization of
Youʼre green, but the local bike parks public land in Coldwater. Youʼve been

have been a breeze. Youʼve got to train brought in to conduct an initial

on the unproven trails if youʼre going assessment, identifying unregistered
to get good enough to go pro. landfills and point sources that pose a
Take: Mountain bike, anti-collision threat to environmental receptors.
shirt (+1 armor), full face helmet (+1 Take: Annotated map, 16ʼ telescopic
armor when wearing), action camera. grade rod (d6), storage clipboard.

15. GSR 20. Blind Cast

While the passion is still there, the Rumor has it that Coldwater Lake has
field research for your master's thesis, some of the best fishing in the area.
“Small Towns: From Prosperity to Ruin”, Folks would pay good money for a
has been frustrating. Hopefully charter to take them to the best spots,
Coldwater will be the final stop. so itʼs time to scope them out.
Take: Laptop, binder full of Coldwater Take: Pedal drive kayak, gill stringer,
research, letter of introduction. collapsible rod (d6), tackle box.

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