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12 | Introduction to 7 aa f the HumanrPe n QUARTER 1: WEEK 4 HUMAN PERSON & THEIR ENVIRONMENT Name:, Strand: THE ENVIRONMENTAL PHILOSOPHY John Donne: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main? This means that as human person, it is our responsibility to treat a person with respect not only our fellow humans but also everything in this world. Humankind is a part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the same manner of what that changes in our environment affect us. By the end of this lesson, you are expected to: 1. Notice disorder in the environment; 2. — notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way; 3. show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable develop- ment; and 4, demonstrate the virtues of prudence and thriftiness towards the environment. Learning Competency with code 1. Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way PPTLI/12-Ii-4.1 2. Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable development PPTLI/12-Ti-4.2 3. Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environments PPTLI/12-Ij-4.3 ACTIVITY 1.1: PRETEST Directions; Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Encirle the letter that corresponds the correct answer on this answer learning activity sheet. 1. What is environment philosophy? a. Discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human contents. b. Is part of the world, and we significantly affect in environment. c. Significantly role of humankind in the world d. Extends intrinsic value and moral consideration to higher forms of animals. 2. It believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet. a. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism b, Panthocentrism d. Ecocentrism 3. A science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their environments. a. Anthropocentrism c. Ecofeminism b. Ecology d. Ecocentrism 4. What is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason? a. Transcendence. c. Aesthetics. b. Frugality, d. Prudence. 5. What is the act of using or other resources wisely and practically? a. Aesthetics. c. Economics b. Frugality d. Prudence. 6. What may be a sign of an environmental disorder? a. Lack of material things c. Lack of friends b. Lack of space d. Lack of resources 7. Which among the following options is a disorder in the environment? a. A house with no single plant c. A basket of unwashed dirty clothes b. A garden with dying plants d. A library with a small number of books 8. In what way can the environment contribute to health and well-being? a. It is the source of life. b. It can be available anywhere. c. It can produce products that provide medicinal value. d.It is made up of consumers and producers. 9. what is the role of the environment in achieving sustainable development? 1. It can produce resources. 2. Itis the venue for producer-consumer relationships. a. Both statements 1 and 2 b. Neither statement 1 nor 2 c. Statement 2 d. Statement 1 10. In which of the following scenarios is prudence demonstrated? a. Searching assignment answer over the internet b. Ordering food that you can consume c. Keeping the lights on all day d. Being friendly to neighbors Good! Let’s not proceed to the Lessons so we could check for your answers! ACTIVITY Directions: Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way. Ifyou can listen or sing the song by ASIN: “Wala ka bang napapansin sa iyong mga kapaligiran? Kay dumi na ng hangin, pati na ang mga ilog natin. Hindi na masama ang pag unlad at malayo- layo na rin ang ating narrating...” Can you write your thoughts about those lines of the song? Write them on the spaces provided below. ‘That's great!!! Do you think the song talks about these pictures? ACTIVITY 3: Environment before my time. Directions: Interview a person who is 45-60 years old. Be guided by the following questions. Write your answers to the lines below. 1. What are the things that you remember in your environment when you were my age? 2. What were the things you like doing when you were young? 3, What are the positive and negative changes in the environment that you observe? 4. Do you think environment plays a vital role in a person’s development? Why or why not? As we feel responsible for what is happening in our environment, we need to bear in our mind that we are part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the same way that changes in our surroundings affect us. Human Person in the Environment Human Person A human person is a living being that contains a real and existing to direct its own development toward fulfilment through perfect, unconditional, and infinite truth, love, goodness, beauty, and unity, and will do so if all the proper conditions are met. (Spitzer 1999) Environment It is the sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage. (Endriga 2017) This means that as human person, we interact not only with our fellow human beings, but also with other living and non-living elements in our environment. Like other sciences, philosophy also seeks to explore the relationship between humanity and the environment through environmental philosophy or environmental ethics. Environmental Philosophy or Environmental Ethics Environmental philosophy or environmental ethics as defined by Abella (2016), is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human contents. He also described environmental philosophers as philosophers who tackle issues that is related to humanity’s role in the natural world, the interaction between nature and human activities, and humanity's response to environmental challenges. And that environmental philosophers have radical views which argue that a paradigm shift or cultural revolution is what will save all from ecological crisis. The Three Main Paradigms: 1. Deep Ecology ~ is a contemporary ecological philosophy. Proponents were disillusioned with existing modes of depletion of natural resources and the heavy pollution they cause. It emerged as a reaction to this shallow ecological point of view. It also recognizes an inherent worth/intrinsic value of other beings aside from their utility. It emphasizes the interdependence of organisms within ecosystems and that if ecosystems with each other within the biosphere (Arne Naes- 1970s) 2. Social Ecology — is an offshoot of the movement against domination of existing hierarchical structures in society that pre-empt the development of the full nature of an individual. Bookchin (2011), on his article ecological problem states that our present ecological problems cannot be clearly understood, much less resolved, without resolutely dealing with problems within society. (BookChin 2011) 3. Ecofeminism - is a reaction against male domination and the corresponding oppression of women, there is superiority and subordination. On ecofeminism men are assumed to be superior to women and nature, which result domination and exploitation. As we try to link feminism with ecology, it seeks to eradicate all the forms of social injustice, not just injustice against women and the environment. Ecofeminism believes that a society characterized by a mentality that tolerates the oppression of women is directly linked with its tendency to tolerate abuse of the environment and the degradation of nature. (Vinzsons 2016) ACTIVITY 1.2: Environmental Issues and Alternative Solution Directions: Based on the photos indicated in column 1, look for an improved version of the photos provided. Use an old printed material. Cut and paste photos that show visible positive transformation of the photos in Column 1. BEFORE AFTER PASTE PICTURE HERE PASTE PICTURE HERE PASTE PICTURE HERE Environmental Aesthetics Beautiful surroundings are better to see, compare to a place that is full of garbage. As to Abella (2016), environmental aesthetics are a philosophical view that believes maintaining order in the environment will bring out the natural beauty of the surroundings and contribute to the well-being of the people and other organisms living in it. The orderliness that we see in our surroundings is what environmental aesthetics mean, and how can we able to maintain such? ‘That is what environmental ethics do, it is the appreciation of natural beauty that brings about the concern for the environment and helps people relate more effectively with nature to create a place with beautiful surroundings. Despite how good the concept of environmental aesthetics and ethics, we are living in a place where human persons thrive best which later results in disorders that rise to several problems and challenges for humankind. Since a human person is a rational being, we are not only capable of transforming the world, but also of understanding the laws which govern nature. According to Abella (2016), it can be said that the world is a text which the person can read and understand to live a better life. He may treat it as: > Asource of raw materials to be used in any way he pleases > As something that envelops and surrounds him, and thus has a unique relationship with it In the simplest thought, this means that persons can help the environment become greater than what it originally is. (Abella, Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person 2016). ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS AND PROTECTION Have you ever experience protecting something or someone that you cared for? How does it feel to protect them? Can you still remember the things that you do to protect them? Fill out the form below. ACTIVITY 2.1: Sharing is Caring! Directions: Write your answers on the table Things that I do to protect something or someone... L 2 As individuals, we play a major role in our environment. This new normal is one of the hardest situations we have been experiencing so far. Do you think we can still do something to protect our environment? Or do you think that we failed to give something in return to the environment? We failed to be caretakers of our precious environment? Are you not afraid to lose it? What can you do as human being? Environmental Aesthetics Environmental Ethics as defined by Abella (2016), is a moral approach that analyses the relationship between humans and the environment. He further adds that environmental ethics discuss environmental problems caused by human activities and social issues |» that impact the environment and that environmental ethics serves as a basis for reflecting on how our actions show our regard for nature and it also guides us in upholding the welfare of the environment and everything in it. Human has its direct effect on our surrounding, thus, create our direct responsibility to care on our immediate surroundings. Abella (2016), presented the three major views regarding the relationship between humanity and the environment, namely: 1, Anthropocentrism — focuses on the significant role of humankind in the world and considers nature as the means by which humans are able to meet their needs and survive. This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to transform nature and use its resources. (Abella 2016) 2. Biocentrism — believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet, and that all other organisms have inherent value and should be protected. This view advocates ethical treatment of animals. (Abella 2016) Ecocentrism — places great value on ecosystems and biological communities. This view believes that humankind is a part of a greater biological system or community and that we have a significant role as stewards or guardians of nature. ‘This view promotes the idea that order and balance in nature brings about stability and beauty. (Abella 2016) To understand more the influence of humanity on the environment, we need to consider that the individual person is a dynamic source of change within his environment and that his actions can directly affect his surroundings. If we fail to do our part in protecting the environment, we might experience different catastrophe. Here are the following different environmental problems: 1. Air pollution refers to the contamination of the air in the atmosphere, (Veetil 2012). 2. Water Pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain and other hazardous chemicals that mixed with water, (SEPA 2012). 3. Acid rain occurs when the harmful gases like nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxidesare released into the atmosphere through burning of fossil fuels and combustion of vehicle engines. (US- EPA 2017). 4, Climate Change refers to an increase in the average global temperatures. ( 2020) . 5. Deforestation is one of the environmental problems which refer to the cutting of trees for agricultural, industrial, housing or urban use. ( n.d) Depletion of natural resources is the reduction of natural resources. ( n.d) 7. Depletion of our Ozone Layer exhaustion of the ozone layer due to Hydrochlofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (US-EPA 2017). 8. Waste pollution is due to overpopulation, lack of education on waste management and technological advancement. ( n.d) 9. Acidification and Increase in Sea/Ocean Temperature, the rapid increase in sea level and ocean temperature. ( n.d) 10. Overpopulation, the problem of overpopulation may give way to the rise of other environment problems, such as pollution, depletion of natural resources, shortages of clean water, fuel and food. ( n.d) Despite of the continuous threats we are facing, many of us are still unaware of our own responsibilities. We fail to recognize that we are too dependent on the environment. ( n.d) ACTIVITY 2.2: Act Responsibly! 10 Directions: Write your answers on the on the line inside the circles. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) launches different environmental program that aimed at raising public awareness on environmental challenges hounding our country. Our current situation may be a product of our failure to protect our environment. Let us not make our country experience pollution, let us do this activity. 1. You were hired by the DENR to be one of the specialists in solving different environmental issues; 2. choose one environmental issues stated above; and 3. list down four best solutions that can help us address our current environmental problem using the web diagram below. Turn to the next page... ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM SOLUTION 1: SOLUTION 2: SOLUTION 3: How do you feel to be part of the solution? How can the humanity help to restore the damages on our environment? It true that we can harm our environment but it is very much true that we can protect it as well. We, as humans, we failed but accepting and doing our responsibility towards our nature, surely, we can win as humans. Environmentalism is one of the important developments during the twentieth century. This perspective advocates to deal with the growing environmental problems. Philosophy has a significant role in the development of environmental awareness and action. Upholding Environmentalism and Care for Nature Understanding that there is a necessity to address different environmental challenges in or environment, philosophers act deliberately to address environmental problems. According to Abella (2016), environmentalist views have given rise to varied perspectives regarding the best means for humanity to act and uphold its mission as stewards of nature. The major concept that helps in upholding environmentalism and care for nature is sustainability or sustainable development. Based on Abella (2016), environmental sustainability is the concept that focuses on reconciling human activities and economic development with the protection of the environment. He also added that one of the major ideas of sustainability was that we must make wise decisions regarding the use of natural resources to ensure that there is still enough left for future use. Sustainability relies on the three important principles: 1. Environmental integrity- means maintaining the state of the environment, this means that human activities should not unduly disrupt the ecosystems and human communities located in the area. (Abella 2016) 2. Economic efficiency- refers to prudence in decision-making regarding the use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste. (Abella 2016) . Equity- this demands that we use our natural resources in such a manner that these are conserved so that the next generations will be able to use them. (Abella 2016) To guide us in our own personal use of resources the values of prudence and frugality can be used: Prudence- is the ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior. (Abella 2016) Frugality- is being thrifty with the use of one’s resources. (Abella 2016) ‘As human persons, it is our responsibility to treat with respect not only our fellow humans, but also everything in the world. Upholding environmentalism and sustainability will enable us to take the first steps in addressing environmental issues and contribute to solving the greater environmental challenge of climate change. ‘ & Assessment I. TRUE OR FALSE. The following are statements about environmental philosophy. Write TRUE if the sentence is correct, write FALSE otherwise. 1. Deep ecology has a broad ecological point of view. 2. Ecofeminism gives equal opportunity. 3. Social ecology involves hierarchical structures in society. 4, Environment is the totality of what surrounds as. 5. Environment philosophy is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings towards its environment and its non-human contents. TI. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer ona the answer sheet provided on the next page. 1. This is an environmental ethics which shows how important humans and human welfare are. a. Anthropocentrism ¢. Biocentrism b. Ecocentrism d. Ecofeminism 2. Anethics which guides human behavior towards the earth. a. Social Ethics c. Professional Ethics b. Environmental Ethics d, Psycho Ethics 3. Which of the following views places great value on ecosystem and biological communities? a. Eco-centrism c. Biocentrism b. Environmentalism d. Anthropocentrism 4, The following are major impacts of climate change, except: a. Drought c. Food shortage b. Water Scarcity d. Flood Control w ‘This view believes that all living organisms have inherent value including humans a. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism b. Ecocentrism d. Ecofeminism 13 III. Match the terms in Column A with the descriptions in Column B. Write your answer on the space provided. 3. Equity 4, Economic Efficiency 5, Environmental Integrity Column A’ Column B 1, Prudence a. demands that we use ournatural resources in such amanner_ 2. Frugality that these are conserved so that the next generations will be able to use them b. refers to prudence in decisionmaking regarding the use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste c. is the ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior d. is being thrifty with the use of one’s resources e. refers to maintaining the state of the environment 14 Shade the letter that corre- sponds the correct answer ‘on the answer sheet provid- ed on the next page. TERT a ZiPGRADE.COM a PHILO Qi WEEK4PosT TesT AS (4415) Il BOFoONONOOF DS HHAABT SY en anPep Teotraatccoe LSA Ladd @ _ oehe

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