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What happened to Paul on

this missionary journey?

Paul came from Derbe and then went to Lystra picking up Timothy and then
going through Phrygia and Galatia. He then went to the border of Mysia but
could not enter so they went to Troas. While he was there he had a vision which
made him start traveling to Macedonia. From Troas he sailed to Samothrace
then Neapolis then Philippi (a Roman colony and the leading city of that district
of Macedonia). During that time they removed a spirit from a female slave this
made the masters of the slave angry because the salve made money from
fortune telling. They were sent to prison by the owners however there was a
violent earthquake that made all doors open and all the chains come loose.
Because of this he was able to convert the jailer and his family to christianity
and they were also given permission to leave the prison.
What places (cities,
countries) did he visit?
Derbe Lystra Phrygia Galatia Mysia Troas
Samothrace Neapolis Philippi Syria and Cilicia
Did anyone accompany him
on the journey? If so, why?
Timothy and Silas are named however there
were probably more people travelling with him.
What troubles did he face?
He faced being sent to jail unfairly by a slave
How did he deal with
problems he encountered?
He dealt with the problems he faced by having
faith in God and praying to him. This allowed him
to get free from his cell and his chains because
of a earthquake (that was probably from God).
After he was freed he was also able to convert
the jailer to christianity.
About what did he preach?
He preached the gospel to them.
Given your reading, how would
you characterize Paul?
I think that Paul had a lot of faith in God since at
midnight in a prison with terrible conditions he
was singing hymns and praying to God.
Why do you think Paul was
willing to take on the troubles
and hardships of preaching the
I think that Paul wanted to take on the troubles and hardships of preaching
the Gospel for two reasons.
1) He wanted to try and give back to God and the Christian community
since in the past he did not believe in Jesus and caused trouble for
2) Becoming a christian had improved his life dramatically and he wanted
to give the opportunity to other people

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