Philosophy 12

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PHILOSOPHY -The act must be voluntary.

Second Quarter
Lesson 1 Part 1: Freedom of the Human Acts of man or actus hominis actions
Person performed without intervention of intellect
and free will. Actions which man shares with
Freedom other animals.
- An intrinsic and essential property of the
human person. -They are done indeliberately.
- The ability to choose without constraint. -The acts are not done freely.
-The acts are done involuntarily.
Elements of Human Acts
- refers to the ability of the person to act out Knowledge - the action must originate from
of his or her own free will and self- a person having wisdom or knowledge or
determination. what we call discernment.

Responsibility Freedom - it should originate from a person

-refers to the person being accountable for having freedom. The person must be free.
his or her actions and their consequences.
Voluntariness -the action must originate
KINDS OF FREEDOM from person with voluntariness and will.

Physical Freedom Modifiers of Human Acts

- Absence of physical restraint

Psychological Freedom Ignorance

- Freedom of choice. A person is free to act -required to know what he does not know.
and perform actions that he or she Kamangmangan.
considers right.

Moral Freedom -a.k.a. man’s passions, or instinctual drives.
-Freedom in a manner that upholds human Fear The emotion that catch impending or
dignity and goodness. anticipated evil and manifest itself to avoid
or escape from an impending threat.
Philosophy argues that of all the creatures
on earth, only us humans are capable of Violence or force
making moral choices. -the actual application of force. The force to
a person by another. The purpose of
compelling another to do something against
Human acts and Acts of man his will.

Human Acts or actus humani are actions Habit

that proceed from insight into the nature and -constant and easy way of doing things
purpose of one’s doing and from consent of acquired by the repetition of the same act.
free will. Only proper to man.
God are known as…
-The act must be deliberate. 1.) Omniscient or All-knowing
-The act must be free. 2.) Omnipotent or All-powerful
3.) Omnibenevolent or All-good true fulfillment and attains a meaningful
experience via leap of faith.

THEODICY - An attempt to show that the

existence of evil doesn’t rule out the According to Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980),
possibility of God’s existence. existence precedes essence since we are
not made for any purpose instead we have
The Free will defense to create purpose for ourselves.
This holds that GOD maximized the
goodness in the world by creating free While According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(1712-1778), Man was born free yet
And being free means that we have the
everywhere he is in chains.
choice to do evil things – a choice that
some of us exercise.

Moral Evil
-An evil committed on purposed by

Soul-making theodicy
-For us to understand and appreciate good
is we need to experience its opposite, which
bad. That good cannot exist without evil.

Lesson 1 Part 2: Freedom of the human


According to Soren Kierkegaard (1813-

1855), the anxiety is the dizziness of

Stages of life

1.) Aesthetic stage -defined by pleasures,

and to live the aesthetic life to the fullest
one must seek to maximize those

2.) Ethical stage -a person has risen above

her aesthetically focused mode of operation,
and has begun to follow the rules and laws
of her society.

3.) Religious stage - the individuals find

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