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Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues when Customers Are Delay-

Nur Sunar, Yichen Tu, Serhan Ziya

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Nur Sunar, Yichen Tu, Serhan Ziya (2021) Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues when Customers Are Delay-Sensitive. Management
Science 67(6):3785-3802.

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Vol. 67, No. 6, June 2021, pp. 3785–3802 ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501 (online)

Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues when Customers Are Delay-Sensitive

Nur Sunar,a Yichen Tu,b Serhan Ziyac
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Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599; b Cox Automotive Inc.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30319; c Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina 27599
Contact:, (NS); (YT);, (SZ)

Received: July 20, 2017 Abstract. It is generally accepted that operating with a combined (i.e., pooled) queue
Revised: July 17, 2018; February 10, 2019; rather than separate (i.e., dedicated) queues is beneficial because pooling queues reduces
November 29, 2019 long-run average sojourn time. In fact, this is a well-established result in the literature when
Accepted: February 24, 2020 jobs cannot make decisions and servers and jobs are identical. An important corollary of
Published Online in Articles in Advance: this finding is that pooling queues improves social welfare in the aforementioned setting.
January 20, 2021
We consider an observable multiserver queueing system that can be operated with either dedicated queues or a pooled one. Customers are delay-sensitive, and they decide to join or
balk based on queue length information upon arrival; they are not subject to an external
Copyright: © 2021 INFORMS admission control. In this setting, we prove that, contrary to the common understanding,
pooling queues can increase the long-run average sojourn time so much that the pooled
system results in strictly smaller social welfare (and strictly smaller consumer surplus) than
the dedicated system under certain conditions. Specifically, pooling queues hurts per-
formance when the arrival-rate-to-service-rate ratio is large (e.g., greater than one) and the
normalized service benefit is also large. We prove that the performance loss due to pooling
queues can be significant. Our numerical studies demonstrate that pooling queues can
decrease the social welfare (and consumer surplus) by more than 95%. The benefit of
pooling is commonly believed to increase with system size. In contrast, we show that when
delay-sensitive customers make rational joining decisions, the magnitude of the perfor-
mance loss due to pooling can strictly increase with the system size.

History: Accepted by Terry Taylor, operations management.

Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at

Keywords: pooled queue • dedicated queues • customer balking • rational customers • delay-sensitive customers • observable queues •
service management

1. Introduction they wait. In fact, under this assumption, the well-

A fundamental question for services that are operated established benefit of pooling has a key implication:
by multiple servers has been whether to run the pooling queues improves social welfare and consumer
system with separated queues or a combined one. surplus. However, a common feature of many queue-
These queueing configurations are called dedicated ing systems in practice is that customers are delay-
and pooled, respectively. It is not difficult to see why sensitive and decide whether to join a queue de-
pooling separate queues might be appealing: a pooled pending on how long they expect to wait. Thus, it is
system uses the available service capacity more effi- important to analyze systems with such customers and
ciently because under pooling no server idles as long understand if pooling is still preferable when cus-
as there are customers waiting, a possibility that tomers make their join or balk (i.e., not join) decisions.
exists when individual queues are kept separated. This is the primary objective of this paper.
The benefit of pooling is well established in the op- The question of whether to operate a dedicated system
erations management literature: when servers are or a pooled system is relevant in many service settings
identical and customers are homogeneous in their from shipping lines at the ports to voting lines in elections
service requirements, pooling queues is proven to (Cattani and Schmidt 2005, Financial Times 2015,
improve efficiency by reducing idleness and the ex- Hong et al. 2015, New York Times 2016, Karacostas
pected waiting time in the system. 2018). Our paper studies this question by analyzing a
When studying the age-old question of to pool or not model in which delay-sensitive customers have access to
to pool, the vast majority of the literature implicitly theirdelayinformation(e.g.,throughobservingthequeue
assumed that customers have no say in their joining length or by receiving real-time expected delay infor-
decisions and they join a queue regardless of how long mation) and make their joining decisions based on that

Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3786 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

information. Our model is motivated by various prac- (ii) How large is the performance gain with a particular
tical settings where the service is provided for free. Two system design over the other? (iii) How does the system
of these settings are explained. size impact such performance gain? We are not aware
The first example is the design of call centers. of any prior work that provides a theoretical analysis
Many organizations are grappling with the question of the comparison between pooled and dedicated queues
of whether to consolidate their call centers or not for an observable queueing system when customers
(Southwest 2012, Xerox 2013, Rodriguez 2014). With make rational joining decisions.
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consolidation, calls are processed in a single large call This paper considers social welfare as the primary
center, rather than separate, smaller, and typically performance metric. In our setting, social welfare is equal
region-specific call centers. In practice, the key benefit to the consumer surplus, which is an important measure
of consolidation is believed to be the efficient use of customer satisfaction, and the long-run average so-
of resources because of pooling, thereby improving journ time is one of the key determinants of social welfare.
customer satisfaction with the same or even smaller Thus, we will also consider the long-run average sojourn
number of resources (Xerox 2013). However, these time as an auxiliary performance metric.
anticipated benefits do not take customer behavior
into account. In many call centers, callers receive 1.1. Summary of Main Results
queue length or real-time expected delay information, Considering delay-sensitive customers’ rational join-
and based on that information, they may choose not to ing decisions in the comparison of pooled versus
join the system. (See Ibrahim 2018 for a literature dedicated queues gives rise to the following three
review of such systems.) unexpected results for the observable systems.
The second example is the design of internal ser- First, Smith and Whitt (1981) establish that if every
vices in large organizations. For such organizations, arrival joins the system (without making decisions),
there has long been a discussion on whether support pooling queues is beneficial in the case of identical
services such as information technology, consul- servers and jobs. In contrast, our paper proves (in
ting, and purchasing should be shared across dif- Theorem 1(a)) that if arriving customers decide to join
ferent units of the organization or administered in a or balk, the dedicated system can outperform the
decentralized manner where these services are pro- pooled system depending on the following two fac-
vided within each individual unit (Schmidt 1997, tors: (i) normalized benefit of service, which is the ratio of
Azziz 2014, Bondarouk 2014). Thus, in the manage- service benefit to customer’s expected cost of waiting
ment of internal services, the question of whether to in service, and (ii) potential system load, which is the
operate a dedicated system or a pooled one is of para- ratio of arrival rate to service rate. Specifically, if both
mount importance. Within many organizations, such as the normalized benefit of service and the potential
government agencies and universities, internal services system load are large, pooling queues strictly in-
are provided for free (see, e.g., Armbrüster 2006, p. 113 creases the average sojourn time, and this increase
and UAFS 2018), and successful implementations of is so large that, compared with the dedicated sys-
such services typically rely on information sharing, tem, the pooled system results in strictly smaller
which enables members of the organization to ob- social welfare.
serve and identify inefficiencies such as service Second, in the case of nonstrategic and identical
congestion and delays (Campbell Public Affairs jobs and servers, the benefit of pooling queues is well
Institute 2017). Sharing support services is aimed known to increase with the number of servers (keeping
to improve organizational efficiency by tapping into the potential system load the same) (Calabrese 1992,
the operational benefit of pooling (Mader and Roth Benjaafar 1995). In contrast, our paper proves (in
2015, U.S. Department of the Treasury 2017). How- Theorem 2) that when customers make their own
ever, the design of such services also needs to account joining decisions, the magnitude of the relative per-
for the user behavior: if users within an organization formance loss due to pooling can strictly increase with
face long delays in their service requests, they could the number of servers (keeping the potential system
give up solutions offered by the organization. load the same).
Motivated by these practical settings, our objective Third, our analysis and numerical studies show
is to develop and analyze a formulation that centers that the performance improvement due to separat-
on the following three questions. (i) How do delay- ing queues can be drastic. Specifically, our paper
sensitive customers’ rational joining decisions alter proves (in Theorem 3) that the percentage increase
the basic calculus for the choice between pooled and in the social welfare with dedicated queues can be
dedicated systems in services with observable queue arbitrarily large, compared with the case with a
length (or delay information)? If pooling is not always pooled queue.
preferable in such settings, what are the conditions To provide a complete picture, our paper also
under which the dedicated system is preferable? identifies conditions under which the pooled system
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3787

results in smaller average sojourn time and larger smaller long-run average waiting average time,
social welfare than the dedicated system. (Those compared to the system with dedicated queues.
conditions are provided in Theorem 1(b).) Unlike what has been established in this literature,
Our paper also studies variants of the base model. our paper proves that when delay-sensitive cus-
Some of the key messages from this additional tomers make their joining decisions in an observable
analysis (see, e.g., Section 4) are as follows. (i) The system, pooling queues can result in much worse
dedicated system may outperform the pooled system performance than a dedicated system even with
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when customers are allowed to choose the shortest identical servers and homogeneous customers. We
queue in the dedicated system, when customers are prove this result when there is no admission control
heterogeneous in the service benefit they receive, or (e.g., in the form of monopoly pricing).
when there is a fixed service fee. (ii) The following two There have been observations that pooling parallel
criteria are necessary for our unexpected results to queues is not always beneficial and may result in
hold: the observability of queue length (or real-time performance degradation; these observations are at-
expected delay information) and the lack of pricing tributed to three main factors explained in (a)–(c)
control (or in general, the lack of admission control). below. Our paper identifies a different factor not pre-
Regarding the latter, when a social planner could viously identified in the pooling literature: observ-
charge a different service fee under each queue able queue and customers’ ability to make a joining/
configuration to maximize social welfare, pooling balking decision. We now explain the aforementioned
queues improves the social welfare. Thus, the wel- three factors in (a)–(c) below and discuss the rele-
fare advantage of pooling queues can be recovered if vant literature.
the social planner has the pricing lever. a. If jobs are heterogeneous in their service re-
quirements or servers are not identical, the pooled
1.2. Relevant Literature system may perform worse than the dedicated sys-
Our paper belongs to the literature that studies tem. Smith and Whitt (1981) included a numerical
pooled versus dedicated queues. To the best of our example with heterogeneous servers to make this
knowledge, there is no prior work that theoretically point. Rothkopf and Rech (1987) discussed that if jobs
analyzes the comparison of pooled versus dedi- require different service times, combining separate
cated queues in an observable system when delay- queues into a single one can increase the average
sensitive customers make their own joining decisions. delay. Section 5.3 of Mandelbaum and Reiman (1998)
Our paper provides such an analysis. briefly discussed this effect of heterogeneous servers
The analysis of pooling queues has long been an in a parallel multiserver setting without providing
interest in the queueing literature. To our knowledge, proofs (as there are no exact formulas available in that
Smith and Whitt (1981) were the first to provide a setting). Using approximation formulas for queue-
mathematical investigation of pooling queues. Smith ing models, van Dijk and van der Sluis (2008, 2009)
and Whitt (1981) showed that when jobs (e.g., cus- constructed numerical examples to illustrate the
tomers) are homogeneous in their service require- aforementioned effect of these factors.
ments and servers are identical, pooling separate b. Pooling queues may also result in worse per-
queues increases the system efficiency by reducing formance (e.g., larger expected steady-state waiting
the expected steady-state waiting time. Since the time) because of server slowdown and other server-
publication of this seminal work, many articles related issues. Rothkopf and Rech (1987) argued that
studied the benefit of pooling queues in different con- when combining separate queues into a single one
texts and under a variety of conditions. Calabrese (1992) increases service times, the pooled system may re-
provided an alternative proof to show the benefit of sult in larger average delay than the dedicated one.
pooling for system efficiency. Benjaafar (1995) de- Gilbert and Weng (1998) studied a setting where there
termined bounds on performance improvements are two self-interested servers and a principle that
through pooling. Gans et al. (2003) illustrated the compensates servers based on their performance.
benefits of pooling call centers (in different geo- In this setting, authors established that pooling
graphical locations) into one. Using approximation queues can be undesirable for the principle because
formulas for a two-server queueing system, van Dijk of server incentives. Shunko et al. (2018) conducted
and van der Sluis (2008) made the observation that controlled laboratory experiments to find evidence
when customers are identical, a pooled system re- of server slowdown due to pooling queues. Jouini
sults in smaller long-run average waiting time than et al. (2008) numerically demonstrated that the ded-
its dedicated counterpart. Andradóttir et al. (2017) icated system can outperform the pooled system
showed that even if servers are subject to failures, if each agent works slower in the pooled system
pooling queues always results in smaller expected potentially because of decreased customer owner-
steady-state number of jobs in the system and hence, ship. Song et al. (2015) empirically investigated the
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3788 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

effects of pooling in an emergency department and decisions. Moreover, the main performance metric in
found that the dedicated system is superior to the our paper is social welfare, which is the same as
pooled system with respect to the average waiting consumer surplus in our setting.
time and the average length of stay. The paper at- Our work is also relevant to the literature that
tributes this to physicians’ increased ownership of the studies delay-sensitive rational customers making
patients under the dedicated system. Do et al. (2015) their own decisions in observable queueing systems.
theoretically analyzed the implications of server The comparison of pooled versus dedicated queues
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slowdown due to pooling and showed that the has not been investigated in this literature. Our
pooled system can result in larger expected waiting formulation of customers builds on the framework
time than the dedicated system. Using a data set developed and analyzed in the seminal work by
from a supermarket, Wang and Zhou (2017) provided Naor (1969). Naor (1969) considered a single-server
empirical evidence that pooling queues can increase queue where customers can observe the queue length
the service time. The main driver of this finding was and decide whether to join the queue or balk de-
explained to be the social loafing effect with a pooled pending on their expected net benefit of joining the
queue. Armony et al. (2017) considered a two-server queue. In his setting, a balking customer gains zero
queueing system where servers can choose their long- expected net benefit, whereas each joining customer
run average service rates and incur a cost for the incurs a constant waiting cost per unit of time spent
expected workload or busyness. The authors showed in the system and receives a reward upon service
that if servers are workload averse, pooling queues completion. One of the main findings of Naor (1969)
always achieves lower expected queue length but can is that allowing customers to make their own de-
result in larger expected work in process. cisions results in social welfare loss compared with
c. Apart from two factors explained in (a) and (b), the maximum achievable welfare. Many articles
Rothkopf and Rech (1987) conjectured that when extend the model analyzed in Naor (1969) in vari-
jockeying (i.e., switching from one queue to another) ous dimensions. The comprehensive review of these
among parallel queues is possible for customers, papers can be found in Hassin and Haviv (2003)
under very mild conditions, the average waiting time and Hassin (2016).
under the pooled system can be larger than that under
the dedicated system. 1.3. Outline of the Paper
It is worth emphasizing that none of the papers The remainder of our paper is organized as follows.
mentioned in (a)–(c) theoretically analyze customers Section 2 introduces the model and includes pre-
who can make their own joining decisions. Unlike all liminary analysis. Section 3 includes main results
of the papers mentioned above, our work provides a and their interpretations. Section 4 studies sev-
theoretical analysis of such self-optimizing customers eral extensions of the base model. Section 5 pro-
in the context of pooling queues. In our problem vides additional discussions. Section 6 includes
formulation, to avoid any performance advantage concluding remarks. Proofs of all formal results as
to the dedicated system and to analyze the effect of well as supplementary materials are presented in the
customers’ joining decisions in isolation, we will ex- online appendix.
clude the factors that were previously observed to
cause pooling to potentially perform worse than the 2. Model
dedicated system. Consider a first-come, first-served queueing system
Lu et al. (2013) empirically analyzed a data set with N ≥ 2 identical servers. The service time of each
from a supermarket’s checkout line. Considering a server is exponentially distributed with rate μ > 0.1
specific queue setting, Lu et al. (2013) found evidence The system can be run with either dedicated queues
that the queue length can be an important driver of or a pooled queue. These two alternatives will be
customers’ purchasing behaviors. Based on this, Lu called dedicated and pooled systems and indexed by
et al. (2013) argued that if there existed a practical j  d and j  p, respectively.
setting in which customers’ purchasing behaviors The dedicated system contains N separate queues,
under pooled and dedicated systems were both the each served by a separate server. In this setting, a
same as the one identified by the authors, pooling server together with its queue is called a dedicated
queues may decrease average waiting time because of subsystem. In the dedicated system, customers arrive
balking. Lu et al. (2013) considered a specific queue to each queue according to a Poisson process with rate
setting in their study and hence, did not empirically Λd  λ, and a server provides service only to cus-
investigate the trade-offs between pooled and dedi- tomers in his own queue.2 In contrast, in the pooled
cated systems. Unlike Lu et al. (2013), our paper system, separate queues are combined into a single
theoretically compares pooled versus dedicated one, and customers arrive to the queue according to a
systems by considering rational customers’ joining Poisson process with rate Λp  Nλ. Whenever a server
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3789

completes serving a customer, he serves the next The aforementioned optimal threshold rule implies
customer waiting in the queue. Here, Λd and Λp can two key characteristics of the systems in our analysis.
be interpreted as potential arrival rate for a queue in First, the rate at which customers join the queue,
the associated system. In light of this, the ratio which is represented by λe,j , is always smaller than
. the potential arrival rate Λj for j ∈ {d, p}. Second, re-
ρ  λ/μ (1) gardless of the value of the potential system load ρ,
both pooled and dedicated systems are stable.5
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is called the potential system load. As will be explained

later, the actual arrival rate to a queue is different than Our primary goal is to analyze the implications
the potential arrival rate because the former is de- of pooling for social welfare. In doing so, we will also
termined by customers’ joining decisions. study the implications of pooling for average so-
Customers make their own joining decisions. In journ time: that is, long-run average time spent in
both systems j  d and j  p, upon arrival, each cus- the system.
tomer first observes the length of the queue she Denote by Wj the average sojourn time in system
arrives and then decides whether to join the queue or j ∈ {d, p}. In our setting, the social welfare equals the
balk.3 If an arriving customer decides to join the consumer surplus, which is the sum of long-run av-
queue, the customer incurs cost c > 0 per unit time she erage net gains of all customers in a system. As a
spends in the system. A customer gains a benefit R result, the social welfare in system j ∈ {d, p} is equal
after service completion, and the service is free of to the multiplication of these two factors: (i) a single
charge. Considering a queueing system that provides customer’s long-run average net benefit R − Wj c and
free of charge service is common in the literature. (ii) the long-run average number of customers served;
Although their research questions are very different that is, throughput, θj :
than ours, several studies analyze such systems (see, ( )
SWj  R − Wj c θj
for instance, Hassin 1985, Armony et al. 2009, Gai {( )
et al. 2016, and Haviv and Oz 2016). All of our results . R − Wj c λe,j  Rλe,j − cLj if j  p,
 ( )
and their proofs extend in a straightforward fashion if R − Wj c λe,j N  Rλe,j N − cLj N if j  d.
customers pay a fixed fee f > 0 upon service com-
pletion. In our formulation, all model parameters are
common knowledge. Because μ and N are known, for Here, Lp is the (steady-state) average number of
customers, observing the queue length is the same as customers in the pooled system, Ld represents its
observing their real-time expected sojourn time. counterpart in one of the N dedicated subsystems, and
As in Naor (1969), if an arriving customer decides to the throughput θj satisfies the following:
balk, she neither gets a benefit nor incurs a cost, and {
hence, she gains zero net benefit.4 If a customer ar- λe,j if j  p,
θj  (4)
rives to a particular queue, the customer receives the λe,j N if j  d.
following expected net benefit by joining the queue:
Note from (3) and (4) that social welfare can be ex-
[ ( )] { }
E U n; j  R − W̄j (n + 1)c, j ∈ d, p . (2) pressed in terms of throughput and either average
sojourn time or average number of customers in the
Here, W̄j (n + 1) represents the expected time spent by system. In our paper, we will use both of these al-
the arriving customer in the system; for the pooled ternative representations.
system, n represents the number of customers who are
already in the system, and for the dedicated system, 2.1. Preliminary Analysis
n corresponds to the number of customers who are To avoid trivialities, this paper focuses on a set-
already in the arrived subsystem. A customer joins ting where
the queue if and only if her expected net benefit is ⌊ ⌋
nonnegative, which is equivalent to the following . Rμ
by (2): k ≥ 1. (5)
[ ( )]
E U n; j  R − W̄j (n + 1)c ≥ 0;
Here, · is the standard floor function. Condition (5)
otherwise, she balks. This suggests that an arriving implies that an arriving customer always joins an
customer optimally joins the queue if and only if the empty system. Define the normalized benefit of ser-
number of customers in the queue and its associated vice as
service is smaller than a threshold that depends on the .
system type; otherwise, the customer balks. ν  Rμ/c. (6)
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3790 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

Lemma 1. In the pooled system, an arriving customer joins 3.1. Step-by-Step Analysis to Establish
the queue if and only if the number of customers already in Theorem 1(a)
the system is n ≤ K − 1, where Because the throughput is an important determinant
⌊ ⌋ of social welfare by (3), we first present the follow-
. RNμ ing result.
K . (7)
Proposition 1. The dedicated system results in strictly
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Furthermore, in the pooled system, for K > N, the average smaller throughput than the pooled system (i.e., θd < θp ).
sojourn time and social welfare are, respectively, given by The rationale behind Proposition 1 is as follows.
∑N−1 N i i N N ∑K The dedicated system has N subsystems, and each
i0 i! iρ + N!
iN iρ
Wp  (∑N−1 N N ∑K−1 i
) , (8) of them is a single-server queueing system with a
i0 i! ρ + N! iN ρ Nλ
Ni i
( ) balking threshold k. Thus, there can be a situation
ρ where a customer arrives to a dedicated subsystem
SWp  1 − ∑N−1 N i N! N N ∑K RNλ and finds out that there are already k customers in the
i0 i! ρ + N! iN ρ
i i
subsystem, whereas other dedicated subsystems
∑N−1 N i i N N ∑K
i! iρ + N!
iN iρ (9)
have not reached their balking thresholds. Such a
− ∑i0 ∑ c,
situation does not arise in the pooled system because
i0 i! ρ + N!
N−1 N i i NN K ρi
the pooled system has a single queue with balking
where ρ is as defined in (1). threshold K, which is more than N times the balking
Lemma 2. In the dedicated system, an arriving customer threshold k of the dedicated system by (11). Moreover,
joins the queue if and only if the number of customers already the pooled system also reduces idleness; this makes
in that subsystem is n ≤ k − 1, where k is as defined in (5). it less likely for the pooled system to operate at the
Furthermore, in the dedicated system, the average sojourn balking threshold than the dedicated system. Because
time and social welfare are, respectively, given by of all these reasons, the pooled system results in
∑k i
strictly smaller balking probability and hence, strictly
i0 iρ larger throughput than the dedicated system, as
Wd  (∑k−1 ) and
i0 ρ λ
proved in Proposition 1.
( ) ∑k Proposition 1 and the form of the social welfare in (3)
ρk iρi
SWd  1 − ∑k i RNλ − ∑i0 Nc, (10) suggest that the dedicated system can outperform
i0 ρ i0 ρ
k i
the pooled system in terms of social welfare only
where ρ is as defined in (1). when the former has a sufficiently lower average
Based on Lemmas 1 and 2, hereafter, we refer to k as sojourn time (or sufficiently lower average num-
the balking threshold in the dedicated system and K as ber of customers in the system) that offsets the
the balking threshold in the pooled system. Note that the lower throughput.
balking thresholds satisfy We now introduce a “scaled queueing system” (i.e.,
SQ system) as a bridge for the comparison between
K ≥ Nk. (11) the dedicated and pooled systems. We consider the
3. Analysis SQ system because comparing the dedicated and SQ
We will first establish our key result. That is, when systems or comparing the pooled and SQ systems is
customers make their own joining decisions, pooling analytically more tractable than directly comparing
queues can strictly decrease the social welfare even the dedicated and pooled systems.
with identical servers and customers. Specifically, we
will prove in Theorem 1(a) that such a result arises Definition 1. An SQ system is a single-server queueing
when ρ > 1 and ν > η for some finite η. To do so, we system indexed by j  s with the following proper-
will provide a step-by-step analysis for Theorem 1(a) ties. (a) Customers arrive to the system according to a
in Section 3.1. Recall that the social welfare (3) is Poisson process with rate λN. (b) The service time has
determined by the throughput and the average so- an exponential distribution with rate μN. (c) Each ar-
journ time (or the average number of customers in the riving customer balks if and only if the number of
system). In light of this, the key findings in Section 3.1 customers already in the system is larger than K (as
are as follows. The pooled system results in strictly defined in (7)); otherwise, she joins the system.
larger throughput than the dedicated system. But, In the remainder of this section, Proposition 2
when ρ > 1 and ν > η, pooling queues increases av- will prove that the SQ system always dominates
erage sojourn time (average number of customers in the pooled system (in terms of θ· , W· , and SW· ).
the system) so much that the pooled system results Proposition 3 will identify the conditions under
in strictly smaller social welfare than the dedi- which the dedicated system results in strictly larger
cated system. social welfare than the SQ system. Combining these
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3791

two results will give us the conditions under which Then, when ν > η in addition to ρ > 1, πs (·) puts rel-
the dedicated system dominates the pooled system atively more weight to larger values of i, compared
in terms of social welfare. with πd (·), because the support of πs (·) extends to
In the following results, θs , Ws , and SWs represent much larger values of i than πd (·) when ν > η. This
the throughput, average sojourn time, and social and (11) immediately imply Proposition 3(b).
welfare in the SQ system, respectively.
Remark 1. (a) Under (12), Ws > Wd , which is proved at
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Proposition 2 (SQ vs. Pooled). Compared with the pooled the end of Online Appendix D. Proposition 3(a) and the
system, the SQ system results in (a) strictly larger through- form of social welfare imply that under (12), Ws − Wd is
put (i.e., θs > θp ), (b) strictly smaller average sojourn so large that we have Proposition 3(c). (b) There exists a
time (i.e., Ws < Wp ), and (c) strictly larger social welfare constant ̃η such that if ρ < 1 and ν > ̃ η, Wd > Ws and
(i.e., SWs > SWp ). SWd < SWs . Proposition EC.1 in Online Appendix E
There are two key observations related to the SQ formalizes this result.
system. (i) The SQ and pooled systems have the same
balking threshold K. (ii) The service rate in the SQ 3.2. The Formal Statement and Discussion of
system is (weakly) larger than the one in the pooled Theorem 1
system for any given number of customers in the system, In light of Propositions 1–3, we now state our key result.
and the former is strictly larger than the latter when Theorem 1. There exist constants η and η̄ such that the
the number of customers in the system is small. Then, following results hold.
by (i) and (ii), the SQ system results in strictly smaller a. The dedicated system results in (i) strictly smaller
average sojourn time than the pooled system, as average sojourn time and (ii) strictly larger social welfare
proved in Proposition 2(b). This and Proposition 2(a) than the pooled system: that is, Wd < Wp and SWd > SWp ,
immediately imply Proposition 2(c). respectively, if
To state Proposition 3, denote by Ls the steady-state
average number of customers in the SQ system and ρ>1 and ν > η, (13)
recall that Ld is the steady-state average number of
customers in each of the N dedicated subsystems. where η is as in Proposition 3, and ρ and ν are defined in (1)
and (6), respectively.
Proposition 3 (SQ vs. Dedicated). (a) The dedicated sys- b. The pooled system results in (i) smaller average so-
tem results in strictly smaller throughput than the SQ system journ time and (ii) strictly larger social welfare than the
(i.e., θs > θd ). Moreover, compared with the SQ system, the dedicated system: that is, Wp ≤ Wd and SWp > SWd , re-
dedicated system results in (b) significantly smaller average spectively, if either
number of customers (i.e., Ls − NLd > (N − 1)/(2(ρ − 1)) > 0)
and (c) strictly larger social welfare (i.e., SWd > SWs ) if ν < (N + 1)/N (14)
ρ>1 and ν > η, (12) or

where ν is as in (6), and η is finite when ρ > 1 and does not ρ<1 and ν > η̄, (15)
depend on either R or c.
Let us explain the rationale behind Proposition 3. where η̄ is finite when ρ < 1, and does not depend on either
Part (a) follows from Propositions 1 and 2(a). The R or c.
condition (12) guarantees that Ls is significantly larger In our setting, which allows for customer balking
than NLd , as proved in Proposition 3(b), and θs − θd > in a stable system, if (13) holds, Wd < Ws < Wp and
0 is small. From this, Proposition 3(c) follows because SWd > SWs > SWp (by Propositions 2 and 3 and
SWd  Rθd − cNLd and SWs  Rθs − cLs . Remark 1(a)). Thus, we have Theorem 1(a). It is worth
We now explain how (12) guarantees the afore- noting that the classical understanding, which as-
mentioned two properties. The condition ν > η im- sumes no customer balking in a stable system, sug-
plies that θs − θd is small. The reason is when ν > η, gests that Ws < Wp < Wd and SWs > SWp > SWd , where
the balking thresholds in each dedicated subsystem j  s here is the modified scaled system that as-
and the SQ system are both very large. Hence, the sumes no balking and satisfies properties (a) and (b)
throughputs θs and θd are very close to each other. To in Definition 1.6
explain the rationale for Proposition 3(b), let πd (i) We now explain the conditions in Theorem 1(b). If
(πs (i)) denote the steady-state probability of having i (14) holds, a joining customer immediately enters the
customers in a dedicated subsystem (in the SQ sys- service in both dedicated and pooled systems because
tem). For ρ > 1, steady-state probabilities πd (i) and k  1 and K  N under that condition. Thus, dedicated
πs (i) are convex increasing in i, the number of customers. and pooled systems have the same average sojourn
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3792 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

time Wj and provide the same long-run average net We can see that the sufficient condition (13) consti-
benefit to each joining customer. This and strictly tutes a large portion of the parameter set in which
larger throughput in the pooled system (by Propo- SWd > SWp . (Similar figures can also be obtained for
sition 1) imply strictly larger social welfare for the other N values; see, e.g., Figure EC.1 in Online Ap-
pooled system if (14) holds. pendix N for a comparison of pooled and dedicated
The conditions in (15) can be explained as fol- systems when N  2.)
lows. When the benefit is large (i.e., ν > η̄), balking Figure 1 suggests that, for a given service rate,
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thresholds are large in both systems. With a rela- SWd > SWp if and only if ν is not too small and ρ is
tively small potential load (i.e., ρ < 1), dedicated and larger than a threshold. Moreover, the parameter
pooled systems barely achieve their balking thresh- region in which SWd > SWp is a subset of the pa-
olds, implying very small expected number of balking rameter region in which Wd < Wp . This is because if
customers for both systems. Thus, the pooled and the dedicated system results in larger social welfare
dedicated systems have very close throughputs un- than the pooled system at a given ρ, then, by (3) and
der (15). Moreover, under these conditions, there is Proposition 1, it must also result in strictly smaller
significant idleness in the dedicated system. As a re- average sojourn time than the pooled system at the
sult, pooling results in smaller average sojourn time by same ρ.
reducing idleness in the system. This and Proposition 1 Observe from Figure 1 that it is possible to have
imply larger social welfare for the pooled system. Wp > Wd when ρ < 1. For other numerical examples,
we also observed that it is possible to have SWd > SWp
3.3. Numerical Comparison of the Pooled and for ρ < 1 when ν is not too large. This means that ρ > 1
Dedicated Systems is not a necessary condition for the superior perfor-
Figure 1 pictures the conditions under which the mance of the dedicated system. However, we would
dedicated system outperforms the pooled system like to note that the parameter region in which SWd >
for a numerical example. From this example, we can SWp with ρ < 1 is much smaller compared with
observe that for a wide range of parameters, the the one with ρ > 1. This implies that when ρ < 1, the
dedicated system results in strictly larger social traditional superiority of the pooled system over the
welfare than the pooled system. As indicated in the dedicated one is mainly recovered.
figure, the darkest-shaded region corresponds to the Theorem 1 and Figure 1 demonstrate that λ plays
parameter space identified by (13) in Theorem 1(a). an important role in the comparison between the

Figure 1. Comparison of Pooled and Dedicated Systems when c  1, μ  1, and N  10

Note. Displayed boundaries between regions, except the one for the darkest-shaded region, have jumps because of the floor function in k and K.
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3793

dedicated system and the pooled system through ρ. Remark 2. Any result or numerical observation about
Figure 2 sheds more light on the effect of ρ on the com- SWd /SWp and Wp /Wd can easily be expressed in terms
parison between the pooled and dedicated systems. of the percentages βSW  ((SWd − SWp )/SWp ) × 100%
Figure 2 demonstrates Wp /Wd and SWd /SWp for a and βW  ((Wp − Wd )/Wd ) × 100%, respectively, because
numerical example with a given service rate μ. A key βSW  SWd /SWp − 1 and βW  Wp /Wd − 1.
message from this figure is that the dedicated system
can result in significantly larger social welfare than 3.4. The Impact of Number of Servers N and the
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the pooled system for large ρ. In fact, for this example, Magnitude of Performance Gain
as ρ → ∞, SWd /SWp converges to approximately 65. We now analyze the impact of N on the comparison of
The value limρ→∞ SWd /SWp can be analytically veri- pooled and dedicated systems. Consider a sequence
fied as follows. For a given service rate, as ρ → ∞, of systems indexed by n  {2, 3, . . .} such that in the
both dedicated and pooled systems mostly operate nth system, there are N  n servers, and the total
at their balking thresholds. This means that in the potential arrival rate in the system is nλ. In this
limit (i.e., ρ → ∞), every joined customer joins as context, n can be seen as a proxy for the system size. In
the last customer before the system reaches its balking light of this and Remark 2, Theorem 2 proves that
threshold and hence, experiences the longest (feasi- when customers make their own joining decisions,
ble) expected sojourn time in the system with prob- pooling a larger system results in larger percentage
ability 1. Furthermore, as ρ → ∞, because servers are loss in social welfare under certain conditions. In
busy with probability 1, throughputs of the dedi- Theorem 2 and related discussions, we will include N
cated and pooled systems are the same and equal to as an argument of the performance metric under
the total service rate (Nμ). Combining these and (3), consideration to emphasize its dependence on N.
we conclude that limρ→∞ SWd  Nμ(R − ck/μ) and Among the considered metrics, Wd (N) is the only one
limρ→∞ SWp  Nμ(R − cK/(Nμ)).7 Among other prop- that does not change with N; we include N as an
erties, the steep increase in Wp /Wd around ρ  1 in argument of Wd just for notational consistency.
Figure 2 shows that when ρ is close to 1, the average
sojourn time can increase in the potential load sig- Theorem 2. Suppose that ν is an integer. (a) There exists a
nificantly faster under the pooled system, than under constant η1 such that Wp (N)/Wd (N) is larger than 1 and
the dedicated system. This increase eventually leads strictly increases in the system size if ρ > 1 and ν > η1 . The
to welfare loss under pooling. Note from Figure 2 that constant η1 is finite when ρ > 1 and does not depend on
the explained sojourn time phenomenon cannot be either R or c. (b) There exists a constant η2 such that
observed as ρ → 0 or ρ → ∞. (The aforementioned SWd (N)/SWp (N) is larger than 1 and strictly increases in
sojourn time observations are analytically verified by the system size if ρ > 1 and ν > η2 . The constant η2 is finite
(EC.73), (EC.75), and (EC.76) in Lemma EC.7, which is when ρ > 1 and does not depend on either R or c.
in Online Appendix G.) Overall, Figure 2 underscores
the importance of judiciously evaluating the pooled Remark 3. For expositional brevity, Theorem 2 states
and dedicated systems for services, as the relative the result for integer ν. Online Appendix H provides a
performance of a system can be very sensitive to a proof for the generalized version of Theorem 2 that is
change in ρ. also valid for noninteger ν.

Figure 2. (Color online) Sensitivity of the Performance Ratios with Respect to ρ

Note. The following parameters are used: R  75, c  4, N  10, and μ  0.15.
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3794 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

There are two main drivers of Theorem 2. (i) In both ratios display a certain nonmonotone pattern in
the dedicated subsystem and pooled system, the Figure 3. In particular, the ratios increase with N for
stationary probability of having l customers in the five data points, switch to a different level, and then
system is convex and increasing in l for ρ > 1, and increase with N for five more data points. This pattern
(ii) the balking threshold in the pooled system increases repeats itself. Such a pattern is observed when ν is not
in N. Based on (1) and (ii), when there is a performance an integer (because of the floor function in k and K); if ν
loss because of pooling, the loss is exacerbated even is an integer, both ratios strictly increase with N under
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more with an increase in the system size. the conditions identified in Theorem 2.
It is well established in the literature that pooling Theorem 2 and Remark 2 proved that for a given R,
queues in a larger system provides larger perfor- social welfare improvement under the dedicated
mance benefits. For instance, Benjaafar (1995) dem- system strictly increases with the system size under
onstrates that when there is no balking, the average certain conditions. This naturally brings forth the
delay decreases with the system size when multiple following question: compared with the pooled sys-
M/M/1 systems are combined and run as a pooled tem, how much can the dedicated system improve
system (see Kulkarni 2010 and Sztrik 2012 for the the social welfare SW? Theorem 3 answers this
fundamentals of the M/M/1 queueing system). An question by identifying a lower bound on the achievable
important implication of this observation in their SWd /SWp . In the statement of Theorem 3, we include
setting is that the social welfare benefit of pooling R as an argument of SW(·) to emphasize its depen-
also increases with the system size. In contrast, by dence on R.
Remark 2, Theorem 2 proves that percentage gain in
Theorem 3. The social welfare ratio satisfies the following
social welfare due to separating queues can strictly
for ρ > 1:
increase with the system size when customers make { }
their own joining decisions. The reason for the con- max SWd (R)/SWp (R) > (N − 1). (16)
trast between Theorem 2 and the classical finding in
Benjaafar (1995) about the effect of system size on the Theorem 3 and Remark 2 imply that there exist
benefit of pooling is the following. In Benjaafar (1995), systems in which separating queues improves the
customers are not delay-sensitive and join the system social welfare by more than (N − 2)100% compared
regardless. Therefore, that study assumes an infinite with pooling them, and R is a key determinant of the
buffer size and ρ < 1 for stability. In contrast, our existence of such systems. Figure 4 displays plots for
paper considers rational joining decisions of delay- two systems that satisfy (16). Based on Theorem 3 and
sensitive customers (which imply a finite balking Figure 4, we can see that operating a system with
threshold) and allows for ρ > 1. dedicated queues rather than a pooled one can sig-
Figure 3 displays for a numerical example the nificantly improve the social welfare even in small-
impact of the system size on the performance ratios scale systems. For example, in this example, the
when ν is not an integer. Figure 3 shows that when ν dedicated system can improve the social welfare as
is not an integer, the ratios demonstrate a generally large as 466% and 5,710.2% when N  5 and N  50,
increasing trend in N. Online Appendix H provides a respectively. Figure 4 suggests that the dedicated
proof for this observation. Note also that both of these system can achieve the large performance gain on the

Figure 3. (Color online) The Effect of the Number of Servers N on the W and SW Ratios

Note. The parameters are as follows: λ = 0.35, c = 1, µ = 0.3, and R = 16.

Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3795

Figure 4. (Color online) The Effect of the Benefit R on the W and SW Ratios
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Notes. The parameters are as follows: λ  0.35, c  1, and μ  0.3. In this example, the displayed functions are nonsmooth because of the floor
function in k and K. Total potential arrival rate in the system is λN. Thus, N can be seen as the scale of the system.

right-hand side of (16) when R is large. However, i. Welfare maximization. For each system j ∈ {d, p}, a
welfare benefit of the dedicated system can still be service fee fj is set to maximize the social welfare:
significant when R is not very large. For example, .( ( )) ( ) { }
when N  50, the percentage improvement in social max SWj  R − cWj fj θj fj , j ∈ d, p , (17)
fj ≥0
welfare under the dedicated system is larger than
100% for R ≥ 7.5. The reason is that pooling queues where θj (·) is the throughput in the system j ∈ {d, p}.
can drastically increase the average sojourn time The social welfare does not include the term fj θj ( fj )
W even at moderate benefit R; in fact, the maximum because the total collected fee is just a transfer be-
percentage increase in W is typically observed at tween customers and the fee collector.
moderate R, as suggested by Figure 4 and Remark 2. ii. Revenue maximization. For each system j ∈ {d,p},
An important corollary of Theorem 3 is the follow- a service fee fj is set to maximize the service pro-
ing. Compared with the pooled system, the dedicated vider’s revenue:
system may improve social welfare in a way that the . ( ) { }
max RVj  fj θj fj , j ∈ d, p . (18)
percentage improvement in social welfare eventually fj ≥0
takes values larger than any fixed value as the system
size goes to infinity. Thus, the achievable percentage Proposition 4. (a) Under the welfare maximization for-
improvement in the social welfare under the dedi- mulation (17), the maximum social welfare in the pooled
cated system (compared with the pooled system) can system is greater than or equal to that in the dedicated
indeed be drastically large for very large systems. system. (b) Under the revenue maximization formulation
(18), the maximum revenue in the pooled system is greater
4. Extensions than or equal to that in the dedicated system.
In this section, we aim to check the robustness of our Let us explain the rationale behind Proposition 4(a).
key result in Theorem 1(a). This analysis will also help By setting the fee, the social planner prevents the
us further investigate what causes the dedicated system from becoming too congested, and hence,
system to outperform the pooled system in terms of customers cannot overutilize the system.8 In that case,
social welfare. the pooled system improves the system efficiency by
reducing idleness in the system. Thus, under for-
4.1. Optimal Pricing mulation (17), in the pooled system, by setting the fee,
Suppose that each customer pays a fee upon service the social planner not only changes customers’ joining
completion in the system j ∈ {d, p}, and this service fee behaviors in a socially optimal way but also achieves
is set to either maximize the service provider’s rev- the system efficiency. As a result, as proved in Proposi-
enue or the social welfare. All other modeling ele- tion 4(a), the pooled system outperforms the dedi-
ments are the same as in Section 2. cated system when formulation (17) is considered.
Based on this, we will compare the pooled and ded- Proposition 4(b) follows from two facts. (i) For any
icated systems under the following two formulations. fixed service fee, the pooled system results in strictly
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3796 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

larger throughput than the dedicated system. The Figure 5 depicts social welfare performances of
rationale behind this fact is the same as the one three systems (i.e., pooled, dedicated, and alternative
explained for Proposition 1. This fact implies that systems) for a numerical example. 11 Note from this
when fees in both systems are set to any given fee figure that under certain conditions, the alterna-
(e.g., the optimal fee for the dedicated system), the tive system outperforms the pooled system, and
revenue under the pooled system is strictly larger thus, the key result in Theorem 1(a) extends to this
than that under the dedicated system. (ii) Under setting. Figure 5 provides a key observation. Among
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formulation (18), the optimal fee for the dedicated the three systems, the one that achieves the larg-
system is feasible but not necessarily optimal for the est social welfare is (a) the pooled system when the
pooled system. potential system load ρ is small (i.e., ρ ∈ (0, 0.74]),
In light of the setting in Hassin (1986), it might also (b) the alternative system when ρ is moderate
be of interest to analyze the social welfare under (i.e., ρ ∈ (0.74, 1.88]), and (c) the dedicated system
formulation (18). One can show that under formu- when ρ is large (i.e., ρ > 1.88). We observed this
lation (18), the social welfare under the pooled system structure for many additional numerical examples
is strictly smaller than the one under the dedicated as well. We now explain the rationale behind this
system when ν is moderate. observed structure. In this example, the throughput
under the system j ∈ {d, p, a} satisfies θp ≥ θa > θd for
4.2. Join-the-Shortest-Queue Policy any ρ, and the positive throughput difference be-
In the base model described in Section 2, there is a tween any two systems increases with ρ for small ρ.
separate arrival stream for each queue in the dedi- Based on this, the reason for (a) is as follows. When ρ is
cated system. Consider an alternative dedicated small, the average sojourn time under the pooled
queueing system where an arriving customer ob- system is either the smallest among the three systems
serves the number of customers in each of N queues or very close to the ones under the other two systems
and then decides whether to join a queue or balk. This (see left panel of Figure 5). When it is the former, (a)
system is called the alternative system and denoted by follows from the aforementioned throughput relation.
the index j  a. In the alternative system, if an arriving When it is the latter, (a) holds because the throughput
customer decides to join, she optimally chooses the under pooled system is considerably larger than the one
shortest queue.9 In this setting, an arriving customer under any of the other two systems. There are two reasons
optimally balks if and only if each of the N dedicated for (b).(i) Whenρ is moderate, the pooled system yields
subsystems already has k customers. much larger average sojourn time W than the alter-
It is well known that the exact analysis of the join- native system. The resulting increase in W under the
the-shortest-queue (JSQ) policy in a first-come, first-served pooled system is so large that the alternative system
queueing system is typically intractable (Gupta et al. results in strictly larger social welfare than the pooled
2007).10 Thus, the vast majority of the literature fo- system. (ii) When ρ is moderate, compared with the
cuses on approximations or numerical analysis to dedicated system, the alternative system significantly
evaluate the performance of the JSQ policy (see, e.g., improves the throughput by giving customers more
Grassmann 1980, Rao and Posner 1987, and Nelson discretion in their joining decisions. The significantly
and Philips 1993). In light of this, we will present our larger throughput in the alternative system translates
numerical insights in this section. into the larger social welfare for the alternative system.
Figure 5. (Color online) The Effect of ρ on the Average Sojourn Time and Social Welfare

Note. The parameters are as follows: λ  0.35, c  1, and μ  0.3.

Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3797

Finally, (c) holds because relatively, the average sojourn Let us explain when partial pooling performs the
time under the dedicated system is much lower than the best among all system designs. From Figure 6, we
one under the pooled or the alternative system. observe that partial pooling outperforms both the
dedicated and pooled systems when ν is moderate
and ρ is strictly larger than one but not very large. For
4.3. Partial Pooling example, in Figure 6, at ν  2.2 and ρ  1.8, partial
This section allows for partial pooling, which refers to pooling with M  2 maximizes the social welfare
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combining only some of the separate queues (instead among all systems. The reason behind these numer-
of all queues) to form a single line. To focus on rea- ical observations is as follows. Under the aforemen-
sonable number of partial pooling scenarios, this tioned conditions, the system throughput concavely
section considers symmetric partial pooling, meaning increases with M. More specifically, throughput
that each pooled subsystem (within the partially significantly increases with M when M grows from
pooled system) contains the same number of servers. M  1 to small values of M > 1 (e.g., M  2), whereas it
Thus, under partial pooling, every M (which can be does not change too much with M for moderate or
any divisor of N except one or N) queues of the N large values of M. Thus, compared with the dedicated
queues are combined into a separate single queue. system, any partially pooled system or the pooled
Figure 6 pictures a numerical example that allows system results in significantly larger throughput.
for partial pooling. This figure demonstrates that the Moreover, under the stated conditions, compared
dedicated system generates the maximum social with the dedicated system, complete pooling (i.e.,
welfare among all systems when ν is not too small M  N) significantly increases the average sojourn
and ρ is larger than a threshold. Theorem 2(b) has an time, whereas a partially pooled system with a small
important implication for this setting: the dedicated or moderate M results in the average sojourn time being
system outperforms partial pooling in terms of social very close to the one under the dedicated system. Thus,
welfare when the conditions in Theorem 2(b) hold. In under the stated conditions, when separate queues are
fact, under these conditions, the dedicated system partially pooled, the system throughput significantly
performs the best among all system designs. Thus, the increases without a considerable increase in the av-
dedicated system outperforms all other system designs erage sojourn time. As a result, partial pooling maxi-
under conditions similar to the ones in Theorem 1(a). mizes social welfare when ν is moderate, and ρ is
The reason why our key result—the superiority of strictly larger than one but not very large.
dedicated system under some conditions—extends
to the partial pooling setting is as follows. When a 4.4. Unobservable System
system is partially pooled, there is no interaction This section studies an unobservable system setting
between distinct subsystems of pooled queues, and where the queue length information or real-time
thus, each subsystem of pooled queues can be viewed expected delay information is not available to cus-
as an independent system of pooled queues. Conse- tomers. (See Hassin and Haviv 2003 and Hassin 2016
quently, the comparison between a partially pooled for literature reviews on unobservable service sys-
system and its dedicated counterpart is equivalent to tems. Also, see, e.g., Afèche 2013, Yang et al. 2017, and
the comparison between each pooled subsystem and Ravner and Shamir 2020 for some of the novel prob-
the dedicated counterpart of that subsystem.12 lems studied in that context.) All other modeling
Figure 6. The Following Parameters Are Used: c = 1, µ = 1, N = 20
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3798 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

elements are the same as the ones in Section 2. There such that the effective system load is always strictly
are two key insights in this section: if queue length smaller than one. Because of this and the fact that the
information is not available to the customers, (i) the buffer size is unlimited in the unobservable system,
social welfare under the pooled system is greater pooled and dedicated systems in the unobservable
than or equal to the social welfare under the dedi- case behave similar to the ones studied by Smith and
cated system when the service is free of charge, Whitt (1981). Hence, the classical benefit of pooling is
and (ii) the pooled system still dominates the dedicated recovered in the unobservable setting.
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system in terms of social welfare (revenue) when a fee is

set to maximize social welfare (the provider’s revenue). 4.5. Observability as a System Feature
Our formulation is as follows. Arriving customers There could be practical scenarios in which running
decide whether to join or balk based on the potential systems with observable or unobservable queues
arrival rate Λj and average sojourn time in the system are both feasible options. In such cases, a system
j ∈ {d, p}. A customer’s joining/balking strategy is can be run in one of the following four alternative
determined by a joining probability qj for j ∈ {d, p}; a ways: pooled observable, pooled unobservable,
customer joins the queue with probability qj and balks dedicated observable, and dedicated unobservable.
with probability (1 − qj ). The unique equilibrium in Considering these four alternatives, we proved
this setting is characterized and explained in Online Proposition 6. This result and the discussion fol-
Appendix K.1; that section also includes additional lowing it complement the literature that studies an
details about the setting. M/M/1 setting to understand if revealing queue
length information improves the social welfare (see,
Proposition 5. (a) When service is free of charge, in equilib-
for instance, Hassin 1986, Hassin and Roet-Green
rium, the social welfare under the unobservable pooled system
2017, and Hu et al. 2018).
is greater than or equal to the social welfare under the unob-
servable dedicated system. (b) When the fee is set to maximize Proposition 6. (a) When there is no service fee, the social
the social welfare (the provider’s revenue) for each system welfare under the observable pooled system is greater than or
j ∈ {d, p}, in equilibrium, the social welfare at the welfare- equal to the social welfare under both the unobservable pooled
maximizing fee (at the revenue-maximizing fee) under the system and th unobservable dedicated system in equilibrium.
unobservable pooled system is greater than or equal to the (b) When a fee is set to maximize the social welfare in each
social welfare at the welfare-maximizing fee (at the revenue- system, the observable pooled system results in the maximum
maximizing fee) under the unobservable dedicated system. social welfare among the four systems.
The proof of Proposition 5 is presented for a more A key implication of Proposition 6(a) is that when
general case with any given fixed fee f ≥ 0. Because R there is no service fee, hiding queue length or the real-
is constant, setting a fee to maximize social welfare is time expected delay information never improves the
equivalent to setting a fee to maximize the provider’s social welfare (or consumer surplus). Furthermore,
revenue; in the latter case, the provider can extract the Theorem 1(a) and Proposition 6(a) imply that when
entire consumer surplus. An immediate corollary of there is no service fee, the observable dedicated
Proposition 5(b) is that when the fee is set to maximize system results in maximum social welfare among
the provider’s revenue, the maximum revenue under the four systems if the conditions in (13) hold. By
the unobservable pooled system is larger than that Proposition 6(b), when all of the four systems are
under the unobservable dedicated system in equi- feasible options and a service fee is set to maximize
librium.13 This and Proposition 5 suggest that the the social welfare, hiding queue length cannot be
observability of queue (or customers having access to welfare-maximizing. This insight differs from the
their real-time expected delay information) is a nec- one in Hassin (1986). The reason is that Hassin (1986)
essary condition for the dedicated system to out- considers a different setting than ours; Hassin (1986)
perform the pooled system in terms of social welfare. compares the welfare under observable and unob-
Proposition 5 is in contrast with Theorem 1(a) that servable M/M/1 systems when the service provider
studies the observable queue setting. The reason is sets a fee to maximize its revenue.
as follows. When queues are unobservable, (i) the
throughput under the dedicated system is (weakly) 4.6. Heterogeneous Benefits
smaller than the one under the pooled system (see the This section extends the results in Theorem 1(a) and
proof of Proposition 5(a)) and (ii) the average sojourn Proposition 5(a) to a setting where any two customers
time under the pooled system is smaller than the one can receive different benefits from the same service.
under the dedicated system in equilibrium. Different An important insight is that the dedicated system can
from Theorem 1(a), in this setting, we have (ii) because outperform the pooled one in the observable set-
in equilibrium, every customer’s joining probability is ting with heterogeneous service benefits. Figure 7
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3799

Figure 7. (Color online) The Following Parameters Are Used: c = 1, µ = 1, N = 5, R ~ U[r, r + 1] for r > 0
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demonstrates this via a numerical example where threshold benefit (which implies the same effective
customer benefit R is uniformly distributed on [r, r + 1] arrival rate under both systems), the unobservable
for r > 0, and each customer’s service benefit is pooled system results in larger expected net benefit
independent of others’ benefits. When the variance of than the unobservable dedicated system. As a result,
R is small, the customer’s joining behavior in the customers in the unobservable pooled system are
system j ∈ {d, p} is similar to the one with the ho- more likely to join than the ones in the unobservable
mogeneous service benefit (in Section 3). Thus, in dedicated system, resulting in a smaller equilibrium
Figure 7, similar to the observations in Section 3, the threshold benefit under pooling. Then, because the
dedicated system outperforms the pooled system threshold benefit equals customer’s average waiting
when ρ and the expected normalized benefit of service cost cŴ under each system in equilibrium, pooling
(E[R]μ/c) are large. Our further numerical studies also results in smaller cŴ in equilibrium. Combining
suggest that the parameter region in which the the effect of joining threshold on the effective arrival
dedicated system outperforms the pooled system rate and the aforementioned ordering of cW ̂ under the
gets smaller when the variance of R increases. The two systems in equilibrium, Proposition EC.2 im-
reason is as follows. When the variance of R is larger, mediately follows.
the variance in balking thresholds is also larger and
thus, compared with the setting in Section 3, fewer 5. Discussions on Other Operational
customers join a system when it is very congested. Levers for Performance Improvement
Hence, when the variance of R increases, the dedi- Theorem 1(a) establishes the superiority of the ded-
cated system’s benefit, that is, preventing customers icated system over the pooled one under (13). When
from experiencing long real-time expected delay in an pooling queues is inevitable and pricing control is not
already-congested system, gets smaller. feasible for an observable queueing system, under
Apart from these, Proposition EC.2 in Online (13), there could be other operational levers to im-
Appendix M extends Proposition 5(a) by proving that prove social welfare and consumer surplus in the
the unobservable pooled system performs better than pooled system. (Social welfare and consumer surplus
the unobservable dedicated system when service are equal in our setting.)
benefits are heterogeneous. The rationale behind this In some practical settings, the number of servers
result is as follows. In the unobservable setting, there could be a feasible operational lever. By changing the
exists a threshold benefit for each system j ∈ {d, p} number of servers in the pooled system, one might
such that in equilibrium, only customers with a improve the social welfare (and customer surplus)
benefit larger than the threshold join that system. The under the pooled system. In fact, based on our nu-
threshold benefit determines the effective arrival rate merical study, when the dedicated system outper-
in each system. When unobservable pooled and forms the pooled system, by sufficiently increasing
dedicated systems are run with the equilibrium ef- the number of servers in the pooled system, the
fective arrival rate of the latter system, the classical performance of the pooled system achieves or exceeds
benefit of pooling is recovered as pooling reduces the the performance of the dedicated system. We also
average sojourn time W. ̂ (This is because in an un- numerically observe that the minimum number of
observable system j ∈ {d, p}, there is no limit on the additional servers required in the pooled system to
buffer size, and the effective arrival rate is smaller achieve or exceed the dedicated system’s perfor-
than the service rate, as in the classical case.) Based on mance increases with the potential system load.
this, if the unobservable pooled and dedicated sys- This means that, when there is an increase in the
tems are run with the dedicated system’s equilibrium potential system load, more server addition is necessary
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
3800 Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS

for the pooled system to perform as well as the dedi- holds, running the system as a dedicated one (rather
cated system. than a pooled one) strictly improves the social welfare.
Adding servers is typically a costly strategy. If the
cost of adding servers exceeds the overall improve- 6. Concluding Remarks
ment in the consumer surplus, which is an important Our paper provides key insights for service man-
measure of customer satisfaction, adding servers agement. Our analysis (in Theorems 1–3) suggests
might not be economically justified. Thus, in such
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that the pooling option should be evaluated very

cases, it might be optimal to operate the system with carefully in queueing systems. This is because our
a large potential load (as in (13)). For example, in the results show that when customers’ joining decisions
context of customer service, not being able to receive are considered, pooling queues may significantly hurt
service from a particular channel, say, a call center, is the social welfare (and consumer surplus) by con-
not always equivalent to giving up service entirely. In siderably increasing the average sojourn time. Ser-
various practical settings (e.g., e-commerce), a cus- vices with large benefit and large potential load are
tomer who does not join the call center queue can still particularly prone to the potential harm of pooling
receive service via a less desirable alternative channel when the queue length information is available to the
such as a web form or email, which might provide less customers and admission control (e.g., monopoly
value to customers. The strategy of trying to meet pricing) is not feasible. For these types of services, the
some of the customer service demand through these magnitude of the performance loss due to pooling can
less desirable channels instead of adding servers to be even larger for larger systems.
the call center could be a reason why some call centers
might operate with a very large potential load. In fact,
such a strategy could be justifiable based on the ca- Acknowledgments
The authors thank the Department Editor Terry Taylor, the
pacity cost: if the cost of adding servers to the call
associate editor, and three referees for their valuable feedback.
center is larger than the potential improvement in the
consumer surplus due to that addition, having less
desirable customer service channels might be more Endnotes
favorable than adding servers to the call center. On Our model considers identical servers to tease out the effect of
the other hand, if the cost of having additional servers customers’ joining decisions; heterogeneous servers were already
observed to cause pooling to potentially perform worse than the
is very small, the system might benefit from adding dedicated system.
servers to the call center and eliminating the less 2
Considering a dedicated arrival stream for each server is common in
desirable customer service channels. the formulation of dedicated queueing systems. See, for instance,
Another operational lever for performance im- Smith and Whitt (1981) and Yu et al. (2015). Section 4.2 demonstrates
provement in the pooled system could be limiting the that if customers are allowed to choose the shortest queue in the
queue length under pooling. For settings in which dedicated system, the key phenomenon proved in Theorem 1(a)
extends under certain conditions.
pricing is not feasible, this can be implemented by 3
Recall footnote 2.
setting a buffer size and rejecting arrivals after the 4
See, for example, Debo and Veeraraghavan (2014) and Cui and
buffer is full. Our numerical studies suggest that when
Veeraraghavan (2016) for some of the recent papers with this mod-
the potential system load is large, the social welfare eling feature.
(and consumer surplus) in the pooled system can be 5
Similarly, the M/M/1 system studied by Naor (1969) is stable re-
improved by choosing an appropriate buffer size for gardless of ρ. This property was further explained by Gilboa-
the pooled system. Such a queue length control im- Freedman et al. (2014).
proves the system performance by mitigating over- 6
When customers cannot balk, throughputs are the same for
utilization in the system, especially when the potential j ∈ {s, d, p} because every arrival joins. As the service rate is larger in
system load is very large. Our numerical studies also the modified scaled system than in the pooled system for any given
number of customers in the system, Ws < Wp in the absence of
show that the appropriate buffer size for the pooled customer balking. (The proof of this statement is similar to the proof
system is a moderate one, which is typically smaller of Proposition 2, and hence omitted.) We already know from Smith
than the maximum number of customers in the ded- and Whitt (1981) that Wp < Wd when customers cannot balk.
icated system (see, e.g., Figure EC.2 in Online Ap- Combining these, we have Ws < Wp < Wd . Then, SWs > SWp > SWd
pendix N). We note that choosing a buffer size to in the absence of customer balking because SWj  Nλ(R − cWj ) for
j ∈ {s, d, p} in that setting.
maximize the social welfare is equivalent to setting a 7
For this numerical example, SWd /SWp is bounded as ρ → ∞. One
service fee to maximize the social welfare. Thus, Propo- can show that for a given service rate μ, the ratio SWd /SWp can be
sition 4 implies that applying an admission control in unbounded as ρ → ∞ (e.g., when Rμ/c − k  1/N).
the pooled system, either in the form of limiting the 8
Under formulation (17), the service fee affects the social welfare only
buffer size or imposing the socially optimal price, restores through the resulting balking threshold.
the classical performance superiority of pooling. If nei- 9
When multiple queues are in a tie, we assume that the customer
ther of these operational levers is feasible and (13) chooses the queue with the smallest index. Another way to break the
Sunar, Tu, and Ziya: Pooled vs. Dedicated Queues
Management Science, 2021, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3785–3802, © 2021 INFORMS 3801

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