Concept of Teaching

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Concept of Teaching

The concept of teaching will be more clear through the definition of

teaching given by different scholars:

1. According to H.C Marrison (1943), “Teaching is an intimate contact

between a more mature personality and a less mature, one which is
designed to further the education of the latter.”
2. According to John Broubacher (1939), “Teaching is an arrangement
and manipulation of a situation in which there are gaps and obstructions
which an individual with seeking to overcome and from which he will
learn in course of doing so.”
3. According to B.O Smith (1960), “Teaching is a system of action
intended to produce learning.”
4. According to Burton (1963), “Teaching is the stimulation, guidance,
direction and encouragement of learning.”

Characteristics of Teaching
1. Teaching is a complex social phenomenon. It is significantly
influenced by societal influences. The social and human variables are
dynamic, not static and hence teaching is not a core notion.
2. Teaching is both art as well as signs. Art is called for exercises of
talent and creativity indications because it is a collection of techniques,
procedures and abilities that can be methodically examined and
documented and improved.
3. Teaching is a professional activity involving the teacher and the pupils
that resulting in the growth of the learner.
4. Teaching is what a teacher does with his pupil for emphasizing the
letter to learn anything.
5. Teaching is a series of acts which are variable in form and are related
to content and pupil’s behaviour in context with the prevailing physical
and social situations.
6. Teaching can be seen, studied and judged through teacher behaviour,
pupil-teacher interaction and the changes made in the behaviour of the
7. Teaching is highly influenced by communication abilities.
8. Teaching is an interactive process carried out for the attainment of
some defined progress objectives.
9. Instruction may have numerous forms like official and informal
instruction, demonstrating or doing descriptive or remedial, formational
or informational.
10. Teaching is a specialized task and may be viewed as a set of
competent skills for the accomplishment of a specific set of instructional
Principles of Teaching
General principles of Teaching:
1. Principle of definiteness of Goals or Objectives:
Teaching should start with defining aim and objective. The teacher
and students must be clear about the aims of teaching-learning. It
enables them to be on the track. When the goals and objectives of the
lesson are set properly it will allow the teacher to organize, execute and
evaluate the phase of the teaching-learning process.
2. Principle of Planning:
Planning in teaching is a very crucial phase, teachers must plan
correctly before going to actual classroom instruction. The successful
teaching-learning process heavily depends on teachers’ planning and
execution in the class. The planning contains a lesson plan, Teaching
aids, Strategy and Methods of teaching.
3. Principle of Flexibility and Elasticity:
The teaching strategy must be flexible. It needs to be altered
according to the classroom settings and the demands of pupils. Teachers
should be inventive and resourceful persons so that they can adjust
tactics according to the needs of the classroom setting.
4. Principle of Utilization Past Experience:
In effective teaching, the teacher must start a lesson with questions to
know about the student’s previous knowledge. Prior knowledge could
lessen the cognitive burden leading to improved learning engagement.

5. Principle of Child Centeredness:

The modern education system is child centeredness. According to the
National Curriculum Framework (NCF), the students are the active
participant and the teacher are the facilitator. So the teaching should be
suited to the child’s requirements, talents and interests and teaching
should be activity-based so that students may be learnt with the active
6. Principle of making Provision for Individual Differences:
As we know every child is distinct from one other. The teacher should
be kept in mind Individual differences while teaching and he should
educate according to the children’s abilities and interests.
7. Principle of linking with Actual Life:
According to the NCF-2005 the learning should go beyond the four
walls of the school. Teaching should be integrated with real-world
experiences of everyday life. It not only encourages pupils but also
makes them easy to learn a lesson. In teaching, the teacher should
present an appropriate examples with the students day to day living
8. Principle of Correlating with Other Subjects:
The connecting of one subject with another subject is highly crucial in
order to build interest in the subject. In effective teaching, the instructor
gives correlates one subject with another to the overall growth of the

9. Principle of Effective Strategies and Instructional Materials:

Effective tactics in teaching are highly crucial. The teacher should
employ effective teaching methods so that students can get maximum
information and the teaching aids and other instructional resources
should be used successfully.
10. Principle of Active Participation and Involvement:
In modern-day education, teaching and learning must be child
centredness so that children can actively participate in learning. The
teacher should employ the activity-based teaching style so that the
maximum number of pupils can be involved as active participants in the
teaching-learning process.
11. Principle of Conducive Environment and Proper Control:
The teacher should create such a suitable environment so that it
becomes a driving factor for learning. There must be adequate
arrangement of light, furniture and other essential materials. The
instructor should keep correct order and discipline by being
compassionate yet at the same time, he must be firm.

Psychological Principles of Teaching

1. Principle of Motivation and Interest.

2. Principle of Repetition and Exercise.
3. Principle of Change, Rest and Recreation.
4. Principle of Feedback and Reinforcement.
5. Principle of sympathy and cooperation.
6. Principle of Providing Training and Senses.
7. Principle of Utilizing Group Dynamics.
8. Principle of Encouraging Self-Learning.
9. Principle of Fostering Creativity and Self-expression.
10. Principle of Remedial Teaching.

Stages of Learning
1. Acquisition:
During this stage, a new chore is introduced to the youngster for the
first time. Initially, you will discover the youngster making errors and
over the time, she learns to complete the exercise to a higher level of
precision. During this stage, high amount of pupil-teacher
engagement is important since the kid is in the process of learning a
new task.
2. Fluency/Proficiency Stage:
Once the child learns to execute the activity, we need to train the
child to achieve a greater level of accuracy or efficiency in doing the
task or to do the action more smoothly and quickly. The idea is that
the child should learn to complete the task both precisely and rapidly.
This is referred to as fluency.
3. Maintenance Stage:
During the maintenance stage, the child is required to perform
an activity with precision and fluency without your assistance - in
other words, he must remember the task once direct instruction and
reinforcement are no longer being supplied.

4. Generalization Stage:
Once the child has mastered a new activity with precision and
fluency and he is able to retain it without your guidance, you need
to train him to carry out the task in situations or settings other than
the one in which he has been taught the assignment. This is
referred to as ‘generalization’. ‘Generalization’ meaning being able
to carry out a particular duty in a new setting or with items
different from the one using which the activity was mastered. This
technique is sometimes referred to as ‘transfer of training’.
We can conclude from the above arguments, that principles of
teaching are very necessary to make the classroom exciting, every
teacher must have information about the above principles of teaching.
Principles of teaching enable teaching at every step of teaching
including teaching strategy, techniques of teaching, and the use of
appropriate teaching aids. If teachers follow all the guidelines children
can be motivated and learn effortlessly.

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