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Q1: Scotch whisky and Drambuie make up which cocktail??

a. Screwdriver
b. Manhattan
c. Sex on the Beach
d. !Rusty Nail
Q2: Which of these companies does NOT manufacture automobiles??

a. GMC
b. Fiat
c. Nissan
d. !Ducati
Q3: What alcoholic drink is mainly made from juniper berries??

a. Rum
b. Vodka
c. Tequila
d. !Gin
Q4: What did the Spanish autonomous community of Catalonia ban in 2010, that took effect in 2012??

a. Fiestas
b. Flamenco
c. !Bullfighting
d. Mariachi
Q5: On average, Americans consume 100 pounds of what per second??

a. Donuts
b. Potatoes
c. Cocaine
d. !Chocolate
Q6: Who is the founder of "The Lego Group"??

a. Jens Niels Christiansen

b. Gerhardt Kirk Christiansen
c. !Ole Kirk Christiansen
d. Kirstine Christiansen
Q7: Where does water from Poland Spring water bottles come from??

a. !Maine, United States

b. Masovia, Poland
c. Bavaria, Poland
d. Hesse, Germany
Q8: What was the original name of the search engine "Google"??

a. CatMassage
b. SearchPro
c. Netscape Navigator
d. !BackRub
Q9: The website "Shut Up & Sit Down" reviews which form of media??

a. !Board Games
b. Television Shows
c. Films
d. Video Games
Q10: Linus Pauling, one of the only winners of multiple Nobel Prizes, earned his Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and what??

a. !Peace
b. Physics
c. Physiology/Medicine
d. Economics
Chemistry and what??

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