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Control Tower Research

What is the purpose of a control tower in airport?

 Their primary purpose worldwide is to prevent collisions, organize and expedite the flow of air
traffic, and provide information and other support for pilots.
 ensuring the safe and efficient movement of aircraft within an airport.
 The tower must provide a clear view of the airport and its surroundings


 The tower should be tall enough to provide a clear view of the entire airport, including runways,
taxiways, and aircraft parking areas.

Acoustics and Lighting:

 The tower should be designed to allow for efficient movement of controllers and staff, with
space for equipment and technology


 The tower should be designed with sustainability in mind, using materials and systems that
minimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact.

 The control tower at Mactan-Cebu International Airport is at 30 meters high while the tower at
the Ninoy Aquino International Airport is measured at about 40 meters. Meanwhile, the tower
at Clark International Airport is 54 meters.
 If you have a large airport with long runways, to see the complete control (ground) area, you
need to be higher up. If the airport is somewhat smaller, and the runways are shorter, your
tower can be much shorter and yet still have sufficient height.

Windows in these towers have to be angled at precisely 15 degrees to decrease reflections and glare.

 Annealed glass - Excellent visibility, cost effective, Annealed glass is one of the most popular
types of glass because it is easy to use. It can be cut, drilled, and shaped to fit any project.

Ground floor – 4m high

Second floor – 3m high

Roof – 3m high


 Interior and Exterior Finishes and Color

- Ceilings and surfaces. Shall have a non-reflective finish

- Ceiling tiles. Should be dark color to lessen interior light reflections

 Window mullions

- include window mullions in the control tower cab to comply with wind load requirements. In addition,
the mullions should be used for antenna cable access

 Shaft Windows

- a single window shall be provided on the runway side of the tower shaft in the Training/Crew Briefing
room and in the Chief Controller’s Office.

 Roof

- cab roof deck. Shall be sloped to drain away from the center. The roof design should take into
consideration the need to minimize rainwater from the roof dripping down the cab windows

- provide a means of roof access via a ladder from the cab

 Windows

- glass thickness. The total window thickness shall not exceed 13 mm or ½ in

 Doors

- equipment room doors. Equipment rooms must be a minimum of 2.18 m high and 91 cm wide to allow
for the movement of electronic equipment

- elevator doors. Shall have at least 2.2 m height and 0.9 m wide clear opening

 Restroom

- provide a minimum of one unisex restroom

- the primary restroom location shall be adjacent to the mechanical room directly below the control
tower cab.

- provide one shower and locker area

 Elevators

- the elevator shall operate from ground floor to training/simulator room or equipment room (whichever
is higher)

- elevator doors shall not open to the stair enclosure

 Entrances

- covered or recessed entrance


* The tower is subject to occupancy by fewer than 25 persons all of which are part of the air traffic
control tower operation.

* The tower is not used for living or sleeping purposes.

Mechanical room – located directly below the cab

Crew rest

HVAC room

Electrical room

Training/Simulator room

Genset room

Chief controller’s office

Equipment room


Rest Area

Security room – for security camera system

Intercom station - Provide and install cipher locks, door closers, and electric strikes on the main entrance
door and the door into the control cab.

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