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Words Review

Can you read these words? Tick () if you can or (r) if you can’t.
Write down the dates when you can say and spell these words.

No. Words No, I Can’t. Yes, I Can. Date

1. athlete
2. August
3. author
4. autumn

5. bake
6. bat
7. beans
8. bed
9. bee
10. bird
11. birthday
12. blue
13. bone
14. books
15. booth
16. boy
17. bus

18. cake
19. cap
20. cat
21. cheese
22. cherries
23. chew
24. chick
25. claw

Words Review

No. Words No, I Can’t. Yes, I Can. Date

26. clay
27. cloth
28. coat
29. coins
30. complete
31. compound
32. corn
33. couch
34. cowboy
35. cries
36. cute

37. daughter
38. day
39. dews
40. die
41. dinosaur
42. dog
43. dolphins
44. duck
45. duke

46. elephants
47. eve

48. fat
49. fauna
50. fawn
51. first
52. flute
53. fox

Words Review

No. Words No, I Can’t. Yes, I Can. Date

54. fries
55. frog

56. gate
57. glue
58. goat
59. green

60. hat
61. headphone
62. hen
63. hike
64. hoe
65. honeydew
66. house
67. huge

68. ice
69. ice cream

70. jail
71. jeep

72. kite

73. lake
74. lawn
75. lie
76. lights
77. lion

Words Review

No. Words No, I Can’t. Yes, I Can. Date

78. map
79. mat
80. microphone
81. mole
82. mountains
83. mouse

84. net
85. news
86. night
87. nose

88. oats
89. oxen

90. pail
91. pause
92. peach
93. peanuts
94. peas
95. phone
96. photograph
97. photographer
98. pie
99. pit
100. play
101. playground
102. pole
103. pot
104. potato

Words Review

No. Words No, I Can’t. Yes, I Can. Date

105. prawn
106. purse

107. quail
108. queen
109. queue

110. race
111. rat
112. rice
113. ride
114. ring
115. room
116. rose

117. school
118. shirt
119. shoes
120. skirt
121. smile
122. sneeze
123. song
124. star
125. stew
126. stone
127. straw
128. sun

129. tap
130. tea
131. tent

Words Review

No. Words No, I Can’t. Yes, I Can. Date

132. these
133. third
134. tie
135. today
136. toe
137. tomato
138. town
139. toys
140. tree
141. true
142. Tuesday
143. tune

144. van
145. vet

146. whale
147. what
148. where
149. white
150. wolves
151. worms

152. yam
153. yellow
154. yoghurt

155. zebra
156. zip
157. zoo


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