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SBL6313 Site Planning

Nur Hayati Hashim

Pensyarah Senibina Landskap
Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat
Fakulti Pengurusan & Teknologi Maklumat (FPTM)
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS)

 Definition

 Climate (from Greek: κλίμα klima, meaning inclination) is commonly defined as the weather averaged over a long
 All climatic information such as rainfall, snowfall, wind directions, temperatures, sun path, all considered during the
different times of the year
 The climate of the earth consists of a series of interlinked physical systems powered by the sun. In the built
environment we are generally concerned with local climatic systems.
 The macro and micro climate has a very important effect on both the energy performance and environmental
performance of buildings. The site and design of a building can have a profound effect upon the interaction between a
building and its environment.

Macroclimate Microclimate
 The climatic aspects of the specific site or areas on the site which is the
 The climate of a larger area
variations in localised climate around a building.
such as a region or a
country.  Each specific site has its own unique climatic characteristics that need to be
analysed. The specific characteristics of the site are analysed only after a
good understanding of the macroclimate and general climatic characteristics
which give an overview of the climate of region.
 Sunlight

 Sunlight - a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible,
and ultraviolet light.
 On Earth, sunlight is scattered and filtered through Earth's atmosphere, and is obvious
as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it
is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat. When blocked by clouds
or reflected off other objects, sunlight is diffused.
 The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both positive and negative health effects, as it is both a
requisite for vitamin D3 synthesis and a mutagen.
 The sun's movement on the site will be the same as that shown in the sun diagrams. Existing elements
(natural or man-made) on and around the site will have definite shading patterns. Understanding those
patterns can help in determining the building location and configuration
 Glare
 Glare is a phenomenon caused by extremely bright light sources or by strong brightness contrasts in
the visual field.
 It is also a difficulty of seeing in the presence of bright light such as direct or reflected sunlight or artificial light.
 Glare is caused by a significant ratio of luminance between the task (that which is being looked at) and the
glare source. Factors such as the angle between the task and the glare source and eye adaptation have
significant impacts on the experience of glare.
 The details explanation in video can get from
 Glare can be generally divided into two types :
• The vision of objects without necessarily
causing discomfort.
• A psychological sensation caused by high
• Arise for instance when driving westward at
brightness (or brightness contrast) within
the field of view, which does not
• Disability glare is often caused by the inter-
necessarily impair vision.
reflection of light within the eyeball.
• In buildings, discomfort glare can originate
Reducing the contrast between task and
from small artificial lights (e.g. ceiling
glare source to the point where the task
fixtures) that have brightness's that are
cannot be distinguished. When glare is so
significantly greater than their surrounding.
intense that vision is completely impaired, it
is sometimes called dazzle.
 Disability glare and discomfort glare can be caused by two types of glare which are:
 Direct glare is the result of high brightness from a light source in the field of vision. For example,
the sun in front of a person’s eye is direct glare.
 Indirect glare is the result of light that is reflected in the eye. For example, light from the sun
being reflected from a surface to a person field of view is known as indirect glare.
Light pollution is the excessive use of artificial outdoor lighting. Reasons for light pollution include
glare light, skyglow, clutter and light trespass. Glare depending on the intensity can result in light pollution
altering the colour and contrast of the nighttime sky. It also disrupts the circadian rhythm, thus affecting the
environment, energy resources, wildlife and humans too.


Environmental Wildlife Human

 The international Dark-sky  We are regulated by circadian

association states that 12 million rhythms. These rhythms respond
tonnes of carbon dioxide are  For example in North to light and dark. Melatonin a
released into the atmosphere due America, 100 million birds hormone that regulates the sleep
to artificial light. Carbon dioxide is die by crashing into cycle is affected by light pollution.
a driving force for global warming. illuminated buildings This hormone is activated through
12 million tonnes of CO2 is a lot, it annually. darkness thus light pollution only
will take about 702 million trees to reduces the hormone’s
absorb all the CO2 released by deficiency. This results in
artificial light. sleeping disorders.
 Temperature
 Temperature is a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold.
It is the manifestation of thermal energy, present in all matter, which is the source of the occurrence of
heat, a flow of energy, when a body is in contact with another that is colder or hotter.
 Temperature is measured with a thermometer.
 Thermometers are calibrated in various temperature scales that historically have used various
reference points and thermometric substances for definition.
 The most common scales are:
 the Celsius scale (formerly called centigrade, denoted as °C)
 the Fahrenheit scale (denoted as °F)
 the Kelvin scale (denoted as K)
 What w ill h a p p e n w h e n h ig h e r t e m p e r a t u r e ?

 Greenhouse gases are trapping more heat in the Earth's atmosphere - causing average temperatures
to rise all over the world.
 Higher temperatures heat waves are likely to happen more often and last longer too. Heat
waves can be dangerous, causing illnesses such as heat cramps and heat stroke, or even death.
 Warmer temperatures chain reaction of other changes around the world. That's because
increasing air temperature also affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and
animals. The warmer it gets, the more severe the impacts on people and the environment will be.
 Wind
 Define as the natural movement of air or other gases relative to a planet's surface.
 Wind at the site and at different locations on the site can vary from the general wind data.
 A better understanding can be obtained by testing a true scale model of the site and buildings in a
wind tunnel.
 When wind testing is not feasible, the wind direction and speed can be understand by using five
basic principles of air movement:

Velocity Direction
Pressure Density
 Wind V e lo c it y

o Wind speed, or wind flow speed, is a fundamental atmospheric quantity

caused by air moving from high to low pressure, usually due to changes in
temperature. Wind speed is now commonly measured with an
o Meters per second (m/s) is the SI unit for velocity and the unit
recommended by the World Meteorological Organization for reporting wind
o An anemometer is one of the tools used to measure wind speed.
 Wind Dir e c t io n
o Wind direction is reported by the direction from which it originates.
o For example, a north or northerly wind blows from the north to the south.
o Wind direction is usually reported in cardinal (or compass) direction, or in degrees.
Consequently, a wind blowing from the north has a wind direction referred to as 0°
(360°); a wind blowing from the east has a wind direction referred to as 90°, etc.
o Weather forecasts typically give the direction of the wind along with its speed, for
example a "northerly wind at 15 km/h" is a wind blowing from the north at a speed of
15 km/h.
o An instruments used to measure wind direction, are the windsock and wind vane.
Both of these instruments work by moving to minimize air resistance.
 Wind Vane  Windsock
The way a weather vane is The larger opening of a windsock faces the
pointed by prevailing winds direction that the wind is blowing from; its tail,
indicates the direction from which with the smaller opening, points in the same
the wind is blowing. direction as the wind is blowing.
 Wind P r e s s ur e
o Wind is the movement of air caused by differences in air pressure.
o The greater the difference, the faster the wind moves.
o Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.
o Differences in air pressure are caused by the uneven heating of Earth surface by the
o Air travels in many large circular patterns call convection cells.
o Uneven heating produces pressure belts which occur every 30° altitude.

During the day, the land heats up faster, the hot air rises, At night, the land cools off faster than the sea. Cooler air
creating an area of lower pressure. Wind blows from the descends creating an area of higher pressure. Wind blows
sea to the land. This is a sea breeze. from the land to the sea. This is a land breeze.
 Wind De n s it y

o The kinetic energy of a moving body is proportional to its mass (or weight). The
kinetic energy in the wind depends on the density of the air, i.e. its mass per unit of
o In other words, the "heavier" the air, the more energy is received by the turbine.
o At normal atmospheric pressure and at 15° Celsius air weighs some 1.225
kilogrammes per cubic metre, but the density decreases slightly with increasing
o The air is denser when it is cold than when it is warm. At high altitudes, (in
mountains) the air pressure is lower, and the air is less dense. A wind turbine is a
device that converts the wind's kinetic energy into electrical energy.
o A wind turbine obtains its power input by converting
the force of the wind into a torque (turning force)
acting on the rotor blades. The amount of energy
which the wind transfers to the rotor depends on the
density of the air, the rotor area, and the wind speed.

IJM Light Collection, Penang

 The V e n t u r i e f f e c t
o The Venturi-effect refers to the increase in fluid speed due to a decrease
of the flow section in confined flows.
o The Venturi effect is named after its discoverer, Giovanni Battista Venturi.
o The Venturi Effect is utilized in buildings for natural ventilation. Passive cooling is
a method of cooling a building’s exterior or interior surfaces.
o The purposeful creation of positive and negative air
pressure zones can create an increased air flow through a
building or across a surface creating a cooling effect. This
cooling of surfaces helps to reduce the amount of
conductive energy in a material that can in turn remove cool
air from the interior of a building. A building’s position and
orientation in relation to predominate wind direction can
create predictable zones for positive & negative air
 Effect O f T a ll B u ild in g s O n W in d F lo w

 The microclimate must be studied not only for the natural elements, but for how any man-made elements, such
as buildings and landscaping are affecting and/or will affect the site. For example, a windbreak that protects
against the winter winds can change the microclimate of the site significantly.

Man-made Features Natural Physical Features

 existing buildings, walls, surrounding  actual features of the site such as trees,
vernacular , setbacks, materials, rocks, topography, rivers, ponds,
landscaping, scale drainage patterns.

 Man-made structures in general and especially high rise buildings are obstacles for wind movement. Depending
on their height and the profile that they expose towards the wind direction, a number of effects can occur:

 Downwards-deflection (“downdraft or downdraught effect”)

 Upwards-deflection causing high wind speed and pressure effects
 Flow through narrow spaces between buildings - “Venturi effect” causing high wind speed and high
 Low velocity eddies on the downwind side of structures
 Counter-current effects (reversed or cross-wind direction)
 Effect O f T a ll B u ild in g s O n W in d F lo w
 World C lim a t e C la s s if ic a t io n
 The Köppen climate classification is one of the most widely used climate classification systems.
 It was first published by German-Russian climatologist Wladimir Köppen (1846–1940) in 1884, with several later
modifications by Köppen, notably in 1918 and 1936.
 Later, the climatologist Rudolf Geiger (1894-1981) introduced some changes to the classification system, which is
thus sometimes called the Köppen–Geiger climate classification system.
 The Köppen climate classification divides climates into five main climate groups, with each group being divided
based on seasonal precipitation and temperature patterns.
 Each group and subgroup is represented by a letter. The five main groups are :
 A (tropical),
 B (dry),
 C (temperate),
 D (continental), and
 E (polar).
 All climates are assigned a main group (the first letter). All climates except for those in the E group are assigned a
seasonal precipitation subgroup (the second letter).
 World C lim a t e C la s s if ic a t io n
 As Köppen designed the system based on his experience as a botanist, his main climate groups are based on what
types of vegetation grow in a given climate classification region. In addition to identifying climates, the system can
be used to analyze ecosystem conditions and identify the main types of vegetation within climates. Due to its link
with the plant life of a given region, the system is useful in predicting future changes in plant life within that region.
 The Köppen climate classification system has been further modified, within the Trewartha climate classification
system in the middle 1960s (revised in 1980). The Trewartha system sought to create a more refined middle latitude
climate zone, which was one of the criticisms of the Köppen system (the C climate group was too broad).

This type of climate has every

month of the year with an
average temperature of 18 °C
(64.4 °F) or higher, with
significant precipitation.
All 12 months have an average precipitation of at least 60 mm (2.4 in). These climates usually occur within 10° latitude of
the equator. This climate has no natural seasons in terms of thermal and moisture changes.[9] When it is dominated
most of the year by the doldrums low-pressure system due to the presence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
and when there are no cyclones then the climate is qualified as equatorial. When the trade winds are dominant most of
the year, the climate is a tropical trade-wind rainforest climate.

A tropical rainforest climate or equatorial climate is a

tropical climate usually found within 10 to 15 degrees
latitude of the equator. They experience high mean
annual temperatures and small temperature ranges.
that falls throughout the year. Regions with this climate
are typically designated Af by the Köppen climate
classification. A tropical rainforest climate is typically
hot, very humid, and wet.
This type of climate results from the monsoon winds which change direction according to the seasons. This climate has a
driest month (which nearly always occurs at or soon after the "winter" solstice for that side of the equator) with rainfall
less than 60 mm (2.4 in).
 Aw: Tropical savanna climate with dry-winter characteristics
Aw climates have a pronounced dry season, with the driest month having precipitation less than 60 mm (2.4 in).

 As: Tropical savanna climate with dry-summer characteristics

Sometimes As is used in place of Aw if the dry season occurs during the time of higher sun and longer days (during
summer). This is the case in parts of Hawaii, northwestern Dominican Republic, East Africa, and the Brazilian
Northeastern Coast. In most places that have tropical wet and dry climates, however, the dry season occurs during the
time of lower sun and shorter days because of rain shadow effects during the 'high-sun' part of the year.
 Tropical U r b a n C lim a t e E x p e r ie n c e ( T R U C E )
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is launching a major research, training and education
initiative :

The Tropical Urban Climate Experiment (TRUCE)

 The purpose is to improve our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the modification of the
atmospheres of tropical cities and to provide a better basis for urban environmental planning and
 TRUCE will include both observations and modelling, involving contributions from many research
and operational groups and organizations, and is expected to extend until the end of the century.
 Bioclimatic De s ig n A p p r o a c h

 The bioclimatic design approach could be simply described that architecture design methods could take
advantage of the climate through the right application of design elements and building technology to energy
saving as well as to ensure comfortable conditions into buildings (Olgyay,1973).

 Bioclimatic architecture is a way of designing buildings based on the local climate, with the aim of ensuring
thermal comfort using environmental resources. They must also blend into their natural surroundings.

 Bioclimatic Design is a design process that takes into account climate and environmental conditions
when designing for optimum comfort for users with minimum outside energy use reducing
building’s environmental footprint. It deals with site and building design using architectural elements
and techniques that will minimize dependence on mechanical systems. Bioclimatic design was used
successfully throughout ages in vernacular architecture
 Bioclimatic De s ig n A p p r o a c h

 The bioclimatic design of the buildings serves four main objectives:

Saving Conventional Energy

 Thrift in oil consumption through renewable energy sources (RES), that leads to energy saving.

Saving Money
 Using inexpensive solar energy for heating and / or cool wind for cooling. This is an economic challenge
resulting in cutting down heating and cooling expenses by 50%, possibly more.

Protection of the Environment

 Less usage of fossil fuels and electricity reduces the waste which harms the environment and cause air

Improvement of the Indoor Living Conditions

 Bioclimatic design ensures thermal comfort and air-quality thus creating a healthy living environment.
 Bioclimatic De s ig n A p p r o a c h
 Bioclimatic De s ig n A p p r o a c h

Bioclimatic buildings are based on design and daily use strategies that contribute to reducing their energy
costs. These are the most common:

Bioclimatic, efficient design Control and smart use of space Use of smart materials

Designing buildings that adapt to the Buildings and their rooms should For example: window panes
local climate to minimise energy be of a suitable size as to optimise that automatically darken, tiles
expenditure and resources energy use. that store the heat of the sun
used, avoiding leaks and wastage. and smart materials that repair
themselves to lengthen their
Sustainable materials Use of renewable energies useful life.

Sustainable materials like wood, Bioclimatic buildings use different

stone, natural fibre and recycled types of renewable energies — solar,
materials minimise the impact of the geothermal, wind and hydraulic — to
building. reduce their consumption.
 Elements o f B io c lim a t ic De s ig n
Bioclimatic buildings require the use of a series of elements and building techniques that help to reduce their energy
consumption and environmental impact:

 The orientation, size, height, layout, and even the colour of these houses is planned before they are built to make
the best use of energy.
 The buildings are kept compact to reduce their surface area, with the main windows face to make the most of
passive solar energy.
 The materials surrounding the outside of the house (walls, doors, roofs, etc.) must be properly insulated to avoid
heat loss through transference.
 Ventilation systems ensure that the heat in the air that is removed from the building is transferred to the fresh air
that is brought in through heat exchangers to avoid thermal losses.
 Water and plants are also important in hotter climbs, using trees, climbing plants, vertical gardens, green roofs and
other techniques to create cool areas that protect from the heat of the sun.
 Thermal accumulators such as heat exchangers and pumps make it possible to capture and store the heat
generated by the heating system or the sun and avoid losses.
 The air tightness of the building is essential. Leaks through gaps should be minimal with respect to the total
volume of the house.
 Thermal bridges must be avoided: edges, corners and joints must be created carefully to avoid heat loss through
these bridges.
 Hygrothermal comfort can be achieved by efficiently controlling air currents, evaporation caused by the sun or by
reducing condensation, particularly in warm climates.
 Advantages o f B io c lim a t ic De s ig n

Bioclimatic architecture and eco-efficient buildings are beneficial to both building companies and their users, as well as
taking care of the environment and society at large:

 Saving on bills due to better energy management and integration with their surroundings.
 Optimal thermal comfort to keep temperatures stable in any climate and season of the year.
 A lower carbon footprint due to reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) and water footprint by optimising water
 Less noise pollution by using insulation.
 Improved sustainable habits by making sparing use of energy and other resources.
 Investment in innovation by using installations including aerothermal heating, renewable energy and electrical self-
 Vernacular A r c h it e c t u r e

 The collection of architectural details based on local necessities, building materials accessible at the
period, and the skills and customs of local builders and artisans. It varies greatly from one region or
people to another. Created to meet particular needs and to take into account the finances, ideologies,
and lifestyles of a culture.

 The climate of Malaysia is generally hot and humid all year round, with an average daily temperature
of 27 degree Celsius with the average annual relative humidity between 74% to 86%. Malaysia
receives a lot of rain and the average rainfall is at least 250 centimeters throughout the year. There
are two annual monsoon seasons in Malaysia, the southwest monsoon from May until September and
the northeast monsoon from November until March. During the two monsoon seasons Malaysia will
experience very heavy rainfall, and flooding usually occurs especially in the East Coast states of
Peninsular Malaysia. Thus, the traditional Malay houses design were influenced by the climate.

 The Malay House is the Malaysian heritage and authentic traditional architecture in Peninsular
Malaysia. It is actually an intelligent building and part of a wider environmentally way of life.
 Vernacular A r c h it e c t u r e

 These are the visualizations and descriptions of the traditional Malay Houses in Malaysia:
 Vernacular A r c h it e c t u r e
 Vegetation

 Vegetation is usually regarded as a function of climate. It also can influence the local or site climate.
 Forming an intermediate layer between the earth surface and the atmosphere, they have a
moderating effecton air temperature, humidity and radiation and air movement.
 It increases the surface of contact to a higher layer by a factor of 4 to 12 times.

Trees provide shade and

affect the micro climate of
the place.
Evapotranspiration: Trees
and vegetation give off
moisture that increase
 Vegetation a s t h e W in d B r e a k
 Vegetation in U r b a n E n v ir o n m e n t

 Vegetation has an important role in urbanised environment. Function to enhance the quality of life in towns.
 Its structure shades anthropogenic surfaces, limiting the accumulation of direct solar radiation and
subsequent emission of converted thermal radiation. Potential in reducing the urban heat-island effect.
 Vegetation are most useful as a mitigation strategy when planted in strategic locations around buildings or
shade pavement in parking lots and on streets.
 Counterbalance in built density.
 The use of vegetation in the urban environment brings benefits beyond mitigating urban heat islands
Improved air quality and lower greenhouse emissions
Reduced energy use By reducing energy demand, trees and vegetation
Trees and vegetation that directly decrease the production of associated air pollution and
shade buildings decrease green house gas emissions. They also removes air
demand for air conditioning. pollutants and store and sequester carbon dioxide.

Enhanced stormwater
Reduce pavement maintenance Improved quality of life
management and water quality
Tree shade can slow deterioration of Provide aesthetic value, habitat
Vegetation reduces runoff and
street pavement decreasing the for many species and can
improves water quality by absorbing
amount of maintenance needed. reduce noise.
and filtering rainwater.
 Water e le m e n t s

 Water is the source of life and the fundamental element of ecology and climate is inseparable from water.
 Large body of water moderate the local temperatures.
 The water bodies of the river operate as the cooling source on the microclimate, cloud formation and
humidity pockets of the surrounding area.

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