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05/12/2019 SAP

SAP Marketing Cloud

SAP Marketing Cloud > Positioning > Marketing as Trusted Source of Business with SAP Marketing Cloud

The customer experience ultimately defines the brand.

We live in a world where our expectations of a brand comes through experience of all the other brands around us.

We live in a world where, as consumers, we expect our needs to be anticipated and met though great experiences.

From Netflix recommending a show, or Google maps telling us to leave a little early due to traffic building up, or our lights and heater being
on when we come back home, data + AI + real-time optimization are creating experiences that are both magical and expected.

As consumers this is great… but as marketers… these expectations are creating real pressure. We are being held at an incredibly high
bar… not just by peers or CEOs, but also ourselves when we walk out of the office and put on our consumer hat.

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