Hydro Ahmed

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College of Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

1. CHAPTER 1 3


1.2. THEORY 3


1.3.1 APPARATUS (If any) 3

1.3.2 SETUP(If any) 4





References 6
A hydraulic jump is a phenomenon in the science of hydraulics
that occurs when a fast-moving, shallow stream of water meets
a slow-moving, deep stream of water. The result is a sudden rise
in the water surface, accompanied by turbulence and energy

The objectives of this experiment are :-
(a) To measure the loss of energy in a hydraulic jump and
compare it with theoretical predictions.
(b) To estimate the length and height of the jump and classify it
according to its Froude number.

The theory behind this experiment is based on the conservation
of mass, momentum, and energy equations for steady and
uniform flow in an open channel. These equations can be used
to derive the relationships between the flow depth, velocity,
pressure, and energy before and after the jump. The Froude
number, which is a dimensionless number that indicates the
ratio of the flow velocity to the wave celerity, can be used to
characterize the type and strength of the jump. There are six
types of hydraulic jumps, classified according to their Froude

- Undular jump: Fr < 1.7. The water surface has smooth

undulations or waves. The jump is very weak and stable. The
energy loss is very low, around 5%.
- Weak jump: 1.7 < Fr < 2.5. The water surface has small
rollers or ripples. The jump is weak and stable. The energy loss
is low, around 5 to 18%.
- Oscillating jump: 2.5 < Fr < 4.5. The water surface has large
rollers or waves that oscillate up and down. The jump is strong
and unstable. The energy loss is moderate, around 15 to 35%.
- Steady jump: 4.5 < Fr < 9.0. The water surface has a well-
defined roller that remains stationary. The jump is very strong
and stable. The energy loss is high, around 35 to 60%.
- Strong jump: 9.0 < Fr < 20.0. The water surface has a violent
roller that moves downstream with high turbulence and spray.
The jump is extremely strong and unstable. The energy loss is
very high, around 60 to 80%.
- Very strong jump: Fr > 20.0. The water surface has a chaotic
roller that breaks up into droplets and air bubbles. The jump is
extremely violent and unstable. The energy loss is very high,
around 80 to 100%.
The experiment apparatus and setup are as follows:
(1) Apparatus:
- A glass-walled flume with sluice gates and a spillway
- Point gauges to measure the water surface levels
- A manometer to measure the pressure difference
- Scales to measure the discharge rate
- A pump to supply water to the flume

(2) Setup (if any):

- Connect the pump to the inlet of the flume and turn it on.
- Adjust the sluice gate at the outlet of the flume to create a free
flow condition.
- Place the point gauges along the flume at suitable locations to
measure the water surface levels before and after the jump.
- Place the manometer at the spillway section to measure the
pressure difference across the jump.
- Place the scales at the outlet of the flume to measure the
discharge rate.
The experiment procedures and mathematical equations are as
- Start the pump to supply water to the flume.
- Close the tail gate to allow water to accumulate and to develop
a hydraulic jump.
- Adjust the position of the hydraulic jump by adjusting the
amount of closure of the sluice gate.
- Measure the depth of the bed of the flume by using a point
- Measure the water surface level before it crosses the spillway.
- Measure the height of the spillway and the depth of water over
the spillway.
- Using the point gauges, determine the water surface levels
downstream of the jump.
- Measure y1 and y2, which are the depths before and after the
- Repeat the measurement steps for a different flow rate.

The mathematical equations for this experiment are:

- Continuity equation:
v1 = q/y1
v2 = q/y2
where :- q is the discharge per unit width of channel,
v1 and v2 are velocities before and after jump,
y1 and y2 are depths before and after jump.
- Momentum equation:
F = q(v2 - v1) + (y2^2 - y1^2)/2g
Where :- F is the force exerted by the jump on the spillway,
g is the acceleration due to gravity.
- Energy equation:
hL = (v2^2 - v1^2)/2g + (y2 - y1)(v2^2/2g + 1
where :- hL is the loss of energy head due to the jump.
- Froude number:
Fr1 = v1/(gy1)^0.5 and Fr2 = v2/(gy2)^0.5,
Where :- Fr1 and Fr2 are Froude numbers before and after the
jump, respectively.
- Length of the jump:
L = 5.75 (y2 - y1) / (Fr1 - 1),
Where :- L is the length of the jump, valid for rectangular
channels and steady jumps.
- Height of the jump:
y2 = [y1 + (8Fr1^2 - 1)^0.5] / 2,
where :- y2 is the depth after the jump, valid for rectangular
channels and steady jumps.
The observations and calculations for
this experiment are:
- A table of the measured data with appropriate units and
uncertainties, such as:
Flow rate Depth before Depth after Depth after
(L/s) jump (m) jump (m) jump (m)
10 0.05 0.15 0.8
15 0.07 0.18 1.2
20 0.09 0.21 1.6

- A calculation of the velocities before and after the jump

using the continuity equation, such as:
For flow rate = 10 L/s,
v1 = q/y1 = (10/1000) / (0.05)
v1 = 0.20 m/s
v2 = q/y2 = (10/1000) / (0.15)
v2 = 0.07 m/s

- A calculation of the force exerted by the jump on the spillway

using the momentum equation, such as:

For flow rate = 10 L/s,

F = q(v2 - v1) + (y2^2 - y1^2)/2g
F = (10/1000)(0.07 - 0.20) + ((0.15)^2 - (0.05)^2)/(2*9.81)
F = -0.0013 + 0.0008
F = -0.0005 N/m

- A calculation of the loss of energy head due to the jump using

the energy equation, such as:

For flow rate = 10 L/s,

hL = (v2^2 - v1^2)/2g + (y2 - y1)(v2^2/2g + 1)

hL = ((0.07)^2 - (0.20)^2)/(2*9.81) + (0.15 -
0.05)((0.07)^2/(2*9.81) + 1)
hL = -0.0013 + 0.1027
hL = 0.1014 m
- A calculation of the Froude numbers before and after the jump
using, such as:
For flow rate = 10 L/s,
Fr1 = v1/(gy1)^0.5
Fr1 = 0.20 / ((9.81)(0.05))^0.5
Fr1 = 6.37
Fr2 = v2/(gy2)^0.5
Fr2 = 0.07 / ((9.81)(0.15))^0.5
Fr2 = 1.83
- A calculation of the length and height of the jump using
empirical formulas or tables for different types of
channels, such as:

For flow rate = 10 L/s,

L = 5.75 (y2 - y1) / (Fr1 - 1)

L = 5.75 (0.15 - 0.05) / (6.37 - 1)
L = 0.11 m
The results and discussions for this
experiment are:
- A comparison of the experimental data with the
theoretical predictions, such as:
Flow Depth Depth Pressure Velocit Velocit Force Energ Froude Froude Length
rate before after differenc y y after on y loss number number of jump
(L/s) jump jump e (kPa) before jump spillwa (m) before after (m)
(m) (m) jump (m/s) y (N/m) jump jump
10 0.05 0.15 0.8 0.2 0.07 -0.0005 0.1014 6.37 1.83 0.11

15 0.07 0.18 1.2 0.21 0.08 -0.0026 0.1009 5.67 1.71 0.13

20 0.09 0.21 1.6 0.22 0.1 -0.0048 0.1004 5.25 1.61 0.15
- A discussion of the results and their comparison with
theoretical predictions, such as:

The results show that the hydraulic jump is a strong and

stable jump, with a Froude number before the jump
ranging from 5 to 6, and a Froude number after the jump
ranging from 1 to 2.

The results also show that the loss of energy in the

hydraulic jump is around 10 cm, which is consistent with
the theoretical predictions based on the conservation of
energy equation.

The results also show that the force exerted by the jump
on the spillway is very small and negative, indicating that
the jump is pushing the water back upstream.

The results also show that the length and height of the
jump are around 10 to 15 cm, which are close to the
estimates based on empirical formulas for rectangular
channels and steady jumps.
The conclusion for this experiment is:
- A summary of the main findings and
implications of this experiment, such
This experiment demonstrated how to create and observe
a hydraulic jump in an open channel and how to measure
its characteristics and energy loss.

The experiment showed that the hydraulic jump is a strong

and stable jump, with a high loss of energy and a small
force on the spillway.
The experiment also showed that the characteristics of the
hydraulic jump depend on the flow rate and can be
estimated using empirical formulas or tables for different
types of channels.
The experiment also showed that the theoretical
predictions based on conservation of mass, momentum,
and energy equations are in good agreement with the
experimental data.

The experiment illustrated the importance and

applications of hydraulic jumps in engineering structures,
such as spillways, weirs, dams, and other hydraulic

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