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Plaster is a thin layer of mortar applied over the masonry surface and it acts as a damp-proof coat
over the brick masonry work. Plastering also provides a finished surface over the masonry that is
firm and smooth hence it enhances the appearance of the building. The primary objectives of
plastering are to protect the surface from atmospheric influences, to cover the defective workmanship
in masonry, to conceal porous materials, and to provide a suitable surface for painting.

Standard Specifications used for the Plastering Work

Refer to Kenya Building code on plastering work.

Procedure of Plastering Work

1. Preparation of Surface for Plastering
1. Keep all the mortar joints of wall rough, so as to give a good bonding to hold plaster.
2. Roughen the entire wall to be plastered.
3. Clean all the joints and surfaces of the wall with a wire brush, there should be no oil or grease
etc. left on wall surface.
4. If there exist any cavities or holes on the surface, then fill it in advance with appropriate
5. If the surface is smooth or the wall to be plastered is old one, then rake out the mortar joint to
a depth of at least 12 mm to give a better bonding to the plaster.
6. Wash the mortar joints and entire wall to be plastered, and keep it wet for at least 6 hours
before applying cement plaster.
7. If the projection on the wall surface is more than 12 mm, then knock it off, so as to obtain a
uniform surface of wall. This will reduce the consumption of plaster.
2. Groundwork for Plaster
1. In order to get uniform thickness of plastering throughout the wall surface, first fix dots on
the wall. A dot means patch of plaster of size 15 mm * 15 mm and having thickness of about
10 mm.
2. Dots are fixed on the wall first horizontally and then vertically at a distance of about 2 meters
covering the entire wall surface.
3. Check the verticality of dots, one over the other, by means of plumb-bob.
4. After fixing dots, the vertical strips of plaster, known as screeds, are formed in between the
dots. These screeds serve as the gauges for maintaining even thickness of plastering being

3. Applying Under Coat or Base Coat

1. In case of brick masonry the thickness of first coat plaster is in general 12 mm and in case of
concrete masonry this thickness varies from 9 to 15 mm.
2. The ratio of cement and sand for first coat plaster varies from 1:3 to 1:6.
3. Apply the first coat of plaster between the spaces formed by the screeds on the wall surface.
This is done by means of trowel.
4. Level the surface by means of flat wooden floats and wooden straight edges.
5. After leveling, left the first coat to set but not to dry and then roughen it with a scratching
tool to form a key to the second coat of plaster.
4. Applying Finishing Coat
1. The thickness of second coat or finishing coat may vary between 2 to 3 mm.
2. The ratio of cement and sand for second coat plaster varies from 1:4 to 1:6.
3. Before applying the second coat, damp the first coat evenly.
4. Apply the finishing coat with wooden floats to a true even surface and using a steel trowel,
give it a finishing touch.
5. As far as possible, the finishing coat should be applied starting from top towards bottom and
completed in one operation to eliminate joining marks.

5. Curing of Plastering works

1. After completion of the plastering work, it is kept wet by sprinkling water for at least 7 days
in order to develop strength and hardness.
2. Use of gunny bags or other materials is used to keep the plastering works wet in external
3. Improper curing may lead to cracks formation or efflorescence in plaster work.
Care be taken after Completion of Plaster Work
 Cleaning of doors or frame and floor area is necessary at the completion of work.
 Curing should be started as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently and must be cured
for at least 7 days.
 Curing shall commence, 24 hours after the plaster is laid.

PLASTERING Plastering, like brickwork, is one of the oldest-established crafts in this country, having
been introduced by the Romans. The plaster used was a lime plaster, which generally has been superseded
by gypsum plasters.
The disadvantages of lime plastering are:

 Drying shrinkage, which causes cracking;

 Slow drying-out process, which can take several weeks, causing delays for the following trades;
 Need to apply lime plaster in several coats, usually termed render, float and set, to reduce the
amount of shrinkage.
Any plaster finish must smooth out irregularities in the backing wall, provide a continuous surface that is
suitable for direct decoration, and be sufficiently hard to resist damage by impact upon its surface;
gypsum plasters fulfil these requirements.
Gypsum is a crystalline combination of calcium sulphate and water. Deposits of suitable raw material are
found in several parts of England, and after crushing and screening the gypsum is heated to dehydrate the
material. The amount of water remaining at the end of this process defines its class under BS 1191:
Specification for gypsum building plasters. If powdered gypsum is heated to about 170 °C it loses about
three-quarters of its combined water and is called hemihydrate gypsum plaster, but is probably better
known as Plaster of Paris. If a retarder is added to the hemihydrate plaster a new class of finishing plaster
is formed to which the addition of expanded perlite and other additives will form a one-coat or universal
plaster, a renovating-grade plaster or a spray plaster for application by a spray machine.
BS 1191 establishes four classes of plaster:
Class A – Plaster of Paris;
Class B – retarded hemihydrate gypsum plaster in two categories:
(a) undercoat plasters;
(b) finish coat plasters;
Class C – anhydrous gypsum plaster (completely dehydrated gypsum);
Class D – Keene’s plaster (completely dehydrated gypsum, very slow set, high-quality finish)

Table 7.8.1 Categories of plaster

Gypsum-based plasters BS ref. Trade name
Class A:
Plaster of Paris hemihydrate BS 1191-1
Class B:
Retarded hemihydrate BS 1191-1
Browning – section a1 Thistle
slow set
Metal lathing – section a2 Thistle metal
Finish – section b1 Thistle finish
Sirapite B
finish – section b2 Thistle board
Class C:
Anhydrous finish only BS 1191-1 Sirapite
Class D:
Keene’s plaster BS 1191-1 Standard
Keene’s Fine
polar white
Premixed lightweight BS 1191-2
Browning – section a1 Carlite
browning (HSB)
Metal lathing – section a2 Carlite metal
Bonding – section a3 Carlite bonding
Carlite welter-weight
Finish – section b1 Carlite finish

Table 7.8.1 lists British Standard plaster classifications, but omits non-standard plasters for special
applications. These include:

 Thin-wall plasters – for skimming and filling. These may contain organic binders that could be
incompatible with some backgrounds. Check with manufacturer before application.
 Projection plasters – for spray machine application.
 X-ray plasters – contain barium sulphate aggregate. This is a heavy metal with salts that provide a
degree of exposure protection.
 Acoustic plaster – contain porous gaps, which will absorb sound. Surface treatments that obscure
should be avoided.
 Resinous plaster – ‘Proderite’ formula S, a cement-based plaster especially formulated for squash
courts as a substitute for Class D – Keene’s plaster.
Gypsum plasters are not suitable for use in temperatures exceeding 43 °C, and should not be applied to
frozen backgrounds. However, plasters can be applied under frosty conditions provided the surfaces are
adequately protected from freezing after application.
Gypsum plasters are supplied in multi-walled paper sacks, which require careful handling. Damage to the
bags will admit moisture and initiate commencement of the setting process. Plaster in an advanced state
of set will have a short working time and may lack considerable strength. Characteristics are manifested
in lack of bond and surface irregularities. Plaster should be stored in a dry location on pallets or other
means of avoiding the ground. The dry, bagged plaster in store will be unaffected by low temperatures.
Deterioration with age must also be avoided by regular checks on the manufacturer’s date stamps, and by
applying a system of strict rotation.
The plaster should be mixed in a clean plastic or rubber bucket using clean water only. Cleanliness is
imperative, because any set plaster left in the mixing bucket from a previous mixing will shorten the
setting time, which may reduce the strength of the plaster when set.
Premixed plasters incorporate lightweight aggregates such as expanded perlite and exfoliated vermiculite.
Perlite is a glassy volcanic rock combining in its chemical composition a small percentage of water.
When subjected to a high temperature the water turns into steam, thus expanding the natural perlite to
many times its original volume. Vermiculite is a form of mica with many ultra-thin layers, between which
are minute amounts of water, which expand or exfoliate the natural material to many times its original
volume when subjected to high temperatures by the water turning into steam and forcing the layers of
flakes apart. The density of a lightweight plaster is about one-third that of a comparable sanded plaster,
and it has a thermal value of about three times that of sanded plasters, resulting in a reduction of heat loss,
less condensation, and a reduction in the risk of pattern staining. It also has superior adhesion properties
to all backgrounds including smooth dry clean concrete.
The choice of plaster mix, type and number of coats will depend upon the background or surface to which
the plaster is to be applied. Roughness and suction properties are two of the major considerations. The
roughness can affect the keying of the plaster to its background. Special keyed bricks are available for
this purpose (see Fig. 3.2.3); alternatively, the joints can be raked out to a depth of 15–20 mm as the wall
is being built. In-situ concrete can be cast using sawn formwork giving a rough texture, and hence
forming a suitable key. Generally, all lightweight concrete blocks provide a suitable key for the direct
application of plasters. Bonding agents in the form of resin emulsions are available for smooth surfaces;
these must be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to achieve satisfactory
The suction properties of the background can affect the drying rate of the plaster by absorbing the
moisture of the mix. Too much suction can result in the plaster failing to set properly, thus losing its
adhesion to its background; too little suction can give rise to drying shrinkage cracks due to the retention
of excess water in the plaster.
Undercoat plasters are applied by means of a wooden float or rule worked between dots or runs of plaster
to give a true and level surface. The runs or rules and dots are of the same mix as the backing coat and are
positioned over the background at suitable intervals to an accurate level so that the main application of
plaster can be worked around the guide points. The upper surface of the undercoat plaster should be
scored or scratched to provide a suitable key for the finishing coat. The thin finishing coat of plaster is
applied to a depth of approximately 3 mm and finished.
with a steel float to give a smooth surface. In hot and dry conditions care must be taken to ensure that
water is not allowed to evaporate from the mix. Water is very important in the setting process, and if
applied plaster is allowed to dry too quickly, loss of strength, surface adhesion and surface irregularities
will become apparent.
Most paints and wall coverings are compatible with plaster finishes, provided the plaster is thoroughly
dried out prior to application. This normally takes several months: therefore, as an interim measure,
permeable water-based emulsion paint could be used.
Guidance in application and standards of workmanship can be found in BS 5492: Code of practice for
internal plastering and BS 8000-10: Workmanship on building sites. Code of practice for plastering and
External walls or internal walls and partitions can be drylined with a variety of materials, which can be
self-finished, ready for direct decoration, or have a surface suitable for a single final coat of board finish
plaster. The main advantages of drylining techniques are: speed; reduction in the amount of water used in
the construction of buildings, thus reducing the drying out period; and in some cases, increased thermal
Suitable materials are hardboard, plywood, chipboard and plasterboard. Hardboard, plywood and
chipboard are fixed to timber battens attached to the wall at centers to suit the spanning properties and
module size of the board. Finishing can be a direct application of paint, varnish or wallpaper, but masking
the fixings and joints may present problems. As an alternative the joints can be made a feature of the
design by the use of edge chamfers or by using moulded cover fillets.
Plasterboard consists of an aerated gypsum core encased in and bonded to specially prepared bonded
paper liners. The grey-coloured liner is intended for a skim coat of plaster, and the ivory-coloured liner is
for direct decoration.
Gypsum plasterboards are manufactured in a variety of specifications to suit numerous applications. They
are generally available in metric coordinated widths of 900 and 1200 mm with coordinated lengths from
1800 to 3000 mm in thicknesses of 9.5- and 12.5-mm. Boards can be obtained with a tapered edge for a
seamless joint or a square edge for cover fillet treatment. Some variants are listed in Table 7.8.2.
Baseboard is produced with square edges as a suitable base for a single coat of board finish plaster. One
standard width is manufactured with a thickness of 9.5 mm; lengths are 1200, 1219 and 1372 mm. Before
the plaster coat is applied the joints should be covered with a jute scrim 100 mm wide (see Fig. 7.8.3).
Plasterboard lath is a narrow plasterboard with rounded edges, which removes the need for a jute scrim
over the joints. The standard width is 406 mm, with similar lengths to baseboard and thicknesses of 9.5
and 12.5 mm.
The fixing of drylinings is usually by nails to timber battens suitably spaced, plumbed and levelled to
overcome any irregularities in the background. Fixing battens are placed vertically between the horizontal
battens fixed at the junctions of the ceiling and floor with the wall. It is advisable to treat all fixing battens
with an insecticide and a fungicide to lessen the risk of beetle infestation and fungal attack.

Table 7.8.2 Common types of plasterboard

Type Thickness (mm) Width (m Application
Plank 19 600 Sound insulation
Moisture resistant 9.5 and 12.5 1200 Bathroom/kitchen
Contoured 6 1200 Curved surfaces
Vapour check 9.5 and 12.5 900 and 1200 External wall/roof
Firecheck 12.5 900 and 1200 Fire cladding
Lath 9.5 and 12.5 400 and 600 Ceiling lining
Thermal 12.5* 1200 Thermal insulation
Glass reinforced 4–35 Various Fire protection

* Overall thickness, including laminates of expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene or phenolic foam,
can be between 25 and 50 mm.
The spacing of the battens will be governed by the spanning properties of the lining material: fixing
battens at 450 mm centres are required for 9.5 mm thick plasterboards and at 600 mm centres for 12.5
mm thick plasterboards, so placed that they coincide with the board joints.
12.5 mm plasterboard can also be fixed to brick or block masonry with dabs of plaster. Dabs of board-
finish plaster about 50–75 mm wide by 250 mm long are close spaced vertically at a horizontal spacing
(max. 600 mm) to suit the board width. Intermediate dabs are similarly spaced with a continuous spread at
ceiling and ground levels. The plasterboard is then placed in position, tapped and horizontally aligned
with a spirit level until it is firmly in contact with the dabs. Double-headed (duplex) nails can be used to
secure the boards temporarily while the dabs set, after which they are removed and joints are made good.
It is recommended that tapered edge boards are used for this method of fixing.

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