Spells I Perks I Status Catalogue

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Paradise style: specialist in enchanting weaponry making for a close combat

offensive style focused on buffing your gear with a fine tuned library of Spells at
your disposal, has little to no access to Illusion spells

Illusion style: Focused on breaking the minds of your target with the most over the
top shit possible, little to no access to Paradise spells

Nede style: Specialists in every supportive and offensive conjurables, has mild
access to other schools of spells

Tophet style: Specialist in Offensive conjurables, this school has the most
exclusive spells, for theirs are considered dangerous, to the user and it's
targets, no other style can conjure Tophet spells, and they are exhausting but
extremely powerful. This school is mind consuming, and will not allow for many
spells from other schools, as it requires the most out of its user out of all


puny glacialing: 1d3 turns of glacial and 1d6 damage, 2 points of C.K (1d2 chance
of activation)

Essence of glacialing: Advanced spell that causes 1d3 +1 turns of extreme cold to
an enemy + 1d6 +2 of damage, 4 points of C.K

Extreme glacialing: 1d4+1 turns of glacial and 1d10 +2 damage, 8 points of C.K

puny scorching: deal 1d2 turns of heat and 1d8 of damage, uses 2 points of
C.Knowledge (1d2 chance of activation)

Essence of scorching: Advanced spell that causes 1d3 +1 tunrs of extreme hot to an
enemy + 1d12 +2 of damage (direct)
Uses 4 points of (Conjurable Knowledge)

Extreme scorching: 1d4+1 turns of burn and 2d9 +2 of damage uses 8 points of

Damaging Weapon enchant: 1d4 +1 turns of extra +4 damage. (All) 4 points of C.K 4

Multifire gun enchant: Double shots have no penalty, Triple shots only have 1
penalty, roll 1d3+1 turns for effect (All)

Paralysis Weapon enchant: for 1d3+1 turns, weapons that have this effect will cause
paralysis. (All) 6 C.K

Scorching Weapon enchant: for 1d3+1 turns, weapons that have this effect will cause
Heat. (All) 6 C.K
Glacialing Weapon enchant: for 1d3+1 tunrs, weapons that have this effect will
cause Cold. (All) 6 C.K

Temporary invisibility: for 1 round if power test is successfull, go fully

invisible, and receive 1 advantage on stealth dice. (All styles) 10 C.K

Taunt Illusion: For 3 turns You become the target of all enemy units (All) 2 C.K


Concentration: Perk for alligning with Paradise: gain +10 C.K, +2 points in
bladeworks, strenght OR dex, constituition, +8 HP. Attacking with mastered physical
weapons grants 3 concentration, blocking grants 1, large damage grants 6, Parry
grants 4. getting hit makes you lose 1 point, losing your weapons makes you lose
ALL concentration. doesn't carry over combat. Increasing your level alligned with
Paradise will grant you skills that use concentration

The first circle of paradise: Unlocks: Concentration, Concentration is usable in

levels, gain a level after acquiring 10 points of concentration. Max level 3.

Unlocks: Shadow step: Allows you to have 2 movement turns, uses 1 Concentration
level, can only be used once per turn.

Frayed Weapon enchant: for the rest of the fight each succesfull attack adds +1
damage to your weapon, immediate -1 damage, turns into 0 damage after first hit, so
on. Limit depends on strength of enchantment

Illusion of extreme speed: Move fast enough to teleport to a range 3x bigger than
your move speed (Illusion style) (Paradise style) 6 C.K

Illusion of self: WIll confuse victims if succesfull with a mirage (Illusion) 7
points of C.K

Sound emition Illusion: Causes user to be able to create any sound at visual range,
causes distracted stat effect (Illusion) 3 C.K

Illusion of extreme speed: Move fast enough to teleport to a range 3x bigger than
your move speed (Illusion style) (Paradise style) 6 C.K

Damage Redirect: For 1d2 turns all damage caused will be 1/4 and taken to the enemy
(Nede) 8 C.K
Mind eater: Torn away at a enemy's sanity, if disatrous fail on power roll, enemy
can't move, if normal fail, take a 1d12 damage (Tophet)


12: Every 4 strenght points you gain +1 permanent extra melee damage

16: Choose:
Heavy attack: Spend your main turn + waste your reaction turn for dealing a heavy
attack, dealing 50% more damage

Create a technique with help of your DM involving physical strength with a clear
target/s and clear effect, the DM will adjust the dice required to realize such

20: Hard hit: Dealing max damage with a piercing weapon allows for 1d5 turns of
bleed debuff, blunt weapons can stun enemies with max damage roll

24: intense knowledge of unknown deities grant you immense physical strength, Buffs
critical hit to dealing 1 extra dice of the highest critical hit dice with any
physical hitting attack, deal 1d20 damage without any weapons. Able to pickup 10x
your body weight

12: Quick draw: If weapon is stored away, grab weapon without wasting a turn

16: Brisk soldier: If on initiative dice if you get the best result on the ally
team, have 2 main actions for the first turn

20: User is able to counter attack after a good successful dodge, counterattack
deals half damage

24: Advantage in iniciative dice, being the first in iniciative grants you an extra

Cause a Chain Attack once per encounter and call an ally, then you both have turns
to execute a coordinated assault on one specific target, however the turns must
have an order of: caster: attacks turns 1 and 3 , 2nd user: gets the second turn,
both are able to communicate in between eachother, this will not consume the 2nd
user's turn, but will completely consume the turn of the 1st user, and drain a 1/10
of his hp


12: Light foot: You can interact with the enviroment/move while staying hidden
without needing to roll, equipment doesn't make noise but walk slightly slower. (-1

16: Assasin's strike: If enters a combat undetected, first stealth attack does
double damage (plus double damage from regular stealth attacks, so 4x)

20: Shadow serviceman: Once a fight you may get out of sight unless you roll a fail
and unless you were being targeted by any enemies/ you targeted them, unable to
use on 1st turn.

24: Predator instinct: Positive reroll when trying to look for others using
stealth, have an innate abillity to notice and disarm traps

12: Lucky hand: Add an extra d20 damage with negative advantage to your damage, you
can roll for this dice once per combat and the AC 20

14: Missed projectiles can hit a adjacent opponent for half damage, can't hit
allies, based on positioning

16: Second wind: Chance of negating reducing damage by half if user takes 50% or
more of damage of their entire health bar (roll a d20, ac is 20)

18: That was close: Every 1 hour switch normal LuckXenemydice for your luck dice
(out of combat)
and every 10 turns (in combat) (example: switch constXpower for luckXpower)

20: Happy accident: User increases any positive effects he is involved in if

successfull luck roll (ac 25), reroll dice on buff used

24: Please work: The character's lowest leveled skill now counts as a 18 dice every
time used, the player/character does NOT know this information, and that skill does
not grant any perks granted by the buffed dice

12: Throwing things not made for throwing gives an positive reroll

16: able to throw multiple throwable items with no disadvantage

20: Throwing buffs or healing potions of any kind on allies has positive reroll /
throwables penetrate enemies if they have no armor, if they do, ignores armor
(choose one)

24: Eagle eye: User can Target spots of the target that the projectiles can hit for
stronger effects which will be judged by the DM on the moment (strong)


12: Smoking hot: Charm has pos. Reroll if victim is attracted to the user's gender,
and victim has neg reroll on int roll

14: Compelling presence: Able to roll for charm when trying to indimidate, detect
lies etc. perks apply

16: Second chance: If your character is attractive to a victim that is NOT

attracted to your gender, roll a charm dice to see if the gender preference is
ignored, then perk Smoking hot is applied.

18: Uplifitng presence: causes positive reroll on charm rolls, doesn't affect
Compelling presence

20: Double-edge (charm): Allows user to charm anything that is alive and sentient.

24: two-faced soul: Ignores gender attraction; + roll a dice to analyze a person
(Detects their hobbies, lifestyle and how they are currently feeling to a far
extent, AC 20)

12: Trained eye: Positive reroll when looking for items

14: Trained ear: Positive reroll when trying to listen to anything

18: Positive reroll when looking for someone who was previously detected and is now
using stealth,

20: Sixth sense: roll a D20 with AC of 20 when being attacked by a surprise/stealth
attack, if you beat the ac, enter a reaction turn

24: Microscopic vision: Advantage on dodging, can detect weaknesses on target's


12: Good shape: able to move twice more than other players + every 2 constituition
points = to +1 health

16: Unfaltering will: Able to freely counterattack on reaction turn as long as

character receives less then 1/4 of it's max health in damage (reaction turn is
delayed until after enemy's attack if perk is used)

18: Steel skin: Select a damage type to permanently have +4 armor points against
(blades/physical, guns/ballistic or magic)

20: Perseverance: User can use Perseverance instead of blocking on their turn,
guaranteeing a block, and take only 1/4 damage, however lose your main turn, and
can only be used as a reaction

24: Cheat death once per lifetime (season), coming back with 1/4 of max hp

12: Able to use movement turn to look for opponent weaknesses

16: Do as i say: You can waste YOUR turn to tell someone else to do something for
you, doesn't waste their main turn, wastes yours

20: Field experience: Critical hit range is increased by 3,


12: Resorceful: Able to use ingredients 2x times before they run out

14: Enchanting done left: You can apply potion effects to yours and other people's
gear, be it negative or positive

16: Kabloey!: Potion/bomb effect have 2x range when thrown, the extra range doesn't
affect teammates if it's negative

18: Spells that you brew into support potions get +3 turns and bombs deal .5x more

20: Muscle memory: able to create items mid battle using movement turn

24: unbelievable knowledge: allows you to tell what anything relating to alchemy is
on the glance of an eye (in other words, ask the dm)

12: Close Combat gives positive reroll when attacking with a gun the user has
mastery on

16: Well treated: Able to counterattack with guns + You no longer jam your guns
when rolling a disaster

18: Able to spend a full turn to fire 3x times without penalty

20: Jackpot: User can Spend up to two bullets per gun, roll the damage of two
bullets then multiply damage by 3, then 1/4 that number and spend that in current
clip, force a 1 turn cooldown on the weapons

24: Be efficient: Crit range increased by 3, add an extra of your highest crit
dice. Have a natural proficiency with all weapons vaguely similar to character's
mastered weapons.

12: Cold patience: Able to hold blade still to have an advantage when counter
attacking or blocking with the weapon, costs main turn. +
ability to attack twice on the same turn

16: Dealing max damage with white weapons forces decepate limbs, on a degree
dependant on your damage

18: years of training: Positive reroll when counterattacking with any white weapon
that you have mastery of.

20: Parry: A Extreme success block using your sword turns into a parry and leaves
the enemy for a riposte if possible. blocking now uses Bladeworks

24: Be efficient: Crit range increased by 3, add an extra of your highest crit
dice. Have a natural proficiency with all weapons vaguely similar to character's
mastered weapons.
(Otherwordly knowledge) Power:
12: Choose a school based on the "main" dimensions:

14: Ether regeneration: Recover Ether after every fight and resting fully restores

16: Knowledgeable proficiency: Able to conjure one more Spell on your main turn,
Able to cast spells as a reaction turn

18: Abnormal recognition: Allows user to study unknown spells and learn them
outside of level ups/styles, this action takes time.

20: Teacher's pride: able to create a spell for the School you chose, + double the
buffs you previously acquired for choosing a school

24: Be efficient: Crit range increased by 3, add an extra of your highest crit


Cold: Blunt and Slashing damage deal 1/2 more damage

Heat: Power damage deals 1/2 more damage, victim can walk 1/2 less

Bleed: Take 1/2 more damage from physical damage, limbs can be decepated faster.

Stun: Can't move for assigned dice turns

Concussion: Negative reroll on gunworks, bladeworks and power rolls.

Distracted: Unable to target specified enemy, doesn't work if there's only one

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