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SD Muhammadiyah Sokonandi in Collaboration
with Pro English and Desa Wisata Kalakijo

Location: Bumi Perkemahan Dewikarsari

Enjoy Your Trip!

A. Preparation for each student:
- Study the manual book
- Bring the manual book during event
- Bring a Clipboard (papan alas tulis)
- Bring a Pen
- Bring leaves: Bus 1 - Papaya leaf
Bus 2 - Spinach leaf Clipboard
Bus 3 - Celery
Bus 4 - Cassava leaf

Vocabularies for Eco Print Activity

Leaves (Daun-daun)

Celery Red Spinach Papaya Leaf Kirinyuh Leaf


Cassava leaf Cosmos Leaf Coleus Leaf Chinese Betel Leaf

Materials and Tools

(Bahan dan Alat)

Calico Tote Bag: Tas Jinjing

berbahan belacu Roller: Alat Roll

Alum Water Spray: A plastic sheet
Semprotan Air Tawas

Verbs List (Daftar Kata Kerja)

English Words Meaning
prepare siapkan
arrange susun/tata
cover tutup
press and move the roller Tekan dan gerakan alat roll
remove ambil/pindahkan
spray semprot

Sequence Adverbs (Kata keterangan urutan)

English Words Meaning

First Pertama-tama
Then Kemudian
Next selanjutnya
After that Setelah itu
Finally Terakhir

B. Hunting Leaves and Describing things

Useful Expression 1 Useful Exprssion 2

A: Do you have Cosmos leaves? A: What kind of leaves do you need for eco
B: Yes /No
B: I need leaves with green color and red/purple
A: Could you give me Red Spinach leaves? A: What are green leaves?
B: Yes, here it is/here they are B: They are Cosmos leaf, Papaya leaf, Cassava
leaf, Chinese Betel leaf and Kirinyuh leaf.
Useful Expression 3 Type and Shape of Leaf
A: How do you describe Kirinyuh leaf? (Jenis dan Bentuk Daun)
B: It is simple and triangle-shaped leaf. The
color is green.
Simple Leaf

A: How do you describe Cassava leaf?

B: It is compound and finger-shaped leaf.
The color is green.

Triangle-shaped Heart-shaped Oval-shaped

leaf leaf leaf

C. Telling Process
Compound Leaf
How to eco print a tote bag?
 First, prepare ....
 Then, arrange .....
 Next, cover ....
 After that, press and ....
 And then, remove....
 Finally, spray ..... Finger-shaped Bipinnate leaf
Palmated leaf

D. Expressing Feeling and Giving Testimony

Positive Feeling Negative Feeling

=============== ================
I am so happy. I am so tired.
I enjoyed this field trip. I am not happy.
Look! My tote bag is beautiful. I dont like this field trip.
I learned many things. I like this activity. I cannot follow this activity.
Look! My tote bag is bad.

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