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nd. 186) CIRCULAR MEMORANDUM Fegan, Ty - DARIPADA Jabatan Bekalan Ait Luae Bandar, KEPADA Sila hat senarai agian _ Sarawak. Procurentent and Administrative PERKARA Procedures Pursuant to Surt Peeling | SALINAN KPD, Setinusaba Kewangan Neyer BLOS/2018 IBALB/QSIS TARIKH 2xiar019_ [ RUL-TUAN TTARIKHE RUJ.KAMI _}a.1(0005) CIRCULAR NO. DRWS 5/2019 Pursuant to Surat Peking Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri Bil. 05/2018 rf. SFS/0OU2I/1 SFS-CIRCULARS(PX(10) dated 10.08.2018 where the limit of authority ofthe State Divisional ‘Tenders Board (SDTB) has been increased fiom RMSOO,000 to 'RM2,000,000 as a mean to improve and expedite the State Government's delivery system, comesponding and necessary measures have thus been taken to align with the sad policy change as follows: @ » © @ ‘The project management of all state divisional cotiaets comprising planning, design, tender documentation, procurement, wird, implementtion and supervision under the jurisdiction of the Divisional Water Engineer (DWE) shall be duly increased from RMS00,000 to 2,000,000 in ine with the above-mentioned State Financial Secretary's Cireular, ‘The DWE stall act on behalf of the Employer and appoint his/her Engineer to be the Supecintending Officer (8.0.) for all slate divisional contacts up to RM2,000,000; ‘The Diteetorof Rural Watee Supply, Sarawak who has been empowered sign contracts up io RMI, 000,000 will now relegate this authority to all DWE for the signing of conircis up to RMI,000000. Nevertheless, for contacts ‘exceeding RN, 000,000 and up to RI2,000,000, the DWE is hereby instructed to seek authotty directly fom the Minister of Uiliis for the eventual signing ofthe relevant contracts; ‘To streamline comesponding administrative procedures pertaining to the ‘management cf contracts from RMS00,000 to RM2,000,000, the authority of | the Regional Managers (RM) and DWE for approval of PTIVO have also been reviewed to suit as below:- @_DWE’s approval shall be evised up to 8 cumulative value (positives ‘only) of RM100,000 or 20% of the Contact Sum, whichever is lesser, whereas Gi) RMP approval shall be revised up to a cumulative value (positives ‘only) of 8M1200,000 oF 20% of the Contract Sum, Whichever is lesser Notwithstanding that, the authority of the PTIVO Committe shall however remain status quo viz: the limit of auhorty for PTIVO Committee, chaired by any of the Deputy Director, is up to a cumulative amount of RMI,000,000 oF 20% ofthe Contact Sum, whichever is lesser, whilst for any PTIVO exceeding as [RMSO0000 but not exceeding RMI million, approval shall be sought from Director of Rural Water Supply. VO / PHIK / ACS with varianee fiom the PTIVO / Provisional Quantities © sespectiely not exceeding 10% sal il apply. 2. Fundamentally, the Directorates decision to increase the DWE" and RMs" authority in approving PTIVG from RM20,000 to RM100,000 and RMI00,000 to RM200,000 respectively is to relegate more auonomy indecision making, congruent with the aspiration ‘of the Slate Goveramt io expedite delivery of minor projects 3. Foryournecesary compliance, please.

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