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Compiled to fulfill assignments in Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching Course

Lecturer: Dr. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S. Pd., M. Pd

Arranged by:

1. Yulia Nur Annisa 206121040

2. Diniar Indah Cahyani 206121062
3. Listy Febriana Sholihati 206121071



A. PREFACE whining, pointing at something you
want, walking away and so on.
Emotions are a complex form B. METHOD
of reaction. This happens because
emotions involve elements of This research was conducted
experience, behavior, and physiology using qualitative methods. This
that are used to solve a problem method is a research method that
personally. In this case, emotions are uses descriptions in the analysis of
divided into several forms caused by research results or does not use
special interpretations as a result of a numbers in the data. Then the results
certain event, a simple example of of the analysis of this method are
disappointment. Often, we observe explained in detail using decryption.
that when someone is in a bad mood, The data collection technique used
we will interpret it as a feeling of by the researcher was to directly
disappointment with something that observe the children who were the
makes that person often express object of research. Researchers take
angry expressions or even cry several objects (children) to be
suddenly. observed directly when they express
sentences or words of
In psychology, the notion of disappointment. Whether it's in order
disappointment is a condition in to play, or do other activities.
which individuals feel something
unpleasant caused by what they want Tarigan (1986: 15) suggests
does not match the reality that is that listening is a process of listening
happening. Then the feeling of to verbal symbols with full attention,
disappointment is expressed in understanding, appreciation and
verbal form such as the formation of interpretation to obtain information,
certain phonemes or nonverbally capture or message and understand
which causes movements that the meaning of communication that
indicate the feeling of has been conveyed by the speaker
disappointment itself such as through speech or spoken language.

This listening technique is carried what utterances are expressed by
out because the object to be children aged 3-7 years in expressing
examined in this study is an their disappointment with something.
expression of disappointment in Researchers took samples from
children aged 3-7 years. Then several children including Alvino
proceed with note-taking techniques, Ghaisan Nur Rahmat (3 years),
namely by recording data in data Adzikia Fahrul Ilham (3 years), Rafa
tabulations with certain stationery or Putra Ramadhan (6 years), Ilham
instruments. After listening to the Ahmad Mutakin (7 years), Aisyah
children's expressions of Mayna Ledgergya (7 years),
disappointment, this research was Banafsya Ashilla Razaan (3 years),
continued by recording the results or Raffasya Gaishan Rafif (4 years),
data that had been collected when the Bara Keanu Harianto (3 years),
listening process took place using Hafshah Haula Shabira (3 years),
certain writing instruments and there Velycia Zulaikha Vierly (7 years) and
was no sound recording as evidence. Elza Zaenal Muustafa (5 years).
This is because the expression of
disappointment in children is not a 1) Phonological Aspect
sentence that can be planned that
arises from the child. But a sentence Context 1: A younger
that appears suddenly as a child's sibling asked his older sibling
response to the prohibitions imposed to tether, but his older sibling
by the people around him. The data did not allow it because it was
collected by the researchers focused still a school day
on psycholinguistic aspects.
Adik : Mbak, jaluk
Kakak : Emoh.

This research was conducted Adik : Ndang og, gur lima

involving children aged 3-7 years. menit.
This study aims to find out how and

Kakak: tethring e khusus dino Adik : (menunjuk
sabtu minggu kinderjoy) Mbak, mau itu.

Adik : Heumm, mbak Kakak : Lainnya aja,

pelit! jangan itu.

Adik : Heum, pengen itu.

The first context occurs Kakak : Yaudah ambil aja,

when a younger sibling asks their tapi kalau dimarahin ibu jangan
older sibling for tethering so they salahin kakak.
can watch videos on YouTube.
Adik : Yaudah enggak
However, his brother refused by not
jadi (wajahnya cemberut).
giving tethering to his sister
because it was not a school holiday.
The description of the emotion of The second context
disappointment by the younger occurs when a younger sibling goes
sibling above is conveyed verbally. with their older sibling to a mini
Expressing this verbally is market. The younger sister asked
evidenced by the appearance of her brother Kinderjoy. The younger
phonemes such as “heumm” which sibling's way of asking includes
are then followed by other words verbal and non-verbal because
that show disappointment. In this asking verbally and followed by
first context, there is no expression finger movements pointing to the
of disappointment in a non-verbal desired food. The verbal method is
form that shows physical shown by appearing the sentence of
movement. Only limited speech but surrender but the meaning is
with a mocking tone and a little disappointed at not being allowed
snapped. to buy Kinderjoy in the sentence

Context 2: brothers and “Yaudah enggak jadi”. While the

sisters go to a mini market to buy non-verbal way is by showing a

goods. sullen face that shows


(Enggak mau, aku penggennya
kaya punyanya mas Ilham). More
Context 3: Rafa whines that
precisely the word “emoh” which
he wants a toy like Ilham.
means “enggak mau/tidak mau”.
Rafa : Kui sek tuku ngedi, Meanwhile, non-verbal expressions
am? are shown in attitude actions,

Ilham : iki sek tuku ning namely when Rafa whines to his

sekolahanku. mother while pointing at Ilham's

toys that Rafa wants. Apart from
Rafa : Mah, aku pengen
pointing towards the toy he wanted,
koyo nggon e mas Ilham.
Rafa also showed a sad and sullen
(merengek meminta ke Ibunya)
face. It can be concluded that Rafa
Ilham : Lha ning omah koe was very disappointed because he
lak wes ndue. could not get the toy he wanted.

Rafa : Emoh, pengenku

koyo nggon e mas Ilham ngono
Context 4: Fahrul and
kui (merengek ke Ibunya sambil
Malika buy at the shop, and
menunjuk mainan milik Ilham).
Fahrul asks for snacks that are
Mama : Yowes, sesuk golek not allowed.
sek podo nggon e mas Ilham.
Malika : Yok, ndang arep
tumbas opo?

This third context occurs Fahrul : (tidak menjawab

when Rafa asks his mother for a toy hanya keliling toko)
that is the same as Ilham's. In this
Malika : Ndang milih sek
context, there are verbal and non-
verbal expressions of
disappointment. Verbal expressions Fahrul : (mengambil barang

of disappointment are indicated by yang diinginkan)

the sentence “Emoh, pengeku Malika : Ojo kui, ora etok

koyo nggon e mas Ilham”.

Fahrul : Iyah iyahhhhhh Ilham : Mbak, ayo tumbas
(merengek menangis dan menunjuk dorayaki
baran yang diinginkan)
Dini : Ning ngendi?

Ilham : Ning Indomart

The fourth context occurs
(sesampainya di Indomart, roti
when Malika and Fahrul are at the
yang dicari Ilham tidak ada)
shop for snacks. Their initial
intention was to buy food. But Dini : Rotine entek, am

Fahrul took things he didn't want. Ilham : Halah

Malika forbade it because the
Dini : Nyobo tumbas ning
money she brought was not enough.
cedak pasar bekonang opo pie?
This incident sparked the
emergence of expressions of Ilham : Emoh (wajahnya
disappointment from Fahrul. cemberut)
Expressions of disappointment
Dini : Tapi nek entek ojo
from Fahrul are divided into 2
types, namely verbal and non-
Ilham : Yowes rasah.
verbal. Verbal expressions of
(Cemberut dan berjalan duluan
disappointment are shown by the
keluar Indomart)
sentence “Iyahhh iyahhh”
followed by whining, crying and
pointing at the desired item. This
In context 5 this happened
attitude is called a non-verbal
when Ilham wanted to buy the
action in the expression of
dorayaki variant of Sari Roti at
Indomart. But the variants ran out
Context 5: Ilham and and Dini asked Ilham to look for
Dini are looking for the the bread at another shop near the
dorayaki variant of bread at market. There are expressions of
Indomart disappointment shown by
inspiration in verbal and non-verbal

ways. Expressions of verbal Ayah : Rene karo Ayah.
disappointment are shown by Ayo ngopek pelem (mencoba
saying “Emoh” and “Yowes rasah mengalihkan perhatian Alvino)
naknu”. The meaning of the words
Alvino : Emoh, emoh
of disappointment is “enggak
(Menggelengkan kepala)
mau” and “Yaudah, enggak
usah”. While the expression of Ayah : Ayo ngko tumbas

disappointment was shown by nggon e mbah Sri karo Ayah. Ayo

Ilham right after he said “Emoh” jikuk duit sek.

and “Yowes rasah”. When he said Alvino : (Menurut dan mau

“Emoh” Ilham showed a sullen ikut dengan Ayah)
face and when he said the sentence
(Ibu Alvino buru-buru pergi saat
“Yowes rasah” he still showed a
Alvino lengah dan perhatiannya
sullen face and was followed by the
sudah pada hal lain)
act of walking out of Indomart first.
Alvino : (mengetahui Ibunya
pergi berangkat kerja) Ibuk! Ibuk!
Context 6: Alvino was Melu Ibuk! (Menangis dan
crying because his mother and mencoba mengejar Ibunya tetapi di
father were left to work tahan sama Ayah)

(Ibu dan Bapak Alvino akan Ayah : Ibuk kerja sek, ning kene
berangkat bekerja. Mereka wae karo Ayah.
menitipkan Alvino di rumah nenek)
Alvino : Emoh, melu Ibuk
Ibu : Ndang melu Ayah kono (menangis dan menunjuk Ibunya
(panggilan untuk adik dari Ibu yang pergi bekerja)

Alvino :(Masih
In this context, Alvono
menggandeng tangan Ibunya agar
cried because his mother and father
Ibunya tidak pergi bekerja)
left him to work. There are several
expressions of disappointment by

Alvino either verbally or non- her sister, Cilla pointed at
verbally. Verbal expressions of kinderjoy which was displayed on
disappointment were shown by the cashier's display.
Alvino with the words “Emoh,
Yuri : Gausah beli kinderjoy ya,
emoh” which means “enggak
kan udah beli es krim.
mau, enggak mau”, “Ibuk! Ibuk!
Melu Ibuk!” which means “Ibuk! Cilla : Hmm…, iya. (Menjawab

Ibuk! Ikut Ibuk!” and “Emoh, dengan nada memelas dan

melu ibuk” which means “Enggak tertunduk lesu)

mau, ikut ibuk”. This verbal

expression of disappointment was
Context 7: Cila and her
followed by non-verbal means in
sister, Gya are playing with dolls.
the form of actions or actions or
But then Cilla snatched the doll
responses from Avino. The non-
that Gya was playing with, they
verbal expression of
had a fight and her mother came
disappointment that accompanied
to intervene.
Alvino's verbal expression of
disappointment was when he said Ibu : Aduh…, jangan
“Emoh, emoh” he shook his head. bertengkar ya! Gya pinjamkan
Then when he says “Ibuk! Ibuk! dulu bonekanya ke Cilla.
Melu Ibuk!” by crying and trying
Gya : (Memberikan bonekanya
to chase his mother. Then when he
dengan terpaksa)
said “Emoh, melu Ibuk” which
Ibu : Mengalah dulu ya sayang.
was followed by an act of crying
and pointing at his mother who was Gya : Hmmhh. (Berguman lesu)
going to work.

Contexts 6 and 7 show that

Context 6: Yuri invited his there is a phonological aspect in the
sister to buy food at Indomaret. form of a collection of phonemes
While waiting in line to pay for “hmm” in context I and “hmmhh”

in context 7. These two series are (Ketika Rafa sedang serius
included in the phonological aspect menatap layar handphonennya
because they do not have lexical pada jam 23.00 WIB berusaha
meanings. In context 6, the merebut handphone kembali)
utterance “hmm” indicates an
Ibu : Udah malam, tidur
expression of Cilla's
dulu. Handphonennya besok lagi
disappointment because her wish to
ya. (sambil membawa handphone
buy a Kinderjoy was not realized.
dan pergi menjauh)
He who then looked down lethargic
to show his disappointment even Rafasya : Ih ih, gamauu,

though he answered “iya”. In siniin bu, Rafa mau nonton,

context 7, the murmur that reads masih seru itu buu (mencoba

“hmmhh” reveals Gya's form of meraih dan merebut handphone

sadness and disappointment dari genggaman ibu sambil

because he was forced to give in to memasang raut wajah marah dan

his younger sibling. The expression terlihat ingin menangis)

of his disappointment was also Ibu : Udah malam

shown by the lethargic mumble he sayang, nanti mata kamu sakit,
let out. terus matanya merah, emangnya
Rafa mau? bu bawa dulu
handphonnya mau telfon temen
Context 8: The mother
ibu dulu. Udah sekarang tidur
forbade her child (age 4 years) to
dulu ya, ke kamar (sambil
watch shows (cartoons) on her
membawa handphone pergi
cellphone beyond the curfew,
menjauh lagi)
then took the cellphone with the
excuse that she wanted to contact Rafasya :!! Gamauu

someone. bu, jangan! Siniin buu! Huuu

(meraung-raung sambil melihat
Ibu : Rafa, udah malam,
Handphone dibawa pergi oleh ibu
yuk ke kamar, tidur dulu. Sini
dengan tatapan kecewanya dan
kasih ke ibu handphonennya.

berlari ke arah Ibu mencoba eat ice cream because she has a
merebut handphone kembali) cough and flu and the child
accepts reality

Elza : Bu, aku mau es krim itu,

In the context of the incident
mauu (menggandeng ibu ke depan
regarding the conversation between
pintu sambil menunjuk tukang es
mother and child above, it can be
krim yang berhenti di depan
seen that there are two ways of
expressing disappointment in
children which are conveyed Ibu : Tidak boleh ya za, lain
verbally, namely the appearance of kali ya sayang, kamu kan lagi
crying which raises certain batuk sama flu (mencoba
phonemes such as “ih, aa…aaa, melakukan eye contact)
gamauu bu, siniin buu and huu.”
Elza : Yah jadi, tidak boleh ya
As well as nonverbally, namely the
bu, tapii (menunjukkan ekspresi
emergence of supporting
sedih ingin menangis menatap Ibu)
movements which are a natural
continuation as a result of the Ibu : Iya, nanti lama

child's expressions shown verbally, sembuhnya. Terus izin boleh

such as roaring, crying, running makan es krimnya makin lama

towards the mother while trying to deh. Gamau gitu kan?

grab the cellphone back. Based on Elza : Gamau, iya deh lain kali
this analysis, it can be concluded aja bu (tersenyum)
that in context I, the subject
Ibu : Anak ibu pinter banget,
expresses his verbal expression in
dijaga dulu pola makannya, nanti
the form of phonemes namely “ih
boleh makan es krim deh
ih, aa…aaa, gamauu bu, siniin
(mengelus puncak kepala anak
buu” and “huuu”
sambil tersenyum)

Elza : Iya bu (berlari ke kamar)

Context 9: the mother does
not allow the child (5 years old) to

Context 10: Mother (berjalan menuju ke kamar sambil
promised a vacation to the beach memasang ekspresi wajah marah
on Sunday but suddenly mother tetapi berubah menjadi diam dan
had an urgent event and was mendiamkan apapun yang ditanya
forced to cancel her vacation with oleh ibu)
her child (7 years old) to
postpone next week
Contexts 8, 9 and 10 show
Virly : Bu, jadi kan hari ini?
that there is a phonological aspect,
Ayoo, aku udah tidak sabar ke
which is in the form of a group of
pantai (memeluk ibu sambil
phonemes that are strung together
tersenyum kegirangan kemudian
to form a sound like speech in
berbalik dan berloncat-loncatan)
context 8, namely “Ih ih, aa…aaa,
Ibu : Maaf Virly, tapi ibu ada gamauu bu, siniin buu, and
urusan mendadak. Jadi huuu”, as well as speech in context
liburannya ditunda dulu ya, 9 namely “yah”, and the utterances
sayang (mendekati anak dengan in context 10 are “ih ibu, gamau,
menunjukkan ekspresi menyesal, yaudah gausah”. The series of
meraih tangan anak) sounds mentioned in contexts 8, 9,
10 above enter into the
Virly : Ih ibuu, gamauu. Ibu kan
phonological aspect. This is said to
udah janji mau liburan ke pantai
be so because the sequence of
hari ini, masa dibatalin (menepis
sounds in the speech does not have
tangan ibu, dan memperlihatkan
a lexical meaning.
ekspresi marah akibat kecewa)

Ibu : Maaf, ibu janji deh

minggu depan kita ke pantai In the context of speech 8, a
(mencoba mendekati anak dan series of sounds such as “ih, aa…
memeluk mencoba menenangkan) aaa, gamau buu, siniin buu”, and
“huuu” are some of the
Virly : Ih gamau, padahal ibu
expressions of disappointment
udah janji, yaudah gausah
shown by a child (age 4) named

Rafasya because the cellphone used to consume ice cream when
to watch his favorite cartoon was coughing and flu, causing a series
taken by his mother so that Rafasya of sounds like yes and but as an
could not watch her favorite expression of disappointment.
cartoon further, even though at the However, the attitude that was later
curfew, namely at 23.00 WIB, she shown by Elza after expressing her
was entering her favorite scene, so disappointment was that she was
she expressed her disappointment trying to understand her mother's
by saying these words which gave good intentions and then come to
rise to certain phonemes as an terms with reality.
expression of her anger because she
could not accept the existing reality.
to continue watching the cartoon In the context of speech 10, a

during the curfew at 23.00 WIB. series of sounds such as ih ibuu, ih

The series of sounds “ih, aa…aaa, gamauu, and yaudah gausah are

gamau buu, siniin buu” and expressions of disappointment for a

“huu” expressed by Rafasya above child (7 years old) named Virly as a

indicate that in fact she still wants refusal to cancel his mother's

to continue watching activities. But promise that he promised to take

the ignorance of children his age Virly on vacation this Sunday but

causes him not to accept the reality. canceled because his mother had
sudden business that cannot be
abandoned. This is also a form of
In the context of speech 9, a Virly's effort so that his mother
series of sounds such as yah and but does not cancel her promise to go
are forms of expression of on vacation to the beach. In this
disappointment at a child (5 years case, a series of sounds like “ih
old) named Elza as a result of her ibuu, ih gamauu, yaudah gausah”
mother forbidding her from eating is an expression of Virly's angry
ice cream for a while because Elza's disappointment at his mother for
body condition makes it impossible canceling her vacation

appointments and instead Cilla : Yaudah, gapapa
postponing him to attend to this (Pergi sembari berjalan gontai)
sudden business.

2) Syntax Aspect
Data in context 1 shows that
this child is able to say
Context 1: Yuri promised to
sentences. The spoken word in
accompany Cilla to color. But
the form of “yaelah” is a
in the afternoon, Yuri had to go
negative form that is expressed
first to buy cake at the cake
as a form of disappointment
because Yuri did not fulfill his
Cilla : Loh…, tadi kamu
promise to her. This situation
kan udah janji…
made Cilla feel extremely
Yuri : Iya, sebentar yaa. disappointed because she left
Aku pergi sebentar dulu, nanti while stomping her feet.
langung tak temenin kalau Furthermore, in context data 2,
udah pulang. the word “yaudah, gapapa” is
said by the child because he
Cilla : Yaelahh, kamu
surrenders to the situation. He
mah gitu. (Pergi sembari
felt disappointed because he
menghentak-hentakkan kaki)
went unsteadily but tried to be
okay in front of Yuri.

Context 2: Last week, Yuri

promised Cilla to buy ice
Context 3: The mother
cream together. But it turns
forbade her child (3 years old)
out that today Yuri has
to hold a knife in the kitchen
another event that cannot be
because she was pressed for
left behind.
time to cook the ordered food.
Yuri : Maaf ya, kita ga
Ibu : Bara, jangan. Udah
jadi beli. Gapapa kan?
ke kamar aja main sama adek

jangan mainan pisau to play in the rain outside
(mengambil pisau dari tangan because she was afraid, she would
Rafasya, sedikit menunjukkan get sick.
ekspresi khawatir di wajahya)
Ibu : Haula pulang udah mau
Bara : Masak. (sambil menunjuk hujan (sambil melambaikan
mie) tangan kepada Haula supaya mau
Ibu : Tidak boleh ya, ibu lagi
sibuk nanti kamu kena. Ke Haula : Ntar Nda
kamar aja ya main boneka (menggelengkan kepala, sedikit
(melanjutkan aktivitas memasak) menunjukkan ekspresi kesal)

Bara : Gak (menunjukkan ekspresi Ibu : Nanti Haula sakit, ayo

kekewaan dengan wajah kesal pulang dulu. Besok lagi mainnya
sambil mengambil pisau di meja) ya. (mendekat menyusul Haula)

Ibu : Bara, jangan. Jangan gitu, Haula : aa..aaah gak, Nda,

nurut yaa (mengambil pisau tapi ntar (memberontak masih sambil
ditepis) menggeleng-gelengkan kepala)

Bara : Uhh (menepis tangan ibu Ibu : Nanti ibu buatin sup
dan mempertahankan pisau di kalau pulang. Haula mau?
tangan serta menggelengkan (melakukan eye contact)
Haula : Um, yaa (tersenyum
Ibu : Tidak boleh sayang, ke kegirangan dan berjalan pulang
kamar aja ya, nanti ibu buatin bersama Bunda)
agar-agar kesukaan kamu sama
adek, rasa coklat! Mau?
Data in context 3 is a phase
Bara : Umm
in children who have experienced
one-word speech processes. In this
phase, the words uttered by the
Context 4: Mother forbade
child are usually in the form of
a child (3 years old) named Zahra

negative forms such as “tidak”, speech process. This can be seen in
and “uhh” as an attempt to refuse the utterances of the words “ntar
to let go of the cooking knife Nda” and “aa…aaah Nda”, which
because Bara really wants to help prove that the haula has been able
his mother cook in the kitchen and to utter two-word utterances. In this
doesn't want to just play with dolls phase Haula is already able to
with his younger sibling in the express negative forms like “Ntar
room. So, he issued the words of Ndaa”, “aa…aaah Nda” although
refusal but Bara was still not in the process of digesting this
allowed to hold the knife. Even word it is more complicated for
though there was still resistance, in ages like Haula which is later, and
the end the mother found a middle no, it's not. This negative form of
way, namely promising that Bara the word is shown when Haula says
would make chocolate jelly that the word “ntar Ndaa” which can
Bara and her sister liked so that be understood as an expression of
Bara brushed off his expression of rejection due to her disappointment,
disappointment and then smiled namely later Mother. In this phase,
with joy that his mother would Haula is already able to pronounce
make chocolate jelly after words that fall into the category of
previously showing refusal many nouns, pronominals and verbs. The
times by saying no and shake his word “ntar” is included in the verb
head. In this case, in this phase the category and the word “Nda” is
child is able to pronounce words included in the pronominal word
that fall into the category of verbs, class. The word “aa...aaah” is
nouns, or other negative forms of included in the category of negative
utterances. verbs. The choice of words or
expressions used by Haula to
express his disappointment was
Then in context 4, the seen when Haula made a bit of a
speech uttered by the child can be rebellion by shaking his head when
said to have undergone a two-word asked to go home by his mother

because the sky was going to rain the syntactic aspect shown in
accompanied by an explanatory context 5 is contained in the word
expression, namely “aa…aaah and “emoh” which means “tidak” in
ntar, Ndaa.” the speech sentence “Emoh,
pengenku koyo nggone mas
Ilham ngono kui” which means
Context 5: Rafa whines that “Tidak, aku maunya seperti
he wants a toy like Ilham. punyanya mas Ilham.”

Rafa : Kui sek tuku ngedi, am?

Ilham: Iki sek tuku ning Context 6: Alvino was

sekolahanku. crying because his mother and

Rafa : Mah, aku pengen koyo father were left to work

nggon e mas Ilham. (merengek (Ibu dan Bapak Alvino akan

meminta ke Ibunya) berangkat bekerja. Mereka

Ilham: La ning omah koe lak wes menitipkan Alvino di rumah nenek)

ndue. Ibu : Ndang melu Ayah kono

Rafa : Emoh, pengenku koyo (panggilan untuk adik dari Ibu

nggon e mas Ilham ngono kui Alvino).

(merengek ke Ibunya sambil Alvino : (Masih

menunjuk mainan milik Ilham). menggandeng tangan Ibunya agar

Mama: Yowes, sesuk golek sek Ibunya tidak pergi bekerja)

podo nggon e mas Ilham. Ayah : Rene karo Ayah. Ayo

ngopek pelem (mencoba
mengalihkan perhatian Alvino)
In context 5 there is a
syntactic aspect. this syntactical Alvino : Emoh, emoh

aspect is expressed by the word (Menggelengkan kepala)

“tidak”. The syntactical aspect also

means it has a negative meaning.

Ayah : Ayo ngko tumbas nggon e D. CLOSING
mbah Sri karo Ayah. Ayo jikuk
duit sek. Based on the results of the
analysis of the research that has been
Alvino : (Menurut dan mau
done, the expression of
ikut dengan Ayah)
disappointment in children aged 3-7
(Ibu Alvino buru-buru pergi saat years has a variety of utterances.
Alvino lengah dan perhatiannya Through their various ways,
sudah pada hal lain) including from phonological and

Alvino : (mengetahui Ibunya syntactical aspects. In the

pergi berangkat kerja) Ibuk! Ibuk! phonological aspect, there are

Melu Ibuk! (Menangis dan expressions of verbal and non-verbal

mencoba mengejar Ibunya tetapi di disappointment. Expressions of

tahan sama Ayah) verbal disappointment are shown

with speeches that express the child's
Ayah : Ibuk kerja sek, ning kene
frustration with something that does
wae karo Ayah.
not match his expectations. While
Alvino : Emoh, melu Ibuk expressions of disappointment are
(menangis dan menunjuk Ibunya non-verbal, shown through attitudes
yang pergi bekerja) and facial expressions. The syntactic
aspect shown by a child as an
In context 6 there is a
expression of disappointment is with
syntactic aspect. this syntactical
negative utterances such as "no".
aspect is expressed by the word
This is seen and proven in the results
“tidak”. The syntactical aspect also
of the analysis that has been carried
means it has a negative meaning.
out by researchers. Expressions of
the syntactic aspect shown in
disappointment in children aged 3-4
context 5 is contained in the word
years tend to be shown more by
“Emoh, emoh” which means
roars, screams and physical
“tidak, tidak”.
movements. While expressions of
disappointment in children aged 5-7

years are in the form of utterances
that reveal directly what they are





DALAM KAJIAN PSIKOLINGUISTIK. Caraka: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan,
Kesastraan, dan Pembelajarannya, 119-129.


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