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1 Inhoud
2 SAP SD Organizational Structure....................................................................................................4
2.1 Foreword................................................................................................................................4
2.2 SAP SD Organizational Structure............................................................................................5
2.3 Graphical Overview of Enterprise Structure in SAP Sales & Distribution................................6
2.3.1 Company Code................................................................................................................7
2.3.2 Sales Organization..........................................................................................................8
2.3.3 Distribution Channel.......................................................................................................8
2.3.4 Division...........................................................................................................................9
2.3.5 Sales Area.......................................................................................................................9
2.3.6 Plant..............................................................................................................................10
2.3.7 Storage Location...........................................................................................................11
2.3.8 Shipping Point...............................................................................................................11
2.3.9 Sales Office...................................................................................................................11
2.3.10 Sales Group...................................................................................................................12
2.4 Graphical Overview of Extended SAP SD Organizational Structure......................................13
3 Assignment of Plant to Sales Organization and Distribution Channel..........................................14
3.1 The Purpose of Assignment of Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant...............14
3.2 Assigning Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant................................................14
4 How to Create SAP SD Inquiry......................................................................................................18
4.1 What is an Inquiry in SAP SD.................................................................................................18
4.2 How to Start Inquiry Transaction..........................................................................................19
4.3 How to Create SAP SD Inquiry..............................................................................................20
4.4 Select Relevant Inquiry Type(s).............................................................................................20
4.5 Master Data Involved when Creating Inquiry.......................................................................22
4.5.1 Customer Master Data..................................................................................................22
4.5.2 Material Master Data....................................................................................................22
4.5.3 Customer Material Info Records...................................................................................22
4.5.4 Condition Master (Pricing)............................................................................................23
4.5.5 Partners (Parties) Involved in SAP SD Inquiry Creation.................................................23
4.6 Select the Customer.............................................................................................................23
4.7 Guide to Inquiry Screen........................................................................................................26
4.8 Select the Material...............................................................................................................27
4.9 Incompletion Log for Inquiry................................................................................................28
4.10 Navigating Inquiry Screens – Header....................................................................................30
4.11 Navigating Inquiry Screens – Item........................................................................................32
4.12 Save the Inquiry....................................................................................................................34
5 How to Create SAP SD Quotation (Offerte)..................................................................................35
5.1 What is a Quotation in SAP SD..............................................................................................35
5.2 How to Start Quotation Transaction.....................................................................................36
5.3 How to Create SAP SD Quotation.........................................................................................36
5.4 Create Quotation with Reference to Inquiry........................................................................39
5.5 Master Data Involved when Creating Quotation..................................................................43
5.5.1 Customer Master Data..................................................................................................43
5.5.2 Material Master Data....................................................................................................43
5.5.3 Customer Material Info Records...................................................................................43
5.5.4 Condition Master (Pricing)............................................................................................43
5.5.5 Output Master..............................................................................................................43
5.5.6 Partners (Parties) Involved in SAP SD Quotation Creation............................................43
5.6 Guide to Quotation Screen...................................................................................................44
5.7 Incompletion Log for Quotation...........................................................................................45
5.8 Navigating Quotation Screens – Header...............................................................................46
5.8.1 Navigating Quotation Screens – Item...........................................................................48
5.9 Save the Quotation...............................................................................................................50
5.10 SAP SD Document Flow........................................................................................................51
6 How to Create SAP SD Contract....................................................................................................54
6.1 What is a Contract in SAP SD................................................................................................54
6.2 How to Start Contract Transaction.......................................................................................55
6.3 How to Create SAP SD Contract............................................................................................55
6.4 Master Data Involved when Creating Contract.....................................................................58
6.4.1 Customer Master Data..................................................................................................58
6.4.2 Material Master Data....................................................................................................58
6.4.3 Customer Material Info Records...................................................................................59
6.4.4 Condition Master (Pricing)............................................................................................59
6.4.5 Output Master..............................................................................................................59
6.5 Partners (Parties) Involved in Contract Creation..................................................................59
6.6 Entering the Customer – Sold-To and Ship-To......................................................................59
6.7 SAP SD Contract Screen Navigation......................................................................................64
6.8 Add Items to SAP SD Contract..............................................................................................64
6.9 Incompletion Log for Contract..............................................................................................67
6.10 Navigating Contract Screens – Header.................................................................................70
6.11 Navigating Contract Screens – Item......................................................................................72
6.12 Save the Contract.................................................................................................................73
7 How to Create SAP SD Sales Order...............................................................................................75
7.1 Sales Orders in SAP SD..........................................................................................................75
7.2 How to Create SAP SD Sales Order.......................................................................................75
7.3 Master Data Involved when Creating Sales Order................................................................82
7.3.1 Customer Master Data..................................................................................................82
7.3.2 Material Master Data....................................................................................................82
7.3.3 Customer Material Info Records...................................................................................82
7.3.4 Condition Master (Pricing)............................................................................................82
7.3.5 Output Master..............................................................................................................82
7.4 Partners Involved in Creation of Sales Order........................................................................83
7.5 Entering the Customer – Sold-To and Ship-To......................................................................83
7.6 SAP SD Sales Order Screen Interface....................................................................................85
7.7 Add Materials to SAP Sales Order.........................................................................................86
7.8 Incompletion Log for SAP Sales Orders.................................................................................87
7.9 Sales Order Interface – Header.............................................................................................88
7.10 Sales Order Interface – Item.................................................................................................90
7.11 Save Sales Order...................................................................................................................92
8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD.......................................................................94
8.1 SAP SD Scheduling Agreements............................................................................................94
8.2 How to Create SAP SD Scheduling Agreement.....................................................................95
8.3 Master Data Involved when Creating Scheduling Agreement..............................................98
8.3.1 Customer Master Data..................................................................................................98
8.3.2 Material Master Data....................................................................................................98
8.3.3 Customer Material Info Records...................................................................................98
8.3.4 Condition Master (Pricing)............................................................................................98
8.3.5 Output Master..............................................................................................................98
8.4 Partners Involved in Creation of Scheduling Agreement......................................................99
8.5 Entering the Customer – Sold-To and Ship-To......................................................................99
8.6 SAP SD Scheduling Agreement Screen Interface................................................................103
8.7 Add a Product to a Scheduling Agreement.........................................................................103
8.8 Incompletion Log for Scheduling Agreements....................................................................110
8.9 Scheduling Agreement Screen – Header............................................................................113
8.10 Save Scheduling Agreement...............................................................................................115
8.11 Delivery Due List.................................................................................................................115

2 SAP SD Organizational Structure

2.1 Foreword

1. SAP ERP has its own organizational structure.

2. Every module of SAP has its own enterprise structure.
3. Enterprise structure helps in building a hierarchy and structure to streamline the
business processes.
4. Before initiating implementation, designing and configuring the actual system, Enterprise
Structure is defined in the Business Blueprint documentation phase. It is an important step
to define the organizational structures. It requires thorough analysis of how your
organization currently runs and the business wants to run its business after implementation
of SAP.
5. If the organization is huge, dealing with multiple lines of businesses, its processes are
complex and if it is scattered geographically at different locations within the country,
region, continent or globe; designing and finalizing the Enterprise Structure is a very
critical, vital and time taking activity.
6. Several meetings can be called with the Business Process Owners and Subject Matter
Experts to finalize the Enterprise structure which may also require endorsement and
approval from the higher management.
7. Sometimes sign off on SAP Enterprise Structure is obtained separately during the
Business Blueprinting phase.

2.2 SAP SD Organizational Structure

1. In the SAP ERP, several structures can be used to represent the legal and organizational
structure of the company.
2. Organizational elements can be structured from the point of view of :
a. Accounting
b. materials management
c. and sales and distribution.

3. It is possible to combine these structures.

4. The organizational structures form a framework in which all business transactions can be
5. Following organizational units represents Sales and Distribution module:

 Sales Organization
 Distribution Channel
 Division

6. Sales and Distribution module uses some other organizational units which are maintained
by other module in SAP, such as:

 Company Code (Finance Module)

 Plant (Material Management Module)
 Storage Location (Material Management Module)
 The organizational units discussed below are relevant to SAP Sales and Distribution
2.3 Graphical Overview of Enterprise Structure in SAP Sales & Distribution

SAP SD Organizational Structure

2.3.1 Company Code

1 Company Code in SAP :

1. is the organizational unit

2. which is the created in Finance (FI) module
3. and same is linked with Sales & Distribution module.
4. Company Code represents an independent company.
5. Company which is a legal entity
6. Statutory requirement is to maintain Balance Sheet and
7. Profit and Loss Statement are created and maintained at the Company Code level.
8. In a scenario where the model is that a corporate group or group of companies are
carrying out their businesses in different sectors of economy, every Company by law is a
legal entity which is liable to maintain separate book of accounts. All books of accounts
are maintained at Company Code level.

2.3.2 Sales Organization

1. Sales Organization in SAP Sales & Distribution module is at the highest level in
organizational structure and
2. is primarily responsible for carrying out and monitoring sales.
3. Sales Organization is responsible for devising sales strategies which are to be executed to
gain market share.
4. If there are any Customer’s complaints regarding the goods and services which the
company primarily is responsible for, all such queries and complaint handling is done at
Sales Organization level.
5. A Sales Organization is assigned to a unique Company Code. If the business is of such
nature, one or more Sales Organizations can be created and assigned to a Company Code.
6. All the sales reporting is accumulated at Sales Organization level. Reporting is carried out
by Sales Organization. If you want to see sales performance of one sector your business,
you will select the Sales Organization and all the sales pertaining to the select Sales
Organization will be displayed.
7. All Sales and Distribution documents are assigned to a single Sales Organization. If you
want to use SAP SD, at least one Sales Organization must exist.

2.3.3 Distribution Channel

1. A Distribution Channel in simple terms refer to your strategy how you penetrate in the
market with you offering either product or a service or both.
2. It is your mean how you would like to reach to your customer or end consumer.
3. Examples of Distribution Channel can be, but not limited to;
1. Sales to Wholesale Customers,
2. Retail sales
3. Institutional sales
4. Internet sales
5. Employee Sales
6. Fair Price Shop, etc.

4. Different categories of Customers can be reached through one or more Distribution

Channels within a Sales Organization.
5. To proceed with sales processing, at least one Distribution Channel is required.

2.3.4 Division

1. Division is used to group certain nature of goods and services which share some traits or
2. It also serves and represents the product line of your business.
3. When executing sales in SAP Sales and Distribution, at least one division should be
available in the SAP system.
4. Materials which are sold to the customer should be assigned to a division.
5. Example we can take is of any automobile dealer having offering 3s services. Namely:
Sales (of cars new or used), Service and Spare parts.

2.3.5 Sales Area

SAP SD Sales Area

1. In SAP Sales and Distribution, Sales Area is just a of combination of Sales Organization,
Distribution Channel and Division.

2. It defines that a certain Sales Organization employed certain strategy of market reach i.e. a
Distribution Channel to sale a good or service belonging to a certain division.
3. Every sales document in SAP Sales and Distribution is assigned to a single Sales Area. Sales
reporting can be further refined or drilled when you restrict and select a certain Sales Area in the
SAP system.

2.3.6 Plant

1. Plant in the SAP system is broader term which has a varying definition when different
logistics modules come into discussion.

 In Materials Management (MM) module, Plant is referred to facility where the material stock is
kept, stored and inventory is maintained

 In Production Planning (PP) module, Plant is referred to a production facility where the
production of goods is done

 In Sales and Distribution (SD) module, Plant is a facility from where the finished product is
distributed or dispatched to customer
In SAP Sales and Distribution, to proceed with the sales and dispatching, one Plant is

2.3.7 Storage Location

1. Storage Location is an organization unit in logistics which assigned to a Plant where the
stock is kept.
2. Storage Location can be characterized and vary based on their properties like:
a. Raw Material Storage Location,
b. Finished Goods Storage Location,
c. Spares Storage Location,
d. Returns Sales Storage Location,
e. Temperature Controlled Storage Location, etc.

2.3.8 Shipping Point

1. For shipping the product to the customer, Shipping Point is required.

2. Shipping Point is assigned to a Plant.
3. A Plant can have several shipping points based on the dispatch activities required for the
4. For instance, some materials are fragile in nature and require extra care while dispatching
maybe it requires manual labor or a product which is heavy in nature and require tools
such as fork lifter or crane.
Several Plants can have one Shipping Point provided if they are physically located within the
same vicinity.

2.3.9 Sales Office

1. Business often setup several Sales Offices apart from the head office or headquarters to
reach the market in depth.
2. These Sales Offices are often located at different geographical areas.
3. Sales reporting can be executed with Sales Office organizational unit to analyze the
performance of Sales Offices.
4. It basically acts as a liaison office between :
a. Company’s headquarters,
b. sales department and the
c. Customer.

2.3.10 Sales Group

1. Employees belonging to certain Sales Office can be referred as Sales Groups.

2. These Sales Groups are assigned to their respective Sales Offices.
3. It is a subset of Sales Office.

2.4 Graphical Overview of Extended SAP SD Organizational Structure

Extended SAP SD Organizational Structure
3 Assignment of Plant to Sales Organization and Distribution

3.1 The Purpose of Assignment of Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant

1. The purpose of this step in the backend configuration (assignment of a plant to the
combination(s) of sales organization and distribution channel) is to allow the combination of a
sales organization and a distribution channel to proceed sales with the assigned plant, so that the
sales from the combination of a sales organization and a distribution channel with the respective
plant can be facilitated.

2. Any number of plants can be assigned to the combinations of sales organization(s) and
distribution channel(s). (many to many)

3. One plant can be assigned to more than one combinations of sales organization and distribution
channel. (1 to many relation)

3.2 Assigning Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant

To assign a plant to a combination of a sales organization and a distribution channel in the

customizing of the SAP system it is necessary to either type SPRO in the transaction bar:

Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant Configuration – Accessing Customizing

or the same can also be accessed through SAP Easy Access menu tree by the following path:
Tools > Customization > IMG > SPRO – Execute Project.
SAP Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant Configuration > Accessing Customizing via

Then either press F5 on the keyboard or in the next screen.

Press “SAP Reference IMG” to Access Customizing for Assignment of Sales Organization – Distribution
Channel – Plant
Now, the main step is to assign plant(s) to combinations of sales organizations and distribution
channels. Navigate to the following path in customizing menu: SPRO > Enterprise Structure >
Assignment > Sales and Distribution > Assign sales organization – distribution channel – plant.

Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant Configuration – Assignment

Next, press F5 on the keyboard or button.

Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant Configuration – Assignment > New Entries

Enter sales organization(s), distribution channel(s) and plant(s).

Sales Organization – Distribution Channel – Plant Configuration – Assignment > New Entries

Finally, press Ctrl+S or button to save the assignment of plant(s) to sales organization(s)
and distribution channel(s) and the SAP system will popup a window with a customizing
request. Based on your preferences save it either with the previous request or create a new one
depending on the transport request methodology being followed at your SAP project.

Assignment of a Plant to Sales Organization and Distribution Channel was Saved

4 How to Create SAP SD Inquiry

4.1 What is an Inquiry in SAP SD

1. An inquiry and quotation are the first documents in SAP SD which are a part of pre-sales
business process.

2. Inquiries and quotations help you to determine important sales related data and can be
saved as documents.

3. If the customer then places an order, this data can be accessed.

4. Use this pre-sales information to plan and evaluate your marketing and sales strategies
and as a basis for establishing long-term business relationships with your customers, for
example by:

1. Tracking lost sales

2. Recording pre-sales data to help negotiate large contracts
3. Selling goods and services to large organizations that require documentation of the entire process

5. Standard SAP SD inquiry normally contains:

1. Customer and Material Information

2. Pricing, be it Customer or Material specific
3. Delivery dates and delivery quantities
4. Information about shipment processing
5. Information about billing
6. In case of Inquiry, Quotation and Contract Validity Periods / Dates
4.2 How to Start Inquiry Transaction

There are two options:

1. Enter VA11 in Transaction Command Field for creating Inquiry or

2. Navigate through ‘Tree’

VA11 Transaction for Creation of Inquiry in SAP Menu

4.3 How to Create SAP SD Inquiry

Once you have entered the Inquiry: Creation Initial screen, you have to select relevant Inquiry Type.
Each Inquiry type has its own functionality and viewing based on the configuration done at backend.

4.4 Select Relevant Inquiry Type(s)

Standard Inquiry Type of Inquiry is: IN

Create Inquiry – Initial Screen

Please note, any field having a ‘tick mark’ means its mandatory
and it has to be populated, else the SAP system would not allow you to proceed further.

In Inquiry, to opt for a required Inquiry type press F4 button on the respective field and it will show
all LoVs (List of Values).
List with Inquiry Types

Select the relevant Inquiry type to proceed to the next step.

Create a Standard Inquiry

Populate Sales Organization with your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division.
Click Enter button.
Fill in Sales Area Data

Hint: if you populate your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division first and
then opt for the relevant Inquiry type, only Inquiry types relevant for the selected Sales Organization,
Distribution Channel and Division will be displayed in LoVs.

4.5 Master Data Involved when Creating Inquiry

The following master data is involved when creating an inquiry. This master data fetches relevant
information and populates the relevant fields accordingly.

4.5.1 Customer Master Data

 Name of the Customer
 Address
 Location
 Taxation details
 Geographical location according to company’s Sales Geographical Structure
 Shipping details
 Billing details as in Terms of Payment
 Partners associated with the Customer I.e. Ship to Party, Billing, Payer etc.

4.5.2 Material Master Data

 Material Description
 Unit of Measure (Stock Keeping Unit – SKU)
 Transportation Group
 Loading Group (fork lifter, manual handling etc.)
 Taxation information

4.5.3 Customer Material Info Records

 Used to maintain customer relevant SKU codes which are mapped with the company’s code
4.5.4 Condition Master (Pricing)
 Base price of the product or special price for a particular customer
 Discount(s) on the product or special discount offered to one customer
 Freight
 Taxes

4.5.5 Partners (Parties) Involved in SAP SD Inquiry Creation

 Sold-To Party: the entity that inquired the goods
 Ship-To Party: to whom goods are be delivered to
 Bill-To Party: the entity that is responsible to receive the bill
 Payer: the entity responsible for the payment

4.6 Select the Customer

This is the initial screen of Inquiry once you have selected the relevant Inquiry type and Sales Area
(combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division is technically termed as Sales
Area in SAP SD).

Enter Sold-To and Ship-To Parties

You can see Sold to Part and Ship to Party fields at the top left of the screen just below Standard
Inquiry field.
1. Sold-To Party is one who is responsible for Inquiring Products and actually places the Inquiry
with your company.
2. Ship-To Party is one who will be receiving the goods.

One Sold-To Party can have multiple Ship-To Parties.

If there are many Ship To parties associated with one Sold-To Party, a dialog box will pop up in the
Inquiry screen. You can select the relevant Ship-To Party from this dialog box which the Sold-To Party
has instructed you to ship the products to.

Press F4 or button on the Sold To Party field to search for your relevant Sold-To Party. You can
search by Search Term maintained in the Customer Master or also by Name.
To remain specific with your search, enter relevant Sales Organization, so that only customers
maintained in your Sales Organization will be displayed.

If you decide to find the customer by name, enter customer’s first name with * before and after the
name. This is called wild card search.

Example: *demo*.

Search for a Customer

Hint: You can use asterisk to be more specific in your search and press Enter to get output of your

Customer Search Results

Double click on the required customer line in an inquiry to select that customer.

A Customer was Populated into the Inquiry

Press Enter once you have selected the Sold-To Party, so that system can accept the customer and
proceed with the creation of SAP SD inquiry.

Choose Ship-To Party Dialog Window

Since this Customer has two Ship-To Parties, a dialog box is popped up to select the relevant one
which your customer, Sold-To, has instructed. Double click on the required one and the same will be

Sold-To and Ship-To Parties have need Successfully Entered in the Inquiry
If there’s only one Ship-To Party, once you press Enter, Ship-To Party will automatically get

4.7 Guide to Inquiry Screen

This part of the screen is called Header of the Inquiry:

Header of SAP SD Inquiry

This part of the screen is called Overview of the Inquiry:

Item Overview of SAP SD Inquiry

SAP SD Inquiry – Sales Overview Tab

This part of the screen is called the line item part of the inquiry where materials which are inquired
by the customer are to be maintained:

Line items in SAP SD Inquiry

4.8 Select the Material

Use F4 button to search for the material the same way we did it for a customer and repeat the same
process for entering multiple line items (if required).

Search for a Material

Select the Material

Double click on the desired material to select it.

The Material was Inserted into SAP SD Inquiry

Enter quantity of the material:

Enter Quantity of the Material

4.9 Incompletion Log for Inquiry

The incompletion log helps to check if any mandatory data is missing in the inquiry. To start it go to
Edit > Incompletion Log or press Ctrl+F8 to see if the inquiry is complete.
SAP SD Inquiry – Incompletion Log

If the document is complete, the system will prompt the relevant message

accordingly: .

The Inquiry Document is Complete

4.10 Navigating Inquiry Screens – Header
Press button to view header details in the inquiry.

Go to Header of the Inquiry Document

Here you can see relevant sales data:

1. User who created this inquiry
2. Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division information
3. Sales Office
4. Sales Group
5. Date on which the document is created
6. Document Currency
7. Customer Group
8. Price list
9. Sales District

SAP SD Inquiry – Sales Header Data

Press tab to see the partners which the customer has:

SAP SD Inquiry – Header Partners

Press to know the current status of the Inquiry:

SAP SD Inquiry – Header Status Tab

Press button to go back to the main inquiry screen.

4.11 Navigating Inquiry Screens – Item

SAP SD Inquiry

If you want to see the pricing of the individual material, select that line item and press item
conditions button:

Item Pricing Conditions Button

Here, you can see the pricing of the selected material:

Pricing of a Selected Material in Inquiry

Press to view finished goods material’s details:

Sales B Tab of Item in an Inquiry

Press to see if this material is confirmed and available to be delivered on the
Required Date of Delivery.

Schedule Lines of an Item in an Inquiry

Press to go back to the main inquiry screen.

4.12 Save the Inquiry

Once you have created the Inquiry and satisfied with the information populated, press or
CTRL+S to save the Inquiry.

The Inquiry has been Saved

The SAP system will output a message at the bottom of the screen that the inquiry has been saved
and mention the number of the inquiry.
5 How to Create SAP SD Quotation (Offerte)

5.1 What is a Quotation in SAP SD

1. An inquiry and quotation are the first documents in SAP SD which are a part of pre-sales. In order
to proceed with sales, i.e. quotation creation, inquiry and quotation are NOT mandatory
documents which have to be maintained / entered in the system in order to proceed with the
quotation/sales processing.

2. Quotations serve as a legal document, i.e. you confirm the customer that you shall provide XYZ
material on specific rate within the validity of the quotation.

3. Inquiries and quotations help you to determine important sales related data and can be saved as
documents. If the customer then places an order, this data can be accessed.

4. Use this pre-sales information to plan and evaluate your marketing and sales strategies and as a
basis for establishing long-term business relationships with your customers, for example by:
 tracking lost sales
 recording pre-sales data to help negotiate large contracts
 selling goods and services to large organizations that require documentation of the entire

5. Standard SAP SD quotation normally contains:

 Customer and material information
 Pricing, be it customer or material specific
 Delivery dates and delivery quantities
 Information about shipment processing
 Information about billing
 Contract validity periods/dates
5.2 How to Start Quotation Transaction
There are two options:

Enter VA21 in Transaction Command Field for creating Quotation or

Enter VA21 Transaction

 Navigate through ‘Tree’

VA21 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu

5.3 How to Create SAP SD Quotation

Once you have entered the Quotation: Creation Initial screen, you have to select relevant Quotation
Type. Each Quotation type has its own functionality and viewing based on the configuration done at
Select relevant quotation type(s). The standard quotation type of quotation is: QT.
Create Quotation – Initial Screen

Please note, any field having a ‘tick mark’ means its mandatory
and it has to be populated else system would not allow you to proceed further. In order to opt for a
required quotation type, either press F4 on the respective field and it will show all LoVs (List of

List with Quotation Types

Select the relevant quotation type to proceed to the next step.

Create a Standard Quotation

Populate Sales Area with your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, and Division.

Fill in Sales Area Data

Hint: if you populate your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division first and
then opt for the relevant quotation type, only quotation types relevant for the selected Sales
Organization, Distribution Channel and Division will be displayed in LoVs.
5.4 Create Quotation with Reference to Inquiry

If you want to create a quotation with reference to an inquiry, press: or

F8 button.

Create a Quotation with Reference to an Inquiry

Once it is pressed, a dialog box will appear and you need to select the relevant tab.

Create with Reference to Inquiry

Enter the document (in our case inquiry) number. If you know the number, enter the number directly
or press F4 or button to search for the desired inquiry document.
Search for Inquiry Document Number if You Don’t Know It

For example, enter sold-to party code to search for desired inquiry by customer.

Search Inquiry by Customer

List of ALL Inquiries which are created against the selected customer will be displayed by the SAP
List of Inquiries for a Particular Customer

Select the desired inquiry.

Select Inquiry

Press either , if there are multiple items in the referencing document and you want

to select a particular item which should be copied in the quotation or select to copy
everything directly.

Here we shall press button.

Select Items to Copy from Inquiry to Quotation

If there are multiple line items, check box can be used to select or deselect an item which is not
required to be copied into quotation from the inquiry. Furthermore, you can also edit the quantity if
you want to change it from the referencing document.

Once you Press or F5, you will enter into the quotation screen.

SAP SD Quotation

You can see that all the information from the Inquiry was copied into the quotation.
5.5 Master Data Involved when Creating Quotation

The following master data is involved when creating a quotation. This master data
fetches relevant information and populates the relevant fields accordingly.

5.5.1 Customer Master Data

 Name of the Customer
 Address
 Location
 Taxation details
 Geographical location according to company’s Sales Geographical Structure
 Shipping details
 Billing details as in Terms of Payment
 Partners associated with the Customer I.e. Ship to Party, Billing, Payer etc.
5.5.2 Material Master Data
 Material Description
 Unit of Measure (Stock Keeping Unit – SKU)
 Transportation Group
 Loading Group (fork lifter, manual handling etc.)
 Taxation information
5.5.3 Customer Material Info Records
 Used to maintain customer relevant SKU codes which are mapped with the company’s code
5.5.4 Condition Master (Pricing)
 Base price of the product or special price for a particular customer
 Discount(s) on the product or special discount offered to one customer
 Freight
 Taxes
5.5.5 Output Master
 The process of communication with customer once the quotation is created via printout of the
quotation which is sent to customer by post, fax or email.
5.5.6 Partners (Parties) Involved in SAP SD Quotation Creation
 Sold-To Party: the entity that inquired the goods
 Ship-To Party: to whom goods are be delivered to
 Bill-To Party: the entity that is responsible to receive the bill
 Payer: the entity responsible for the payment

You can see Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party fields at the top left of the screen just below the
standard quotation field.

Since this is a legal document, enter the Validity Dates within which this document is valid and can
be referred in future in creating a sales order.

Validity Date of Quotation

You can either enter dates directly in Valid From and Valid To fields in following formats:
 01.11.2016
 011116
 01112016

 Press F4 or and the dialog box shall appear showing the calendar


Double click on the desired date and it shall get populated in the respective field.

5.6 Guide to Quotation Screen

This part of the screen is called Header of the Quotation:

Header of SAP SD Quotation

This part is called Overview of the Quotation:

Overview of SAP SD Quotation

This is called the line item part of the quotation where materials which are inquired by
the customer are to be maintained:
Line Items of SAP SD Quotation

5.7 Incompletion Log for Quotation

Go to Edit > Incompletion Log or press Ctrl+F8 to see if the quotation created with
reference is complete.

Check Incompletion Log of Quotation

If the document is complete, system will prompt the relevant message

accordingly .
SAP SD Quotation is Complete

5.8 Navigating Quotation Screens – Header

Press button to view header details in the quotation.

Display Quotation Header Data

Here you can see relevant sales data:

 User who created this Quotation

 Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division information
 Sales Office
 Sales Group
 Date on which the document is created
 Document Currency
 Customer Group
 Price list
 Sales District

SAP SD Quotation – Header

Press tab to see the partners which the customer is having:

SAP SD Quotation Partners

Press to know the current status of the quotation.

SAP SD Quotation Status

Press to go back to the main quotation screen.

5.8.1 Navigating Quotation Screens – Item

If you want to see the pricing of the individual material i.e. the price which you are
about to quote to the customer, select that line item and press this conditions

button .

Item Pricing Conditions

Here, you can see the pricing of the selected product.

Item Pricing Details

Press to view finished goods material’s details.

Sales B Tab of Quotation Item

Press to see if this material is confirmed and available to be

delivered on the required date of delivery.
Schedule Lines of Quotation Item

Press to go back to main quotation screen.

5.9 Save the Quotation

Once you have created the quotation and satisfied with the information populated,
press or CTRL+S to save the quotation.

Save SAP SD Quotation

5.10 SAP SD Document Flow
There is a standard functionality in SAP SD. When the documents are created with reference, one
can see the end to end document flow and it shall show all the preceding and subsequent

For example, in our case, we want to know the preceding document of the quotation i.e. the inquiry.
To find it out, go to Change Quotation or Display Quotation transactions: VA22 and VA23

VA22 – Change Quotation

Or via navigation tree:

Transactions VA22 and VA23 – Change and Display Quotations

Enter the quotation number:

Quotation Number in VA22

Press or Shift+F5 to see the document flow.

Display Document Flow

SAP SD Document Flow with Inquiry and Quotation

Here you can see that the quotation in hand was created from an inquiry.
6 How to Create SAP SD Contract

6.1 What is a Contract in SAP SD

1. Outline agreements play an important role in nearly all business processes. Customers and
vendors agree on the goods to be provided under certain conditions and within a specific period
of time.

2. Outline agreements streamline business processes for both partners in a business relationship.

3. two main outline agreements are:

 scheduling agreements
 contracts

4. There are two types of contracts – value and quantity.

5. Contracts can cover both goods and services. Generally, no restrictions apply to the different
contract forms.

6. A contract is an outline agreement between you and your customer that is valid for a certain
time period.

7. The contract does not contain any schedule lines, delivery quantities, or delivery dates.

8. The same functions are available in contracts as in orders. You can also agree on special price
agreements. The customer fulfills the contract with individual releases.

9. Schedule lines are created in the release order when it is placed.

10. The release order is then processed like any standard order. Any special agreements regarding
prices are copied from the contract.

11. Release orders are created with reference to a contract. This generates a document flow record
that allows you to update released quantities and values in the contract.

12. You can create release orders in the following ways:

1. Choose Create with reference on the initial screen

2. In the Sales document menu, choose Sales document → Create with reference→
To contract
3. Assign an order item to a contract retrospectively
4. Use the automatic system to search for open outline agreements when you create an

Standard SAP SD contract normally contains:

 Customer and material Information
 Pricing, be it customer or material specific
 Information about shipment processing
 Information about billing
 Validity periods / dates

6.2 How to Start Contract Transaction

 Enter VA41 in Transaction Command Field for creating Contract or

Enter VA41 Transaction

 Navigate through ‘Tree’

VA41 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu

6.3 How to Create SAP SD Contract

Once you have entered the contract creation initial screen, you have to select
relevant contract type. Each contract type has its own functionality and viewing
based on the configuration done at backend.
Standard Types of Contracts:

 Quantity Contract is: QC

 Rental Contract: QP
 Value Contract: WK1
 Material rel. Value Contract: WK2
 Service and Maintenance Contract: SC

Create Contract – Initial Screen

Please note, any field having a ‘tick mark’ means its

mandatory and it has to be populated else system would not allow you to proceed
further. In order to opt for a required contract type, either press F4 on the respective
field and it will show all LoVs (List of Values).
List with Contract Types

Select the relevant Contract type to proceed to the next step

Create a Quantity Contract

Populate Sales Area with your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and

Fill in Sales Area Data

Hint: if you populate your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and
Division first and then opt for the relevant contract type, only contract types relevant
for the selected Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division will be
displayed in LoVs.

6.4 Master Data Involved when Creating Contract

The following master data is involved when creating a contract. This master data
fetches relevant information and populates the relevant fields accordingly.

6.4.1 Customer Master Data

 Name of the customer

 Address
 Location
 Taxation details
 Geographical location according to company’s sales geographical structure
 Shipping details
 Billing details as in terms of payment
 Partners associated with the customer, i.e. ship-to party, bill-to party, payer, etc.

6.4.2 Material Master Data

 Material description
 Unit of measure (Stock Keeping Unit – SKU)
 Transportation group
 Loading group (fork lifter, manual handling etc.)
 Taxation information

6.4.3 Customer Material Info Records

 Used to maintain customer relevant SKU codes which are mapped with the company

6.4.4 Condition Master (Pricing)

 Base price of the product or special price for a particular customer

 Discount(s) on the product or special discount offered to one customer
 Freight
 Taxes

6.4.5 Output Master

 The process of communication with customer once the contract is created via printout of
the quotation which is sent to customer by post, fax or email.

6.5 Partners (Parties) Involved in Contract Creation

 Sold-To Party: the entity that inquired the goods

 Ship-To Party: to whom goods are be delivered to
 Bill-To Party: the entity that is responsible to receive the bill
 Payer: the entity responsible for the payment

6.6 Entering the Customer – Sold-To and Ship-To

This is the initial screen of contract once you have selected the relevant contract type
and sales area (the combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and
Division is technically termed as Sales Area in SAP SD).
Create Quantity Contract – Overview

You can see Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party fields at the top left of the screen just
below the contract field. One Sold-To Party can have multiple Ship-To Parties. If
there are many Ship-To parties associated with one Sold-To Party, a dialog box will
pop up in the contract screen. You select the relevant Ship-To Party which the Sold-
To Party has instructed you to ship the products at.

Press F4 or button on the Sold-To Party field to search for your relevant Sold-To
Party. You can search by Search term maintained in the customer master or also by
Name. To remain specific with your search, enter relevant Sales Organization so that
only customer maintained in your Sales Organization will be displayed.

If you decide to find the customer with name, enter customer’s first name with *
before and after the name. This is called a wild-card search.

Example: *demo*.
Search for Customer

Hint: You can use asterisk to be more specific in your search and press Enter to get
output of your search.

Search Results
Double click on the required Customer line in the contract to select that customer.

Sold-To Party Populated into the Contract

Press Enter once you have selected the Sold-To Party, so that the SAP system can
accept the customer and proceed with the contract creation.

Select Ship-To Party

Since this customer has two Ship-To Parties, a dialog box is popped up to select the
relevant one which your customer, Sold-To, has instructed. Double click on the
required one and same will be selected.

Sold-To and Ship-To Partied were Successfully Populated

If there’s only one Ship-To Party, once you press Enter, Ship-To Party will
automatically get populated. Since the contract is a legal document, system will
prompt to populate validity dates:

Validity of Contract

Populate contract validity dates, i.e. Valid From and Valid To dates:

Select Validity Dates using Calendar

6.7 SAP SD Contract Screen Navigation

This part is called Header of the Contract:

Header of SAP SD Contract

This part is called Overview of the Contract:

Overview of SAP SD Contract

This is called the line item part of the contract where materials which are inquired by
the customer are to be maintained:

Line Items of SAP SD Contract

6.8 Add Items to SAP SD Contract

Use F4 to search for the material the same way we did for customer and repeat the
same process for entering multiple line items (if required).
Search for Materials to Populate Items of the Contract

Material was Found

Double click on the desired material to select.

Material Number was Added to the Contract

If you press Enter without entering the Quantity, the system will prompt:

SAP Asks to Enter Quantity of Material (at the bottom of the screen)
Enter Quantity.

Information about Material Entered into the Contract

6.9 Incompletion Log for Contract

Go to Edit > Incompletion Log or Ctrl+F8 to see if the contract Created is Complete.

Check Incompletion Log of Contract

If there is anything or fields which needs to be populated, the system will prompt and
new window will be displayed.
Incompletion Log Results

Press or F2 to complete the missing data.

The System Shows the Screen with Missing Data

Enter the PO Number. PO stands for Purchase Order and it is a number of

customer’s purchase order.
Enter PO Number in Contract

Press or F5 to populate the next data, if any. Once all the required data is
populated, the system shall take you to the main screen of the contract.
SAP SD Contract is Complete

If the document is complete, the system will prompt the relevant message
accordingly. .

6.10 Navigating Contract Screens – Header

Press button to view header details in the contract.

Header of Contract

Here you can see relevant sales data:

 User who created this Contract

 Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division information
 Sales Office
 Sales Group
 Date on which the document is created
 Document Currency
 Customer Group
 Price list
 Sales District
Sales Data in SAP SD Contract Header

Press tab to see the partners which the customer is having:

Business Partners in the Header of the Contract

Press to know the current status of the contract.

Status Screen of SAP Contract Header

Press to go back to the main contract screen.

6.11 Navigating Contract Screens – Item

If you want to see the pricing of the individual material, select that line item and press

this conditions button .

Pricing Conditions Button

Here, you can see the pricing of the selected product.

Prices for Contract Item

Press to view material’s details.

Sales B Tab of Contract Item

Press to go back to the main contract screen.

6.12 Save the Contract

Once you have created the contract and satisfied with the information populated,
press or CTRL+S to save the contract.
SAP SD Contract was Successfully Saved
7 How to Create SAP SD Sales Order
7.1 Sales Orders in SAP SD

1. Previously, a customer might have inquired for the product which you have maintained in the
inquiry or might have asked for a quotation (which is valid for a particular time period) or have
opted for a long term contract either quantity or value.

2. Creation of a sales order is the first step in SAP SD for capturing of the actual sales.

3. This means that customer has agreed to the price which you have offered during the inquiry and
quotation phase(s).

4. In SAP SD, a sales order can be created either with or without reference to:

 Quotation, provided it is within the validity period

 Contracts, value & quantity, provided the same are within validity the dates or the value
or quantity has not exceeded from the contract terms

7.2 How to Create SAP SD Sales Order

SAP’s main screen once you have logged on to SAP:

SAP ERP Easy Access

In SAP, in order to reach to a particular transaction, you have the following options:

 Either enter the T-Code (transaction code) directly in the transaction bar in the SAP

SAP Transaction Bar

 Or navigate through the ‘Navigation Tree’

SAP Menu Tree

The following is the illustration on how to fetch sales order window/screen:

 Enter VA01 in Transaction Command Field for creating Sales Order or

Enter VA01 Transaction

 Navigate through ‘Tree’

VA01 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu

Once you have entered the Sales Order: Creation Initial screen, you have to select
relevant Order Type. Each order type has its own functionality and viewing based on
the configuration done at the SAP backend.

Select Relevant Order Types:

Create Sales Order – Initial Screen

Please note, any field having a ‘tick mark’ means its

mandatory and it has to be populated else system would not allow you to proceed

In order to opt for a required Order type, either press F4 on the respective field and it
will show all LoVs (List of Values).
List with Sales Order Types

Select the relevant Order type to proceed to the next step.

Create a
Standard Sales Order with Type “OR”
Populate Sales Area with your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, and

Fill in Sales Area Data

Hint: if you populate your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and
Division first and then opt for the relevant Order type, only Sales Document types
relevant for the selected Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division will be
displayed in LoV.

If you want to create Sales Order with reference to a Quotation or a Contract, press:

Create Sales Order with Reference

Once it is pressed, select the relevant tab.

Create with
Reference – Options

Enter the document number and either , if there are multiple items in
the referencing document and you want to select a particular item which should be
copied in the sales order or select directly. In our case, we are going to
Create Sales Order directly. Press Enter to continue and enter in the Sales Order
screen. Once you press Enter, you will enter into the sales order screen.

7.3 Master Data Involved when Creating Sales Order

The following master data is involved when creating a sales order. This master data
fetches relevant information and populates the relevant fields accordingly:

7.3.1 Customer Master Data

 Name of the customer

 Address
 Location
 Taxation details
 Geographical location according to company’s sales geographical structure
 Shipping details
 Billing details as in terms of payment
 Partners associated with the customer, i.e. ship-to party, bill-to party, payer, etc.

7.3.2 Material Master Data

 Material description
 Unit of measure (Stock Keeping Unit – SKU)
 Transportation group
 Loading group (fork lifter, manual handling etc)
 Taxation information

7.3.3 Customer Material Info Records

 Used to maintain customer relevant SKU codes which are mapped with the Company’s

7.3.4 Condition Master (Pricing)

 Base price of the product or special price for a particular customer

 Discount(s) on the product or special discount offered to one customer
 Freight
 Taxes

7.3.5 Output Master

 The process of communication with customer once the sales order is created via printout
of the sales order which is sent to customer by post, fax or email.
7.4 Partners Involved in Creation of Sales Order

 Sold-To Party: the entity that inquired the goods

 Ship-To Party: to whom goods are be delivered to
 Bill-To Party: the entity that is responsible to receive the bill
 Payer: the entity responsible for the payment

7.5 Entering the Customer – Sold-To and Ship-To

Create Standard SAP Order

You can see Sold-to Party and Ship-to Party fields at the top left of the screen just
below Standard Order field. One Sold-to Party can have multiple Ship-To Parties. If
there are many Ship-To parties associated with one Sold-to Party, a dialog box will
pop up in the order screen. You need to select the relevant Ship-to Party which the
Sold-to Party has instructed you to ship the products at.

Press F4 or button on the Sold-to Party field to search for your relevant Sold-to
Party. You can search by Search Term maintained in the customer master data or
also by Name. To remain specific with your search, enter relevant Sales
Organization, so that only customers maintained in your sales organization will be
Search for Customer (Sold-To Party)

Hint: You can use asterisk to be more specific in your search and press Enter to get
output of your search.

Search Results

Double click on the required customer line in order to select that customer.

Sold-To Party Populated into the Sales Order

Press Enter once you have selected the Sold-to Party, so that the SAP system can
accept the customer and proceed with the sales order creation.

Select Ship-To Part for Sales Order

Since this customer has two Ship-to Parties, a dialog box is popped up to select the
relevant one which your customer, Sold-to, has instructed. Double click on the
required one and the same will be selected.

Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party were Selected

If there’s only one Ship-to Party, once you press Enter, Ship-to Party will be
automatically populated.

7.6 SAP SD Sales Order Screen Interface

This part is called header of the sales order:

SAP SD Sales Order Header

This part is called overview of the sales order:

SAP SD Sales Order Overview

This is called the line item part of the Sales Order where Materials to be sold are

Line Items in SAP Sales Order

7.7 Add Materials to SAP Sales Order

Use F4 to search for the material the same way we did for the customer and repeat
the same process for entering multiple line items (if required).

Search for Materials

Select Materials to be Added to Sales Order

Double click on the desired material to select.

Material Number was Added to Sales Order

Enter quantity, if you press Enter after selecting the material, without entering the
Quantity, the system will prompt.

Enter Quantity Warning

7.8 Incompletion Log for SAP Sales Orders

Go to Edit > Incompletion Log to see if the sales order created is complete.

Open Incompletion Log

If the document is complete, the system will prompt the relevant message
accordingly .
Our Sales Order is Complete (No Mandatory Information is Missing)

7.9 Sales Order Interface – Header

Press button to view header details in the sales order.

Display Document Header Details

Here you can see the relevant sales data:

 User who created this sales order

 Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division information
 Sales Office
 Sales Group
 Date on which the document is created
 Document Currency
 Customer Group
 Price list
 Sales District

Press tab to see the partners which the customer is having:

SAP Sales Order Header Partners

Press to know the current status of the order:

SAP SD Sales Order Status

Press to go back to the main sales order screen.

7.10 Sales Order Interface – Item

If you want to see the pricing of the individual material, select that line item and press

this conditions button :

Item Conditions Button

Here, you can see the pricing of the selected product:

Sales Order Item Pricing Details

Press to view finished goods material’s details:

Detailed Information about a Material

Press to see if this material is confirmed and available to be

delivered on the required date of delivery.

Schedule Lines in Sales Order

Press to go back to main sales order screen.

The Main Sales Order Screen

7.11 Save Sales Order

Once you have created the Sales order and satisfied with entering the information,
press to save the sales order. Once you press Save, if the customer’s credit limit
is exceeded, a pop will be displayed.

Credit Limit Check for Customer

If the customer is a cash customer or if the credit customer has no outstanding this
pop-up window of credit check will not be displayed and sales order will be saved
directly. Press on the dialog box to continue and the order will be saved by
generating a unique sales order number.
Sales Order was Successfully Saved

8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD

8.1 SAP SD Scheduling Agreements

1. Outline agreements play an important role in nearly all business processes. Customers and
vendors agree on the goods to be provided under certain conditions and within a specific period
of time. Outline agreements streamline business processes for both partners in a business
2. The two main outline agreements, which are:

 scheduling agreements
 contracts

3. A scheduling agreement is an outline agreement between you and a sold-to party that is
valid for a certain period of time.

4. The scheduling agreement contains fixed delivery dates and quantities. These dates are
contained in the schedule lines for the scheduling agreements.

5. Once the scheduling agreement is due for delivery, you can create the delivery as normal or by
using a delivery due list.

6. When you enter schedule lines for an item in the scheduling agreement, the system adds up the
quantities that have already been entered and compares them to both the target quantity and
the quantity already shipped. This gives you an overview of all the open quantities.

7. If the quantity in the schedule lines exceeds the target quantity, the system issues a warning
message. If the customer requires it, you can process invoices periodically – for example, once a
month. All deliveries due for the billing document are combined in a collective invoice.

Standard SAP SD scheduling agreements normally contain:

 Customer and material information

 Pricing, be it customer or material specific
 Delivery dates and delivery quantities
 Information about shipment processing
 Information about billing
 Validity periods and dates
8.2 How to Create SAP SD Scheduling Agreement

There are two options to start the process of creating a scheduling agreement:

 Enter VA31 in Transaction Command Field for creating Scheduling Agreement or

Enter VA31 Transaction

 Navigate through ‘Tree’

VA31 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu

Once you have entered the Scheduling Agreement: Creation Initial screen, you have
to select relevant Scheduling Agreement Type. Each Scheduling Agreement Type
has its own functionality and viewing based on the configuration done at the backend
of SAP system.
Select Relevant Scheduling Agreement Type

Please note, any field having a ‘tick mark’ means its

mandatory and it has to be populated else the SAP system would not allow you to
proceed further. In order to opt for a required scheduling agreement type, press F4
on the respective field and it will show all LoVs (List of Values) with available types of
scheduling agreements.

List with Scheduling Agreement Types

Select the relevant Scheduling Agreement Type to proceed to the next step.

Scheduling Agreement with Type DS will be Created

Populate Organizational Data with your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution

Channel and Division.

Fill in Sales Area Data

Hint: if you populate your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and
Division first and then opt for the relevant Scheduling Agreement type, only
Scheduling Agreement types relevant for the selected Sales Organization,
Distribution Channel and Division will be displayed in LoVs.

8.3 Master Data Involved when Creating Scheduling Agreement

The following master data is involved when creating a scheduling agreement. This
master data fetches relevant information and populates the relevant fields

8.3.1 Customer Master Data

 Name of the customer

 Address
 Location
 Taxation details
 Geographical location according to company’s sales geographical structure
 Shipping details
 Billing details as in terms of payment
 Partners associated with the customer, i.e. ship-to party, bill-to party, payer, etc.

8.3.2 Material Master Data

 Material description
 Unit of measure (Stock Keeping Unit – SKU)
 Transportation group
 Loading group (fork lifter, manual handling, etc.)
 Taxation information

8.3.3 Customer Material Info Records

 Used to maintain customer relevant SKU codes which are mapped with the company

8.3.4 Condition Master (Pricing)

 Base price of the product or special price for a particular customer

 Discount(s) on the product or special discount offered to one customer
 Freight
 Taxes

8.3.5 Output Master

 The process of communication with customer once the scheduling agreements is created
via printout of the scheduling agreement which is sent to customer by post, fax or email.
8.4 Partners Involved in Creation of Scheduling Agreement

 Sold-To Party: the entity that inquired the goods

 Ship-To Party: to whom goods are be delivered to
 Bill-To Party: the entity that is responsible to receive the bill
 Payer: the entity responsible for the payment

8.5 Entering the Customer – Sold-To and Ship-To

On the screenshot below is the initial screen of Scheduling Agreement once you
have selected the relevant Scheduling Agreement Type and Sales Area (combination
of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division is technically termed as
Sales Area in SAP SD).

Scheduling Agreement Initial Screen

You can see Sold-to Part and Ship-to Party fields at the top left of the screen. One
Sold-to Party can have multiple Ship-to Parties. If there are many Ship-to parties
associated with one Sold-to Party, a dialog box will pop up in the scheduling
agreement screen. You need to select the relevant Ship-to Party which the Sold-to
Party has instructed you to ship the products to. Press F4 or button on the Sold-
to Party field to search for your relevant Sold-to Party.

You can search by Search Term maintained in the customer master data or also by
Name. To remain specific with your search, enter relevant Sales Organization, so
that only customers maintained in your sales organization will be displayed. If you
decide to find the customer with name, enter customer’s first name with * before and
after the name. This is called wild card search.

Example: *demo*

Here we are using ‘Search Term’ functionality:

Look up a Customer by Search Term

Hint: You can use asterisk to be more specific in your search and press Enter to get
output of your search.

Search Results
Double click on the required customer line in the window to select that customer.

A Customer was Entered into Scheduling Agreement

Press Enter once you have selected the Sold-to Party, so that the SAP system can
accept the customer and proceed with the scheduling agreement creation. If the
customer has two Ship-to Parties assigned, a dialog box will be popped up to select
the relevant one which your customer, Sold-to, has instructed. Double click on the
required one and the same will be selected.

If there’s only one Ship-to Party assigned to the Sold-to Party, once you press Enter,
Ship-to Party will automatically get populated.

Since a scheduling agreement is a legal document, the system will prompt you to
populate validity dates:

The System Asks for Validity Dates

Populate scheduling agreement validity dates, i.e. ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid To’ dates:

Enter Validity Dates of Scheduling Agreement

A Scheduling Agreement with Validity Dates Correctly Populated

8.6 SAP SD Scheduling Agreement Screen Interface

This part is called header of the scheduling agreement:

Header of Scheduling Agreement

This part is called overview of the scheduling agreement:

Overview of Scheduling Agreement

This is called the line item part of the Scheduling Agreement where materials which
are inquired by the customer are to be maintained:

Line Items in a Scheduling Agreement

8.7 Add a Product to a Scheduling Agreement

Use F4 to search for the material the same way we did for the customer and repeat
the same process for entering multiple line items (if required).
Search for Material by Description

A Material was Found

Double click on the desired material to select it:

A Material Number was Added to the Scheduling Agreement

If you press Enter without entering the Quantity, the system will prompt:

Request to Enter Quantity for a Material

Enter quantity:

A Material was Added to the Scheduling Agreement

Here you can see that no value was updated in the Net Value field in the scheduling
agreement’s header part:

Net Value is Zero

The same goes for the line item:

Pricing Conditions of a Line Item in the Scheduling Agreement

This is due to the reason that scheduling agreements require the schedule line to be
populated. Select the relevant line item and press button in the line item section of
the scheduling agreement:

Click Details Button for a Line Item

Then, go to the Schedule Lines tab :

Schedule Lines of an Item

Enter the dates on which the customer has requested the goods along with the order

Enter Schedule Lines for the Dates when the Customer Requested Shipments

Once one schedule line is entered, conditions will update. Go to the Conditions tab in
the line item data :
Pricing Conditions were Updated and Net Value is Not Zero Now

Enter another delivery date and quantity:

Enter Additional Schedule Lines for an Item

Conditions are updated accordingly in the line item pricing data:

Pricing Conditions were Updated Again

8.8 Incompletion Log for Scheduling Agreements

Press F3 or to go back to the main screen. Go to Edit > Incompletion Log or

Ctrl+F8 to see if the scheduling agreement that we have just created is complete.

Open Incompletion Log for a Scheduling Agreement

If there are any fields which need to be populated, the system will prompt and a new
window will be displayed:
A Scheduling Agreement is Incomplete

Press or F2 to complete the missing data:

Enter Missing Date (PO Number)

Enter the PO Number:

Missing PO Number was Added

Press or F5 to populate the next missing field, if any. Once all the required data
is populated, the system will take you to the main screen of the scheduling
agreement. If the document is complete, the SAP system will show the relevant
message accordingly: .

The Scheduling Agreement is Complete

8.9 Scheduling Agreement Screen – Header

Press button to view header details in the scheduling agreement:

Use the Button to View Header Details

Here you can see the relevant header data:

 User who created this scheduling agreement

 Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division information
 Sales office
 Sales group
 Date on which the document is created
 Document currency
 Customer group
 Price list
 Sales district

Header Data of Scheduling Agreement

Press tab to see the partners which the customer is having:

Partners in the Header of the Scheduling Agreement

Press to know the current status of the scheduling agreement:

Status of the Scheduling Agreement

Press to go back to the main scheduling agreement screen.

8.10 Save Scheduling Agreement

Once you have created the scheduling agreement and are satisfied with the
information populated, press or CTRL+S to save the scheduling agreement.

The Scheduling Agreement was Successfully Saved

8.11 Delivery Due List

Since the scheduling agreement contains the delivery dates and quantities, deliveries
are created based on the delivery quantity. Let us see the delivery details in
scheduling agreement first:

Delivery Details in the Scheduling Agreement

Customer requested the delivery of 1 quantity of goods on 1st November, 2016 but
the system confirmed the delivery of goods on 4th November, 2016 based on the
availability settings. This means that delivery can take place on 4th November, 2016
and not before that.

Similarly, the customer requested for the delivery of another 1 quantity of goods on
10th of November, 2016 which system confirmed.

Now, let us go to the delivery monitor and due list using the transaction VL10A:

Delivery Monitor Transaction (VL10A)

Enter the relevant Shipping Point, Delivery Creation Date(s) and Sold-to Party:

SAP Delivery Monitor Initial Screen

Now, the system should show two deliveries required to be delivered on the following
dates based on the schedule lines maintained the scheduling agreement:

 04th November, 2016 – 1 Quantity

 10th November, 2016 – 1 Quantity
Press F8 or to execute the Delivery Due List:

Activities due for Shipping

Here you can see that the Ship-to Party A7000 has two deliveries that are against
the scheduling agreement number 30000053 which we created earlier. These
deliveries are due on 4th November, 2016 and 10th November, 2016 respectively.

Schedule Lines in the Scheduling Agreement

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