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August 13, 2023 ENGLISH MADHYAM

English Madhyam
(Weekly vocabulary compilation)
From 07 Aug 2023 to 12 Aug 2023

For all competitive Exams

Bank (Po & clerk), IB ACIO, NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, CHSL), MBA, Hotel Management, MCA, UPSC,
B. Ed and other competitive exams.


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Note: Reading Daily editorials are more important than mugging up vocabulary. So, Must
Read editorial on daily basis, which is the best way to cover comprehensive English Subject
ranging from vocabulary to reading skill

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Table of Contents
Part - A
Indian Express Editorial – License raj dot com (07 Aug 2023).............................................................................4
Indian Express Editorial – A partial remedy (08 Aug 2023) ..................................................................................7
The Tribune Editorial – Managing floods (09 Aug 2023) ..................................................................................... 10
Indian Express Editorial – Mis-management (10 Aug 2023) .............................................................................. 13
The Hindu Editorial – Chasing consensus (11 Aug 2023) .................................................................................... 15
The Hindu Editorial – Necessary intervention (12 Aug 2023) ........................................................................... 18
Part - B
The Hindu Editorial – A Tentative rethink (07 Aug 2023)................................................................................... 22
The Hindu Editorial –Top board (08 Aug 2023) ...................................................................................................... 26
The Times of India – It’s my (digital) life (09 Aug 2023) ...................................................................................... 28
Business line Editorial – Govt alone can’t handle (10 Aug 2023) ..................................................................... 30
Indian Express Editorial –Food for cure (11 Aug 2023) ....................................................................................... 32
The Hindu Editorial – Risky recourse (12 Aug 2023) ............................................................................................ 34
Part - C
The Hindu Editorial – Falling short (09 Aug 2023)................................................................................................. 38
The Hindu Editorial –That '70s show (10 Aug 2023) ............................................................................................ 40
The Tribune Editorial – MBBS seat (11 Aug 2023) ................................................................................................. 43
The Tribune Editorial – Punjab farmer's debt (12 Aug 2023)............................................................................ 45

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Indian Express Editorial – License raj dot com (07 Aug 2023)

1. Dot come (noun) – a company that 14. hark back to (phrase) – To return to or
does most of its business on the recall a previous time or situation पीछे
2. Era (noun) – Age, epoch, eon, period,
15. Socialist (adjective) – Related to
time, यग

socialism, a political and economic
3. Rely (on) (verb) – Depend on, lean on, theory that advocates for means of
production, distribution, and exchange
trust in, count on, bank on, निर्भर होिा
should be owned or regulated by the
4. Repressive (adjective) – Restrictive, community as a whole, समाजवादी
inhibitive, limiting, suppressive,
16. Open the door for (phrase) – Allow for,
constraining, दमिपर्
ू भ
pave the way for, create opportunities
5. Tariff (noun) – Duty, tax, toll, charge, for, मागभ प्रशस्त करिा
levy, कर
17. Imposition (noun) – Enforcing, foisting,
6. In order to (phrase) – With the purpose infliction, थोपिा
of, for the purpose of, to, so as to, ताकक
18. Space (noun) – Scope, room, chance,
7. Curb (verb) – Restrain, control, check, opportunity दायरा
limit, नियंत्रित करिा
19. Bureaucratic (adjective) – Official,
administrative, governmental,
8. Recount (verb) – Narrate, tell, relate,
describe, सि
ु ािा
20. Discretion (noun) – the freedom to
9. Undertake (verb) – to do or begin to do
decide what should be done in a
something, करिा
particular situation कायभ-स्वतंिता
10. Regime (noun) – Rule, system, scheme,
21. Diminish (verb) – Reduce, decrease,
procedure, method व्यवस्था
lessen, घटािा
11. Adverse (adjective) – Unfavorable,
22. Vibrancy (noun) – Energy, liveliness,
negative, detrimental, harmful, ववपरीत
vitality, enthusiasm, effervescence
12. Consequence (noun) – Result, outcome, जीवंतता
effect, repercussion, पररर्ाम 23. Unleash (verb) – Release, set free, let
13. Well-documented (adjective) – Clearly loose, unbridle, allow to run free खोल
recorded, widely reported, well दे िा
recorded, अच्छी तरह से दस्तावेजीकृत

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24. Ostensibly (adverb) – Apparently, 35. Sledgehammer (noun) – a forceful or

seemingly, supposedly, allegedly, heavy-handed approach; used to
superficially जाहहर तौर पर describe a way of behaving that is too
forceful सशक्त रवैया
25. Account for (phrasal verb) – Comprise,
constitute, represent, make up, form 36. Vibrant (adjective) – Lively, dynamic,
बिािा energetic, vigorous, जीवंत

26. Overwhelming (adjective) – very great 37. Envision (verb) – Imagine, foresee,
in amount. अधिकतम predict, anticipate, कल्पिा करिा

27. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause, bring 38. Seek (verb) – Try, aim, endeavour,
about, produce, create, give rise to वजह attempt, effort कोशशश करिा
39. Uncalled-for (adjective) – Unnecessary,
28. Disruption (noun) – Interruption, unjustified, unwarranted, undue,
disturbance, breakdown, अिावश्यक
disarrangement, disorder, ववघ्ि,
40. One-off (noun) – It means something
व्यविाि that happens or is made or done only
once. It is unique and not part of a
29. Term (noun) – Period, span, duration,
regular series or sequence. एक बारगी
stint, time frame, अवधि
41. Establishment (noun) – System,
30. Drive up (phrasal verb) – Increase,
government, regime, authority संस्थाि
raise, escalate, boost, amplify बढ़ािा
42. Draw (verb) – Get, obtain, extract,
31. Considering (preposition) – Taking into
derive, gain लेिा
account, bearing in mind, in view of,
regarding, ध्याि में रखते हुए 43. For instance (phrase) – For example, as
an example, such as, उदाहरर् के शलए
32. Moreover (adverb) – Furthermore,
additionally, in addition, besides, इसके 44. Impose (verb) – Enforce, apply, levy,
अलावा put into effect, थोपिा

33. Facilitate (verb) – Enable, assist, aid, 45. Liberalised remittance scheme (noun) –
simplify, smooth the way, सग
ु म बिािा It is a scheme introduced by Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) that allows resident
34. Ecosystem (noun) – a group of individuals to remit a certain amount of
businesses or business activities that money during a financial year to
affect each other and work well another country for investment and
together पाररस्स्थनतकी तंि expenditure.

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46. In abeyance (phrase) – Suspended, in 51. Threaten (verb) – Menace, intimidate,

suspension, on hold, unresolved ठं डे endanger, jeopardize, imperil, खतरा में
बस्ते में रखिा, आस्थधगत डालिा

47. Tend (to) (verb) – Be inclined, be likely, 52. Undo (verb) – Nullify, invalidate,
have a tendency, झुकाव होिा counteract, reverse, retract, ववपरीत
करिा, उलट दे िा
48. Cling (to) (verb) – Hold on tightly to,
stick to, adhere to, पर हटके रहिा 53. Accrue (verb) – Accumulate, amass,
gather, collect, increase, उपास्जत करिा
49. Playbook (noun) – It refers to a set of
plans or methods that are used in a 54. Dismantling (noun) – Demolition,
particular activity. नियम पस्ु स्तका destruction, disassembly, breakup,
tearing down िष्ट करिा
50. Tendency (noun) – Inclination,
tendency, predisposition, propensity,
प्रववृ ि

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Indian Express Editorial – A partial remedy (08 Aug 2023)

1. Partial (adjective) – Incomplete, part, 10. Complication (noun) – Difficulty,

unfinished, half-done, fractional problem, obstacle, hindrance,
आंशशक, अिरू ा dilemma समस्या

2. Remedy (noun) – Solution, cure, 11. Allegedly (adverb) – Supposedly,

antidote, panacea, corrective उपाय reportedly, purportedly, claimed to be
कधथत रूप से
3. Directive (noun) – Instruction, order,
command, mandate, guideline निदे श 12. Blame (verb) – Accuse, hold
responsible, charge, indict, condemn
4. Abide (by) (verb) – Follow, adhere to, दोषी ठहरािा
comply with, obey, observe पालि
13. Incriminate (verb) – Implicate,
involve, accuse, charge, indict दोषी
5. Adverse (adjective) – Unfavorable, ठहरािा
detrimental, harmful, negative,
deleterious ववपरीत/ प्रनतकूल 14. Fatality (noun) – Death, casualty,
mortality, fatality, demise मत्ृ यु
6. Dent (verb) – Damage, harm, mar,
tarnish, impair िुकसाि पहुंचािा 15. Flag (verb) – Indicate, signal, sign,
point out, mark संकेत करिा
7. Reliable (adjective) – Dependable,
trustworthy, consistent, reliable, 16. Concern (noun) – Worry, anxiety,
steady ववश्वसिीय apprehension, unease, distress धचंता

8. Inexpensive (adjective) – Cheap, low- 17. Reveal (verb) – Disclose, unveil,

cost, low-priced, reasonable, expose, uncover, demonstrate प्रकट
economical, सस्ता

9. Generic (noun) – A product, especially

18. Shortcomings (noun) – Deficiencies,
a drug, that is no longer protected by
weaknesses, failings, flaws, faults
a patent and is therefore available for
any manufacturer to produce

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19. Policymaker (noun) – Decision-maker, 29. Outsource (verb) – Contract out,

lawmaker, administrator, executive subcontract, assign, relocate, delegate
िीनत निमाभता बाहरी स्रोत से काम करवािा

20. Prevaricate (verb) – Evade, dodge, 30. Outfit (noun) – Organization, group,
sidestep, avoid, be evasive टाल-मटोल team, unit, set-up संगठि
31. Often (adverb) – Frequently, regularly,
21. Address (verb) – Tackle, handle, repeatedly, commonly, usually अक्सर
confront, deal with समािाि करिा
32. Compromise (verb) – weaken or harm
by accepting standards that are lower
22. Loophole (noun) – a means or
opportunity of evading a rule, law, etc. than is desirable. समझौता करिा
बचाव का रास्ता
33. Deal with (phrasal verb) – Handle,
manage, confront, address, tackle
23. Resort (to) (verb) – Turn to, use,
सामिा करिा
employ, avail oneself of सहारा लेिा

34. Fly-by-night (adjective) – Unreliable,

24. Piecemeal (adjective) – Gradual, step-
untrustworthy, shady, doubtful, risky
by-step, bit by bit, incremental थोडा-
35. For instance (phrase) – For example,
25. Violator (noun) – Transgressor, as an example, to illustrate, such as
offender, criminal, culprit उल्लंघक उदाहरर् के शलए

26. Complicity (noun) – Involvement, 36. Monitor (verb) – Supervise, oversee,

collusion, participation, implication
observe, watch, track निगरािी करिा
सहर्ाधगता/ शमलीर्गत
37. Sanctioned (adjective) – Approved,
27. Enforce (verb) – Implement, compel, authorized, allowed, permitted,
insist, apply, execute लागू करिा endorsed स्वीकृत

28. Overhaul (noun) – Revamp, 38. Task (with) (verb) – Assign, entrust,
refurbishment, restructure,
charge, allocate ककसी कायभ के शलए दे िा
improvement, reform सि
ु ार

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39. Administrative (adjective) – 44. In the wake of (phrase) – Following,

Managerial, supervisory, directive, subsequent to, as a result of के
controlling प्रशासनिक

40. Scrutiny (noun) – Examination,

45. Put one’s house in order (phrase) – to
inspection, review, analysis,
solve your own problems अपिे मामलों
assessment निरीक्षर्
को व्यवस्स्थत करिा
41. Efficacy (noun) – Effectiveness,
efficiency, potency, power 46. Eliminate (verb) – Eradicate, remove,
प्रर्ावशीलता discard, get rid of हटािा

42. By all accounts (phrase) – According 47. Opacity (noun) – Obscurity, non-
to everyone, by general agreement, as transparency, incomprehensibility,
per information सर्ी के अिुसार ambiguity अस्पष्टता

43. Public domain (noun) – open to the 48. Robust (adjective) – Strong, resilient,
public, freely available सावभजनिक होिा sturdy, durable मजबूत

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The Tribune Editorial – Managing floods (09 Aug 2023)

1. Reel under (phrase) – struggle or deal with 12. Reflect poorly on (phrase) – to cast in a
something से जूझिा negative light, discredit, dishonor ख़राब तरह
से दशाभिा
2. Unprecedented (adjective) – Never having
happened or existed in the past अर्त
ू पव
ू भ 13. Mitigation (noun) – reduction, alleviation,
diminishment, moderation घटाव
3. Fury (noun) – fierceness, ferocity, violence,
turbulence, tempestuousness प्रकोप 14. Forecast (verb) – predict, anticipate,
project, estimate र्ववष्यवार्ी करिा
4. Claim (verb) – Take lives of जाि लेिा
15. Ill-prepared (adjective) – unready,
5. Infrastructure (noun) – facilities, structure,
unprepared, inadequately prepared खराब
framework, system संरचिा
6. Nationwide (adjective) – throughout the
nation, countrywide, all over the country 16. On the ground (phrase) – in a situation or
place where things are happening really or
दे शव्यापी
practically जमीिी स्तर पर
7. Decade (noun) – a period of ten years दशक
17. Rampant (adjective) – unchecked,
8. Peg (verb) – an arrangement that fixes a uncontrolled, widespread, unrestrained
price, currency, etc. at a particular level: अनियंत्रित/ बडे पैमािे पर
18. Violation (noun) – breach, infringement,
9. Death Toll (noun) – Fatality, loss of life, transgression, breaking उल्लंघि
mortality rate, mortality मत्ृ यु के आाँकडे
19. Impunity (noun) – exemption, freedom,
10. Destruction (noun) – demolition, ruin, immunity from punishment माफी, दण्ड
devastation, annihilation वविाश मस्ु क्त

11. Massive (adjective) – enormous, huge, 20. Promulgate (verb) – declare, announce,
large, substantial ववशाल proclaim, publicize घोषर्ा करिा

21. Habitat (noun) – dwelling, living

environment, surroundings आवास

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22. Proliferation (noun) – rapid increase, 33. Concretisation (noun) – the act of making
growth, expansion, multiplication प्रसार something concrete, solid, or tangible;
making an idea or concept real ठोसीकरर्
23. Settlement (noun) – Community, village,
town, colony, hamlet, township बस्ती 34. Unscientific (adjective) – not based on or
reflecting the principles and methods of
24. Inundate (verb) – flood, swamp, deluge, science अववज्ञानिक
overwhelm बहा दे िा
35. Slope (noun) – incline, gradient, slant, tilt
25. Drainage system (noun) – the system of ढलाि
removing excess water or liquid waste जल
36. Flash flood (noun) – a sudden and severe
निकासी की व्यवस्था
flood that occurs within a short period of
26. Buckle (verb) – collapse, give way, yield, time अचािक आई बाढ़
cave in, falter टूटिा
37. Cloudburst (noun) – a sudden, very heavy
downpour of rain; intense rainfall event
27. Spell (noun) – Period of heavy rain र्ारी
बादल फटिे की घटिा
38. Large-scale (adjective) – extensive,
28. Bank (noun) – shore, riverside, riverbank, widespread, broad-based, comprehensive
embankment तट व्यापक

29. Encroach (verb) – trespass, infringe, invade, 39. Deforestation (noun) – the action of
violate अनतक्रमर् करिा clearing a wide area of trees; cutting down
of trees on a large scale विों की कटाई
30. Bear the brunt of (phrase) – to face the
worst part of something unpleasant or 40. Breach (noun) – An opening or a
harmful; to suffer the main part or force of breakthrough of a dam sometimes caused
something सबसे ज्यादा िुकसाि झेलिा by rapid erosion of a section of earth
embankment by water. बांि का टूटिा
31. Ferocity (noun) – savagery, brutality,
fierceness, vehemence उग्रता 41. Deal a blow (phrase) – cause a setback, be a
hindrance, make a situation more difficult
32. Haphazard (adjective) – disorganized,
or less likely to succeed झटका दे िा
unmethodical, random, unplanned
अव्यवस्स्थत 42. Key (noun) – Solution, कंु जी/ समािाि

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43. Recurrence (noun) – repetition, reiteration, 47. Flout (verb) – disregard, ignore, neglect,
happening again दोहराव violate अवहे लिा करिा

44. Eventuality (noun) – a possible event or 48. Ecological balance (noun) – a state of
outcome. संर्ाववत घटिा equilibrium within a community of
organisms in a particular environment
45. Governance (noun) – the act or process of पाररस्स्थनतक संतुलि
governing; ruling, controlling, leading शासि
49. Environ (noun) – surroundings,
46. Deterring (adjective) – discouraging, environment, conditions, circumstances
dissuading, inhibiting हतोत्साहहत पररवेश

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Indian Express Editorial – Mis-management (10 Aug 2023)

1. Say (noun) – Influence, sway, authority, 12. Prescribe (verb) – Order, command,
weight, clout अधिकार direct, dictate नििाभररत करिा

2. Legislation (noun) – Law, statute, act, 13. Suspension (noun) – Halting, stopping,
regulation, ordinance वविाि interruption, freeze निलंबि

3. Departure (noun) – Deviation, 14. Dissolution (noun) – Disintegration,

divergence, shift, variation ववचलि termination, ending, closure ववघटि/ र्ंग

4. Elite (adjective) – Superior, prime, 15. At the expense of (phrase) – At the

exclusive, select ववशशष्ट sacrifice of, at the cost of, by losing की
कीमत पर
5. With a view to (phrase) – In order to, for
the purpose of, so as to उद्दे श्य से 16. Autonomy (noun) – Independence, self-
government, self-rule स्वायिता
6. Attain (verb) – Achieve, reach,
accomplish, gain प्राप्त करिा 17. For instance (phrase) – As an example,
for example, such as उदाहरर् के शलए
7. Empower (verb) – Authorize, enable,
permit, license सशक्त बिािा 18. Directive (noun) – Instruction, order,
command, guideline निदे श
8. Subordinate (verb) – Make secondary,
lower in rank or position, inferiorize
19. Binding (on) (adjective) – Obligatory,
अिीि करिा
mandatory, required बाध्यकारी

9. Virtually (adverb) – Nearly, almost,

20. Interfere (in) (verb) – Meddle, intervene,
practically, essentially वास्तव में
intrude हस्तक्षेप करिा

10. Veto power (noun) – The power to reject

21. Functioning (noun) – Operation, working,
a decision or proposal made by a law-
performance कायभ
making body

11. Hitherto (adverb) – Until now, so far, 22. Persuasive (adjective) – Convincing,
previously अब तक effective, influential असरदार

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23. Given (preposition) – Considering, taking 28. Overrule (verb) – Revoke, nullify,
into account, bearing in mind दे खते हुए overturn, set aside, cancel िकार दे िा

24. Uneasy (adjective) – Anxious, unsettled, 29. Norm (noun) – Standard, criterion, rule,
uncomfortable, edgy, apprehensive guideline, benchmark मािक
अशांत, धचंनतत
30. Go against (phrase) – Oppose,
25. Envisage (verb) – Foresee, predict, contravene, violate, conflict with के
anticipate कल्पिा करिा
ववपरीत जािा

26. Sweeping (adjective) – Comprehensive,

31. Accede (to) (verb) – Agree, consent,
all-encompassing, broad, wide-ranging,
accept, comply सहमत होिा
extensive व्यापक
32. Doctoral (adjective) – Related to or
27. To one's credit (phrase) – Referring to
constituting a doctorate, typically a Ph.D.
something praiseworthy or honorable
that someone has done इसका श्रेय है 33. Thesis (noun) – Dissertation, treatise,
research paper, study शोि प्रबंि

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The Hindu Editorial – Chasing consensus (11 Aug 2023)

1. Consensus (noun) – Agreement, accord, 12. Sovereignty (noun) – Supremacy, dominion,

harmony, compromise, consent, unanimity power, authority संप्रर्ुता
13. Territorial (adjective) – Relating to territory
2. Conference (noun) – Meeting, summit, or land, regional, provincial प्रदे शशक
gathering, convention, assembly सम्मेलि
14. Integrity (noun) – Honesty, uprightness,
3. Conflict (noun) – Struggle, battle, warfare, rectitude, virtue अखंडता
contention, clash लडाई
15. Precursor (noun) – Forerunner, predecessor,
4. Talks (noun) – Discussions, negotiations, harbinger, herald अग्रगामी
conversations, dialogues वाताभ
16. Ties (noun) – Bonds, relationships,
5. Typical (adjective) – Normal, regular, usual, connections, links संबंि
standard सामान्य
17. Position paper (noun) – A detailed written
6. Western (adjective) – Relating to U.S.A and report that expresses a position or viewpoint
other European countries on an issue, generally used in a diplomatic or
political context.
7. The Global South (noun) – the poor
developing countries (of Asia, Africa, South 18. Call for (phrasal verb) – Demand, require,
America, amongst others). ववकासशील दे श necessitate मांग करिा

8. The Global North (noun) – The Global North 19. Settlement (noun) – Resolution, setline,
includes the rich and powerful regions such solution, reconciliation समािाि
as North America, Europe, and Australia.
20. Uphold (verb) – Support, maintain, endorse,
9. Durable (adjective) – Long-lasting, enduring,
sustain समथभि करिा
sturdy, strong, tough हटकाऊ
21. Back (verb) – Support, endorse, advocate,
10. Diplomat (noun) – Envoy, ambassador,
champion समथभि करिा
representative, negotiator राजदत

22. Slam (verb) – Criticize, condemn, attack,
11. Pillar (noun) – Support, mainstay,
castigate आलोचिा करिा
foundation, base स्तंर्
23. Neutral (adjective) – Unbiased,
unprejudiced, impartial, non-partisan तटस्थ

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24. Backer (noun) – Supporter, sponsor, 36. Counteroffensive (adjective) – A

promoter, benefactor समथभक counterattack, reprisal, retaliation जवाबी
कारभ वाई
25. Concerned (adjective) – Involved, interested,
affected संबंधित 37. Advanced (adjective) – Cutting-edge,
unconventional, forward-thinking, उन्ित
26. Pragmatic (adjective) – Practical, logical,
sensible, realistic, down-to-earth व्यावहाररक 38. Breakthrough (noun) – an instance of
achieving success in a particular sphere or
27. Play a role in (phrase) – To contribute,
activity सफलता
participate, have a part in, be instrumental in
र्ूशमका निर्ािा 39. Strike (verb) – Hit, attack, assault, batter
प्रहार करिा
28. Constructive (adjective) – Positive, helpful,
encouraging, beneficial, productive
40. Bomb (verb) – Blast, explode, detonate,
blow up बम ववस्फोट करिा

29. Evident (adjective) – Obvious, clear,

41. Stalemate (noun) – Standstill, deadlock,
apparent, manifest, noticeable स्पष्ट
impasse, stand-off गनतरोि

30. Advance (noun) – Progress, development,

42. Withdraw (verb) – Leave, abandon, depart,
improvement, growth प्रगनत
vacate, abandon, retreat पीछे लौटिा

31. Humiliating (adjective) – Degrading,

43. Occupied (adjective) – Conquered,
demeaning, embarrassing, shaming
subjugated, dominated, ruled, captured,
seized, अधिकृत

32. Retreat (noun) – Withdrawal, fallback,

44. Recognition (noun) – Acknowledgment,
pullback, disengagement पीछे हटिा acceptance, realization, identification
स्वीकृनत/ मान्यता
33. Meet (verb) – Fulfill, satisfy, match, comply
with, achieve परू ा करिा 45. Annexed (adjective) – Seized, appropriated,
taken over, acquired कब्जा कर शलया हुआ
34. Cope with (phrasal verb) – Manage, handle,
deal with, confront सामिा करिा 46. Maximalist (adjective) – of or denoting an
extreme opinion अधिकतमवादी
35. Stability (noun) – Steadiness, balance,
firmness, solidity स्स्थरता

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47. Hardly (adverb) – Scarcely, barely, only just, 49. Make a difference (phrase) – Have a
almost not मस्ु श्कल से significant effect or influence; bring about a
change अंतर ला सकिा
48. Room (noun) – Space, area, capacity, scope
गुंिाइश 50. Agenda (noun) – Program, schedule, plan,
itinerary कायभसूची

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The Hindu Editorial – Necessary intervention (12 Aug 2023)

1. Intervention (noun) – Interference, development, or change within a

involvement, intrusion, intercession, system or process गनत
interposition हस्तक्षेप
11. Perfect (verb) – Refine, improve,
2. Ethos (noun) – Character, spirit, hone, polish, optimize संपन्ि करिा/
beliefs, values, principles प्रकृनत,
िहु टरहहत बिािा
12. Prey (noun) – Victim, quarry, target
3. H00abitat (noun) – Environment, शशकार
dwelling, home, territory वासस्थल
13. Predator (noun) – Hunter, carnivore,
4. Sustain (verb) – Maintain, support, killer शशकारी
uphold, preserve, continue बिाए
14. Decade (noun) – Period of ten years
5. Key (adjective) – Crucial, vital,
15. Reintroduce (verb) – Bring back,
essential, important, significant
restore, reinstate, re-establish, bring
into effect पि
ु स्थाभवपत करिा
6. Quadrennial (adjective) – Occurring
16. Supplement (verb) – Add to, augment,
every four years चार साल में एक बार
enhance, boost जोडिा
17. Translocation (noun) – The process of
7. Estimate (noun) – Approximation, moving something from one location
guess, calculation, assessment अिुमाि to another स्थािांतरर्

8. Count (noun) – Number, total, tally, 18. Often (adverb) – Frequently, regularly,
calculation धगिती repeatedly अक्सर

9. Better (verb) – Improve, enhance, 19. Dart (verb) – shoot (an animal) with a
upgrade, boost, surpass बेहतर बिािा dart, typically in order to administer a
10. Dynamics (noun) – the forces or
properties which stimulate growth, 20. Enclosure (noun) – Pen, cage, corral,
compound घेरा

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21. Ecology (noun) – Environmental 31. Fragmentation (noun) – the breaking

science, study of ecosystems पयाभवरर्- of large, contiguous, forested areas
into smaller pieces of forest ववखंडि

32. Carnivore (noun) – A type of animal

22. Insist (verb) – Demand, assert,
that feeds on flesh. (Definition as the
declare, maintain दृढता से कहिा
word pertains to a class of animals)
23. Relocation (noun) – Resettlement, मांसाहारी प्रार्ी
moving, transfer, shift स्थािांतररत
33. Pose (verb) – Present, create, cause,
करिा produce, provoke खडा करिा

24. Landscape (noun) – Scenery, terrain, 34. Conundrum (noun) – Puzzle, riddle,
topography, land, geography र्ू-दृश्य enigma, mystery, problem पहे ली

25. Alien (to) (verb) – Unfamiliar, strange, 35. Fenced (adjective) – Enclosed,
foreign, unknown अपररधचत, पराया barricaded, surrounded, protected,
secured बाड लगाया हुआ
26. Lest (conjunction) – In case, for fear
that, so that not, to prevent ऐसा ि हो 36. Segregated (adjective) – Separated,
कक isolated, partitioned, divided अलग

27. Counterproductive (adjective) – 37. Confine (verb) – Restrict, limit,

Harmful, detrimental, obstructive, restrain, imprison, trap सीशमत करिा
hindering, impeding उल्टा, हानिकारक
38. Admittedly (adverb) – Confessedly,
28. Amendment (noun) – Alteration, openly, unquestionably, undoubtedly
revision, change, modification, निस्संदेह/ बेशक
improvement संशोिि
39. Bounded (adjective) – Confined,
29. Leeway (noun) – Freedom, flexibility, limited, restricted, constrained नघरा
latitude, slack, wiggle room स्वतंिता हुआ

30. Parcel (noun) – a piece of land, 40. Tract (noun) – Area, region, stretch,
especially one considered as part of an
expanse, plot क्षेि
estate जमीि का टुकडा
41. Conception (noun) – Understanding,
notion, perception, idea, belief िारर्ा

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42. Beast (noun) – Animal, creature, 46. Vicinity (noun) – Neighbourhood,

brute, being जािवर locality, district, area, locale,
surrounding area इलाका
43. Co-exist (verb) – Exist together, live
together, cohabit साथ होिा 47. Prompt (verb) – Encourage, urge,
inspire, stimulate, provoke प्रेररत करिा
44. Fantasy (noun) – Imagination, dream,
illusion, vision कल्पिा 48. Evaluate (verb) – Assess, judge,
appraise, rate, measure मल्
ू यांकि
45. Draw on (phrasal verb) – Utilize, use,
employ, rely on, tap into उपयोग करिा

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