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 For non-representational art, a higher, level of perceptiveness and insight

might be required to fully grasped the feeling, emotion, or concept behind
the work.
 For representational art, it is easier to infer the subject matter because
from the figure depicted in the artwork, there is already a suggestion as to
its implication.

 Nature – animals, people, landscapes. These 3 are the most common
inspiration and subject matter for art.

 History – artist is sensitive to the events taking place in the world around
them. The dress, the houses, the manner of living, the thoughts of a
period are necessarily reflected in the work of the artist.

 Greek and Roman mythology – these are the gods and goddess. Its
center is on deities and heroes.

 Judeo-Christian tradition – region and art, the bible, the apocrypha, the
rituals of the church

 Sacred oriented texts – the countries of the orient, especially China,

Japan, and India, have all produced sacred texts of one kind or another,
and these inspired various kinds of art. Most fruitful have been the texts
and traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.

 Other works of art

 History – is a genre in painting defined by its subject matter rather than
artistics style.

 Still life – a collection of inanimate objects arranged together in a

specific way.

 Animals – the beauty of animals is their versatility as subjects; they are

often used as symbols, but they are often simply majestic creative

 Figures – is the human shape and form. Figures in art were heavily used
during the realism period to portray real life images of what was
happening in the world.

 Nature – a focused view or interpretation of specific natural elements.

 Landscape, Cityscape and Seascape – are artworks whose primary focus

is the natural scenery, such as mountain, valley, rivers, fields or forest
and skyscrapers.

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