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1 Sensation Eyelids-protect from foreign objects

Senses-brain receives information Conjunctiva- thin mucous covering
Sensation-initiated by stimulating sensory eyelids inner surface
Perception-conscious awareness of simuli Lacrimal apparatus- consist of lacrimal
Two basic groups of senses gland(produce fluid called tears)
 general-distributed large part of Lacrimal Caniculi- small ducts collect
body excess tears
(1) Somatic-sensory information EXTRINSIC EYE MUSCLE- responsible
(2) Visceral-internal organ:pain and movement for eyeball
pressure Oblique muscle- located long axis of the
 Special senses- eyeball
smell,taste,vision,hearing &balance ANATOMY OF THE EYE
FIbrous Tunic-outer
9.2 SENSORY RECEPTORS Schlera -white outer connective
-never ending or specialized cell choroid -very thin structure
Mechanoreceptors -bending or Vascular tunic-middle tunic of the eye
stretching Cornea- transparent anterior
Chemoreceptors -smell iris-colored part of the eye
Photoreceptors -light Nervous tunic-innermost
Thermoreceptors -temperature retina- inner layer of the eye(sensitive to
Nociceptores -pain light)

9.3 General senses CHAMBERS OF THE EYE

Markel disk -involve detecting light Anterior chamber -filled w/ aquamos
and superficial pressure humor
Hair follicle receptor -detect light touch Posterior chamber -filled w/ aquamos
Meissner corpuscles - discriminitive humor
touch Vitreous chamber -filled w/ vitreous
Ruffini corpuscles -deeper tactile humor
Pacinian corpuscles -depest receptor:w/ FUNCTION OF THE EYE- like a camera
tendon and joints Light refraction
PAIN-unpleasant perceptual 7 emotional Focusing images of retina
3 area of ear
9.5 OLFACTION External ear-outside of the head
-sense smell Middle ear-air filled chamber
Olfactory neurons-are bipolar neurons Inner ear-set of fluid filled chamber
within External ear
Olfactory epithelium Auricle-fleshy part
Olfactory neurons- human at least have Tympanic membrane-eardrum
400 Cereminous gland-produce cerumen
Mucus- keep nasal epi moist Middle ear-
Oval & round window-two covered
9.6 TASTE-many taste sensation strong openings
influenced by olfactory Inner ear
Taste buds-oval structure located on the Bony labyrinth-interconnecting tunnels
surface of papillae Cochlea-snail shell like
Taste cell-contains hairlike called TASTE
HAIR Hearing
Taste pore -tiny opening in in the Pitch- frequency of wavelength
surrounding of stratified epi. Volume- amplitude of sound wave
5 Taste sensation
-Sweet,sour,bitter,salty,umami Balance
Static equilibrium-vestibule:evaluating
9.7 Vision-visual system:housed with position of the head relative to gravity
bony structure called ORBITS Dynamic equilibrium-semicircular:rate of
Eyebrows-preventing perspiration head movements
10.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Specifity-bind to one type of receptors
Endo(within)krino(secrete) and no to others
Endocrinology -study of endocrine CLASSES OF RECEPTOR
Endocrine- composed of endocrine Lipids soluble hormone bind to nuclear
glands receptor-small and non polar
Hormones-chemical messenger Water soluble hormone bind to
Exocrine glands have ducts that carry membrane bound receptors-polar
their secretions to the outside of the molecule and cannot pass through cell
body, such as the stomach or intestines. membrane
Signal Amplification-The rate and
Chemical messenger-allow to magnitude
communicate with each other ENDOCRINE GLANDS AND THEIR
1. Autocrine(auto self)-stimulate the cell HORMONES
that originally secreted it. Pituitary gland is also called the
2. Paracrine-(para-next)-secreted by one hypophysis. It is housed in a depression of
cell the sphenoid bone;known as the body’s
3. Neurotransmitters-are chemical master gland
messengers secreted by neurons (1) Anterior pituitary is made up of
4. Endocrine Chemical Messengers-are epithelial cells derived from embryonic
secreted into the bloodstream oral cavity
(2) Posterior pituitary is an extension of
10.2 function of endocrine the brain composed of neurons.
1.Regulation of metabolism Thyroid gland
2.control of food intake one of the largest endocrine
3.Modulation of tissue development synthesizes and secretes three hormones.
4.regulation of ion levels (1) triiodothyronine
5.control of water balance (2) Thyroxine
6.Regulation of cardiovascular functions (3) calcitonin.
7.Control of blood glucose and other Isthmus- two lobes connected by a
nutrients. narrow
8.Control of reproductive functions Four tiny parathyroid glands are
9.Stimulation of uterine contractions and embedded in the Parathyroid Glands-
milk release. posterior wall of the thyroid gland
10. Modulation of immune system Adrenal Glands
function Two small gland located superior to each
10.3 HORMONES Adrenal medulla -inner part
hormon"set into motion." Adrenal cortex- outer part
Lipid-Soluble Hormones are nonpolar, Pancreas elongated, tapered organ
and include steroid hormones, located across the back of the belly
Water-soluble hormones -are polar Pancreatic Islets (Islets of Langerhans) -
molecules; they include protein dispersed throughout the exocrine
hormones, peptide portion
10.4 CONTROL OF HORMONE SECRETION 1. Alpha Cells secrete glucagon
Stimuli 2. Beta Cells secrete insulin
Humoral stimuli-humor ‘bodily fluids’ 3. Delta Cells secrete somatostatin
such as blood.control of hormone release Acidosis- blood glucose levels are very
in response to changes in extracellular low
fluids Diabetes Mellitus- body's inability to
Neural Stimuli-control of hormone regulate blood glucose levels
secretion of an cells Hyperglycemia -tissues cannot take up
Hormonal stimuli-hormone in response glucose effectively
to another hormone testes of the male and the ovaries of
MECHANISM secrete reproductive hormones
Receptors-binding to target cell 2 type of reprod of female
Receptor site-where hormone bind
Estrogen and progesterone are also formed elements. Normal red blood cells
responsible for the development of the are disk-shaped, with edges that are
female reproductive thicker than the center.
Thymus- in the upper part of the thoracic WHITE BLOOD CELLS (leukocytes)- are
cavity spherical cells that lack hemoglobint. The
Thymosin- aids the development of white remaining 5% of the formed elements.
blood cells called T cells. PLATELETS- minute fragments of cells,
Pineal Gland- small, pinecone shaped each consisting of a small amount of
structure located in thalamus of the brain cytoplasm surrounded by a cell
Melatonin- A hormone which pineal membrane.
gland produces called HEMOGLOBIN- one-third of a red blood
cells volume is the pigmented protein,
CHAPTER 11 BLOOD which is responsible for the cells red
WASTE PRODUCTS- blood acts as a major white blood cells, have small cytoplasmic
transport medium in the body due tto granules that stain with both acidic and
many substances that move into and out basic dyes.
of the blood. BASOPHILS- the least common of all the
TRANSPORT OF PROCESSED MOLECULES- white blood cells, contain large
many substances must be processed at cytoplasmic granules that stain blue or
multiple sites in the body. purple with basic dyes.
MOLECULES- the blood carries many of granules that stain bright red and eosin,
the hormones and enzymes that regulate an acidic stain.
body processes from one part of the body LYMPHOCYTES- are the smallest of the
to another. white blood cells.
REGULATION OF PH AND OSMOSIS- MONOCYTES- are the largest of the white
buffers, which help keep the blood’s pH blood cells.
within its normal limits 7.35-7.45. MEGAKARYOCYTES- they are produced in
MAINTENANCE OF BODY TEMPERATURE- the red bone marrow from large cells.
as blood flows through areas of the body VASCULAR SPASM- is an immediate but
that are metabolically active, the heat temporary constrition of a blood vessel
generated by metabolism warms the that results when smooth smooth muscle
blood. within the wall of the blood vessel
SUBSTANCES- certain cells and chemicals PLATELET PLUG- is an accumulation of
in the blood constitute an important part platelets that can seal up a small break in
of the immune system. a blood vessel.
CLOT FORMATION- when blood vessels BLOOD CLOTTING (coagulation)- results
are damaged, blood clotting protects in the formation of a clot.
against excessive blood loss. CLOT- is a network of threadlike protein
PLASMA- the liquid matrix fibers, called FIBRIN that troops cells,
FORMED ELEMENTS- the cells and the platelets, and fluid.
cell fragments. THROMBUS- when platelets encounter
ALBUMIN- makes up 58% of the plasma damaged or diseased areas of blood
protein. vessels or heart walls, an attached clot.
GLOBULINS- account of 38% of the EMBOLUS- a thrombus that breaks loose
plasma protein. and begins to float through the
FIBRINOGEN- is also a clotting factor that circulation.
constitutes 4% of plasma proteins. CLOT RETRACTION- after a clot has
FIBRIN- a threadlike proteins that forms formed, it begins to condensed into a
blood clots. more compact structure through a
SERUM- is plasma without the clotting process.
factors. FIBRINOLYSIS- as the damaged tissue is
RED BLOOD CELLS (ERYTHROCYTES)- are repaired, clots are dissolved by this
most abundant of the formed elements. process.
RBC constitute nearly 95% of all the
PLASMINOGEN- an inactive plasma ANEMIA- an abnormally low hemoglobin
protein measurement.
TRANSFUSION- is the transfer of blood or HEMATOCRIT- the percentage of the
blood components from one individual to blood volume that is composed of red
another. blood cells.
INFUSION- is the introduction of a fluid WHITE BLOOD COUNT- measures the
other than blood. total number of white blood cells in the
ANTIGENS- the surfaces of red blood blood. Over 5000-9000 white blood cells
cells have molecules, and the plasma per microliter of blood.
includes protein called ANTIBODIES. LEUKOPENIA- is lower than normal WBC
ANTIBODIES- bind to antigens; however, resulting from decreased production of
antibodies are very specific, meaning that destruction of the red bone marrow.
each antibody can bind only to a certain LEUKOCYTOSIS- is an abnormally high
antigen. WBC.
ABO BLOOD GROUP- system is used to
categorized human blood
TYPE A BLOOD- red blood cells with type
a surface antigens and plasma with anti-B
TYPE B BLOOD- red blood cells with type
B antigens and plasma with anti-A
TYPE AB BLOOD- red blood cells with
both type A and type B surface antigens
and neither anti-A nor anti-B plasma
TYPE O BLOOD- red blood cells with
neither type A nor type B surface antigens
but both anti-A and anti-B plasma
blood donated to a type A recipient does
not cause an agglutination reaction
because the anti-B antibodies in the
recipient do not combine with the type A
antigens on the red blood cells in the
donated blood .
blood donated to a type B recipient
causes an agglutination reaction because
the anti-A antibodies in the recipient
combine with the type A antigens on the
red blood cells in the donated blood.
RH BLOOD GROUP- name because it was
studied in the rhesus monkey.
BLOOD TYPING- determines the ABO and
RH blood groups of a blood sample.
CROSSMATCH- the donor’s blood cells
are mixed with the recipient’s serum, and
the donor’s serum is mixed with the
recipient’ cells.
analysis of blood that provides much
useful information.
amount of hemoglobin in a given volume
of blood is usually expressed in terms of
grams of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood.

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