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Lesson 18

Target language
Speak with chunk
Adjectives, synonym
Once upon a time, in a country bustling with opportunity, a baby girl is
born, a tiny princess to her adoring family. While she is treasured and
protected by all who love her, her story won't unfolds as a simple fairy tale
they would like it to be.

This is my story and the story of women everywhere. It's the story of women
taking control of their own destiny. Women of courage, passion,
persistence, innovation, compassion and determination. It's about those
who dare to break barriers. It's no easy task, taking the road that less
traveled but at the end of the day, the appreciation is worth it. Remember
the most interesting stories are not of those who had it easy. We rise, we
fall. But what's important is that we find our inner strength and stand tall.

Women know your value, wear your crown, write your own story. We believe
there's no limit to what you can accomplish. Happy women’s day.

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