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M G Christodoulou and D P Chrissoulidis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


A retrodirective array possesses the advantage that the signals at the receiving end. Feeding of the patch at the
reradiation field from all the elements has a coherent centers of the orthogonal sides of the patch gives
phase in the arrival direction of the incident wave. Such minimum coupling, Rao and Bhartia (7), between the
an array is thus useful in applications such as collision two ports (calculated S21 is -51.8dB at 2GHz). The
avoidance systems, toll management, freight patch was designed using the method of moments (patch
management etc. Well-known retrodirective antennas dimensions: 1925xl925mils). The input impedance (Z),
are the comer reflector, which is a 3D structure and the of each port is purely resistive at 2 GHz (Zh=376L2)and
Van Atta array, Van Atta (1). it is matched to 50n microstrip lines through hg/4
transformers (width w=23mil, length 1=lY123mil)where
The Van Atta array is a planar structure comprising of h, is the microstrip line wavelength (guided
antennas located and paired symmetrically in one wavelength).
dimension for 2D retrodirectivity (l), Tseng et al. (2),
i.e. retrodirectivity in a single plane or in two The array (Fig 2) consists of four microstrip patches
dimensions for 3D retrodirectivity, Tseng et al. (3), i.e. located and paired symmetrically with respect to the
retrodirectivity in three dimensions. In our application a reflector’s center. The interelement distances in both
Van Atta array for 3D retrodirectivity at 2GHz was dimensions are both chosen as 0 . 6 b (&,=5905mils) to
developed. reduce the coupling effect between the antennas. The
patches are connected with 50R microstrip lines (width
w=19lmils). In a Van Atta array the length of the lines
ANTENNA CONSTRUCTION connecting the antennas are equal or their differences
are multiples of a microstrip line wavelength 1Lg
(hg=4,267mils). The microstrip lines connecting the
An important characteristic of retrodirective arrays is upper left and lower right patches are 1,495mils long
the isolation between incident and transmitted waves at while the upper right and lower left (Fig. 2) are
the receiving end. One way for achieving this is by use connected with 12,164mils length microstrip lines. It
of different polarizations for those waves. In our design should be noted that their difference is 2.5 lig, which is
a dual polarized two-port square microstrip patch is not a multiple of a wavelength 1,. This is explained by
used as the antenna element (Fig. 1). the fact that the patches are not fed from the same side
and a 0.5 lip difference is needed to compensate for that
change in the feeding side.

Figure 1: Two port square microstrip patch antenna

The microstrip patch, Carver et al. (4), is designed to Y b

operate in two linear orthogonal modes, TMlo and
m,, James et al. (5), Lee and Chen (6). Isolation Figure 2: 2D microstrippatch retrodirective antenna
between the. polarization diverse signals ensures
mini”interferencebetween received and transmitted

11th lntemational Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 17-20 April 2001, Conference Publication No. 480 0IEE 2001

Authorized licensed use limited to: Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Tech - KAIST. Downloaded on October 11,2023 at 07:29:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

The array was fabricated on Taconic dielectric material For the monostatic case (Fig. 5), the array was tested
TLY-5 with e,=2.21, and tan6=0.001 (material with both H-plane (Fig 6) and E-plane (Fig-7) excitation
dimensions: dielectric thickness h=62mil, copper in the azimuthal plane.
thickness t=1.4mil). The copper was removed with a T-
Tech. milling machine. The total m a y area was 10x11 In these cases both antennas were moved in the
inches. azimuthal plane from (p=-60"to (p=+60° in steps of 5".
Retrodirective Array


The performance of the retrodirective array was tested

by canying out a bistatic (Fig. 3) and a monostatic (Fig,
5 ) radiation pattem measurement setup.

Retrodirective Array

Receiving Antennas
(Cp400 to 6 0 0 )

Figure 5 : Monostatic measurement setup (8=90°)

For both forms of excitation the may monostatic

radiation pattem had a 3dF3 beamwidth of
approximately 80" ((p=-40° to (p=+40°).
Receiving Antenna
( ~ p =-7OO to +70°)
(at p 2 O o ) MonostabcMeasurement
with Power Meter with Signal Generator H-plane Exatabon

Figure 3: Bistatic measurement setup (8=90°)

In both measurement setups two vertically polarized

horn antennas (Advanced Technical Materials lOdB
Standard Gain Hom Antennas), were used, one
transmitting and the other receiving.
For the bistatic case, the transmitting antenna (H-plane .I5
excitation in the azimuthal plane) was placed at (p=+2Oo -in
-.o en
while the receiving antenna was moved in the azimuthal do .ZQ Q in 10

plane from (p-70" to (p=+70" in steps of 10". The

results obtained (Fig. 4) indicate that the array was
directed its main beam to the (p=+20°, i.e. it was capable Figure 6: H-plane excitation (8=90°)
of retrodirective beam formation.
Bistatic Measurement €-Plane Excitation
H-plane Excitation

4 I


.IQ -15

-15 M 40 i2Q Q 20 10 W
40 40 .w 0 in 10 w Anple 9 (E=w)

Figure 7: E-plane excitation (8=90°)

Figure 4: Retrodirective beam formation

Authorized licensed use limited to: Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Tech - KAIST. Downloaded on October 11,2023 at 07:29:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


In this paper a planar 2D retrodirective array consisting

of 4 microstrip patches was presented. Bistatic
measurements indicated that the array is capable of
retrodirective beam formation while monostatic
measurements suggest that the radiation pattem
beanwidth is almost 80”.

Future developments include the broadening of the

array beamwidth with antennas of different kind of
antennas and the addition of amplifiers in the paths
between the antennas so as to enhance the retransmitted


1. Van Ana L.C., “Electromagnetic Reflector ”, U.S.

Patent #2,908,002, Oct. 6, 1959

2. Tseng, W.J., Hu, C.S., and Chung, S.J., 1998, IEE

Electron. Letters, 34, 1374-1376

3. Tseng, W.J., Chung, S.J., and Chang, K., 2000, E

Trans. Antennas Propagat., 48, 173-175

4. Carver, R.K., and Mink, J.W., 1981, IEEE Trans.

Antennas Propagat., 29,2-24

5. James, J.R., Hall, P.S., and Wood C., 1981,

“Microstrip Antenna Theory and Design”, Peregrinus,
Stevenage, U.K.,

6. Lee, K.F., and Chen, W. (eds.), 1997, “Advances in

Microstrip and Printed Antennas”, John Wiley & Sons

7. Rao, K.V.S., and Bhartia P., 1989, IEEE AP-SAJRSI

Int. Symp. Digest, 608-61 1

Authorized licensed use limited to: Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Tech - KAIST. Downloaded on October 11,2023 at 07:29:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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