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Sensation & Perception Carnival

Description: Use this project in your AP or non-AP Psychology course during the unit on Sensation aand nd
Perception to gget
e t your students creating aand
nd truly experiencing the amazing pphenomena
h e n o m e n a of sensation
nd perception of the human body aandnd mind.

Find my Youtube Channel here for the videos that accompany the notes (available on my store here,
as well as the slides) you could use
u s e to introduce the cconcepts
onc e pt s to your students.

A c c e p t a b l e Uses:
You may….

1. Use tthese
h e s e for your own learning in an AP Psychology or related course, or the learning of YOUR
stud e nts.
2. Print or edit tthese
h e s e for your personal u s e in learning.

You may not….

1. Share tthese
h e s e with others without guiding tthem
h e m to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Please
e m e m b e r that I took hours aand
nd hours away from my family aand nd personal time to create on tthese
materials that I take a lot of pride in, so sharing tthese
h e s e would b e a smack in the face for me.
2. Sell or uuses e tthese
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I would love it if you would…

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2. Share on social media how m much
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ⓒ 2019 Teach On A Mission, LLC

Sensation & Perception Carnival
Team Expectations:
● Create a demonstration of an assigned vocabulary term that shows t he
term’s meaning
● Record the demonstration -- you’ll n e e d to ask for outside help on this
● Each partner must play an equal a n d integral role in the creation
an d implementation of the final recording of t he demonstration.
Individual Expectations:
● Play an equal a n d integral role in t he creation a n d implementation of the
final recording of the demonstration.
● Post the video recording of the demonstration on your blog along with a full
explanation of t he vocabulary term a n d reflection of t he project (see guidelines
for blog post).

Your Demonstration Should...

● Clearly show t he meaning of t he term you wer e assigned.
● Show the nature of t he term itself, not b e an explanation of the term .

Your Video Should…

● Include your demonstration AND an explanation of the term.
○ The explanation can b e you or your partner speaking or a different
creative addition to the video.
● Not b e too short- ma k e sure you’ve clearly shown the term.
● Not b e too long- b e c a u s e peo pl e will lose interest an d just stop watching.

Your Blog Post Should:

● Include your video.
● Include an overview of how your t e a m c a m e to demonst r at e t he term in the
way you did.
● Include a reflection of t he video- what d o you think of the quality of
your demonstration, is there anything you think should b e different,

ⓒ 2019 Teach On A Mission, LLC

Bottom-up vs. Top-down processing

Selective attention & Cocktail party effect

Inattentional blindness

Change blindness

Divided attention

Absolute threshold vs. Difference threshold (JND)

Signal detection theory


Weber’s law

Sensory adaptation

Phi phenomenon

The Moon Illusion

Stroboscopic effect

Perceptual constancy

ⓒ 2019 Teach On A Mission, LLC

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ⓒ 2019 Teach On A Mission, LLC

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