Final Writing Assignment

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Name : Hilda Nur Alfiana

NIM : M0521031
Class : Informatika A
Final Writing Assignment EAP
Topic : Online Learning

How Effective Is Online Learning?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected most aspects of life lately. One of the
significant implications was the field of education. Education is a vital aspect of human
resources development. Therefore, the Indonesian government is taking steps to implement
online learning. The issue of how effective online learning is has raised a lot of unresolved
arguments. Some people had no objections to the applications of online learning to suppress
the spread of COVID-19 disease. Some others, however, disagree because it is ineffective
and particularly disruptive to the learning process.
The people who agree with online learning argue that the learning process can still be
effective. They claim that the study material can be accessed easily. The students can have
flexible study time and can be done anytime without being fixed to study hours. In addition,
the students are not only dependent on the teacher, but can also learn independently by
researching on their own through the Internet that provides a large number of learning
resources. Furthermore, in this situation, offline learning in school can be dangerous because
it carries a high risk of spreading viruses despite implementing health protocols.
On the other hand, people who disagree argue that online learning is ineffective and
disturbs the learning process. Online learning causes most students to feel lost in
concentration and unable to understand the material. A lack of parental supervision causes
students to lose focus at the time. With the ease of access, some students tend to procrastinate
their study time. Moreover, not all students have the same technology. Limited quality of
connections, gadgets, and Internet quotas are crucial obstacles for students in Indonesia. They
claim that offline learning is still possible in school by applying strict health protocols that
make it safe and will not trigger a spread.
Admittedly, online learning is less effective and has many flaws. In this situation,
student consciousness is essential in the learning process. Moreover, not all students have the
same technology. However, it is dangerous if the whole learning is taken offline. It is good if
the learning does with hybrids (alternating online and offline learning) by applying strict
health protocols. That way, the learning process will be more effective and evenly distributed.

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