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‫ في البيت‬:‫المشهد الثاني‬

.‫ َتَف َّض ْل ِبالُّش ُر ب‬.‫ َالَّس اَل ُم َعَلْيُك م‬: ‫فراس‬

Firas : Pease be upon you. Please have a drink.

.‫ َيا فراس‬،‫ ُش ْك ًر ا‬.‫ َو َعَلْيُك م الَّسَالم‬: ‫يزيد‬

Yazid : Peace be upon to you too. Thank you, Firas

.‫ ِمَس ْعُت َأَّنَك َقْد َجَتَّو َلَت يِف ُدوَباي يِف َاْلُعْطَلة َاْلَم اِض َية‬، ‫ َيا فراس‬: ‫شفيق‬
Shafiq : Firas, I heard that you have been travelling to Dubai during last
‫ ا ْش َه د ِمَج يل‬.‫ َذَهْبُت ِإىَل ُبْر ج َخ ِليَف ة‬.‫ َجَتَّو ْلُت يِف َم ِديَن ة ُدوَباي‬،‫ َص ِح يح‬: ‫فراس‬
!‫َو ا َبايِن َعاِلَية‬
Firas : I did travel to Dubai city. I went to Burj Khalifa. The scenery is
beautiful, and the buildings are tall!
‫ ا ْش َه د ِمَج يل َو ا َبايِن َعاِلَية! َمَع َمْن َجَتَّو ْلتَ يِف ُه َناَك ؟‬،‫ َيا َس اَل م‬: ‫شفيق‬
Shafiq : Wow! With whom did you travel there?
‫َمل‬ ‫َمل‬

. ‫ َجَتَّو ْلُت َمَع ُأْس َر يِت‬: ‫فراس‬

Firas : I travelled with my family.

‫ َيا فراس ؟‬،‫ َك ْيَف ا ِدْيَنة ُدوَباي‬: ‫شفيق‬

Shafiq : How is the Dubai city, Firas?

.‫ ا ِدْيَنة ُدوَباي ُمَتَق ِّد َم ة ِج ًّدا‬: ‫فراس‬

Firas : The Dubai city is so advanced.

‫ِف‬ ‫ِر‬ ‫ِد‬ ‫يِف‬ ‫يِف‬ ‫ِر‬

‫َه ْل ُي يد َأْن ُتَس ا َر‬. ‫ ُأ ْيُد َأْن َأَجَتَّو َل ُلْنُد ن الُعْطَل ة الَق ا َم ة َمَع فراس‬: ‫يزيد‬
‫َم ِعي َيا شفيق ؟‬
Yazid : I want to travel to London during the upcoming holiday with Firas.
Would you like to travel with me, Shafiq?
.‫ َالَّس اَل م َعَلْيُك م‬: ‫أزهر‬
Azhar : Peace be upon to you.

.‫ َو َعَلْيُك م الَّس اَل م‬: ‫يزيد‬

‫شفيق فراس‬
Yazid,Shafiq : Peace be upon to you too.
and Firas
‫ َم اَذا َتْف َعُلوَن ؟‬: ‫أزهر‬
Azhar : What are you all doing?

‫ َس َنْذ َه ُب ِإىَل ُلْنُد ن‬.‫ َنَتَك َّلُم َعْن الُعْطَلة الَق اِدَم ة يِف ُلْنُد ن‬: ‫يزيد‬
Yazid : We are talking about the upcoming holiday in London. we will be
going to London in March.
.‫ ِإَّنُه َمْو ِس م الُّز ُه ور‬،‫ آه‬: ‫أزهر‬
Azhar : Oh, It is during spring.

‫ ُأِر ْي ُد َأْن َأَتَس َّوَق يِف ا َح َّل‬. ‫ َلْن َأْص َرِب َأْن ُأَس اِفَر ِإىَل ُه َن اَك‬،‫ َص ِح يح‬: ‫فراس‬
. ‫الِّتَج اِر ّي ُه َناَك‬
Firas : That is right, I can’t wait to travel there. I want to shop at the
shopping mall there.
‫ َيا يزيد ؟‬،‫ ِإىَل َأْيَن َس اَفْر َت يِف َالُعْطَلة َاْلَم اِض َية‬: ‫أزهر‬
: Where did you travel to during the last holiday, Yazid?
‫ َو َأْنَت ؟‬. ‫ َس اَفرُت ِإىَل ِس ْنَغا ُفوَر ة َمَع ُأْس َر يِت‬، ‫ يِف َالُعْطَلة َاْلَم اِض َية‬: ‫يزيد‬
Yazid : During the last holiday I travelled to Singapore with my family.
What about you?
‫ َّمُث َص َّلْيُت يِف الـَمْس ِج ِد اَّلِذي‬. ‫ َذَهْبُت ِإىل الُبْر ج الَّتْو َأِم ي وا ْتَح ف الَو َطيِن‬: ‫أزهر‬
‫ِم َمل‬
.‫َيَق ُع ِبـَج اِنِب الُبْر ج الَّتْو َأ ي‬
Azhar : I went to the twin tower and the national museum. Then, I performed
a prayer in the mosque which is located next to the twin tower.
‫ َيا أزهر ؟‬،‫ َك ْيَف ا ْس ِج د‬: ‫يزيد‬
Yazid : How was the mosque, Azhar?
‫ِج ِظ‬
‫ اَملْس د َن ْيْف َو ُمَنَّظْم‬: ‫أزهر‬
Azhar : The mosque was clean and organized.
.‫ ُعْطَلُتَك ْمُمِتَعة ِج ًّدا‬،‫ َم ا َش اَء الَّله‬: ‫يزيد‬
Yazid : Wow, your holiday was very fun.
‫ َم اَذا ُيوَج ُد يِف ُلْنُد ن ؟‬، ‫ َلْو َمَسْحُت‬: ‫شفيق‬
Shafiq : Excuse me, what is in London?
. ‫ ُه َناَك اَألَم اِكن الـُم ْم ِتَعة ِم ْثَل ُبْر ج ُلْنُد ن َو ا ْتَح ف ِبِر يَطايِن‬: ‫أزهر‬
: There are many interesting places like London Tower and British
‫ َلْن َأْص َرِب َأْن ُأَس اِفَر ِإىَل ُه َناَك‬. ‫ َس َأْذَه ُب َمَعَك‬،‫ ِإًذا‬: ‫شفيق‬
Shafiq : If it so, I will be going with you. I can’t wait to travel there.
‫ في مطعم‬:‫المشهد الخامس‬

Firas : Why did you buy the colorful lamps, Azhar?

.‫ ِإْش َتَر ْيُتَه ا َأِلْح َتِف َل ِبِعيِد الِف ْطر َقِر يًبا‬: ‫أزهر‬
Azhar : It is for Eid al-Fitr soon.
‫ َطْبًعا! َأْيَن َتْس َتْق ِبل َيوم الِعيد؟‬: ‫فراس‬
Firas : Of course! Where do you celebrate the Eid days?
‫ِف‬ ‫ٍد‬ ‫ِة‬
‫ َو َك ْي َف‬.‫ َنْس َتْق ِبل الُّض ُيوف يَه ا‬. ‫َس َأْذَه ُب ِإىَل الَق ْر َي َبْع َد َغ َم َع ُأْس َر يِت‬ ‫أزهر‬
‫َأْنَت َيا فراس ؟‬
Azhar : I will go to the village a day after tomorrow with my family. We
celebrate the guests there. How about you, Firas?
‫ َأَن ا َو ُأْس َر يِت َنْس َتْق ِبل‬.‫ َأَن ا َس َتْح َتِف ل َبِعيد الِف ْط ِر يِف َم ِديَن ة ُك وْنِش ينج‬: ‫َأَمْسه‬
.‫الُّضُيوف ِفيَه ا‬
Firas : I will celebrate Eid Fitr at Kuching city. Me and my family celebrate
the guests there.
‫ َن ْد ُعوُك م ِإىَل‬.‫ ُتِق يم ُأْس َر يِت َم ْأَدَب ة الَغ َد اء ُمِبَناَس َبة الِعيد‬،‫ َي ا َأْص ِدَقاِئي‬: ‫يزيد‬
. ‫ َسَنْلَعب اَألْلَعاب الَّناِر َّية يِف الَّلْيِل‬.‫ُح ُضوِر َه ا‬
Yazid : My friends, my family will hold a morning feast during the Eid. You
all are invited there. We will play firework at night.
!‫ َس َأْح ُضُر َه ا‬،‫ ِإًذا‬: ‫َأزهر‬
Azhar & : If it so, we will go to the feast!
.‫ َه َّيا! َلْن َأْص َرِب‬: ‫شفيق‬
Syafiq : Let’s go! I can’t wait.

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