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Difference between AIDS and HIV...............................................................................3

Types of HIV.................................................................................................................3

Main Symptoms of HIV................................................................................................3

Main Symptoms of AIDS..............................................................................................4

How did AIDS come about?..........................................................................................4

How do you get HIV?....................................................................................................6

How to prevent HIV transmission?...............................................................................7

How to confirm the Diagnosis?.....................................................................................7

What to do in case of suspicion?...................................................................................7

How is the treatment done?...........................................................................................8

Why do HIV and AIDS have no cure?..........................................................................8


Bibliographic Reference..................................................................................................10


HIV/AIDS - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments that we should all be aware of. In
addition, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the weakening
of the immune system and increases the risk of infections, serious diseases and some
cancers. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), means that your immune
system is weakened by HIV, so it cannot fight off life-threatening infections and



HIV is the name of the virus that gives rise to AIDS and which is known scientifically
as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus can enter the body through contact with
blood or body fluids of an infected person and, from that moment, the person is
considered HIV positive or "seropositive" and can also contaminate other people
through contact with their blood or body fluids, even if it does not show any specific
signs or symptoms.

Normally, HIV multiplies slowly within the body for about 10 years, gradually tapering
CD4+ T lymphocytes, which are important defence cells in the body. With this, the
immune system slowly loses the ability to respond to infections, which makes the
person more vulnerable to developing serious infections. Only when the body loses its
ability to defend itself and the first signs and symptoms appear, is it considered that the
person has AIDS.


AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is a serious disease that happens

when the HIV virus has already multiplied and developed enough in the body, causing
the immune system to stop being able to defend the body. When this happens, the
person is more likely to develop very serious complications, even in the face of
common infections, such as a flu or urinary tract infection, for example.

Although it is serious and has no cure, AIDS can be prevented even when one is
infected with HIV. This is because it is possible to make the treatment with drugs that
control the multiplication of the virus and prevent the immune system from being
affected. For this, the ideal is that the treatment is started as soon as possible after
catching the HIV virus.

Difference between AIDS and HIV

AIDS is the name of the disease and HIV is the name of the virus that causes the
disease, so they are not exactly the same. In addition, having the HIV virus does not
mean that you have AIDS, since the person can be a carrier of the HIV virus, but be
undergoing treatment and be considered healthy, while the person with AIDS already
has a very weakened immune system.

Unlike HIV, AIDS is not transmissible. However, the person with AIDS can also pass
the virus to any healthy person, which after a few years can end up generating AIDS.

Types of HIV

There are 2 main types of the HIV virus: HIV 1 and HIV 2. However, these viruses
have replicated in different ways over time, and so have still been classified as being:

 HIV 1: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I e O.

 HIV 2: A, B, C, D, e E.

When the person discovers that he has been infected with the HIV virus, it is necessary
to know what type of virus he has, because there are different therapeutic schemes for
each group. While the HIV 1 A group responds better to one dose of medication, the
HIV 2 E group responds better to another type of dose. Thus, the doctor requests other
more specific tests to know the type of virus and its viral load, because HIV treatment is
very individualized and the dose of drugs is not exactly the same for all those infected.

Main Symptoms of HIV

In the first two weeks after being infected, symptoms of HIV infection may appear, such

 Tiredness, low-grade fever, throat irritation;

 Headache, night sweat, diarrhea;
 Oral candidiasis, pain in the muscles and joints, sensitivity to light;
 Nausea, vomiting, weight loss, small sores inside the mouth.

These symptoms last a maximum of 14 days and disappear completely, often being
mistaken for a simple flu. As they do not draw attention and seem commonplace, it is
normal for the person to only discover that they have the virus months or years after
contamination, when performing a specific blood test for HIV.

After these initial symptoms, the virus begins to replicate within the human body
silently, about 8 to 10 years, without generating any symptoms, and this phase is known
as asymptomatic.

Main Symptoms of AIDS

The symptoms of AIDS arise when the immune system is already very weakened by
HIV, which favors the emergence of diseases. At this stage, the following emerge:

 Frequent nausea and vomiting;

 Diarrhoea;
 Night sweats;
 Excessive fatigue;
 Recurrent sinusitis;
 Recurrent oral and vaginal candidiasis;
 Swelling of the lymph nodes;
 Rapid weight loss and no apparent cause.

The symptoms of AIDS are very evident and the immune system is increasingly
compromised, which favors the occurrence of opportunistic diseases, such as
toxoplasmosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, hepatitis, herpes, candidiasis, among others.

How did AIDS come about?

It is believed that AIDS emerged in the Congo in 1920 but only became known in 1981
in the United States, when the first infected people began to appear, who had Kaposi's
sarcoma, a rare type of cancer characterized by the accumulation of blood and
lymphatic vessels and, consequently, the immune system.

The short history of AIDS is as follows:

1920: The HIV virus was found in the Congo, probably in primates, because they
usually have viruses from the same family as HIV. African chimpanzees have a virus
98% similar to HIV that manifests itself in humans, and so they are believed to have a
common antecedent.

1981: First cases of people with severe impairment of the immune system, who died
with unusual diseases. All were gay Americans and had Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of
cancer that became known as gay cancer.

1983: French scientists were able to identify the AIDS virus, HIV-1, in the blood and in
body secretions, such as breast milk, vaginal secretions and semen, through which the
disease is transmitted.

1986: Another HIV virus was identified, which was called HIV-2 and also created the
first AIDS drug, Zidovudine (AZT), an antiretroviral that although it did not eliminate
the HIV virus, helped prevent the virus from multiplying inside the body. That same
year the first cases appeared in Europe.

1996: The 1st cocktail of drugs was created, composed of 3 drugs that help fight the
replication of the virus, increasing the lifespan of HIV-positive people. That same year
cases emerged in Africa, India and China.

2006: It was discovered that circumcision, which is cutting off the foreskin that covers
the head of the penis, could decrease the chances of men being infected with HIV by

2010: It was discovered that a vaginal gel containing antiretroviral drugs, when used
correctly by women, could decrease women's chances of being infected with HIV by

2011: It was found that if HIV-positive people took treatment soon after being infected,
the chance of infecting their sexual partner was much lower.

How do you get HIV?

The HIV virus is found in the blood and body fluids, such as breast milk, vaginal
secretions and semen, so the main forms of transmission are:

During breastfeeding, so HIV+ women cannot breastfeed and their children must be
born from scheduled cesarean delivery so that they are not contaminated;

During pregnancy, when the woman does not know that she has the virus, without the
use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnancy and or during childbirth that when used
decrease the chances of the newborn being contaminated;

Sex without a condom (condom) with an HIV+ person, whether vaginal, oral or anal

Sharing syringes, for injecting drug use;

Direct contact with blood of the person HIV+, in traffic accident, cuts or other
accidents with piercing objects such as knives, syringes, scissors or scalpel, among
other situations involving blood contaminated by HIV1 or 2.

Receiving a blood transfusion was another way to be infected, but now all blood is
tested for HIV 1 and HIV 2. In case there is the presence of the virus, the blood is
discarded. Thus, all donated blood is safe and HIV-free, no longer a source of

Factors that increase the risk of transmission are HIV-infected people with a high viral
load, AIDS itself, receptive anal sex, sex during menstruation, sex with people with soft
cancer, syphilis, genital herpes, or other sexually transmitted infections.

It is important to note that the virus is not transmitted through hugs, kisses and/or
touching HIV-positive people. Thus, it is important to support the person with
HIV/AIDS, as well as not to avoid personal and social contact.

How to prevent HIV transmission?

To protect yourself and not be infected with HIV, and consequently not develop AIDS,
it is recommended:

 Use male or female condoms in all sexual contact, whether during caresses or
vaginal, anal or oral penetration;
 Do not share used syringes;
 Avoid contact with another person's blood or secretions, which may be
 Identify and treat any sexually transmitted diseases because they increase the
risk of contamination with the HIV virus.

HIV+ people should also take these precautions to avoid being infected with another
type of the HIV virus, because there are several subtypes of virus, which can make it
difficult to control the viral load, even when undergoing treatment.

How to confirm the Diagnosis?

The only way to confirm if the person is infected with the HIV virus is by taking a
specific blood test called anti-HIV 1 and anti-HIV 2. This blood test is available in all
clinics, hospitals and laboratories, and can be performed free of charge by SUS, in
testing centers throughout the country.

The best time to get tested for HIV is between 40 and 60 days after the risky behavior,
that is, after the moment when the person thinks they may have been infected, because
if the test is done before these 40 days, your result may be false negative due to the
immune window of HIV.

What to do in case of suspicion?

In case of suspicion of having contracted HIV it is very important to go to the doctor to

evaluate the time when to do the test, in addition to evaluating other attitudes that can be
adopted, such as taking PEP, which is Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, and which should be
started in the first 72 hours.

How is the treatment done?

The treatment of HIV and AIDS is done with Antiretroviral Therapy which consists of
the use of a cocktail of medications, indicated by the doctor, which must be taken every
day and which aims to strengthen the immune system and prevent the multiplication of
the virus. This type of treatment is provided free of charge by SUS.

Treatment should be done for life and requires periodic examinations such as complete
blood count, evaluation of the liver and kidneys, tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C,
toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, chest x-ray, test for tuberculosis annually, pap smear,
immune profile and viral load.

These are used in combination, with varying doses, which can be modified according to
protocols and which can be prescribed and changed whenever necessary, depending on
the need that the person presents and the doses are related to the stage of infection or

Why do HIV and AIDS have no cure?

The HIV virus replicates in different ways and so drugs that seem to be able to stop its
replication quickly cease to have an effect, because the virus adapts within the body
itself and can be replicated in another way.

There are several researches that seek a way capable of eliminating the virus
definitively, but until today there is only a report of 1 case of cure of AIDS but with so
many particularities that it makes it impossible to replicate the same treatment for all
affected people. An HIV vaccine may also be a solution, however, its formula has not
yet been found.


Certain HIV drugs can increase the risk of serious conditions, such as heart disease, by
causing high levels of cholesterol (fat) in the blood. Therefore, it is important to consult
your doctor regularly so that side effects can be controlled.

Bibliographic Reference

i. REIS, Manuel. HINRICHSEN, Sylvia. Medical review (HIV/AIDS). 1st Ed,

S/D, S/L. 2022.

Eunilza Buanamade

Fausia Oliveiro Mário

Saidone Zito Saidony

Guilherme Jacinto

Bendito Janoario

Calísto Victorino

Bernardo Paulo

Erica Faustino

Evaluation work, talking

about HIV/AIDS, to be
evaluated by:



Caricaco Basic School.

2023 11
Cariaco Basic School

Discipline: English Language.

7 Class
Stream: B/2

5 Group

Theme: HIV / SIDA.


Eunilza Buanamade

Fausia Oliveiro Mário

Saidone Zito Saidony

Guilherme Jacinto

Bendito Janoario

Calísto Victorino

Bernardo Paulo

Erica Faustin

Teacher: Rachide

Pemba, September of 2023.


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