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Installing Ubuntu/Linux in Virtual Machine/Workstation

1. Download the Ubuntu ISO file from the official website.
2. Install a Virtual Machine software, such as VirtualBox or VMware.
3. Create a new virtual machine and specify the following settings:
4. Name: Ubuntu
5. Operating System: Linux
6. Version: Ubuntu (64-bit)
7. Memory: 2GB
8. Hard Disk: 20GB
9. Click on the "Storage" tab and add a new virtual hard disk.
10. Click on the "Choose Disk" button and select the Ubuntu ISO file that you
downloaded in step 1.
11. Click on the "Start" button to start the virtual machine.
12. The Ubuntu installer will start. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Ubuntu.
13. Once Ubuntu is installed, you can start using it like any other operating system. You
can run Ubuntu in a window on your host computer, or you can fullscreen it to get a
full Ubuntu experience.

Here are some additional tips for installing Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine:

• If you are running a low-end computer, you may need to reduce the amount
of memory and hard disk space that you allocate to the virtual machine.
• If you are using a Virtual Machine for testing or development purposes, you
can create a disposable virtual machine. This means that you can delete the
virtual machine and its data without affecting your host computer.
• If you are using a Virtual Machine for production purposes, you should make
sure to back up your data regularly.
• I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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