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Programmed review 3.5: -genic, pertaining to the origin; -malacia, softening; -pnea, breathing.

For the following exercises select the correct answer reading the self-instruction before.

1. -genic is a suffix meaning pertaining to THE ORIGIN. Combined with bronch/o, a combining form
referring to the BRONCHUS or AIRWAY, that which originates in the bronchus is called

2. The suffix meaning softening is MALACIA. One of the most common terms in which -malacia is
used is osteomalacia, the term for BREATHING of BONE. This condition, known as rickets in
children, is caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiency.

3. Chondr/o is a combining form meaning CARTILAGE. The term for softening cartilage is

4. Trache/o is the combining form for the TRACHEA. The disorder of the trachea that causes it to be
abnormally collapsible (softened) due to the lack of a structural framework is called
TRACHEOMALACIA. A similar term relating to a softened (collapsible) larynx is LARYNGOMALACIA.

5. The symptomatic suffix indicating breathing is -pnea. The link of -pnea, meaning BREATHING to
eu- a prefix meaning good or NORMAL, forms the term for normal breathing: EUPNEA.

6. Dys- is a prefix meaning PAINFUL, DIFFICULT or FAULTY. The term formed is: DYSPNEA.

7. Apnea describes the inability to BREATHING.

8. Tachy- is a prefix meaning FAST. The term for fast breath is: TACHYPNEA.

9. Bradypnea means: SLOW BREATHING.


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