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Programmed review 3.

3: -ia and -ism, condition of

For the following exercises select the correct answer reading the self-instruction before:

1. The simple suffix -ia is used in various symptomatic and diagnostic terms to indicate a condition
of. The root that it modifies is key to the definition of the term.

2. Brady- is a prefix meaning slow. Combined with cardi, the root meaning heart and -ia a suffix
meaning condition of, the term for the condition of a slow heart rate is bradycardia.

3. In comparison, the condition of a fast heart rate is tachycardia. Both bradycardia and tachycardia
are considered arrhythmias (an irregular heartbeat related with the speed).

4. The synonym for arrhythmia is formed by substituting the prefix a-, meaning without, with dys-,
prefix meaning painful, difficult or faulty.

5. Pneumonia, the term for a condition of lung infection, is formed by the link of pneumon/o, a
combining form meaning air or lung, with the suffix -ia meaning condition of.

6. The term describing the inability to speak is formed by combining -ia, the suffix meaning condition
of, with the combining form phas/o that means speech and a-, the prefix meaning without:

7. The term aphasia could be changed. With the prefix dys- meaning painful, difficult or faulty, forms
the term for the condition of difficulty speaking: dysphasia.

8. Psyc/o is a combining form meaning mind. Phren/o, meaning diaphragm and thym/o, meaning
thymus gland, are combining forms that also mean mind.

9. For example, in the term schizophrenia, schiz/o a combining form meaning split, is linked to
phren/o and -ia, the suffix meaning condition of, to name the mental illness in which the mind is
said to be split from reality as evidence by disorganized thinking, delusions, hallucinations and
other psychotic symptoms.

10. Dysthymia, a term for mild depression was formed by a link of dys- the prefix meaning painful,
difficult or faulty, to thym/o, meaning thymus gland or mind and -ia, the suffix meaning condition

11. Phag/o means to eat or swallow. Modified by a-, a prefix meaning without and -ia, the suffix
meaning condition of, the term that describes the condition in which one is unable to swallow is
aphagia. The condition of difficulty eating or swallowing substituting a- for dys-, is therefore
termed dysphagia.

12. When -ia is combines with poly- a prefix meaning many, to modify ur/o the combining form
meaning urine, it forms the term for the condition of excessive urination: polyuria.

13. When -ia is linked to poly- and dips/o, a combining form meaning thirst, it forms the term for
excessive thirst or polydipsia.
14. The suffix -ism meaning condition of, is part of many diagnostic terms. Hyper- the prefix meaning
above or excessive, and its counterpart hypo-, are used in terms for condition of thyroid gland
15. An excessive thyroid gland secretion is termed hyperthyroidism; whereas the condition of
deficient thyroid secretion is hypothyroidism.
16. You’ll recall that thrombus is the name for a stationary blood. Embolus is the name given a
detached thrombus that travels within a blood vessel and obstructs where it lodges. Embolism
describes the condition of an embolus. The plural of embolus is emboli.
17. A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a clot that has lodged in a blood vessel in the lungs.

18. A cerebral embolism is a clot that has lodged in a blood vessel in the brain. The damage to brain
tissue that occurs as a result of a cerebral embolism is known as a stroke or cerebrovascular

19. In a few terms, the “i” in -ism is replace with a “y” to show Greek origin. Paroxysm, the term
referring to a condition marked by the sudden onset of symptoms, is an example. The
combination of aneury/o a combining form referring to a widening, with -ysm, forms aneurysm,
the Greek term that refers to a condition of widening in the wall of the heart, aorta or artery
caused by a congenital defect or acquired weakness. The bleed or rupture of an aneurysm in a
blood vessel in the brain causes an event known as hemorrhagic stroke, which is another type of
cerebrovascular accident.

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