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Name : Ilham Rachmatullah

NPM : 3062012019

The Perfect Parents

1. Here are four pairs of opposite opinions about bringing up children. Which do you agree with
more? For each pair of statements, mark an X on the line to show where your own opinion lies.

2. You will hear two adults talking about how their parents brought them up. Listen and decide
where they would mark their opinions on the scale above.
What did the speakers say that made you decide on your answers?

- They expected the children to to share their beliefs.

- They would let me go out until 10:00. Is it would never ask where I went.

3. Look at the expressions below. What do they mean? How did the speakers use them? Speaker 1
a bit of a cop-out : a poor excuse for not doing something
a strict disciplinary code : promotes fairness order and equity in the conduct of relations
between the employer and employes.
a narrow way of thinking : not willing to accept opinions

a lack of common ground : shared opinions between two people or groups of people who
dissagre about most other subjects

Speaker 2 hang out : spend time relaxing or socializing

informally. lenient : punishment or a person in

spare the road and spoil the child : : if you do not punish a child when they do
something wrong,they will not learn what is right. a very rough crowd : an audience that
is difficult to please.

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