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 These phrases and numbers comply with the Statutory Instrument 1984 No 1244 -
Information Approved for the Classification Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous
Substances for Supply and Conveyance by Road,
 Part IV (List of Risk Phrases) and Part V (List of Safety Phrases). Provisions implement
Council Directive 67/548/EEC and subsequent amendments and adaptations.
 In many instances our labels also carry additional information which supplements that
provided in the Statutory Instrument and some of these also appear in the catalogue.
 Absence of Hazard Symbols or Risk and Safety advice should not be taken to indicate
the item is harmless.

 Grouping of risk and safety phrases

1. R: Risk Phrases (Part IV); consist of 48 labels (numbers) individual (R1 – R48) and
19 labels combination (double or triple labels)
2. S: Safety Phrases (Part V); consist of 53 labels (numbers) individual (S1 – S53) and
16 labels combination (double or triple labels)

 Beberapa pabrikan chemicals luar negeri:

dalam negeri:
 dan juga banyak tanpa merk

 Searching karakteristik bahan kimia → memperoleh informasi tentang bahan kimia

1. Hand-book (chemicals and physical properties)
2. Merck index
3. MSDS (materials safety data sheet)
About of MSDS (materials safety data sheet)
 A material safety data sheet (MSDS), safety data sheet (SDS), or product safety data
sheet (PSDS) is an important component of product stewardship and occupational
safety and health.
 It is intended to provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for
handling or working with that substance in a safe manner, and includes information
such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity,
health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-
handling procedures. MSDS formats can vary from source to source within a country
depending on national requirements.
 SDSS are a widely used system for cataloging information on chemicals, chemical
compounds, and chemical mixtures. SDS information may include instructions for the
safe use and potential hazards associated with a particular material or product. These
data sheets can be found anywhere where chemicals are being used.

 MSDS - the 16 section are

1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
2. Hazards identification
3. Composition/information on ingredients
4. First aid measures
5. Firefighting measures Searching MSDS
6. Accidental release measures • masuk ke:
7. Handling and storage • search : chemicals msds listing,
8. Exposure controls/personal protection • akan diperoleh: material safety data sheet
9. Physical and chemical properties listing
10. Stability and reactivity • click atau pilih sesuai kebutuhan
11. Toxicological information • atau langsung ke:
12. Ecological information
13. Disposal considerations • atau:
14. Transport information
15. Regulatory information • atau:
16. Other information

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