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University of the Immaculate Conception

Graduate School
Bonifacio St., 8000 Davao City, Philippines

Master of Arts in Educational Management

EDUC 300A – Thesis Writing


Proposed Title:

Evaluating School Disaster Risk Reduction Programs: An Examination of

Capabilities to Respond and Implementation in the Schools Division of the City of




I- Background of the Study

The Department of Education had urged educational institutions to implement

disaster preparedness procedures in their respective campuses. According to
Guevara (2007) and Jeffrey (2008), the school is an example of such a community
where mostly vulnerable children may be exposed to natural or man-made threats,
resulting in an emergency or disaster. According to Ozmen (2006), assessing the
level of preparation in the school is necessary to prevent potential threats. Pathirage
concurred with this study, as did Seneviratne, Amaratunga, and Haigh (2014) and
Miller(2021). Another study by Clerveaux et al., (2010) and Pathirage et al., (2014)
stated that competent school leadership will result in a disaster-resistant school.

Learner safety is always a primary priority in all schools. All educational

institutions must implement safety safeguards. Unfortunately, numerous schools
have apparently suffered major calamities. Simatwa (2007) rightly observed that
there has been a rise in the number of children dying or being injured as a result of
school violence, natural catastrophes, developing diseases, and emergencies that
could have been avoided if safety regulations were strictly adhered to.

Every institution in the Department of Education has a specific function and

obligation in the implementation of DRRM, as outlined in DepEd Order No. 21, s.
2015. Schools will be the key source of data because they are DepEd's frontline
service providers to the learners, who are the principal stakeholders. It was stated
that schools should work to establish by ensuring the establishment of an Early
Warning System such as a bulletin board for weather advisories, IEC materials, a
bell or siren emergency signal; secondly, conducting an annual student-led risk
identification and mapping within and around the school; and providing mental
health, psychosocial support, or counseling services.
R.A. 10121, also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act, paved the way for new strategies as well as the implementation of
various policies and actions in all phases of DRRM. This provided a framework.
Transition from reactive to proactive disaster risk reduction, from top-down and
centralized administration to bottom-up and participatory disaster risk reduction (RA
10121, 2010). The National DRRM Framework (NDRRMF) and National DRRM Plan
(NDRRMP) were created as a result of this Act. The NDRRMF and NDRRMP both
envision a country with "safer, adaptive, and disaster-resilient Filipino communities
geared toward sustainable development." With the paradigm shift comes the
establishment of four theme areas: a) prevention and mitigation, b) preparedness, c)
response, and d) rehabilitation and recovery.

Each area includes long-term goals and actions that will lead to the
achievement of the overall DRRM vision. According to the NDRRMF, resources
invested in the four thematic areas must prioritize disaster prevention and mitigation,
disaster preparedness, and climate change adaptation to be more effective in
achieving its goals and objectives (NDRRMF, 2011).

The Department of Education (DepEd) issued DepEd No. 37, s. As the

foundation of the Basic Education Framework in 2017, with a more comprehensive
Disaster Risk Reduction Management. DepEd offices and schools must have
institutionalized DRRM structures, systems, protocols, and practices under this

DRRM has long been implemented in the seventy-two (72) public schools of
the Schools Division of the City of Mati, but how the various programs and activities
towards the roles of the school administrators and SDRRM Coordinators indicated in
DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2015 have been carried out, however there is no evidence of
proper execution as the program has not been reviewed.
It is under this premise that the researcher felt the need to conduct research
along this field in order to evaluate the extent of implementation of the DRRM
program in the schools of the Schools Division of the City of Mati and to provide
evidence-based results for a better execution of the roles and responsibilities of the
School Administrators and SDRRM Coordinators as the basis for the enhancement
of program implementation so that, eventually, a culture of safety will be developed.
Based on the views of the School Administrators and SDRRM Coordinators, this
research seeks to determine how well the schools are prepared for a potential
disaster and to make recommendations toward effective disaster preparedness. One
of the most important tasks of school administrators and personnel is to always
safeguard the safety of students. As a result, it is necessary to assess whether the
aforementioned frontlines are aware of the safety plans and are properly prepared
for any outbreak of disasters in school. The study focuses on gathering data from the
school via the SDRRM Team, which is comprised of representatives from the
governing body's safety committee.

II- Statement of the Problem:

This research will determine the status of the implementation of the Public
Schools’ Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program in All Public Schools of the
Schools Division of the City of Mati for S.Y. 2022-2023. It will specifically seek to
answer the following problems:

1. What extent has the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management program
has been implemented in terms of:
1.1 Disaster Prevention and mitigation,
1.2 disaster preparedness,
1.3 disaster response,
1.4 disaster recovery and rehabilitation?
2. What is the degree of capability of the Public Schools of the Schools Division
of the City of Mati in implementing the disaster risk reduction management
program in terms of:
2.1 Workforce
2.2 Physical assets
2.3 Intellectual capital
2.4 Organizational and Administrative Protocols
2.5 Capabilities and Systems

3. Is there any correlation between the status of DRRM implementation and the
level of capability among public school administrators?

Conceptual Diagram:

Implementation of the School

Disaster Risk Reduction Program

School Disaster Risk Reduction


Capabilities to respond of
School Administrators.
Key Variables and Relationships:

1. School Disaster Risk Reduction Programs (SDRRP): This is the central

concept of your study and represents the programs, policies, and initiatives
aimed at reducing disaster risks in schools.

2. Implementation of SDRRP: This variable represents the extent to which the

SDRRP is put into practice in schools. It can include factors such as the
adoption of disaster preparedness plans, training of staff, and the execution of

3. Capabilities to Respond: This variable refers to the ability of school

administrators to respond effectively to disasters. It encompasses factors
such as staff training, availability of resources, and the development of
response plans.


1. The successful implementation of SDRRP positively influences the

capabilities of school administrators to respond to disasters.

2. Schools with higher levels of capabilities to respond are more likely to have
better implementation of SDRRP.


The study will utilize the adopted survey questionnaires from the National
Disaster Risk Reduction Management (NDRRM) Manual to determine the status of
the implementation of Public Schools’ Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Program based on the NDRRM policies, plans, and procedures and the level of
capabilities of the respondents to respond to hazards in times of the disaster
anchored on the Hyogo-
Framework of Action.

The locale of the study will cover the Public Schools of the Schools Division of
the City of Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines.

The researcher will seek approval from the Office of the Schools Division
Superintendent to administer the survey instruments. Upon approval, copies of the
research instruments were given to the different school administrators representing
the SDRRM core group and team itself.
SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE: (Adopted from National Disaster Risk Reduction
Management (NDRRM) Manual to determine the status of the implementation of
Public Schools’ Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program based on the
NDRRM policies, plans, and procedures and the level of capabilities of the
respondents to respond to hazards in times of the disaster anchored on the Hyogo-
Framework of Action.)

Instruction: Please check the number that shows the state of the Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Program of the Public Schools of the City of Mati, Mati City,
Davao Oriental, Philippines as to the four (4) DRRM Aspects: Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, and Disaster Recovery
and Rehabilitation.

Choose your selection using the information below. It is critical that you answer each
item truthfully. Please make sure that no items are left unchecked. You are
guaranteed that your personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

Code Interpretation
5 Very Well Implemented (VWI)
4 Well Implemented (WI)
3 Implemented (I)
2 Less Implemented (LI)
1 Not Implemented (NI)

A. Disaster Prevention and VWI WI I LI NI

Mitigation (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what extent has the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management program been implemented?
1. DRRM and CCA
mainstreamed and integrated
in national, sectoral, regional
and local development
policies, plans and budgets.
2. DRRM and CCA-sensitive
environmental management
3. Increased disaster resiliency
of infrastructure systems
4. Community based and
scientific DRR-CCA
assessment, mapping,
analysis and monitoring
5. Communities have access to
effective and applicable
disaster risk financing and
6. End-to-End monitoring,
forecasting and early warning
systems are established
and/or improved
PREPAREDNESS (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what extent has the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management program been implemented?
1. Increased level of
awareness and enhanced
capacity of the
community to the threats
and impacts of all
2. Communities are
equipped with the
necessary skills and
capability to cope with the
impact of disasters
3. Increased disaster
resiliency of infrastructure
4. Developed and
comprehensive national
and local preparedness
policies, plans and
5. Strengthened partnership
and coordination among
all key players and
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what extent has the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management program been implemented?
1. Well-established disaster
response and relief
2. Adequate and prompt
assessment of needs and
3. Integrated and
coordinated Search,
Rescue and Retrieval
(SRR) capacity
4. Evacuated safely and on
time affected
5. Temporary shelter and/or
structural needs are
adequately addressed
6. Basic social services
provided to affected
population (whether
inside or outside ECs)
7. Psychosocial needs of
affected population
8. Coordinated and
integrated system for
early recovery
RECOVERY (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what extent has the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management program been implemented?
1. Damages, Losses and
Needs Assessed
2. Economic activities
restored and if possible,
strengthened or
3. DRRM and CCA
elements are
mainstreamed in human
4. Disaster and climate
change resilient
5. A psychologically sound,
safe and secured
citizenry that is protected
from the effects of
disasters are able to
restore to normal
functioning after each

Instructions: Please check the number that indicates the level of the capabilities of
the Public Schools in the Schools Division of the City of Mati in the implementation of
the disaster risk reduction management program as to: Workforce, Physical assets,
Intellectual capital, Organizational and Administrative Protocols and Capabilities and
Code Interpretation
5 Very Much Capable (VMC)
4 Very Capable (VC)
3 Capable (C)
2 Less Capable (LC)
1 Not Capable (NC)

I-Workforce VMC VC C LC NC
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
What is the degree of capability of the Public Schools of the Schools Division of the City of Mati in
implementing the disaster risk reduction management program?
1. National policy and legal framework for
DRR exists with decentralized
responsibilities and capacities at all
2. Dedicated and adequate resources
are available to implement DRR plans
and activities at all administrative
3. Community participation and
decentralization is assured through the
delegation of authority and resources
to local levels
4. A platform for DRR is functioning
II- Physical Assets VMC VC C LC NC
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
What is the degree of capability of the Public Schools of the Schools Division of the City of Mati in
implementing the disaster risk reduction management program?
1. National and local risk
assessments based on hazard
data and vulnerability
information are available and
include risk assessments for
key sectors
2. Systems are in place to
monitor, archive and
disseminate data on key
hazards and vulnerabilities
3. Early warning systems are in
place for all major hazards
with outreach to communities
4. National and local risk
assessments take account of
regional/trans boundary risks,
with a view to regional
cooperation and risk reduction
III- Intellectual Capital VMC VC C LC NC
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Relevant information on
disasters is available and
accessible at all levels, to all
2. School curricula, education
material and relevant trainings
include DRR and recovery
concept and practices
3. Research methods and tools
for multi-risk assessments and
cost-benefit analysis are
developed and strengthened
4. A countrywide public
awareness strategy exists to
stimulate a culture of disaster
resilience, with outreach to
urban and rural communities
IV- Organizational and VMC VC C LC NC
Administrative Protocols (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
What is the degree of capability of the Public Schools of the Schools Division of the City of Mati in
implementing the disaster risk reduction management program?
1. DRR is an integral objective of
environment related policies and
plans, including for land use, natural
resource management and adaptation
to climate change
2. Social development policies and plans
are being implemented to reduce the
vulnerability of populations at risk
3. Economic and productive sectoral
policies and plans have been
implemented to reuse the vulnerability
of economic activities
4. Planning and management of human
settlements incorporate DRR
elements, including enforcement of
building codes
5. DRR measures are incorporated into
post disaster recovery and
rehabilitation processes
6. Procedures are in place to assess
disaster risks of major development
projects, especially infrastructure
V- Capabilities and Systems VMC VC C LC NC
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
What is the degree of capability of the Public Schools of the Schools Division of the City of Mati in
implementing the disaster risk reduction management program?
1. Strong policy, technical and
institutional capacities and
mechanisms for disaster risk
management, with a disaster risk
reduction perspective are in place
2. Disaster preparedness plans and
contingency plans are in place at all
administrative levels and regular
training drills and rehearsals are held
to test and develop disaster response
3. Financial reserves and contingency
mechanisms are in place to support
effective response and recovery when
4. Procedures are in place to exchange
relevant information during hazard
events and disasters and to undertake
post event reviews.


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