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Kathleen Ramizares Erispe ENGLISH PETA

10 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Oct. 16, 2023

Being Involved: The Conflict Between

War is defined as the ultimate failure of diplomacy; it is a testament to nations’
incompetence in addressing conflicts.

The ongoing fight between Israel and Hamas is a deeply complex issue that
has plagued the Middle East for decades which also launched a surprise attack on
Saturday, October 7. Israel's insistence on securing itself in what it has
historically perceived as a hostile region must be balanced with the Palestinian
desire for statehood and self-determination.

To resolve the conflict, historical roots must be considered, and one of the
most challenging aspects of this conflict is the different perspectives of the
involved parties. Israel fights for its right to exist as a Jewish state in the face of
historic anti-Semitism and persecution. On the other hand, Palestinians demand
self-determination and the right to return to their ancestral lands.

It is important to understand the aspirations and injustices of both sides,

however, this has resulted in countless lives lost and infrastructures destroyed.
Regardless of political perspectives, the government must put a stop to such
suffering by addressing the matter with urgency and empathy for the sake of
innocent victims at risk.

Since the start of the conflict in Gaza on Wednesday, October 11, Pope
Francis called for the release of all hostages taken by Hamas militants and said
Israel has a right to defend itself. While the path to peace may seem elusive, I
strongly believe that it is crucial that we continue to advocate for dialogue and
diplomacy because only through a commitment to understanding can our
nations be able to attain lasting harmony.

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