HRM Project Sample Format

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Submitted To: Prof. Nityanand Jha

Submitted By:
Leader: Pranjal Padshala (20220401048)
Team Member 1: Aastha Patel (20220401052)
Team Member 2: Pruthav Pandya (20220401050)
Team member 3:



I. Executive Summary
II. Introduction
III. Analysis

IV. Conclusion

V. Bibliography


Symphony, is an Indian Multi-National Company with presence in over 60
countries is the world’s largest manufacturer of air-coolers. From inventions to
innovations, energy responsibility to environment stewardship, Symphony is a
market leader which has been providing comfort cooling to its customers for
generations. The massive supremacy of Symphony coolers in the residential,
industrial and commercial segments has made the brand synonymous with
Founded in 1988, in Gujarat, India, Symphony Limited established a new category
of evaporative air-cooling in India, taking it to the globe. As a disruptor of a highly
unorganized sector, the company has set high benchmarks by defining the golden
standard of air cooling.
At Symphony, its research and development and engineering technology provide
sustainable competitive advantages. The company delivers market-leading
products that comprise of design innovation, energy efficiency, distinctive styling,
and customer-centricity. As a pioneer in the air-cooling industry, Symphony
develops breakthrough technologies to combat climate change. It provides
solutions for affordable cooling and comfortable environments for maximum
efficiency, productivity, and well-being. Symphony Limited is a publicly traded
company delivering value to its stakeholders in the most profitable and effective
Through the years, Symphony has devoted itself single-mindedly to one business:
air cooling. Its relentless drive for innovation and specialized expertise in air
cooling has helped cool generations of customers across homes, workplaces and
industrial complexes around the globe. All through, it has demonstrated its ability
to create value, offering unparalleled growth and superior financial returns to our
stakeholders. Its leadership team leverages its agility, foresight, and integrity to
lead the businesses forward. It has delivered profitable growth and global
expansion through the best of entrepreneurial and professional synergies, in an
ethical manner, and this is just the beginning.
Symphony sheer volume of air-cooling IP – 201 trademarks, 64 registered designs,
15 copyrights and 48 patents- has virtually defined the gold standard of air cooling.
Since inception, symphony’s air coolers have been an inspiration and a symbol for

futuristic and original design. This is probably why; symphony is the most
recognized air cooler brand in the world

As we delve into the human resource management practices of Symphony Limited,

it becomes evident that the company's commitment to innovation, growth, and
ethical business practices is not just a corporate ethos but an integral part of its
DNA. Symphony's remarkable journey is a testament to its ability to create value,
offering unparalleled growth and superior financial returns to its stakeholders
while remaining dedicated to a sustainable and customer-centric approach. This
report will explore how Symphony's HR management strategies align with its core
values and contribute to its ongoing success


Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a strategic and dynamic process that holds
immense significance for Symphony Air Coolers Company in India. As the world's
largest manufacturer of air-coolers with a presence in over 60 countries,
Symphony's success hinges on its ability to continually anticipate and meet the
evolving demands of the market. Human resource planning at symphony is
meticulously executed to ensure that the company maintains its leadership position
in the air-cooling industry.

Workforce Analysis:
HRP at Symphony begins with an exhaustive workforce analysis. It involves
evaluating the current employee base, taking a close look at their skills,
competencies, experience, and potential for assuming future roles within the
organization. This analysis goes beyond the surface, identifying high-potential
talents who exhibit the capabilities required for leadership positions through the
use of its leadership board maintained. Symphony recognizes that its people are its
greatest assets, and nurturing and developing them is paramount.
Demand Forecasting:
Aligning closely with Symphony's business goals is essential in the HRP process.
For this Symphony's HR team collaborates closely with the company's leadership
to gain a deep understanding of its growth plans, market expansion strategies, and
overarching business objectives. Anticipating the future staffing needs is the next
crucial step. This involves forecasting the demand for human resources based on
factors such as market trends, product development, geographical expansion, and
shifting customer preferences. Symphony's ability to forecast accurately is pivotal
in ensuring it has the right talent at the right time.
Supply Forecasting:
HRP at Symphony is a multifaceted process, and it doesn't stop with internal
resources. Assessing the availability of talent both internally and externally is
equally vital. Within the organization, Symphony evaluates its current talent pool,
identifying employees with the potential to be upskilled or promoted to meet future
needs. Simultaneously, Symphony keeps a close eye on the external talent market

in India, focusing on critical areas such as engineering, product development, and

technology expertise. Knowing where to tap into talent is a strategic advantage.
Gap Analysis:
Comparing the demand and supply of talent is at the core of Symphony's HRP.
Through meticulous gap analysis, Symphony's HR team identifies any disparities
between the demand for talent and the available internal and external supply. This
process provides insights into areas where potential shortages of talent may arise
and areas where an excess supply of talent could be redeployed effectively within
the organization. Gap analysis ensures Symphony is prepared for any fluctuations
in the talent landscape.
Talent Development:
Bridging skill gaps is imperative for Symphony's continued success. HRP involves
conducting a detailed skill gap analysis, pinpointing specific areas where the
organization lacks the necessary expertise, especially in fields crucial for future
growth and innovation. Symphony then develops comprehensive training and
development strategies to bridge these gaps. This may include a mix of in-house
training programs and strategic partnerships with external educational institutions
or training providers. Additionally, Symphony places a strong emphasis on
succession planning, ensuring a continuous pipeline of talent ready to step into
critical roles as needed to sustain business continuity and growth. This process of
talent development is done on a yearly basis through ALTIUS which is a
leadership programme developed to track the growth and talent of its employees

In conclusion, Human Resource Planning at Symphony is a holistic and strategic

process that is integral to the organization's continued success. By proactively
managing its workforce, Symphony ensures it has the right talent in place to
support its growth, innovation, and leadership in the air-cooling industry, not only
in India but on a global scale. Through meticulous analysis, forecasting, and talent
development initiatives, Symphony is well-prepared to navigate the dynamic
landscape of the air-cooling market and sustain its position as a market leader for
generations to come.


Job analysis is a systematic process of gathering and analyzing information about

specific job roles within the organization.
Key steps in Job Analysis
 Job Data Collection
 Job Description
 Job Specification
 Job Evaluation
Step 1: Job Data Collection
Collecting information through interviews, questionnaires, and observations from
job incumbents, supervisors, and subject matter experts.
 Job Title and Identification: This includes the official job title, department or
division, and any unique job codes or identifiers used within the
 Job Description: A detailed list of job duties, responsibilities, and tasks
performed by the employee in that particular role. This may include both
routine and occasional tasks.
 Core values: Symphony Limited lists down a set of core values that it wants
every employee of its to have. The values being discipline, commitment to
work, honesty along with the functional requirements of the position.
 Training and Development Needs: Understand the company, what the
company wants to achieve, help to blend in the culture of the company to
increase his/her efficiency and a sense of fulfilment. Even if the new joiner
lacks the required skillset for the job, he/she is hired and then trained to
inculcate the skills required for that job.
 Work Environment: The company follows a non-centralized form of
management in order to ensure quick and efficient flow of information and
decision making. And also, in order to inculcated the feeling of oneness in
the organization.
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Step 2: Job Description

Creating a detailed document that outlines the key responsibilities, duties, and
tasks associated with the job role.
Symphony has pre-existing list of job descriptions for all of its currently existing
Step 3: Job Specification
Given that the company has its operations wide spread across the world in around
60 countries, it has tried to hire people with localized experts in their regional
offices in order to account for different climatic conditions, economic situations
and varied requirements.
Along with the preset Job Description, Symphony has also listed down various
specifications required for different posts or jobs. The common one of them being
experts in their localized regions.
Step 4: Job Evaluation
Assessing the relative worth or value of the job within the organization's job
There being minimalized hierarchy system in the organization the Symphony tries
to level all of its employees on an even and equal ground.
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Books Referred:

Articles and Websites Referred:

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Research Paper Referred:

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