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Soal 1:

The teacher asked the students _______ they had completed their assignments.

a. whether

b. why

c. when

d. who

Soal 2:

2. The company's profits _______ significantly last year.

a. rise

b. rising

c. rose

d. risen

Soal 3:

3. I _______ my homework when my friend called me.

a. did

b. had done

c. was doing

d. have done

Soal 4:

4. We _______ to the beach if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

a. go

b. went

c. will go

d. would go

Soal 5:

5. The movie was _______ than I expected.

a. good

b. better

c. best

d. well
Soal 6:

6. My brother is _______ soccer player in the city.

a. a good

b. the good

c. a better

d. the best

Soal 7:

7. The student _______ hard to pass the exam.

a. study

b. studies

c. studied

d. studying

Soal 8:

8. I enjoy _______ novels in my free time.

a. read

b. reads

c. reading

d. to read

Soal 9:

9. She asked me _______ I was going to the party.

a. where

b. when

c. why

d. if

Soal 10:

10. I'm sorry, I _______ to call you back yesterday.

a. forgot

b. forget

c. have forgotten

d. forgetting
Soal 11:

11. The doctor advised me _______ more exercise.

a. doing

b. to do

c. did

d. done

Soal 12:

12. My sister enjoys _______ to music in her free time.

a. listen

b. listening

c. listened

d. to listen

Soal 13:

13. The students _______ very excited about the field trip.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were

Soal 14:

14. Sarah plays the piano _______ her brother plays the guitar.

a. and

b. but

c. or

d. so

Soal 15:

15. If I _______ you, I would apologize to him.

a. am

b. was

c. were

d. be
Soal 16:

16. The car _______ by Peter last week.

a. was bought

b. bought

c. buy

d. buys

Soal 17:

17. The students _______ the test by the time the teacher entered the room.

a. finish

b. finishes

c. finished

d. finishing

Soal 18:

18. _______ you like some more coffee?

a. Do

b. Does

c. Did

d. Would

Soal 19:

19. I can't believe _______ she said to me yesterday.

a. what

b. that

c. how

d. if

Soal 20:

20. My brother is _______ engineer.

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. no article needed
Soal 21:

21. If you _______ to the party, you would have seen some famous actors.

a. come

b. came

c. will come

d. had come

Soal 22:

22. She _______ a new job last month.

a. found

b. find

c. finds

d. founded

Soal 23:

23. The teacher asked the students _______ the book for homework.

a. read

b. reads

c. reading

d. to read

Soal 24:

24. The weather is so hot. I wish it _______ cooler.

a. was

b. were

c. will be

d. is

Soal 25:

25. He plays soccer very _______.

a. good

b. better

c. well

d. best
Soal 26:

26. The meeting _______ at 9 a.m. yesterday.

a. starts

b. started

c. will start

d. is starting

Soal 27:

27. The book _______ by millions of people around the world.

a. reads

b. read

c. is read

d. has read

Soal 28:

28. She didn't attend the meeting _______ she was sick.

a. but

b. because

c. so

d. and

Soal 29:

29. I _______ a cup of coffee when you called me.

a. drink

b. am drinking

c. was drinking

d. drank

Soal 30:

30. The bus _______ in five minutes.

a. leaves

b. left

c. will leave

d. is leaving
Soal 31:

31. I haven't seen him _______ last week.

a. since

b. for

c. until

d. yet

Soal 32:

32. Would you like _______ milk in your coffee?

a. some

b. any

c. a

d. much

Soal 33:

33. My parents _______ married for 25 years.

a. are

b. were

c. have been

d. had been

Soal 34:

34. She was too tired _______ she couldn't finish the project.

a. but

b. so

c. or

d. because

Soal 35:

35. The hotel room _______ cleaned every day.

a. is

b. was

c. will be

d. has been
Soal 36:

36. They _______ dinner when the phone rang.

a. were having

b. have had

c. had

d. are having

Soal 37:

37. You should _______ your parents for their support.

a. thankful

b. thank

c. thanked

d. thanking

Soal 38:

38. The company is _______ new employees.

a. hiring

b. hired

c. hire

d. hires

Soal 39:

39. My sister _______ a lot of friends in her new school.

a. make

b. makes

c. made

d. making

Soal 40:

40. The students _______ hard for the upcoming exams.

a. will study

b. study

c. studied

d. studying

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