GA Medifa 6000 601700 V3.0 03.23 EN Web

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User manual

medifa 6000
REF: 601700

Made in Germany
Version: 3.0 EN
Table of contents

Table of contents

1 Important information.............................................................................. 7
1.1 Revision history ........................................................................................................... 7
1.2 CE marking .................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Conformity .................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Manufacturer and distributor ...................................................................................... 7
1.5 Copyright notice .......................................................................................................... 8

2 Foreword.................................................................................................. 9
3 Understanding these operating instructions ............................................. 10
3.1 Where can I find certain information? ......................................................................... 10
3.2 List of abbreviations .................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Symbols in use............................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Standard accessories ................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Options ....................................................................................................................... 13

4 Safety instructions and user obligations.................................................... 14

4.1 General safety instructions .......................................................................................... 14
4.2 Steps to take before each use in the OP....................................................................... 14
4.3 Risk of explosion.......................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Electricity .................................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Infection control .......................................................................................................... 15
4.6 High frequency (HF) surgery equipment and defibrillators ........................................... 16
4.7 Product lifespan .......................................................................................................... 16
4.8 Maintenance and repair .............................................................................................. 16

5 medifa 6000.............................................................................................. 17
5.1 Proper and intended usage.......................................................................................... 17
5.2 Intended users............................................................................................................. 18
5.3 Warning stickers on the medifa 6000........................................................................... 18
5.4 medifa 6000 and components...................................................................................... 20
5.5 Lifting column.............................................................................................................. 21

medifa 6000 iii

Table of contents

5.6 Base ............................................................................................................................ 23

5.6.1 Stability cylinders (optional)................................................................................ 24
5.7 Connections and symbols ............................................................................................ 25
5.8 Ratings plate................................................................................................................ 26
5.9 Chassis......................................................................................................................... 28
5.9.1 Fifth wheel........................................................................................................... 28
5.10 Cushioning................................................................................................................... 29
5.11 Square holders for table segments .............................................................................. 30
5.12 Standard-compliant rails.............................................................................................. 30
5.12.1 Maximum permissible torques ........................................................................... 30
5.13 Compatibility with x-rays............................................................................................. 32
5.14 Internal and external power supplies........................................................................... 32
5.15 Standard accessories ................................................................................................... 33

6 User controls ............................................................................................ 34

6.1 Interrupting adjustments to the medifa 6000 .............................................................. 34
6.2 Handset....................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.1 Notices on the infra-red handset (optional)........................................................ 34
6.2.2 Operation and functionality of the keys.............................................................. 36
6.3 Column keypad............................................................................................................ 39
6.3.1 Operation and functionality of the keys.............................................................. 40
6.4 Foot switch (optional).................................................................................................. 44
6.4.1 Operation and functionality of the pedals .......................................................... 45
6.5 Manual safety system (optional) ................................................................................. 46
6.5.1 Operations and functions of the safety system .................................................. 47
7 Switching the medifa 6000 on and off....................................................... 49
7.1 Establishing the equipotential bonding........................................................................ 50
7.2 Switching on the medifa 6000...................................................................................... 51
7.3 Switching off the medifa 6000 ..................................................................................... 51

8 Charging the medifa 6000 ......................................................................... 52

8.1 Recognizing the battery charging mode and charging status ........................................ 54
8.2 Possible malfunctions and causes ................................................................................ 55

iv Translation of the user manual

Table of contents

9 Transporting patients ............................................................................... 56

9.1 Notices on patient transport........................................................................................ 56
9.2 Transporting patients with the mechanical fifth wheel ................................................ 57
9.3 Transporting patients without the fifth wheel ............................................................. 57
9.4 Stability cylinders (optional) ........................................................................................ 58

10 Braking the medifa 6000 and releasing the brake ..................................... 59

10.1 Braking the medifa 6000.............................................................................................. 59
10.2 Releasing the brake ..................................................................................................... 60

11 Positioning the patient ............................................................................. 61

11.1 Preparing the medifa 6000 to hold the patient ............................................................ 62
11.2 Positioning patients..................................................................................................... 63
11.3 Normal position........................................................................................................... 63
11.4 Reverse position .......................................................................................................... 64
11.5 HEIGHT ........................................................................................................................ 65
11.6 Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg (TREND/REV.TREND)....................................... 67
11.7 Lateral position (TILT RIGHT / TILT LEFT) ...................................................................... 69
11.8 Back plate (BACK UP/BACK DN) ................................................................................... 71
11.9 FLEX and REFLEX .......................................................................................................... 73
11.10 Leg plates and head plate ............................................................................................ 74
11.11 Kidney bridge (KIDNEY UP / KIDNEY DN)...................................................................... 75
11.12 Home position (LEVEL)................................................................................................. 76

12 Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery ............................................. 77

12.1 Attaching and removing the accessories ...................................................................... 77
12.2 Attaching and adjusting the head and leg plates.......................................................... 77
12.2.1 Attaching and adjusting the split leg plates ........................................................ 78
12.2.2 Swivelling the split leg plates .............................................................................. 79
12.2.3 Removing the split leg plates .............................................................................. 79
12.2.4 Attaching and adjusting the head plate .............................................................. 79
12.2.5 Removing the head plate .................................................................................... 80

medifa 6000 v
Table of contents

12.3 Attaching and removing the cushions .......................................................................... 81

12.3.1 Attaching the cushions........................................................................................ 81
12.3.2 Removing the cushions ....................................................................................... 81

13 Load limits ................................................................................................ 82

13.1 Total load up to 250 kg ................................................................................................ 82
13.2 Total load up to 454 kg ................................................................................................ 82

14 Preparing the medifa 6000 after it has been used ..................................... 83

14.1 Cleaning and disinfecting the medifa 6000................................................................... 83
14.1.1 Cleaning............................................................................................................... 84
14.1.2 Disinfecting.......................................................................................................... 84
14.1.3 Drying .................................................................................................................. 85
14.1.4 Disposal ............................................................................................................... 85

15 Troubleshooting and service – the we care.Code ...................................... 86

16 Technical specifications ............................................................................ 88
16.1 Environmental conditions for the operation, storage and transport............................. 88
16.2 Dimensions, weights and load limits............................................................................ 88
16.3 Electrical connection data............................................................................................ 88
16.4 Adjustment ranges ...................................................................................................... 89
16.5 Classification ............................................................................................................... 89
16.6 EMC information ......................................................................................................... 90

17 Appendix .................................................................................................. 91
17.1 Delivery, unpacking and setting up .............................................................................. 91
17.1.1 Delivery ............................................................................................................... 91
17.1.2 Unpacking and setting up.................................................................................... 91
17.1.3 Symbols on the transport packaging................................................................... 93
17.2 When the device has not been used for a long time..................................................... 94
17.3 Disposal....................................................................................................................... 94
17.4 Accessories.................................................................................................................. 94

vi Translation of the user manual

Important information

1 Important information

1.1 Revision history

Version Date Reason for change to the publication

1.0 07/2019 First edition

2.0 04/2020 Update

2.1 06/2020 Mains connection and new table length

3.0 10/2021 Complete revision

1.2 CE marking
This product is a Class 1 medical device as defined by European regulation (EU) 2017/745 concerning
medical devices. It complies with the version of this regulation in force at the time that this product is
placed on the market.

1.3 Conformity
The manufacturer declares that this product conforms with the essential safety and performance
requirements according to MDR Annex I. The manufacturer also declares that the technical
documentation has been implemented according to MDR Annex II. The manufacturer declares conformity
by means of an EU Declaration of Conformity according to MDR Annex IV.

1.4 Manufacturer and distributor

medifa GmbH
Industriestrasse 5
57413 Finnentrop
Telephone +49 2721 71770
Service hotline: +49 2721 7177 410
Fax +49 2721 7177 255

medifa 6000 7
Important information

1.5 Copyright notice

These operating instructions and all drawings are subject to copyright. The reproduction and duplication
of this document as well as the usage and communication of its contents, are not permitted unless
explicitly stated. Violators shall be liable to pay for damages. All rights are reserved in the event that a
patent is granted or utility prototype registered.
We are constantly working on the further development and design of our products.
Please understand that we reserve the right to change the scope of delivery in terms of form,
configuration and technology at any time.
Reproduction, duplication or translation of the original operating instructions, in whole or in part, is not
permitted without the written permission of medifa!
All rights under the copyright law are expressly reserved for medifa.
medifa is only responsible for the safety characteristics within the scope of the statutory regulations if all
maintenance, servicing and changes to this device have been carried out by the user or a representative
as instructed.

8 Translation of the user manual


2 Foreword
The company medifa thanks you for purchasing the medifa 6000. The medifa 6000 is a product that
combines design, functionality and comfort with the highest quality associated with German
The medifa products are manufactured to have a long and trouble-free lifespan. The development, design
and production at medifa have been certified to comply with DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 13485.
These products comply with the requirements of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and bear the
CE mark.
The demanding requirements of the OP(surgical) sector can only be met by high-quality long-life
materials, comprehensive functionality and ease of use.
We at medifa offer a wide selection of permanently installed and versatile accessories to meet all your
requirements. The periodic maintenance carried out by our trained service technicians ensures that your
table is always in perfect working order during routine operations.
We are always available to help if you have any questions.

medifa 6000 9
Understanding these operating instructions

3 Understanding these operating instructions

Please read and observe these operating instructions.
These operating instructions must be read and fully understood by the operating personnel before the
initial commissioning of the medifa 6000. This applies in particular to the 4 Safety instructions and user
obligations, Page 14 chapter. If necessary, in-house training for technical qualifications may be carried
out by a qualified person.
The operating instructions must be closely followed and available at the place of use.

This operating table is safe to use!
Any remaining residual hazards are indicated at the affected locations in the operating instructions.
Follow these instructions!

3.1 Where can I find certain information?

The individual chapters of the operating instructions contain information on specific topics.

Chapter Content / topics

1 Important information ● Manufacturer's instructions

2 Foreword ● Brief description of your medifa 6000

3 Understanding these ● Symbols and conventions these operating instructions

operating instructions ● Standard and optional accessories

4 Safety instructions and user ● Basic safety instructions for the operation and use of the
obligations medifa 6000

5 medifa 6000 ● Description of the medifa 6000, its components and


6 User controls ● Description of the operating functions of the handset, column

keypad, optional foot switch and optional manual safety

7 Switching the medifa 6000 ● Switching the power supply on/off; switching the control unit
on and off on/off

8 Charging the medifa 6000 ● Charging the lead-gel batteries for battery-run operations

9 Transporting patients ● Moving and controlling the medifa 6000

10 Translation of the user manual

Understanding these operating instructions

Chapter Content / topics

10 Braking and releasing the ● Braking the medifa 6000 or releasing the brakes for driving
brakes on the medifa 6000

11 Positioning the patient ● Description of all functions for patient positioning and position

12 Configuring the medifa ● Attaching and removing accessories and cushions

6000 before the OP

13 Load limits ● Adjusting the medifa 6000 depending on the total weight

14 Preparing the medifa 6000 ● Cleaning and maintenance after usage

after it has been used

15 Troubleshooting and service ● We use the We Care Code to troubleshoot errors.

– the We Care Code

16 Technical specifications ● Characteristics of the medifa 6000 and conditions of usage

17 Appendix ● Information on installing, decommissioning and disposing the

medifa 6000
● Accessories

Safety instructions in the chapters and steps

Notices about residual hazards and dangerous situations. Please pay particular attention to these notices.

3.2 List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

CE European Community (from the French "Communauté Européenne")

CDIL Continuous duty with intermittent load

DIN German Institute for Standardization

EN European Standard

EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility

EEC European Economic Community

HF High Frequency

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IP Ingress Protection

ISO International Organization for Standardization

medifa 6000 11
Understanding these operating instructions

Abbreviation Description

LED Light Emitting Diode

MDR Medical Device Regulation

OP Operations (surgery)

3.3 Symbols in use

These operating instructions use various warning, notice and safety symbols to highlight information of
particular relevance.

Safety instructions

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Notice about a harmful situation; possible consequences: the device itself or surrounding objects could
be damaged.


Useful further information is indicated by this symbol.


Cross-references in the text are displayed in a different text colour and offset by a symbol: 4 Positioning
the patient, Page 61

Work instructions

1. Work instructions and steps are chronologically displayed using numbered steps.

12 Translation of the user manual

Understanding these operating instructions

3.4 Standard accessories

This instruction manual covers only the basic components of the medifa 6000.
A full list of accessories can be found in the appendix: 4 Accessories, Page 94.

3.5 Options
These operating instructions also describe the built-in options. Some illustrations or figures depict options
that do not match your configuration. The infra-red handset, the foot switch or other options may not be

medifa 6000 13
Safety instructions and user obligations

4 Safety instructions and user obligations

Keep these operating instructions close to the product so that the information can be accessed later!
These operating instructions are an integral part of the product and must be transferred when the
location or personnel changes.
These operating instructions must also be easily accessible to all users of the product at all times.

Notice to users and/or patients

All serious incidents relating to this product must be reported to the manufacturer and to
the relevant authority of the nation in which the user and/or patient is established.

4.1 General safety instructions

Danger for the patient!
Do not change this medical product! The manufacturer assumes no liability resulting from changes made
to the OP table.

Danger for the patient!
We cannot completely rule out the possibility of a malfunction of the medifa 6000 according to current
state of the art technology. In this rare case, the motor-driven functions would no longer be available
during the surgery.
If there is an electrical malfunction, it is possible to change the patient's position using suitable aids (e.g.
by placing cushions under the patient) or by extricating the patient from the medifa 6000.

● All work with or on the medifa 6000 (installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance,
decommissioning, transport or disposal) may only be carried out by trained medical or nursing staff.
● The medifa 6000 may only be used with the specified products for the purposes specified in the
4 Proper and intended usage, Page 17 section. The values specified in 4 Technical
specifications, Page 88 must be complied with whenever the medifa 6000 is being used.

● In order to use additional equipment properly and safely, the operating instructions for such
equipment must be observed.

4.2 Steps to take before each use in the OP

All electrical and mechanical functions as well as all parts of the medifa 6000 (including accessories) must
be checked for proper functionality and integrity before each use! Do not use defective or damaged

14 Translation of the user manual

Safety instructions and user obligations

4.3 Risk of explosion

Danger of explosion!
The OP table is not suitable for use in hazardous areas.
The OP table may not be used in rooms or areas where flammable mixtures of anaesthetics with air,
oxygen or N20 (nitrous oxide) are used.

Technical specifications and further information on explosion protection can be found under
4 Classification, Page 89.

4.4 Electricity
The electrical safety of the medifa 6000 and your power supply should be checked before first usage and
regularly thereafter by a qualified electrician. We recommend that a general safety inspection be carried
out yearly by medifa's technical support.
● Do not crush or run over mains power cables or equipotential bonding cables. Do not use cables which
have been damaged.
● Remove the cables before changing the location of the table.
● Electrical discharges to the patient or operator may occur if there is no earthing/grounding present.
If you have any doubts about the safety of the mains power cables or equipotential bonding cables,
Use only the internal power supply until the problematic cable has been replaced.
● Only use the medifa 6000 on an electrically conductive floor and with an equipotential bonding cable

4.5 Infection control

● Follow all regulations for cleaning and disinfection!
● Follow the cleaning and disinfection procedures described in these operating instructions! Use only
the specified cleaning agents!
● Only cleaned and disinfected devices and equipment may be transferred to a service technician or the
manufacturer for maintenance and repair work!
● Replace any cushioning that no longer complies with the relevant hygiene and infection requirements!

medifa 6000 15
Safety instructions and user obligations

4.6 High frequency (HF) surgery equipment and defibrillators

The medifa 6000 may be used with HF surgical devices, defibrillators and defibrillator monitors. Observe
the operating instructions and safety instructions from the manufacturers of these devices!

Danger of patients being burned
The use of HF surgery equipment, defibrillators, and defibrillator monitors may pose a risk of the patient
being burned if no safety precautions are taken. Take the following security precautions:
– Position the patient on the medifa 6000 so that they are isolated from (not touching) the metal parts
(medifa 6000 or accessories), conductive cushions or hoses.
– Do not touch the patient with moistened wipes or other moist materials. Use only dry materials!

Danger for the patient!
The electro-motor functions of the medifa 6000 may be interrupted while high-frequency surgery
devices are being used.

4.7 Product lifespan

The medifa 6000 has a lifespan of 10 years if the specified inspections are carried out by medifa service
This does not apply to all wearing parts such as drives, controls, padded cushions or keys on the control
units. It also does not apply to separate components such as the infra-red handset, control panel, foot
switch or joystick.

4.8 Maintenance and repair

To avoid malfunctions and to ensure operational safety, annual maintenance (electrical wiring, worn
bearings, etc.) must be carried out to ensure that all functionality is fully retained. We recommend that a
medifa-certified service technician carry out this service work.


Repairs may only be carried out by the medifa technical support or by personnel who have been
authorized, trained and certified by medifa. The company medifa is not liable for any damages due to
neglected inspections, inadequate repair, improper maintenance or changes made to the product!
For servicing work, please contact the medifa technical support department.
Telephone number of the medifa service hotline: +49 2721 7177 410

16 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

5 medifa 6000
The model 601700 is described in these operating instructions.

5.1 Proper and intended usage

The products described here are intended only for human medical purposes!
The medifa 6000 operating table, together with the other accessories from medifa, is intended only for
the following uses:
● For supporting patients from the initiation of anaesthesia, during the operation, and until the end of
● For transporting patients on the medifa 6000 from a transfer facility to the operating room or from the
operating room to the transfer facility (depending on the patient transport conditions).
● For supporting patients during X-rays.
The medifa 6000 operating table is intended for the following purposes/indications:
● General surgery
● Vascular surgery
● Cardiovascular surgery
● Neurosurgery
● ENT surgery
● Spine surgery
● Orthopaedics
● Gynecology
● Urology
● Ambulances
● Emergency care
No contra-indication is known.
The medifa 6000 operating table has been designed for human patients.
Patients should be supported and positioned on the medifa 6000 according to general practice and
training standards. The medifa 6000 should be covered with sterile covering material before usage.
Transporting objects, equipment or materials on the medifa 6000 is prohibited. The operating table may
only be used and operated responsibly and in a controlled manner by trained medical and nursing staff.
The manufacturer of other persons authorized by the manufacturer shall carry out the training for the
operating and care personnel.
These operating instructions must be followed in order to ensure proper and intended usage of the
medifa 6000! Any other usage of the medifa 6000 is considered improper and unintended! The supplier/
manufacturer is not liable for personal injury or property damage as a result of improper operations or

medifa 6000 17
medifa 6000

5.2 Intended users

These operating instructions describe the tasks and responsibilities relevant to multiple user groups.
We have identified two groups of users among the healthcare professionals. Doctors, such as surgeons,
orthopaedics and anaesthetists, as well as operating assistants and nursing staff. The third group of users
consists of the cleaning staff and technicians.
All target groups shall be instructed by the operating company according to their field of activity, their
training, and their professional experience on the device so that they can operate the device properly and
as intended. Technicians may only have secondary information because there are separate instructions
that specifically targets this audience.

5.3 Warning stickers on the medifa 6000

Observe the warning symbols (stickers) on the medifa 6000; they indicate the danger points and hazards.
All warning symbols on the product must be complete and legible. They must not be altered, removed or
covered by other objects. Damaged or detached warning symbols must be replaced according to the

Figure 1: Warning stickers on the medifa 6000

18 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

Symbol Description

Danger of being crushed!

Do not sit!

There is a risk of injury if the medifa 6000 is tilted

The medifa 6000 may only be used on surfaces that have no more than a 5 ° tilt.

Read the operating instructions before use (found on the sticker on the mains socket on
the recessed socket).

medifa 6000 19
medifa 6000

5.4 medifa 6000 and components

The 601700 version of the medifa 6000 has a two-part table plate (without head, leg and back plates) with
two hydraulic-adjustable joint pairs (leg and kidney joint) and a rigid coupling point for the head and leg

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

Figure 2: medifa 6000 (Model 601700)

q Head plate (optional) w Upper back plate (optional)

e Lower back plate r Pelvic plate

t Split leg plate (optional) y Lifting column

u Base i Foot pedal for fifth wheel


● Batteries and charger integrated into the table

● The control unit for electrical functions is on the lifting column (column keypad)
● Interface for the wired handset
● Interface for the optional foot switch
● Central brake
● Padded cushion (PUR), 60 mm thick; padded cushion (SFC), 80 mm thick, electrically conductive
● Option for reverse positioning of patient

20 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

● Height adjustable from 690 to 1050 mm

● Trendelenburg adjustment of max. +/- 30°
● Lateral adjustment of max. +/- 20°
● Flex adjustment of max. 210°
● Reflex adjustment of max. 120°
● Adjustment of the lower back from -40° to 70°
● Manual adjustment of the leg plates from -90° to +30°
● Manual adjustment of the head plate to +/- 45°
● Automatic, simultaneous horizontal (home) position for the lying surface
● All adjustments (except for head and leg plate adjustments) can be made using the handset and
column keypad.
● Lying surface: 2080 x 540 mm (including head and leg plates)
● Manual safety system (optional)
● Movable stability cylinders (optional)
● Maximum permissible total load: 454 kg (1001 lbs)
● Own (dead) weight 190 kg
● Fifth wheel, adjustable with foot pedal
● Electro-mechanical adjustment of the body bridge

5.5 Lifting column

Figure 3: Lifting column with column keypad

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medifa 6000

The lifting column includes:

● Column keypad
● Connection port for the handset
● Infra-red receiver in the infra-red handset (optional)
● Manual safety system (optional)

Figure 4: Connection port for the handset

Figure 5: Infra-red receiver on the lifting column (optional)

Figure 6: Lifting column with safety system (optional)

22 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

5.6 Base

Figure 7: Main switch and connections on the base

The base includes:

● The manual chassis
● Connection sockets for the mains power cable, equipotential bonding cable and optional foot switch
● Main switch
● The fifth wheel under the base and foot pedal
● Foot pedals of the manual safety system (optional)

Figure 8: Fifth wheel in the middle under the base

medifa 6000 23
medifa 6000

Figure 9: Chassis, foot pedal of fifth wheel (left), foot pedals for the safety system (middle, right)

5.6.1 Stability cylinders (optional)

The stability cylinders ensure better stability for the medifa 6000.

Figure 10: Base with stability cylinders

24 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

5.7 Connections and symbols

Figure 11: Symbols on the medifa 6000 (an example)

Symbol Location Description

Base Connection port for the foot switch

Lifting column Connection port for the handset

Base Connection for the equipotential bonding

Base Connection for the power cable

medifa 6000 25
medifa 6000

Symbol Location Description

Base Specifications for the mains fuse

Base (the sticker on the Read the operating instructions before use
mains socket on the
recessed socket).

Lifting column (next to Follow the instructions!

ratings plate)

5.8 Ratings plate

The ratings plate is located at the foot of the frame above the column of the medifa 6000
4 Connections and symbols, Page 25

medifa 6000
(01) 04250411XXXXXX
601700 (21) XXXXX
xxxxx 01/2020

AC 230 V 24 VDC 50-60 Hz Max. load: 454 kg

300 VA int. 1/9 min Tare weight: 190 kg
medifa GmbH
Industriestraße 5 ,
57413 Finnentrop, Germany IPX4
Figure 12: Ratings plate

Element / symbol Description

Manufacturer specifications and contact information

Date of manufacture

Article number

Serial number

26 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

Element / symbol Description

Medical device

Data matrix code

AC 230 V Input voltage

24 V DC Battery voltage

50 – 60 Hz Frequency of the input voltage

300 VA Power consumption

int. 1/9 min Intermittent operations: 1 min ON / 9 min OFF

Specifications on empty weight and maximum load

Tare weight Empty weight

Max. load Maximum weight, including the accessories and the patient

IP X4 Protection degree against ingress of water

Protection degree against electric shock:

Application part: Type B

Observe the safety instructions found in the accompanying documents.

Read the operating instructions.

Follow the instructions for disposal

This device is declared compliant with Regulation 2017/745

medifa 6000 27
medifa 6000

5.9 Chassis
The medifa 6000 has a chassis. The handling of the medifa 6000 is regulated by 4 swivelling double
castors. To prevent collisions, the user must steer the medifa 6000 manually. The medifa 6000 should be
held on the side rails in order to steer it.

5.9.1 Fifth wheel

The chassis has a fifth wheel, in addition to the 4 freely pivoting, non-driven double rollers. This wheel is
located in the middle under the medifa 6000. The fifth wheels helps the user to move the table.

The fifth wheel helps to stabilize and maintain the direction. Therefore, we recommend
using the fifth wheel. The fifth wheel can only move straight. It must be retracted while the
table is being moved sideways.

For the model 601700, the fifth wheel can be retracted or extended using the foot pedal.

Figure 13: Manual chassis with foot pedal

Figure 14: Fifth wheel in the base of the medifa 6000

28 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

5.10 Cushioning
The cushions are made of 60 mm thick PUR padding or 80 mm thick SFC padding (optional).

Do not use this product if the surface of the cushions is damaged.
It is forbidden to use the medifa 6000 with unauthorized cushions; such usage would result in the loss of
CE conformity.

Peg holders are used to attach the cushions to the medifa 6000. The cushioning can be disinfected and
washed. It is also transparent for X-rays. The cushioning is also latex-free and breathable.
The cushion prevents the patient from getting pressure sores. In order to eliminate any residual risk,
medically trained personnel must implement an active decubitus prophylaxis method during the
positioning of the patient. The cushioning is anti-static and, when properly attached, complies with the
relevant normative regulations.
4 Attaching and removing the cushions, Page 81

Figure 15: Padded cushion

medifa 6000 29
medifa 6000

5.11 Square holders for table segments

The table top segments have square bolts on both sides. These are pushed into the openings on the OP
table and secured using a star knob or locking lever.
Thus, it is easy to securely attach additional table top elements (such as leg or head plates) without any

Figure 16: Square holder for table segments (an example)

5.12 Standard-compliant rails

The standard rails on the right and left of the table plate are used for moving, steering and mounting

5.12.1 Maximum permissible torques

The maximum permissible torque on a standard rail of the medifa 6000 is 100 Nm on the lengthwise axis
and 150 Nm on the transverse axis.
The torque is acting on the rail as soon as an accessory is connected to a rail.
The own (dead) weight for a particular accessory being used can be found in the appendix of these
operating instructions. 4 Accessories, Page 94

30 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000





Figure 17: Torque on standard rails

[L1] = length 1 [m2] = mass 2

[L2] = length 2 [ML] = longitudinal torque

[m1] = mass 1 [MQ] = transverse torque

The torque acting on the standard rails can be approximately calculated using the following rule of thumb.
M(L or Q) = m x L x 10
Torque [Nm] = mass [kg] x length [m] x 10 [m/s2]
The weight of the patient's body part that will be resting on the accessory should be specified for mass (m).

Danger: risk of personal injury when the medifa 6000 is tilted!
Regardless of the permissible load on the individual rails, a total torque of 100 Nm on the lengthwise axis
and 150 Nm on the transverse axis of the medifa 6000 must not be exceeded during normal use!

medifa 6000 31
medifa 6000

5.13 Compatibility with x-rays

The table plate is completely radio-translucent between the side bars. The column area is not radio-
translucent. To reduce the risk of artefacts, wrinkles in the cushions and other overlying materials (cloths
or underlays) should be avoided.

5.14 Internal and external power supplies

The medifa 6000 has an electronic system that monitors both the charging mode (the external power
supply) and the charging state of the lead-gel rechargeable batteries (the internal power supply).

External power supply

The external power supply for the medifa 6000 uses the mains power from a room (but not the surgery/
operating room). The medifa 6000 takes about 9 hours to fully charge. The charging current is reduced to
a trickle charge current after the charging process is completed. The trickle charge current is harmless to
the lead-gel batteries. 4 Electricity, Page 15

Figure 18: Mains power socket

Lead-gel batteries

The internal power supply is provided by the two lead-gel batteries. Refer to the technical data for more
information. 4 Electrical connection data, Page 88

Defective lead-gel batteries
Contact customer service if you experience a battery malfunction.

32 Translation of the user manual

medifa 6000

5.15 Standard accessories

For information on commonly used accessories, refer to the documentation that accompanies each
Instructions for use of the following standard accessories are provided in this manual:

Split leg plates

● 4 Attaching and adjusting the split leg plates, Page 78

● 4 Swivelling the split leg plates, Page 79
● 4 Removing the split leg plates, Page 79

Large head plate

● 4 Attaching and adjusting the head plate, Page 79

● 4 Removing the head plate, Page 80

medifa 6000 33
User controls

6 User controls

Risk of injury!
Become familiar with the keypad symbols and their functions. This helps you to avoid misinterpreting the
function or incorrectly positioning the patient.

The medifa 6000 can be operated and controlled by the following components:
● Column keypad
● Handset (wired)
● Optional infra-red handset
● Optional foot switch
● Optional manual safety system

6.1 Interrupting adjustments to the medifa 6000

In case of a malfunction,

1. press the STOP key on the handset or on the column keypad. The ongoing
electrical adjustment of the medifa 6000 will be stopped immediately.

6.2 Handset
As on the column keypad, the handsets show simplified schematics of the medifa 6000. These diagram
shows the functions of the lifting column, the brake mechanism, as well as the Trendelenburg, lateral and
height adjustments. Underneath this are the functions for the table plate segments (viewed from the
head end). The keys for the adjustment functions are marked by arrows. They are assigned to the
corresponding table plate segments.
The direction of movement of the individual functions is shown by the key illustrations.
All functions of the medifa 6000 are fully available via the handset (wired or infra-red). The functions are
shown simultaneously on the handset's display.

6.2.1 Notices on the infra-red handset (optional)

Explosion and fire hazard; danger of release of pollutants
– Use only the original charger. It ensures that the battery will not be damaged during charging.
– Only personnel that have been trained by medifa may replace the battery.

34 Translation of the user manual

User controls

The following instructions must be observed to ensure that the infra-red handset functions safely and
● The infra-red sensor on the lifting column must not be obstructed by obstacles (cloths, sheets, etc.).
● The signal path between the transmitter (handset) and the receiver (infra-red sensor on the lifting
column) must always be unobstructed. The signal range is 3 m.
● The battery of the infra-red handset may only be charged with the corresponding mains charger.

Figure 19: Power supply for the infra-red handset

Figure 20: Charging station and power plug for the infra-red handset

● Notify medifa customer service if the infra-red handset battery is malfunctioning.

medifa 6000 35
User controls

6.2.2 Operation and functionality of the keys

Press down on the key Function is enabled

Release the key Function is deactivated (thus immediately interrupting the procedure)

medifa 6000







Figure 21: Handset for model 601700

Symbol on Symbol on Name Function and operation

handset display

Battery is empty: red Display.

< 20% capacity!
Charge the battery immediately. Stop using the
medifa 6000 and charge it.
4 Recognizing the battery charging mode and
charging status, Page 54

Battery status normal: Display.

yellow 79 – 20% capacity: working mode. The batteries
are ready for use.

36 Translation of the user manual

User controls

Symbol on Symbol on Name Function and operation

handset display

Battery is full: green Display.

100 – 80% capacity: batteries are full. The medifa
6000 can be unplugged from the mains power
supply and used in surgery.

Key not used.

Key not used.

Normal position The normal head position: The patient's head is on

the head end of the table plate.
The display does not show a symbol indicating this
normal position.
4 Normal position, Page 63

Reverse position The medifa 6000 is aligned in the reverse position:

The patient's head is at the foot end of the table
4 Reverse position, Page 64

No display BRAKE If the red brake icon appears on the display, the
Brake engaged brake has been engaged.
The medifa 6000 is braked. All functions are
4 Braking the medifa 6000 and releasing the
brake, Page 59

BRAKE If the red brake icon appears on the display, the

Brake released brake is released.
The medifa 6000 is not braked. All functions
except the Trendelenburg are locked.

medifa 6000 37
User controls

Symbol on Symbol on Name Function and operation

handset display

HEIGHT Moves the entire table plate up.

Upwards height 4 HEIGHT, Page 65

HEIGHT Moves the entire table plate down.

Downwards height This is the position for loading and unloading the
adjustment patient, and for driving/moving the medifa 6000.
4 HEIGHT, Page 65

TILT LEFT Tilt the table top (at the lengthwise axis) to the
Lateral left left.
4 Lateral position (TILT RIGHT / TILT LEFT), Page

TILT RIGHT Tilt the table top (at the lengthwise axis) to the
Lateral right right.
4 Lateral position (TILT RIGHT / TILT LEFT), Page

TREND Tilt the table top (at the transverse axis) into a
Trendelenburg lowered-head position.
4 Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg (TREND/
REV.TREND), Page 67

REV.TREND Tilt the table top (at the transverse axis) into a
Reverse Trendelenburg lowered-feet position.
4 Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg (TREND/
REV.TREND), Page 67

FLEX FLEX position Table plate moves to the FLEX position.

4 FLEX and REFLEX, Page 73

REFLEX position Table plate moves to the REFLEX position.

4 FLEX and REFLEX, Page 73

BACK DN BACK DN The back plate (optionally with attached head

Back downwards plate accessory) is tilted downwards.
4 Back plate (BACK UP/BACK DN), Page 71

38 Translation of the user manual

User controls

Symbol on Symbol on Name Function and operation

handset display

BACK UP BACK UP The back plate (optionally with attached head

Back upwards plate accessory) is tilted upwards.
4 Back plate (BACK UP/BACK DN), Page 71

KIDNEY DN KIDNEY DN The upper back plate (optionally with attached

Kidney bridge head plate accessory) is tilted downwards.
downwards 4 Kidney bridge (KIDNEY UP / KIDNEY DN), Page

KIDNEY UP KIDNEY UP The upper back plate (optionally with attached

Kidney bridge upwards head plate accessory) is tilted upwards.
4 Kidney bridge (KIDNEY UP / KIDNEY DN), Page

LEVEL All electrically powered table segments move to

LEVEL their horizontal positions.
Home position
4 Home position (LEVEL), Page 76

On/off switch for Switches the handset on and off. Any function can
handset be selected after the table has been switched on.
The medifa 6000 is in standby mode after it is
switched on.

STOP / Emergency Stop This key can be pressed when a function does not
stop or if the medifa 6000 moves unintentionally
and independently.
Action: Press STOP. Immediately stops the
problematic function.
To restore functionality, the main power switch
must be switched off and on again.
4 Interrupting adjustments to the medifa
6000, Page 34

6.3 Column keypad

The column keypad of the medifa 6000 is a control unit that is permanently mounted on the metal panel
of the lifting column. The column keypad has backlit illumination. A simplified graphic of the medifa 6000
is shown on the column keypad. The upper section of the keypad shows the functions of the table top; the
functions of the lifting column are shown below. The keys for the adjustment functions are indicated by
arrows. The direction of movement refers to the illustration of the column keypad and not necessarily to
the actual direction of movement of the medifa 6000 (since the patient's position can be changed by
pressing the keys).

medifa 6000 39
User controls

6.3.1 Operation and functionality of the keys

Press down on the key Function is enabled

Release the key Function is deactivated (thus immediately interrupting the procedure)

Figure 22: Column keypad for model 601700

Symbol Name Function and operation

STOP / Emergency Stop This key can be pressed when a function does not stop or if the
medifa 6000 moves unintentionally and independently.
Action: Press STOP. Immediately stops the problematic function.
The STOP key is enabled even when the column keypad is locked!
To restore functionality, the main power switch must be switched
off and on again.
4 Interrupting adjustments to the medifa 6000, Page 34

Key lock on The controls of the column keypad are locked. This prevents a
LED off function from being accidentally carried out.

Key lock off The keys are unlocked and enabled. The keypad will lock
LED green automatically 10 seconds after the last key press on the column

40 Translation of the user manual

User controls

Symbol Name Function and operation

Battery status: empty < 20% capacity!

The battery is empty Charge the battery immediately.
Red LED Stop using the medifa 6000 and charge it.
4 Charging the medifa 6000, Page 52

Battery status: normal 79 – 20% capacity: working mode. The batteries are ready for use.
Batteries are okay
LED yellow

Battery status: full 100 – 80% capacity: batteries are full. The medifa 6000 can be
Battery full unplugged from the mains power supply and used in surgery.
LED green

LOAD No power cord is connected. Power is supplied by the lead-gel

Battery-powered mode batteries.
LED off

LOAD Power cord is connected. The medifa 6000 is charging. The medifa
Battery is charging 6000 may not be used in surgery while charging.
Red LED 4 Charging the medifa 6000, Page 52

On/Off switch on the Switches the column keypad on and off.

column keypad 4 Switching the medifa 6000 on and off, Page 49

BRAKE The BRAKE key must be pressed for 5 to 10 seconds before this
Brake engaged braking function is enabled. The medifa 6000 is braked when this
LED is off. All functions are unlocked.
LED off
4 Releasing the brake, Page 60

BRAKE The BRAKE key must be pressed for 5 to 10 seconds before this
Brake released braking function is enabled.
Red LED A red LED indicates that the medifa 6000 is not braked, the brake
system is not fully extended, or the medifa 6000 is not completely
chocked. All functions except the Trendelenburg are locked.
4 Braking the medifa 6000, Page 59

medifa 6000 41
User controls

Symbol Name Function and operation

Normal position disabled The normal position is disabled. The LED is off. The reverse position
LED off has been selected.

Normal position enabled The normal head position: The patient's head is on the head end of
LED blue the table plate.
4 Normal position, Page 63

Reverse position disabled The reverse position is disabled. The LED is off. The normal position
LED off has been selected.

Reverse position enabled Foot position: The patient's head is at the foot end of the table
LED blue plate.
4 Reverse position, Page 64

KIDNEY UP KIDNEY UP The upper back plate (optionally with attached head plate
Kidney bridge upwards accessory) is tilted upwards.
4 Kidney bridge (KIDNEY UP / KIDNEY DN), Page 75

KIDNEY DN KIDNEY DN The upper back plate (optionally with attached head plate
Kidney bridge downwards accessory) is tilted downwards.
4 Kidney bridge (KIDNEY UP / KIDNEY DN), Page 75

BACK UP BACK UP The back plate (optionally with attached head plate accessory) is
Back upwards tilted upwards.
4 Back plate (BACK UP/BACK DN), Page 71

BACK DN BACK DN The back plate (optionally with attached head plate accessory) is
Back downwards tilted downwards.
4 Back plate (BACK UP/BACK DN), Page 71

REFLEX position Table plate moves to the REFLEX position.

4 FLEX and REFLEX, Page 73

42 Translation of the user manual

User controls

Symbol Name Function and operation

FLEX FLEX position Table plate moves to the FLEX position.

4 FLEX and REFLEX, Page 73

HEIGHT Moves the entire table plate up.

Upwards height 4 HEIGHT, Page 65

HEIGHT Moves the entire table plate down.

Downwards height 4 HEIGHT, Page 65

TREND Tilt the table top (at the transverse axis) into a lowered-head
Trendelenburg position.
4 Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg (TREND/REV.TREND), Page

REV.TREND Tilt the table top (at the transverse axis) into a lowered-feet
Reverse Trendelenburg position.
4 Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg (TREND/REV.TREND), Page

TILT LEFT Tilt the table top (at the lengthwise axis) to the left.
Lateral left 4 Lateral position (TILT RIGHT / TILT LEFT), Page 69

TILT RIGHT Tilt the table top (at the lengthwise axis) to the right.
Lateral right 4 Lateral position (TILT RIGHT / TILT LEFT), Page 69

LEVEL All electrically powered table segments move to their horizontal

LEVEL positions.
Home position
4 Home position (LEVEL), Page 76

medifa 6000 43
User controls

6.4 Foot switch (optional)

The three basic functions (Trendelenburg, height adjustment and lateral position) can be quickly selected
using the optional foot switch.
The foot switch is powered by the internal 5V power supply of the medifa 6000.

Figure 23: Foot switch with 3 pedals

Tripping hazard
The foot switch should be positioned so that you cannot trip over the foot switch or its cables.

44 Translation of the user manual

User controls

6.4.1 Operation and functionality of the pedals

Pedal Symbol Function

Right The basic functions can be selected from left to right and switched
using the right pedal. Each pedal press advances one function further.
The corresponding LED lights up blue.

Height adjustment


Lateral adjustment

Left Upwards height adjustment

The medifa 6000 starts up and the function LED
lights up.

Reverse Trendelenburg
The medifa 6000 moves to the reverse
Trendelenburg position and the function LED lights

Lateral left
The medifa 6000 tilts laterally to the left and the
function LED lights up.

Middle Downwards height adjustment

The medifa 6000 is lowered and the function LED
lights up.

The medifa 6000 moves to the Trendelenburg
position and the function LED lights up.

Lateral right
The medifa 6000 tilts laterally to the right and the
function LED lights up.

medifa 6000 45
User controls

6.5 Manual safety system (optional)

The optional manual safety system on the lifting column (to the right of the column keypad of the medifa
6000) secures the functionality of the OP table in the event of the failure of all electrical functions due to
an electronic outage. The electrical functions are triggered with the foot pedal.
The patient positioning functions are selected at the controls and then adjusted to the desired position
using the foot pedals at the base.

Figure 24: Safety system with left and right function selector switch

Figure 25: Foot lever of manual safety system

46 Translation of the user manual

User controls

6.5.1 Operations and functions of the safety system

In the event that there is a failure of all electrical functions, the medifa 6000 can still be operated with the
manual safety system.

Use this only when the electronic functions are not functioning.
The safety system should only be used if there is a power outage (only when absolutely necessary).

Danger of malfunction
After the functionality is restored,
the function selector switches at the control panel may be set incorrectly. This can cause a malfunction if
the handset is used.
– Switch off the medifa 6000 at the main switch.
– Switch the main switch back on.
9 The selector switches at the control panel are then automatically set to their zero positions.

Limited function:
The lengthwise shift (SLIDE) cannot be adjusted using the safety system.

Figure 26: Safety system

medifa 6000 47
User controls

The control panel shows six different patient positions for the table. The selector switches must be set for
the corresponding patient positioning. The foot pedals are used here.

Description Selector switch Selector switch Foot pedal Foot pedal

Left Right UP DOWN

Kidney – upper back 1 0 x

section upwards

Kidney – upper back 1 0 x

section downwards

Back – lower back 2 0 x

section upwards

Back – lower back 2 0 x

section downwards

Brake – brake engaged 3 0 x

Brake – release brake 3 0 x

For model with stability
cylinder: Stability
cylinders are retracted

Lateral – on the right side 0 1 x

of the patient

Lateral – on the left side 0 1 x

of the patient

Trendelenburg – 0 2 x

Trendelenburg – 0 2 x

Height – upwards 0 3 x

Height – downwards 0 3 x

48 Translation of the user manual

Switching the medifa 6000 on and off

7 Switching the medifa 6000 on and off

Risk of injury
– Do not crush or run over mains power cables or equipotential bonding cables. Do not use cables
which have been damaged.
– Remove the cables before changing the location of the table. If there are any concerns about the
safety of the mains or equipotential bonding cables, only use the internal power supply until the
problematic cable is replaced.
– Only use the medifa 6000 on an electrically conductive floor and with an equipotential bonding cable
– The connection point for the equipotential bonding cable at the medifa 6000 complies with IEC

Figure 27: Main switch and connection for the equipotential bonding

medifa 6000 49
Switching the medifa 6000 on and off

7.1 Establishing the equipotential bonding

Risk of personal injury due to electric shock
When the medifa 6000 is connected to the equipotential bonding in the room, the risk of patient-related
leakage currents is reduced. This also ensures equipotential bonding with all other connected medical

1. Connecting the equipotential bonding cable 2. Connect with the equipotential bonding in
at the equipotential connection (male port) the room.
at the base of the medifa 6000.

50 Translation of the user manual

Switching the medifa 6000 on and off

7.2 Switching on the medifa 6000

1. Switch on the main switch.

2. Press the on/off switch on the handset or on the column keypad.

After it is switched on, the red brake symbol appears in the handset display.

3. Hold down the BRAKE key on the handset until the function switches off after
approx. 5 to 10 seconds. The table can now be moved.
4 Braking the medifa 6000 and releasing the brake, Page 59

The battery and charging indicators on the handset and on the column keypad show when the power cord
is plugged into the medifa 6000 and the current charging state of the lead-gel batteries.

7.3 Switching off the medifa 6000

1. Press the on/off switch on the handset or on the column keypad. The lighting on
the handset and on the column keypad goes out.

2. Turn the main switch off.

There are certain situations where the medifa 6000 should be switched off using the main switch:

● After the batteries have been delivered and charged, if a long downtime follows. 4 When the device
has not been used for a long time, Page 94

● Before a long downtime or pause

● Before every cleaning and disinfection

medifa 6000 51
Charging the medifa 6000

8 Charging the medifa 6000

Danger of electrocution and loss of life
– The medifa 6000 should be set up and positioned so that all plugs and device functions are easy to
– The medifa 6000 may only be connected to a power supply network that uses a cable with a
protective earth conductor. This eliminates the risk of electric shock.
Cables that are pinched or have insulation damage may no longer be used. Such cables must be
replaced immediately.
– Cables should be replaced if there are any concerns that they are not in perfect condition. Use only
the internal power supply until the problematic cable has been replaced.

Danger of explosion when using combustible mixtures of anaesthetics and air!
The medifa 6000 is not intended for use in an oxygen-enriched environment while it is being charged
from the mains power supply. Usage in such environments is only permitted when running on battery

Danger of explosion!
Detergents, alcohol-based disinfectants or flammable anaesthetic mixtures, when mixed with air,
oxygen-enriched air or nitrous oxide, may cause an explosion.

Danger of personal injury posed by stumbling hazard.
Do not roll or squeeze the power cord! Route the cable so that nobody can trip or fall over it!

Observe the mains voltage!
– The medifa 6000 must only be connected to the voltage specified on the ratings plate!
– Do not extend the mains cable. Do not use an extension cable! The permissible value of the patient
leakage current will be exceeded if you use an extension! Only use the original power cord!
– Charge the medifa 6000 immediately after surgery, so that it is always ready for use.

52 Translation of the user manual

Charging the medifa 6000

The medifa 6000 must be fully charged before its initial use.

1. Plug the power cable into table's power socket.

2. Plug the power cable into a power outlet.

3. Turn on the main switch at the base of the medifa 6000. Look at the column
keypad to check if the medifa 6000 is charging.

Approximately 9 seconds later, the LED on the column keypad next to the battery
symbol lights up green.

After 2 hours of charging time, an approximate 30% charge will be reached: after
5 hours 80%, and after 9 hours 100% charging capacity.

During this entire charging process, the handset will display the green charging
symbol. There is no charging progress bar.

4. Disconnect the medifa 6000 from the power supply by pulling the power cable
socket from the room's power outlet.

5. The LED on the column keypad next to LOAD goes out after changing to battery
operated mode.
6. Pull the plug of the power cable out of the socket at the bottom of the table's

Risk of personal injury!
Do not make electric motor-drive adjustments of the medifa 6000 while disconnecting the power supply!

medifa 6000 53
Charging the medifa 6000

8.1 Recognizing the battery charging mode and charging status

Symbol for Symbol on Description
column keypad handset

80 – 100 % of charge capacity

A fully charged battery ensures that the electrical functions
can be used for about 8 hours.

20 – 79 % of charge capacity

0 – 20 % of charge capacity
Charge the medifa 6000 immediately!

The medifa 6000 is connected to a power supply. The

batteries are being charged.

The medifa 6000 is not connected to a power supply. The

batteries are not charging.

Danger for the patient
If the battery status changes to red (under 20 % charge), the medifa 6000 must be taken immediately out
of the surgery room and charged.
There would otherwise be a risk to the patient due to batteries that are not ready for use or that are no
longer functional.
The medifa 6000 may be connected to the power supply so that the patient can be brought to a safe
position once.
– First, connect the power cable to the medifa 6000 and then to the power supply.
– Move the patient into a safe position.
– Move the medifa 6000 immediately out of the surgery room and recharge it in a separate room.

54 Translation of the user manual

Charging the medifa 6000

8.2 Possible malfunctions and causes

Problems and faults Cause Remedy

The medifa 6000 cannot be The lead-gel batteries of the Connect the medifa 6000 to the
switched on. medifa 6000 are completely power supply.

The medifa 6000 cannot be The controller electronics, mains Notify the Technical Support
charged. The battery status cable or input fuses (two 4 AT) department.
indicator remains red. are defective.

The medifa 6000 cannot be The power input on the medifa Notify the Technical Support
charged. The charge mode 6000 is defective. department.
indicator does not light up.

medifa 6000 55
Transporting patients

9 Transporting patients

There is a risk of personal injury when the medifa 6000 is tilted.
The OP table could tip over when it crosses a threshold.
The medifa 6000 may only be moved or driven using two persons and when it is at its lowest height!

There is a risk of personal injury from being crushed!
Be careful not to get your feet caught under the chassis when turning or moving the medifa 6000.

Danger of collision!
Be very careful when transporting the medifa 6000. Make sure that there are no collisions with
bystanders or furniture!
– Make yourself familiar with the drive characteristics and handling of the table before you transport a
patient for the first time.

9.1 Notices on patient transport

The following conditions must be met before the medifa 6000 is moved:

1. Move the medifa 6000 to its home position by pressing the LEVEL key.
2. Adjust the spreadable leg plates by hand so that they are parallel to the
lengthwise direction of the medifa 6000.

3. Remove or fold away any accessories from the medifa 6000.

4. Move the tabletop to the lowest position by pressing the HEIGHT key.

5. Disconnect the mains power plug and the equipotential bonding cable

Damage to the cables
Before driving the medifa 6000, make sure you disconnect the equipotential bonding from the medifa
6000. When driving the medifa 6000, do not roll over or pinch the connecting/equipotential bonding

56 Translation of the user manual

Transporting patients

9.2 Transporting patients with the mechanical fifth wheel

The fifth wheel can be moved out and in. It is centrally located under the base of the medifa 6000.
The fifth wheel can only move straight. It must be retracted while the table is being moved sideways.

Danger for the patient
Monitor and carefully check the movement of the medifa 6000! A defect or a fault in the electronics can
cause the brake assist function to fail.
If the optional manual safety system is available, the brake can be operated using that system.

1. Move the foot pedal to its uppermost 2. Press the fifth wheel pedal down.
position as far as it will go. The fifth wheel is retracted.
The fifth wheel is extended.

3. Push/pull the medifa 6000 manually with two

persons. You control the direction, speed and

9.3 Transporting patients without the fifth wheel

1. Press the BRAKE key on the handset or on the column keypad to release the
brakes on the medifa 6000.
Hold down the BRAKE key until the function switches off after approx. 5 to 10

2. Wait until the red brake symbol appears in the handset's display. The brake is

medifa 6000 57
Transporting patients

3. The LED next to the BRAKE key lights up red on the column keypad.

4. Push/pull the medifa 6000 manually with two persons. You control the direction,
speed and stopping.

9.4 Stability cylinders (optional)

The stability cylinders ensure better stability for the medifa 6000.

Figure 28: Stability cylinder at the base

Moving the stability cylinder out

1. Stop the table.

2. Press the BRAKE key on the handset or the column keypad until the stability
cylinders are fully extended.

Retracting the stability cylinder

1. Press the BRAKE key on the handset or the column keypad until the brake icon on
the handset display disappears.
2. The table can now be moved.

58 Translation of the user manual

Braking the medifa 6000 and releasing the brake

10 Braking the medifa 6000 and releasing the brake

Symbol on Symbol on the Description

handset column keypad

Brake key
The medifa 6000 is currently braked or the brake is being
released. Press the key for at least 5 to 10 seconds until the
function is triggered.

Not braked: red

The medifa 6000 is not braked or the brake system is not fully
extended. All functions except Trendelenburg are disabled when
the table is not braked.

Brake engaged
The medifa 6000 is braked. All functions are unlocked.
Nothing is displayed on the handset.

10.1 Braking the medifa 6000

Danger for the patient
Do not use the brake while you are driving the medifa 6000! Stop the medifa 6000 first.

1. Bring the medifa 6000 to a halt.

2. When not braked, the brake symbol on the handset is lit red.
3. The LED next to the BRAKE key lights up red on the column keypad.

4. Hold down the BRAKE key on the handset or the column keypad until the function
switches off after approx. 5 to 10 seconds.
5. The red LED goes out on the column keypad.

6. The medifa 6000 is now braked. All adjustment functions are now enabled.

medifa 6000 59
Braking the medifa 6000 and releasing the brake

10.2 Releasing the brake

When braked, no brake symbol lights up on the handset display.

The LED next to the BRAKE key does not light up on the column keypad.

1. To release the brake using the column keypad, press the BRAKE key until the LED
lights red.

2. To release the brake using the handset, press the BRAKE key.

When the brake is released, a red display symbol appears on the handset. Only
the Trendelenburg adjustment is possible.

3. The brake is now released. The medifa 6000 can now be moved. Check this before
you start driving the table.

Adjusting the brake with the safety system

The optional manual safety system on the lifting column (to the right of the column keypad of the medifa
6000) secures the functionality of the OP table in the event of the failure of all electrical functions due to
an electronic outage.

Description Selector switch on Selector switch on Foot pedal UP Foot pedal DOWN
the left the right

Brake – release brake 3 0 x

Brake – brake engaged 3 0 x

60 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11 Positioning the patient

Patients are at risk if there is a malfunction!
The electrical functions must not be carried out continuously. One minute of electrical operation must be
followed by 9 minutes of no electrical operations. Otherwise, an overload can occur and functions may
The load limits must be strictly observed!

Danger for the patient!
We cannot completely rule out the possibility of a malfunction of the medifa 6000 according to current
state of the art technology. In this rare case, the motor-driven functions would no longer be available
during the surgery.
If there is an electrical malfunction, it is possible to change the patient's position using suitable aids (e.g.
by placing cushions under the patient) or by extricating the patient from the medifa 6000.
If the medifa 6000 is equipped with a manual safety system, use this safety system to secure the patient
in the proper position.

Danger of being crushed
There is a danger of being crushed by moving parts. Familiarize yourself with how the table works before
using it. Danger of injury due to protruding parts.

Danger for the patient: monitor the patient's situation!
Monitor the patient's position on the medifa 6000 continuously to prevent any injuries.

medifa 6000 61
Positioning the patient

11.1 Preparing the medifa 6000 to hold the patient

1. The medifa 6000 must be disconnected from the external power supply. The lead-
gel batteries must be fully charged.

2. Switch on the medifa 6000 at the main switch.

3. Switch on the handset and the column keypad.

4. Brake the medifa 6000 if it is not already braked.

5. Check the handset to verify that the charge status indicator is green or yellow.

6. Cover the medifa 6000 with sterile towels

7. Prepare the medifa 6000 (along with the accessories and controls). 4 Configuring
the medifa 6000 before surgery, Page 77

8. Unlock the key lock on the column keypad (by pressing the ACTIVATE
MOVEMENTS key) before using it. The LED above the lock key will turn green to
indicate that the keypad is unlocked. You should immediately perform the desired
adjustments, since the keypad will automatically lock after ten seconds.

Any improper attachments pose a danger to the patient!
– Check all table segments and accessories to make sure that they are safely attached before using the
medifa 6000! It is possible for loose components to slip out of position.
– Controls should only be loosened while they are being adjusted; they should then be re-tightened
– Check to make sure that all fasteners are secure!

62 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11.2 Positioning patients

Danger for the patient!
Risk of personal injury! Patient extremities must not protrude over the ends of the table!
Components which are under improper loads can break off from the medifa 6000 or cause the medifa
6000 to tilt. The patient may only get on or off in the area of ​the lifting column over the seat plate!

Sequence for adjusting to a desired patient position:

1. Decide whether the patient should be in the normal position or the reverse position. Some
conversion measures are required for the reverse position.
2. To adjust the medifa 6000, press the function key on the keypad until the desired position has been
reached. The particular function stops when the key is released. Less than one minute touch time is
3. First, use the height adjustment mechanism to set the desired working height.
4. Select the desired patient position.
5. Lift the patients on the medifa 6000 to the desired position; do not pull the patient over the
cushions. The corresponding body parts of the patient should be lifted after each change in position.
Any folds or shear forces must be eliminated.
6. Secure the patient before making the adjustment. Make sure they remain properly secured during
the adjustment.

11.3 Normal position

Column keypad Handset Description

Normal position
The normal head position: The patient's head is on the
head end of the table plate. The position of the
patient's head must always match the position shown
on the displays of the handset and column keypad!

medifa 6000 63
Positioning the patient

11.4 Reverse position

For certain positions, it is possible to set up the table plate in reverse, such that the patient's position is
reversed on the table plate but the display on the column keypad no longer matches the head position of
the patient.
Some table functions (such as Trendelenburg or Lateral) are then reversed. In this case, the patient's head
position must be manually set to the corresponding head position using the REVERSE key. After this, the
table movements will be carried out correctly. After the medifa 6000 is switched off and back on, the
normal patient position is always activated and displayed on the column keypad.
For the reverse position, some reconfiguration steps are required; these depend on the functionality of
your medifa 6000.

No reverse position is possible when the total weight is greater than 250 kg.
The reverse position may only used with a total load on the medifa 6000 that is not greater than 250 kg.
Do not use the reverse position with a total load of over 250 kg on the medifa 6000.

1. Press the REVERSE key on the column keypad or on the handset. The figure of the small red man
appears in the handset display. The blue LED lights up on the column keypad next to the patient

Column keypad Handset Description

Reverse position
Foot position: The patient's head is at the
foot end of the table plate.

64 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

The height adjustment moves the entire table plate up or down.
For certain functions (such as the Trendelenburg and lateral), the height adjustment is always the first
function used to set the desired table plate height.
Each time the patient is raised or lowered, the medifa 6000 is brought to its lowest position and then
moved to the working height with the patient lying down.

Danger for the patient!
The patient may only get on or off in the area of ​the lifting column over the seat plate!
4 Warning stickers on the medifa 6000, Page 18

Danger for the patient!
Lowering the table plate may result in a collision with the chassis, floor or other objects that are under
the table plate (which may be obscured by cloths or pads).
Pay attention to the downwards adjusted table segments! Clear the area under the table plate or move
the corresponding table segments (leg / back plate joints) upwards. Then move the table plate

1050 mm
690 mm

Figure 29: Height adjustment

medifa 6000 65
Positioning the patient

Column keypad Handset Foot switch Description

Height adjustment up

Height adjustment down

Adjusting the height using the safety system

Description Selector switch on Selector switch on Foot pedal UP Foot pedal DOWN
the left the right

Height – upwards 0 3 x

Height – downwards 0 3 x

66 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11.6 Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg (TREND/REV.TREND)

In this position, the table plate is tilted along its transverse axis.

Danger to patients due to collision hazard!
When tilting the table plate (Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg), collisions can occur with the lifting
column, floor or other objects that are located under the table plate and may be covered by cloths or
Always monitor all movements of the table plate to minimize this risk. Clear the area under the table
plate, adjust the table plate to a higher position or move the corresponding table segments further
upwards. Then adjust the table to the desired Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg position.
There is a danger of jamming and injury when this Trendelenburg function is adjusted at the lowest table
height. The table segments of the upper back part would then collide with the base of the medifa 6000.

30° 30°

Figure 30: Trendelenburg / reverse Trendelenburg position

medifa 6000 67
Positioning the patient

Column keypad Handset Foot switch Description

Table plate tilted (at the transverse axis) into a
lowered-head position.

Reverse Trendelenburg
Table plate tilted (at the transverse axis) into a
lowered-feet position.

Adjusting the Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg using the safety system

Description Selector switch on Selector switch on Foot pedal UP Foot pedal DOWN
the left the right

Trendelenburg – upwards 0 2 x

Trendelenburg – downwards 0 2 x

68 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11.7 Lateral position (TILT RIGHT / TILT LEFT)

For the lateral function, the table plate is tilted along its lengthwise axis to the left or right.
Lateral adjustments are not permitted while driving the table!

There is a risk of personal injury when the medifa 6000 is tilted.
No lateral adjustments may be made when the table is under its maximum load!

20° 20°

Figure 31: Lateral adjustment

medifa 6000 69
Positioning the patient

Column keypad Handset Foot switch Description

Lateral left

Lateral right

Adjusting the lateral position using the safety system (optional)

Description Selector switch on Selector switch on Foot pedal UP Foot pedal DOWN
the left the right

Lateral – on the right side of 0 1 x

the patient

Lateral – on the left side of 0 1 x

the patient

70 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11.8 Back plate (BACK UP/BACK DN)

The back plate is firmly attached to the pelvic plate. The back plate joints can only be adjusted
synchronously. The back plate function causes the back plate to tilt upwards or downwards (along with a
plate segment possibly coupled to the head side).



Figure 32: Adjusting the back section

medifa 6000 71
Positioning the patient

Column keypad Handset Description

BACK UP BACK UP Back plate upwards

The back plate (optionally with attached head
plate accessory) is tilted upwards.

BACK DN BACK DN Back plate downwards

The back plate (optionally with attached head
plate accessory) is tilted downwards.

Adjusting the back plate using the safety system (optional)

Description Selector switch on Selector switch on Foot pedal UP Foot pedal DOWN
the left the right

Back – lower back section 2 0 x


Back – lower back section 2 0 x


72 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11.9 FLEX and REFLEX

Using the FLEX and REFLEX functions, the pelvic and back sections of the table plate move simultaneously
to create an angled bend.


15° 15°

Figure 33: Flex position: Reverse Trendelenburg and back plate downwards


35° 25°

Figure 34: Reflex position: Trendelenburg and back plate up.

medifa 6000 73
Positioning the patient

Column keypad Handset Description


Reverse Trendelenburg function and back plate

Trendelenburg function and back plate up

11.10 Leg plates and head plate

Danger to patients: danger of clamping and collision
Watch out for motor movements! When the leg plate joints are lowered, there is a risk of collision with
the lifting column or the chassis, especially during the Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg and
lateral adjustments!



- 90°

Figure 35: Leg plates and head plate, maximum range of motion

The head plate and the leg plates are adjusted manually.

74 Translation of the user manual

Positioning the patient

11.11 Kidney bridge (KIDNEY UP / KIDNEY DN)

The upper back plate is coupled to the lower back plate. The upper back plate joints can only be adjusted
synchronously. By combining the back plate positions "upper back plate down" and "lower back plate up",
you can adjust the position to make a kidney bridge.

650 mm
127 mm

Figure 36: Kidney bridge

Column keypad Handset Description

KIDNEY UP KIDNEY UP The upper back plate (optionally with attached

head plate accessory) is tilted upwards.

KIDNEY DN KIDNEY DN The upper back plate (optionally with attached

head plate accessory) is tilted downwards.

medifa 6000 75
Positioning the patient

Adjusting the kidney bridge using the safety system (optional)

Description Selector switch on Selector switch on Foot pedal UP Foot pedal DOWN
the left the right

Kidney – upper back section 1 0 x


Kidney – upper back section 1 0 x


11.12 Home position (LEVEL)

The home position is reached by automatically moving the medifa 6000 into a horizontal position.
This movement takes place in a defined sequence:
Combined movement in which the motor joints make a horizontal adjustment of the table plate, the
reverse Trendelenburg or Trendelenburg positions, the lateral position, or the back adjustment.
Before moving into the home position, make sure that the spreadable leg plates are not overlapping.
Position the accessories so that there is no risk of collisions during the movement to the home position.

Column keypad Handset Description

All electrically powered table segments move to

LEVEL LEVEL their horizontal positions.

76 Translation of the user manual

Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery

12 Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery

12.1 Attaching and removing the accessories

Risk of injury when attaching heavy accessories
There is a risk that personnel can be injured whenever the health and safety regulations are not
Make sure that you do not injure your back while moving the heavy plate segments and accessories and
while making manual adjustments to the medifa 6000 (with or without a patient).
Work with an additional person when necessary. Never connect or disconnect multiple plate segments
or heavy, bulky accessories at the same time. Hold the equipment and parts securely and do not drop

Danger for the patient!
The coupling points must be checked that they are securely fastened before the patient gets on the
table! Pay attention to the safety and release levers.

12.2 Attaching and adjusting the head and leg plates

Danger for the patient!
The square couplings must be checked to make sure they are securely fastened before the patient gets
on the table!
Pay attention to the safety levers.

medifa 6000 77
Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery

12.2.1 Attaching and adjusting the split leg plates

Risk of injury!
Always use both hands when working with the table! This is necessary for safety reasons, since the
operator has to apply his own physical strength for the adjustment depending on the body weight of the

1. Insert the two square bolts of the leg plate 2. Hold the leg plate and tighten the locking
into the square openings on the table. The lever [1] on the table down to secure the leg
locking lever [1] must be turned upwards. plate to the table.

3. Hold the leg plate and pull up the release 4. Hold the leg plate and bring it into the
lever [2] under the foot end of the leg plate. desired position with the release lever [2]
pulled out.
5. Release the release lever [2]. The leg plate is
now locked into its end position.

78 Translation of the user manual

Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery

12.2.2 Swivelling the split leg plates

1. Loosen the black star knob screw [1] on the 2. Swing the leg plate into the desired position.
hinge of the leg plate. 3. Tighten the black star knob screw [1] on the
hinge of the leg plate.

12.2.3 Removing the split leg plates

1. Hold the leg plate and turn up the release 2. Pull the leg plate out of the square openings
lever [1] on the table to tighten it. on the table.

12.2.4 Attaching and adjusting the head plate

Risk of injury!
Always use both hands when working with the table! This is necessary for safety reasons, since the
operator has to apply his own physical strength for the adjustment depending on the body weight of the

medifa 6000 79
Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery

1. Insert the two square bolts of the head plate 2. Hold the head plate and tighten the black star
into the square openings on the table. knob screws [1] on both sides of the table.

3. Hold the head plate and pull up the release 4. Hold the head plate and move it to the
lever [1] at the head end. desired position.
5. Release the release lever [2]. The head plate
is now locked into its end position.

12.2.5 Removing the head plate

1. Hold the head plate and loosen the black star 2. Pull the head plate out of the square
knob screws on both sides of the table. openings on the table.

80 Translation of the user manual

Configuring the medifa 6000 before surgery

12.3 Attaching and removing the cushions

12.3.1 Attaching the cushions

Safety instructions
– Only use original cushions from medifa!
– The patient should not be on the medifa 6000 when the cushions are not in place.
– If the table components are fastened correctly, the cushion edges should align flush with the medifa
– Do not place sharp objects in or on the cushions.
– Do not attach adhesive tape.

● The cushion is attached to the cushion plate using the peg holders.

1. Place the cushion on the cushion plate. Press 2. Check that the cushion is firmly attached to
the sockets in the cushion on the peg holders the OP table. The cushion must be secured
of the cushion plate. precisely on the cushion pad.

12.3.2 Removing the cushions

1. Grab the edge of the cushion under one edge

and pull it upwards.

medifa 6000 81
Load limits

13 Load limits
The load limits described below are calculated using the following formula:
Total weight (safe work load) = patient weight + accessory weight

13.1 Total load up to 250 kg

All possible adjustments in normal and reverse positions are permitted when the total load does not
exceed 250 kg.

13.2 Total load up to 454 kg

Normal position of patient

Figure 37: Normal position of patient

The centre of gravity of the safe work load must be positioned centrally above the lifting column.

No reverse position is possible when the total weight is greater than 250 kg.
The reverse position may only used with a total load on the medifa 6000 that is not greater than 250 kg.
Do not use the reverse position with a total load of over 250 kg on the medifa 6000.

82 Translation of the user manual

Preparing the medifa 6000 after it has been used

14 Preparing the medifa 6000 after it has been used

1. Switch off the medifa 6000 at the main switch. 4 Switching the medifa 6000 on and off, Page 49
2. Remove any accessories that have been attached. 4 Configuring the medifa 6000 before
surgery, Page 77
3. Clean and disinfect the accessories properly. Please follow the operating instructions for the
4. Clean and disinfect the medifa 6000. 4 Cleaning and disinfecting the medifa 6000, Page 83
5. Charge the lead-gel batteries. 4 Charging the medifa 6000, Page 52

14.1 Cleaning and disinfecting the medifa 6000

Risk of personal injury!
– Only cleaned and disinfected equipment and devices should be handed over to service technicians for
maintenance and repair work!
– Replace any cushioning that no longer complies with the relevant hygiene and infection
– Always disconnect the external power supply before starting any maintenance or cleaning on the
medifa 6000.
– Turn off the main switch!
– Make sure that no motor movements can occur!

Danger: incorrect maintenance may damage property!
The medifa 6000 is not suitable for an automated cleaning process!
Do not use a high-pressure cleaner! Due to the high pressure of the water jet, liquid could penetrate
through gaps or joints and damage the device (through corrosion).
Improper cleaning products can damage the surface!
When cleaning the device, do not use scouring cleansers or detergents and disinfectants containing
halide or peracetic acid.
For the plastic parts and cushions, do not use alcoholic or solvent-based (flammable) cleaning/
disinfecting agents!

The cleaning products for the cleaning and disinfection must comply with the applicable national
regulations for the medical sector and/or be listed by the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology /
Association for Applied Hygiene.
Follow the hospital's hygiene regulations!

medifa 6000 83
Preparing the medifa 6000 after it has been used

Clean contaminated products immediately! The cleaning/disinfection is limited to a regular wiping (not
dipping!) using the appropriate substance.

Risk of personal injury!
If incorrect cleaning products are used, the anti-static properties of the cushion (according to IEC
60601-1: DIN EN 60601-1) will be lost. Only use the specified cleaning agents and disinfectants!

14.1.1 Cleaning

ü For cleaning stainless steel and plastic parts, use a pH-neutral or slightly alkaline all-purpose
cleaner with surfactants for cleaning-active components.

ü If parts are heavily contaminated, use concentrated cleaner and then wipe with clear water.
1. For the cleaning, move the medifa 6000 to its highest table position and wipe with a damp cloth.
2. In this position, the panels of the lifting column can be pulled apart so they are easy to clean.
Remove the cushions in order to clean the bottom of the cushions and the table top!

14.1.2 Disinfecting

ü For disinfecting, follow the instructions of the disinfectant manufacturer!

1. Surface disinfectants based on alcohol or aldehyde are suitable for disinfecting the stainless steel
parts. For the plastic parts and cushions, only use aldehyde-based surface disinfectants. Alcohol-
based agents can damage the surface.

Recommended disinfectants

We recommend using the following disinfectants:

Disinfectant Manufacturer

Cleanisept / Wipes 5 % Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Optisept 7 % Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Biguanide Surface N 3 % Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Descosept PUR Wipes RTU Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Descosept Sensitive Wipes Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Descosept Special Wipes Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Ultrasol active 1 % Dr. Schumacher GmbH

Kohrsolin extra 4 % Bode Chemie GmbH

84 Translation of the user manual

Preparing the medifa 6000 after it has been used

Disinfectant Manufacturer

Kohrsolin FF Bode Chemie GmbH

Bacillol 30 foam Bode Chemie GmbH

Dismozon plus 3.6 % Bode Chemie GmbH

Antifect plus 0.5 % Schülke & Mayr GmbH

Microzide universal liquid, undiluted Schülke & Mayr GmbH

Terralin protect 2 % Schülke & Mayr GmbH

Incidin Pro Ecolab GmbH

Incidin Plus Ecolab GmbH

Incidin Active 3 % Ecolab GmbH

Incidin OxyWipe S Ecolab GmbH

Hexaquart lemon fresh 2 % B. Braun Melsungen AG

Meliseptol foam pure, undiluted B. Braun Melsungen AG

Meliseptol rapid, undiluted B. Braun Melsungen AG

FD 300 1 % Dürr Dental AG B. Braun Melsungen AG

FD 366, undiluted Dürr Dental AG

Biguacid S 2 % Antiseptica Dr. H.-J. Molitor GmbH

Descogen Liquid r.f.u. Antiseptica Dr. H.-J. Molitor GmbH

Dessan 2 0.25 % Franken Chemie GmbH & Co. KG

Franko-Cid N 0.25 Franken Chemie GmbH & Co. KG

Lysoformin special 0.75% Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH

The composition of these disinfectants was up to date on March 2019. Medifa GmbH & Co. KG does not
accept any liability for any changes to the formulation of the disinfectants by the manufacturers.

14.1.3 Drying
After cleaning and disinfecting, remove any excess moisture (for example, drops on the bottom edge of
the table top) using a dry cloth.

14.1.4 Disposal
Dispose of all cleaning and disinfectant residues in a proper and environmentally friendly manner!

medifa 6000 85
Troubleshooting and service – the we care.Code

15 Troubleshooting and service – the we care.Code

A we care.Code is attached to this product to assist you with problems and service requests. The sticker is
located next to the ratings plate on the lifting column.
This QR code can be scanned using your mobile phone camera or a QR Code app. By scanning the QR code
containing the product type and serial number, you gain access to a digital self-service with step-by-step
instructions for simple problems.
You can also use the QR code to access product documentation (user manual, etc.) and send service
requests directly to medifa.
If your mobile phone's configured language is not yet available in the we care.Code system, English will be
displayed. You can switch the language to English or German by tapping EN or DE.

1. Scan in the QR code. Your 2. Tap on "Troubleshooting". 3. Select the subject for which
product will be displayed you require assistance.
on the start page. You can
scroll down to view more
information about your
product and to download
supporting documents.

After you have selected the problem related to your product, you will receive step-by-step instructions on
how to fix it yourself.

86 Translation of the user manual

Troubleshooting and service – the we care.Code

You may submit a service request directly to medifa if you cannot solve the problem by yourself.

1. Tap on the < symbol in the 2. From the Home screen, tap 3. A window will open
header bar. on "CREATE TICKET". showing your existing
tickets (if any) for this
product. To create a new
ticket, tap on the plus
symbol (+) in the green
circle. After submitting the
ticket, you may optionally
enter your e-mail address
so that you can be
informed about updates to
the ticket.

4. Otherwise, you will need to 5. Tap on "CREATE TICKET" to 6. A window will open
re-scan the QR Code at a view the feedback on the showing your existing
later date. ticket you created. tickets for this product.

medifa 6000 87
Technical specifications

16 Technical specifications

16.1 Environmental conditions for the operation, storage and transport

Temperature -20 °C to 50°C (storage/transport)

+10 °C to +40 °C (operation)

Relative humidity 10% to 95% (storage/transport)

20% to 80% (operation)

Air pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa (storage/transport)

80 kPa to 106 kPa (operation)

16.2 Dimensions, weights and load limits

Dimensions of the table plate Length (with leg and back plates): 2080 mm

Width (with standard rails): 600 mm

Height 690 to 1050 mm

Height of cushions 60 mm or 80 mm SFC

Mass 190 kg

Maximum table load 454 kg (depending on the accessories used and the patient

Load on rails Along lengthwise axis: 100 Nm each

Along transverse axis: 150 Nm each

16.3 Electrical connection data

medifa 6000

Internal power supply 2 rechargeable batteries (lead-gel) 12 V / 18 Ah

External power supply 110 V / 230 V / 50 Hz – 60 Hz

Power consumption Max. 300 VA

Mains plug Country-specific, 3-metre connecting cable

Mains fuse Two 4 AT

Battery fuse type FKS-15A

88 Translation of the user manual

Technical specifications

Battery for the infra-red handset

Capacity 1200 mAh

Rated voltage: 3.7 V

Max. charging voltage 4.2 V

Charger for the infra-red handset

Power 9.5 W

Input voltage 100 – 240V

Frequency 50 – 60 Hz

DC voltage 4.2 VDC

Charging current 1.3 A

Charging voltage 7.35 V

16.4 Adjustment ranges

Height 690 – 1050 mm

Trendelenburg -30° to +30°

Laterally -20° to +20°

Flex 210°

Reflex 120°

Adjusting the back section -40° to +70°

(lower segment)

Adjusting the back section -35° to +50°

(upper segment)

16.5 Classification
Protection class 1

Degree of protection against electric shock Type B, according to IEC 60601

Degree of protection against penetration of water IP X4

Operating mode Continuous duty with intermittent load (CDIL)

1 minute function execution followed by a 9
minute break without functioning

medifa 6000 89
Technical specifications

16.6 EMC information

Intended environment for usage

● Professional health care facilities

Note: The transmission characteristics of this device allow it to be used in industrial environments and in
hospitals. When used in a residential area, this device may not provide adequate interference protection
for radio services. If necessary, the user must take corrective measures such as the reconfiguration of the
Key features of the medifa 6000:
● The medifa 6000 may not perform any unintentional movements under the influence of interference.

Impairments caused by electromagnetic radiation
– This medical device must not be used directly next to other devices. If necessary, the device should
be observed to verify its proper operation in the particular arrangement.
– The use of accessories, transformers, and cables other than those specified by medifa for this device
may result in increased electromagnetic emissions or reduced electromagnetic immunity of the
device. This can result in improper operation.
– Portable RF communications equipment (radios, including their accessories such as antenna cables
and external antennas) should not be used closer than 30 cm (12 inches) from the medifa 6000.

90 Translation of the user manual


17 Appendix

17.1 Delivery, unpacking and setting up

17.1.1 Delivery
The medifa 6000 is delivered on a pallet in a box. The ordered plate segments and accessories are
individually packed on the pallet or are already attached to the medifa 6000.

Dimensions of the packaging:

Length 1200 mm

Width 800 mm

Height 1050 mm

Mass 190 kg

Packaging 30 kg

Plus weight of additional equipment and accessories.

Danger of property damage!
The packaging is not weatherproof! Observe the instructions for storage. 4 Technical
specifications, Page 88

17.1.2 Unpacking and setting up

Danger: risk of personal injury when the medifa 6000 is tilted!
– Do not move or push the medifa 6000 over the edge of the pallet!
– Use at least two people to carefully move the medifa 6000 from the pallet onto a flat place!

Danger of damage to the electronics due to condensation!
During transport, there is a risk of condensation which could damage electronic components. After
receipt of the medifa 6000, you must wait a certain amount of time (we recommend at least 12 hours)
before switching it on or connecting it to an external power source. The medifa 6000 should be set up in
an environment that has the same ambient temperature and relative humidity as the room in which it
will be used.

medifa 6000 91

The following sequence must be followed for unpacking and setting up:

1. Unpack the medifa 6000 in a room with a level floor and sufficient free space for
unrolling from the pallet.

2. Park the pallet so that an area of ​approximately 1.5 m x 4 m is available.

3. Open the box at the top.

4. Undo the cardboard fastening at the bottom of the pallet.

5. Pull the box up and off.

6. Remove the delivered accessories.

7. Remove the tension straps and securing wood pieces.

8. Keep the medifa 6000 switched off and disconnected from the power supply for
at least 12 hours. This allows any condensate that has formed during transport to
evaporate completely.

9. Switch on the medifa 6000 at the main switch.

10. Then switch on the column keypad or the handset.

11. Release the brake on the medifa 6000. The brake is completely released when the
red LED next to the brake symbol lights up and the brake symbol on the handset
lights up red.

12. Push the medifa 6000 off the pallet.

13. Use the column keypad or handset to brake the medifa 6000. The medifa 6000 is
braked when the brake symbol at the handset and the red LED on the brake
symbol at the column keypad are no longer illuminated.

14. Dispose of the pallet and packaging material in an environmentally friendly


15. Charge the batteries on the medifa 6000 completely.

16. Switch off the medifa 6000 at the main switch.

92 Translation of the user manual


17.1.3 Symbols on the transport packaging

There are several handling symbols on the transport packaging.

Symbol Description
+50 °C
Temperature range for storage and transport: -20 °C to 50 °C.
-20 °C

95 %
Relative humidity for storage and transport: 10% to 95%.
10 %

106 kPa
Air pressure for storage and transport: 70 kPa to 106 kPa.
70 kPa

Protect the transport packaging against moisture.

Read the operating instructions.

Protect from sunlight.

Date of manufacture

Follow the instructions for disposal.

Data matrix code (UDI carrier)

Medical device

Date of manufacture

Article number

Serial number

This device is declared compliant with Regulation 2017/745

medifa 6000 93

17.2 When the device has not been used for a long time
When not in use, switch off the medifa 6000 at the main switch.
If the medifa 6000 has not been used for a long time, the batteries may not be fully charged. To prevent a
battery malfunction or outage, the batteries must be charged each month during periods when the
medifa 6000 is not being used.
Clean and disinfect the medifa 6000 before a period of long disuse.
Cover the cushions or cover the entire medifa 6000 in a foil (the cover material must be permeable to air).
The medifa 6000 must be stored in a dry place.

17.3 Disposal
The medifa 6000, accessories and packaging must be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. The
disposal of individual parts must also be carried out in an environmentally friendly manner (i.e. according
to the relevant legal regulations)!
For more information about the proper disposal of used devices, please contact medifa Technical Support,
your local dealer or the appropriate national authority.
The company medifa will take back old devices, defective devices, or products no longer in use. Contact
medifa Technical Support for more details.
If the medifa 6000 will be taken out of service (decommissioned), the lead-gel batteries must be removed
from the device by a medifa service technician or by a person authorized by medifa medifa 6000.
Send any removed unusable batteries, in suitable packaging, to medifa Technical Support.
Attention: the return package must be declared as dangerous goods according to Class 9/UN3480!
The company medifa will then ensure that the batteries are disposed of in an environmentally manner.

17.4 Accessories
Product name Article number Weight (kg) Permissible load (kg)

Head plate 61144 4.2 16

Head plate 61146 5.2 16

Small head plate 61143 3.2 16

Upper back plate 61250 9.8 72

Body bridge (only for variant 601120) 61655 - -

Three-piece back plate (only for variant 601120) 61385 10.6 80

Three-piece back plate (for 601700 and 601820) 61390 10.4 80

Extension for pelvic section 61125 10 80

One-piece leg plate 61625 16 80

Split leg plates 61615 20 80

94 Translation of the user manual


Product name Article number Weight (kg) Permissible load (kg)

Double-separated leg plate 61660 20 80

Carbon support plate 61690 8 50

Transfer leg plate 61635 2.5 20

Pediatric surgery plate 61633 12 80

Spreading segments 61355 2.5 10

Foot switch 604060 2.4 -

Infra-red handset 604070 0.5 -

Stability cylinder 50650 - -

Manual safety system 50655 - -

Connecting strut 61670 - -

Cassette slide 61640 3 -

Rinsing set 61120 0.3 -

Padded cushion 6000SF 0.3 -

Extension device with articulated supports 63000_1 60 250

Free-floating extension device 63000_1 60 136

Accessories trolley 341045 76 125

medifa 6000 95
Made in Germany

medifa GmbH
Industriestraße 5
57413 Finnentrop
fon +49 2721 7177-0
fax +49 2721 7177-255

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