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Don Honorio Ventura State University


MANALO, Kevin Clarence E.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Instructor: Engr. Randle Lloyd Lagman

CHAPTER 1: General and formal learning, is often
Concepts and Historical Events referred to as "school science."
in Science, Technology, and 4. Science as a personal and
social activity, combines
knowledge and human efforts
SOCIETY to understand the world,

SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION enhancing life and survival,

tightly integrated into our daily
Science is inseparable from human
history, with no clear beginning or
location of origin. Defining science
Throughout history, humans have
remains a challenge due to its
used science, alongside philosophy and
longstanding presence in society. So,
religion, to understand the world. The
how can we define it?
scientific revolution from the 16th to
1. Science as an idea, It
18th centuries in Europe, driven by
comprises ideas, theories, and
factors like the printing press and
systematic explanations along
increased intellectual activity, reshaped
with observations about the
perceptions of the natural world,
natural and physical world.
marking the birth of modern science.
2. Science as intellectual
This era saw significant breakthroughs
activity, It involves the
in math, physics, astronomy, biology,
systematic and practical
and chemistry, prompting reflection
examination of the natural and
and a shift in scientific approaches.
physical world, employing
Despite challenges and opposition from
methods such as systematic
religious institutions, scientists
observation and
remained committed to exploring the
natural world, fueled by curiosity.
3. Science as a body language, is
a subject or discipline focused
on understanding the natural
and physical world. This aspect
of science, related to education
Church. Despite these challenges, they
persevered in their pursuit of
experimentation, theorizing, and
discovery, contributing to the
advancement of human knowledge and
The scientific revolution holds Certainly, while there were
immense significance in human numerous scientists before and after
development, societal transformation, them, these three individuals, through
and the evolution of scientific thought. their groundbreaking ideas and
It enhanced the methods of scientific contributions, left an indelible mark on
inquiry, experiments, and observations. the world of science and human
It gave rise to new scientific fields and understanding.
laid a robust foundation for modern
science. In many ways, it transformed
both the natural world and the realm of NICHOLAS COPERNICUS
Nicolaus Copernicus, a
Renaissance scientist, challenged
SOME INTELLECTUALS AND centuries of stagnant knowledge about
THEIR REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS the universe. While serving as a canon
in Poland, he continued his interest in
To gain a deeper insight into the astronomy, influenced by Johannes
scientific revolution, it's crucial to Müeller's work (Epitome). Copernicus
study the individuals who challenged formulated his heliocentric model by
prevailing theories and beliefs of their 1510 but hesitated to publish for fear of
era. Scientists, across all periods, are Church persecution. In 1543, he
motivated by curiosity, critical released "De revolutionibus orbium
thinking, and creativity to explore the coelestium,"(On the Revolutions of the
natural world. Their passion for science Celestial Spheres) marking the
stems from a profound desire to scientific revolution's start. His model
uncover and understand. centered on the Sun, with Earth and
planets orbiting annually. The Moon
circled Earth. This grouped planets into
two: Venus and Mercury inside Earth's
orbit, and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn outside.
He calculated their orbital times,
reflecting their distance from the sun,
Indeed, scientists are often despite the Copernican model's
motivated by a quest for knowledge heretical label, it eventually reshaped
rather than seeking fame or our understanding of the cosmos,
recognition. Many dedicated scientists though not without initial opposition
faced hardships, including lack of and a Church ban.
appreciation, persecution, and
condemnation by authorities or the
CHARLES DARWIN scientific examination of human mind
and behavior.
Born in 1809, He is a genius
from a wealthy family, who developed
an interest in natural history while
studying at Shrewsbury School. He
joined the HMS Beagle on the Islands
of Galapagos, where he published his
book The Origin of Species in 1589.
Darwin's observational skills expanded Cradles of Early Science
beyond plants and animals to humans,
and his controversial book The Descent Development of Science in
of Man challenged the dominant views Mesoamerica
of religious or biblical design. His Mesoamerica, includes the
contributions to evolutionary biology entire Central America from Southern
and philosophy of science were Mexico to South America, it is a region
diverse, but his courage to challenge rich in culture and knowledge. The
religious and unscientific ideas gave Maya civilization, lasting
more value to evidence-based science. approximately 2,000 years, is known
Darwin's unorthodox approach to for its advanced astronomy,
science, marked by observation and astrological knowledge, and calendar
experimentation, revolutionized the systems. They incorporated their
understanding of the world's creation understanding of celestial bodies into
and evolution. their temples and religious strictures,
allowing them to use their temples for
astronomical observation. The Mayans
SIGMUND FREUD also developed technology for growing
Sigmund Freud is an Austrian crops and building elaborate cities
psychologist and communicator Born using ordinary tools and machines.
in 1856, who made significant They built hydraulic systems with
contributions to the scientific world sophisticated waterways to supply
through the development of the method water to different communities. They
of psychoanalysis. His scientific also innovated in arts, creating looms
hypothesis shaped the fundamental for weaving cloth and developing
version of this method, which focused glittery paints from mica. They are
on human psychology and neurotic considered one of the most
illness. Despite academic controversy, scientifically advanced societies in
Freud's method had a significant Mesoamerica, using Mayan
impact on understanding human nature. hieroglyphics as their writing system.
His unorthodox approach, focusing on They also developed a number system
human sexuality and the evil nature of based on the numeral 20 and
man, posed challenges to scholars and independently developed the concept
ordinary citizens. Despite being born of zero and positional value. The Inca
later in the scientific revolution, civilization, also known in
Freud's ideas continue to inspire Mesoamerica, developed advanced
scientific ideas and tools to help them Asia, the world's largest
in everyday life. continent, has a rich history of ancient
civilizations, including India, China,
Maya Civilization
and the Middle East, renowned for
- Advanced in astronomy, astrology, their significant contributions to
and calendar systems. knowledge development.

- Used celestial knowledge in temple

India, a vast peninsula
- Innovated in agriculture, hydraulic surrounded by water and mountains, is
systems, arts, and writing. renowned for its rich history and
creative achievements. Indians have a
- Developed a base-20 numeral long-standing reputation for their
system with zero and positional value. contributions to various fields.
They also developed theories
Inca Civilization on the universe, the spherical self-
supporting Earth, and the year of 360
- Paved stone roads and earthquake- days.
resistant buildings.
Accomplishments :
- Advanced irrigation and water
storage techniques. - Iron Production

- Developed a 12-month calendar and - Metallurgy

suspension bridges. - Ancient Medical Practices
- Used quipu for record-keeping and The Indus Valley Civilization
excelled in textiles. marked the beginning of mathematical
knowledge in the Indian subcontinent.

Aztec Contributions Notable mathematicians:

- Mandated education regardless of - Aryabhatta - Aryabhatiya Book

social class or gender. - Brahmagupta
- Introduced chocolate as currency. - Madhava of Sangamagrama
- Utilized antispasmodic medication
for surgery.
- Innovated chinampas for agriculture
and created an Aztec calendar. China, an ancient civilization,
has made substantial contributions
- Invented canoes for water travel.. across multiple domains, including
medicine, astronomy, science,
mathematics, arts, philosophy, and
Development of Science in Asia music.
China influenced countries like fueled intellectual development.
Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Muslim scholars emphasized
Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, empirical science experiments,
Myanmar, and others along the Silk contributing to the development of the
Road. scientific method.
In the realm of medicine, the Ibn al-Haytham - medieval
Chinese have developed traditional mathematician, astronomer, and
healing practices rooted in centuries of physicist of the Islamic Golden Age
experience and discovery. from present-day Iraq and also
regarded as the “Father of Optics.”
Technologically, the Chinese
have been responsible for significant
Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
In the field of astronomy, the introduced algorithms, and the term
Chinese meticulously recorded and "algebra" is derived from “al-jabr”
preserved data on supernovas, lunar
and solar eclipses, and comets.
While the Arabic numeral system
Despite their remarkable
originated in India, Muslim
contributions, China's progress in
mathematicians refined it, introducing
various fields was hindered by cultural
decimal notation.
In summary, China's ancient
civilization has left an indelible mark Jabir ibn Hayyan - "Father of
on human history through its wide- Chemistry."
ranging contributions to medicine,
technology, astronomy, and other
fields. In the field of medicine, Ibn Sina
pioneered the science of experimental
These achievements have not
medicine and was the first physician to
only benefited China but have also had
conduct clinical trials.
a lasting impact on neighboring nations
and beyond, although certain cultural
factors may have limited their
evolution into modern science. Notable Works:
- The Book of Healing

Middle East Countries - The Canon of Medicine

The Middle East has a

predominant Muslim population and The decline of this golden age
witnessed a Golden Age of Islam from of Islam started in the 11th to the 13th
the 7th to the 13th centuries. Arabic century due to the conquest of the
as the common language, access to Mongols whereby libraries,
Greek texts, and proximity to India
observatories, and other learning Near East region that enabled them to
institutions were destroyed. benefit from the developments during
the Bronze Age until the Iron Age.
Mathematics was also known
to be prominent in the life of early
people in the African continent.
Ancient Egyptians are good in
the four fundamental mathematical
Development of Science in Africa operations and other mathematical
Africa is blessed with natural skills.
and mineral resources. Ex:
The history of science and The Lebombo Bone from the
mathematics show that similar to other mountains between Swaziland and
ancient civilizations, the early South Africa.
civilizations in Africa are knowledge
producers, too. SUMMARY

The ancient Egyptian The Scientific Revolution was a

civilization has contributed immensely golden age in the history of science,
and made significant advances in the marking the birth of the discipline and
fields of astronomy, mathematics, and the development of the scientific
medicine. method. It inspired human creativity
and critical thinking, moving away
The rules of geometry were from thought experiments to data-
developed and used to build rectilinear driven ideas. Key intellectuals included
structures, the post of lintel Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin,
architecture of Egypt. These early and Sigmund Freud, who contributed
science activities in Egypt were to the development of the scientific
developed to improve the quality of life method, the universe, evolutionary
of the Egyptians especially in building biology, and psychoanalysis. Science
their early homes and cities. also developed in Asia, Europe,
Egypt was known to be a center Mesoamerica, and Africa, enabling
of alchemy, which is known as the ancient civilizations to survive and
medieval forerunner of understand the natural world, as well as
chemistry.These components displayed develop various technologies.
strong parallels to the basic empirical LESSON 2: SCIENCE,
method of studying science. TECHNOLOGY, AND NATION-
Astronomy was also famous in BUILDING
the African region. LESSON OBJECTIVES
Metallurgy was also known in At the end of this lesson, the students
the African regions during the ancient should be able to:
times. North Africa and the Nile Valley
imported iron technology from the
• Discuss the role of science and making these ancient practices now
technology in Philippine nation- known as indigenous science or folk
building: science.
• revaluate government policies
pertaining to science and technology in
terms of their contributions to nation-
building; and BRIEF HISTORICAL
• identify actual science and
technology policies of the Government
and appraise their impact on the
development Of the Filipino nation. The history of science and
technology in the Philippines dates
back to pre-Spanish times, with early
INTRODUCTION inhabitants having their own culture,
traditions, and indigenous knowledge
This lesson will discuss the
system. Science was embedded in their
influence of science and technology in
way of life, including crop planting,
the development of the Philippine
animal care, and predicting seasons.
society. It identifies government
Technology was used in building
programs, projects, and policies geared
houses, irrigation, and developing
toward boasting the science and
everyday tools for farming, hunting,
technological capacity of the country.
cooking, fishing, and transportation.
This lesson will also include
Archeological artifacts from the Metal
discussions on Philippine indigenous
Age also influenced early Filipinos,
science and technology.
with sophisticated designs of gold and
The history of science and silver jewelry, ceramics, and metal
technology in the Philippines dates tools. Trading with neighboring
back to pre-Spanish times, with early countries provided opportunities for
inhabitants having their own culture, cultural and technological exchange,
traditions, and indigenous knowledge making these ancient practices now
system. Science was embedded in their known as indigenous science or folk
way of life, including crop planting, science.
animal care, and predicting seasons.
Science education in schools
Technology was used in building
focuses on understanding human body,
houses, irrigation, and developing
plants, animals, and heavenly bodies.
everyday tools for farming, hunting,
Technology involves developing
cooking, fishing, and transportation.
everyday tools. During the Spanish era,
Archeological artifacts from the Metal
life in the Philippines evolved, with
Age also influenced early Filipinos,
Filipinos replicating Western
with sophisticated designs of gold and
technology using indigenous materials.
silver jewelry, ceramics, and metal
The galleon trade brought new ideas,
tools. Trading with neighboring
crops, tools, and cultural practices to
countries provided opportunities for
the country. Some European students
cultural and technological exchange,
contributed to advancements in The quality of science education In the
medicine, engineering, arts, music, and Philippines is a significant challenge,
literature. Despite being a developed with slow progress from basic to
place, superstitious beliefs and graduate levels and limited enrollment
Catholic doctrines hindered science in science and technology courses.
growth. The Americans had more
influence, establishing public
education, improving health THINK ABOUT THESE-
conditions, and exploiting mineral QUESTIONS
1. What are the significant
The Americans reorganized the contributions of the Spaniards and
Philippines' science education, Americans to the development of
focusing on nature studies, sanitation, science and technology in the
and modernization. They also Philippines?
conducted research to control diseases
like malaria, cholera, and tuberculosis. 2. What can you say about the state of
American scholars introduced new science and technology during the
knowledge and technology to the Spanish and American period?
country, while Protestant church 3. How does school science shape
missions brought hospitals and schools science and technology in the country?
to remote areas. Despite World War II’s
destabilization, reparation funds Government Policies on Science and
focused on building institutions and Technology
transportation systems. Since the The Philippine government has
establishment of the new republic, the implemented various programs and
Philippines has focused on improving policies to enhance science and
its science and technological capability, technology, aiming to prepare the
using Overseas Development nation for a technologically driven
Allocations (ODA) to improve world.
scientific productivity and
technological capability. The The Department of Science and
development of science and technology Technology (DOST) in 2015 consulted
in the Philippines is influenced by the National Research Council of the
human and social activities, both Philippines (NCRP) to study how the
internal and external. Philippines can meet ASEAN 2015
Goals, with the NCRP expected to
recommend policies and programs.
The NCRP clustered the four
policies, namely:
1. Social Sciences, Humanities,
Education, International Policies, and
2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial • Establishment of national centers of
Research, Earth and Space Sciences, excellence.
and Mathematics
• Manpower and institutional
3. Medical, Chemical, and development programs.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Establishment of regional centers to
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture, support specific industries.
and Forestry
• Establishment of science and
technology business centers.
Other existing Programs of DOST
• Strengthen science education at an
supported by the Philippine
early age through the Philippine
Government. Some of the project are
Science High School System.
the ff:
• Providing funds for basic research
and patents related to science and Education programs and
technology. projects aim to enhance scientific
literacy, organize special science
• Providing scholarships for
classes and elementary schools, and
undergraduate and graduate studies of
continuously improve science and
students in the field of science and
mathematics in basic education. The K
to 12 education program incorporates
• Establishing more branches of the STEM as a major track in senior high
Philippine Science High School school to encourage more students to
System for training young Filipinos in pursue science-related college courses.
the field of science and technology. The Philippine-California Advanced
Research Institutes (PICARI) Project
• Creating science and technology
aims to enhance STEM
competitiveness in the Philippines by
• Balik Scientist Program allowing collaboration between
Philippine institutions and US-based
• Developing science and technology research institutes.
parks in academic campuses.
Here are the other areas and
• The establishment of the National fields that the country is looking
Science Complex and National forward to embark various research
Engineering Complex within the and projects:
University of the Philippines in
Diliman. 1. Use of alternative and safe energy

Here are the several identified 2. Harnessing mineral sources

capacity-building programs by the
3. Finding cure for various disease and
Philippine-American Academy of
Science and Engineering (PAASF,
2008) 4. Climate change and global warming
5. Increasing food production
6. Preservation of natural sources 5. Fabian Millar Dayrit - for his
research on herbal medicine.
7. Coping with natural disasters and
calamities 6. Rafael Dinenos Guerrero III -
for his research on tilapia
8. Infrastructure development
The Philippine Congress has
7. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr.- for
established laws governing science and
inventing the meconium drugs
technology, covering themes like
conservation, health, technology
development, and supporting basic 8. Lilian Formalejo Patena - for
research. doing research on plant
Famous Filipinos in the Field of
Science 9. Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz - for
being an outstanding educator
In 2000, Lee-Chua identified 10
and graph theorist.
outstanding Filipino scientists who
have made significant contributions in 10. Gregory Ligot Tangonan - for
Philippine science. These scientists are his research in the field of
also famous abroad especially in communication technology.
different science disciplines:
Other Outstanding Filipino scientists
agriculture, mathematics, physics,
who are recognized here and abroad:
medicine, marine science, chemistry,
engineering, and biology.  Caesar A. Aloma - an
Filipino Scientists: internationally renowned
1. Ramon Cabanos Barba - for his  Edgardo Gomez - famous
outstanding research on tissue scientiost is marine science
culture in Philippine mangoes.  William Padolina - chemistry
2. Josefino Cacas Comiso - for his and president of National
works on observing the Academy of Science and
characteristics of Antarctica by Technology (NAST)-
using satellite images. Philippines.
 Angel Alcala - marine science
3. Jose Behar Cruz Jr.- known
internationally in the field of University of the Philippines -
electrical engineering; was Los Banos- a science paradise for
elected as officer of the famous agriculture, forestry, plant and animal
Institute of Electrical and science, and veterinary science. It has
Electronic Engineering. produced numerous scientists and
various research in the fields
4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz - notable mentioned.
for her research on sea snail
venom. University of the Philippines -
Visayas- a national center for marine
science, fisheries, and othe relate considered indigenous science, which
is one of the foundations of modern
University of the Philippines - science. Spain and the United States,
Manila- a center of excellence and has
produced many researchers, doctors, being the former colonial masters of
health professionals, and scientists in the country, played an important role in
the area of medical and public health.
building the foundation pf science in
University of the Philippines - the Philippines, the government
Diliman- established a national science
and engineering complex to develop establishes various science programs,
more research and produce more policies, and projects.
scientists and engineers in the country.
Through the years, many
Many of these Filipino scientists
Filipinos were able to establish
are product of good school science. It
means they were taught and inspired by themselves as scientists and science
great teachers. Their interests in educators in various areas and fields.
science started to manifest during their
childhood years. Their natural Invention and innovations were done
environment ignited their curiosity to by these Filipino scientists. Finally, the
learn more about natural and physical
environment demands of globalization, especially
the ASEAN economic agenda,
prompted the Philippines to invest in
science and technology programs and

These Filipino scientists

continue to bring honor to the country.
They make ordinary things in an
extraordinary way. They invented tools
and built structures, studied the
medicinal uses of plants, observed
heavenly bodies to predict seasons and
weather, and used indigenous science
of the in agriculture. These are
SCIENCE EDUCATION IN Life Skills (Chaille&Britain, 2002).
THE PHILIPPINES Due to this, it will help those who
wants to pursue science related careers
INTRODUCTION to have a strong foundation for the
future (Lind, 1997).In accordance with
Philippines is trying its best to improve
the studies of (Carale&Campo 2003,
the state of science education in the
Meador, 2005 and Worth&Grollman,
country. One of the strategies is to
2003), In Basic education, Science
establish science schools that will
education is the "foundation" where it
encourage students to pursue their
helps students in learning basic skills
career in science and technology and to
that is related to life. Which are,
nurture their gifted potentials in
Process Skills, Critical Thinking Skills,
and Life Skills (Chaille&Britain,
THE CONCEPT OF SCIENCE 2002). Due to this, it will help those
EDUCATION who wants to pursue science related
careers to have a strong foundation for
Science education focuses on the future (Lind, 1997).
teaching, learning, and understanding
science. Teaching science involves In tertiary education, it deals
developing ways on how to effectively with further developing the
teach science. This means exploring understanding, appreciation for
pedagogical theories and models in science, and scientific works of the
helping teachers teach scientific students. This is done through
concepts and processes effectively. implementing basic science courses in
General Curriculum and scholarships
Learning science includes both that encourages more students to
pedagogy and the most interesting pursue science courses.
aspect, which is helping students
understand and love science. SCIENCE SCHOOL IN THE
Understanding science implies
developing and applying One of the programs that is
scienceprocess skills and using science supported by the government is the
literacy in understanding the natural establishment of science schools. There
world and activities in everyday life are also other government programs
that were implemented by Department
SCIENCE EDUCATION IN of Education and few private schools
BASIC AND TERTIARY for science education.
In accordance with the studies PHILIPPINE SCIENCE HIGH
of (Carale&Campo 2003, Meador,
2005 and Worth&Grollman, 2003), In
Basic education, Science education is The Philippine Science High
the "foundation" where it helps School System is a specialized public
students in learning basic skills that is high school system in the Philippines
related to life. Which are, Process that operates as an attached agency of
Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, and
the Philippine Department of Science 2. Lagablab also known as Pisay
and Technology.
PISAY was made into a film
The PSHS System offers and released in honor of Philippine
scholarships to Filipino students who science. The PSHSS aims to
are exceptionally gifted in the sciences develop Filipino science scholars
and mathematics. with scientific minds and a passion
for excellence. When the students
History graduate from school, they are
The Philippine Science High expected to pursue degrees in
School was officially established by science and technology at various
Republic Act 3661, signed into law in colleges and universities locally or
1963 by President Diosdado abroad
Macapagal. This charter mandates the
PSHS “to offer on a free scholarship
basis a secondary course with emphasis
on subjects pertaining to service with (SSES)PROJECT
the end in view of preparing its Special Science Elementary Schools
students for a science career (SSES) Project
 The school started operations in  Project is in pursuance to
1964. DepEd Order No. 73 s. 2008
 Dr. Gregorio Velasquez and DepEd No.51 s. 2010.
 It was in 1970 that PSHS  Started in June 2007 with 57
started building on a 75,000 identified elementary schools
square-meter lot along Agham that participated or were
Road in Diliman, Quezon City identified as science elementary
PHILIPPINES SCIENCE schools in the country
HIGHSCHOOL SYSTEM The SSES Project aims to develop
Filipino children equipped with
The first regional campuses scientific and technological
were built, starting with the Mindanao knowledge, skills, and Values.
Campus (now Southern Mindanao
Campus), located in Davao City in Mission:
 Provide a learning
 The school holds the highest environment to science-
percentage of entrance test inclined children through a
passers in premiere colleges in special curriculum that
the Philippines. The PSHS recognizes the multiple
System Law (R.A. 8496) was intelligences of the learners;
signed by President Fidel V.  Promote the development of
Ramos in 1997. lifelong learning skills and
 Foster the holistic
PSHS Has TWO PUBLICATIONS: development of the learners
1. The Science Scholar
The subject Science and Health which includes sections on science,
is taught in Grade 1 with a longer time math, problem-solving, and English
compared to other subjects:70 minutes proficiency. The school is proud of its
for Grade 1 to 3 and 80 minutes for outstanding alumni and its success in
grade IV TO VI. The curriculum also national competitions.
utilizes different instructional
approaches that address that the CENTRAL VISAYAS
learning styles and needs of learners INSTITUTE FOUNDATION
like the use of investigatory projects
 Pioneered the school-based
QUEZON CITY REGIONAL innovation called DLP or
SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL Dynamic Learning Program
 DLP is a synthesis of classical
Quezon City Regional Science and modern pedagogical
High School, established in Sept 17, theories.
1967 as Quezon City Science High  Takes pride in it’s Research
School, became a regional science high Center for Theoretical Physics.
school for the National Capital Region Summary:
in 1999. It was created to provide a  Promoting science education
specialized education for talented helps in developing science
students in science and mathematics, literacy in the country.
with a curriculum focused on science  Focused on the introducing
and technology, while still covering science education from basic to
standard secondary education subjects. tertiary education.
The school aims to nurture inquiry and  Led to establish science school
creativity in science-gifted students and to develop the gifted students in
receives support from the local science and mathematics.
government and the Parents and
 Science programs where
Teachers Association (PTA). It operates
organized and developed to
under the Department of Education.
encourage students to take a
MANILA SCIENCE HIGH career in science and
Manila Science High School LESSON 4: INDIGENOUS
(MSHS) was established on October 1, SCIENCE AND
1963, as the first science high school in TECHNOLOGY IN THE
the Philippines. It focuses heavily on PHILIPPINES
science and math but also includes
humanities and electives in its INTRODUCTION
curriculum. MSHS aims to nurture The lesson focuses on
well-rounded scientists, encouraging indigenous science and technology in
students to participate in the Philippines. Filipinos, especially
extracurricular activities. To enroll, during the early times, tried to invent
students must pass the Manila Science tools that will help them in everyday
High School Admission Test (MSAT), life. They also developed alternative
ideas in explaining various phenomena P0awilen (2005) explained that
and in explaining the world around indigenous science is knowledge that
them. This system of knowledge is has developed diverse structures and
called indigenous knowledge, which is contents through the interplay between
the foundation of indigenous science. the society and the environment.

INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE Sibisi (2004) also pointed out that

SYSTEM indigenous science provides the basics
of astronomy, pharmacology, food
(It refers to understandings, technology, or metallurgy, which were
skills, and philosophies developed by derived from traditional knowledge and
local communities with long histories practices.
and experiences of interaction with
their natural surroundings) Here some examples of indigenous
knowledge that are taught and
Indigenous knowledge is practiced by the indigenous people.
embedded in the daily life experiences predicting weather conditions and
of young children as they grow up. seasons using knowledge in observing
They grow up in a society where the animals' behavior and celestial bodies;
members of the community using herbal medicine; preserving
prominently practice indigenous foods, classifying plants and animals
knowledge. Their parents and other into families and groups based on
older folks served as their first teachers cultural properties; preserving and
and their methods of teaching are selecting good seeds for planting: using
effective in transmitting cultural indigenous technology in daily lives;
knowledge in their minds. building local irrigation systems:
classifying different types of soil for
These lessons comprised of
planting based on cultural properties;
good values According to Cajete
producing wines and juices from
(2004), indigenous science includes
tropical fruits; and keeping the custom
everything. from metaphysics to
of growing plants and vegetables in the
philosophy and various practical
technologies practiced by indigenous
peoples both past and present. INDIGENOUS SCIENCE
Indigenous beliefs also develop Indigenous science is part of
desirable values that are relevant or the indigenous knowledge system
consistent to scientific attitudes as practiced by different groups of people
identified by Johnston (2000), namely: and early civilizations (Gribbin, 2001;
1. motivating attitudes; Mkapa, 2004; Sibisi, 2004). It includes
2. cooperating attitudes; knowledge, expertise, practices, and
3. practical attitudes; and representations that guide human
4. reflective attitudes. These societies in their enumerable
cultural beliefs are a good interactions with the natural milieu:
foundation for developing agriculture, medicine, naming and
positive values towards explaining natural phenomena, and
learning. strategies for coping with changing
environments (Pawilen, 2005). Pawilen and folk astronomy. The
(2006) developed a simple framework advancement of science and
for understanding indigenous science. technology in the Philippines
of body text depends on indigenous science.
Indigenous science lead to the
development of science and
technology as a field and as a
subject, much like the ancient
civilizations. The UNESCO
(United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural
INDIGENOUS SCIENCE Organization) Declaration on
Science and the Use of
1. Indigenous science uses science
Scientific Knowledge (1999)
process skills such as
organized indigenous science as
observing. Community Culture
a historical and significant
and Values Traditional,
contribution to science and
Knowledge comparing,
classifying, measuring, problem
solving, communicating, and
2. Indigenous science is guided by
culture and community values
such as the following:
 The land is a source of life. It
is a precious gift from the
 The Earth is revered as
"Mother Earth." It is the origin
of their identity as people.
 All living and nonliving things
are interconnected and
interdependent with each other.
 Human beings are stewards or
trustee of the land and other
natural resources. They have a
responsibility to preserve it.
 Nature is a friend to human
beings it needs respect and
proper care.
3. Indigenous science is composed
of traditional knowledge
practiced and valued by people
and communities such as ethno-
biology, ethno-medicine,
indigenous farming methods,
GROUP 1 5. What is Sigmund Freud known as in
the field of psychology?
1. What is Charles Darwin best
known for? a) The Father of Psychoanalysis
a) Inventing the lightbulb b) The Father of Behaviorism
b) Discovering the theory of relativity c) The Father of Humanism
c) Proposing The Theory Of d) The Father of Modern Physics
Evolution By Natural Selection
6. Which country was Sigmund Freud
d) Inventing the telephone born in?
2. What famous ship did Charles a) America
Darwin travel on during his voyage
b) Austria
that greatly influenced his
c) Philippines
scientific ideas?
d) Germany
a) The HMS Bounty
7. What did the Aztecs use as a form of
b) The HMS Endeavour
c) The HMS Challenger
a) Cacao beans
d) The HMS Beagle
b) Gold coins
3. Among the following theories,
c) Seashells
which one is not associated with
Charles Darwin? d) Salt
a) Theory of Natural Selection 8. Which Mesoamerican civilization is
known for its advanced astronomy,
b) Theory of Relativity
astrological knowledge,
c) Theory o fEvolution
and calendar systems?
d) Theory of Common Descent
a) Inca Civilization
4. Who invented the method known as
b) Olmec Civilization
c) Aztec Civilization
a) Albert Einstein
d) Maya Civilization
b) Sigmund Freud
9. Which of the following civilizations
c) Isaac Newton
was NOT located in Mesoamerica?
d) Victor Magtanggol
a) Maya Civilization
b) Inca Civilization
c) Aztec Civilization
d) Indus Civilization a) Jabir In Hayan
10. What important watercraft b) Aryabhata
invention is credited to civilizations in
c) Madhva of Sangamagrama
d) Jabir In Hayyan
a) Gondola
15. What is the book of Aryabhata
b) Canoe
a) Arybhatiya
c) Steam engine
b) Arabhatiya
d) Raft
c) Aryabatiya
11. Their accomplishments include
expertise in iron production, d) Aryabhatiya
metallurgy, and ancient medical
practices like Ayurveda, which 16. Who is the “Father of Optics”?
originated over 4,500 years ago. a) al-Haytham
a) China b) Ibn Sina
b) Asia c) Aryabhata
c) India d) Jabir Ibn Hayan
d) Middle East Countries 17. What are the 2 proofs of Egyptians
12. An architectural system where a in their advanced civilization?
horizontal piece is supported by two a) Egyptians Pyramids and Early
vertical posts, or columns Dams
a) Lintel Architecture b) Susruta Samita and Mohenjo Daro
b) Structural Steel Ruler

c) Tensile Structures c) Lebombo Bone and Early Dams

d) Layered Architecture Patter d) Egyptians Pyramids and Lebombo

13. What medicine originated in
ancient India before 2500 BC? 18. Introduced algorithms, and the term
"algebra" is derived from “al-jabr”
a) Ayurveda
a) Ibn al-haytham
b) Avurveda
b) Ibn Sina
c) Ayurvada
c) Brahmagupta
d) Ayorveda
d) Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
19. Has a predominant Muslim
population and witnessed a Golden
14. Who is the “Father of Chemistry”?
Age of Islam from the 7th to the 13th 23. What is the major track in senior
centuries. high school is to encourage more
students to pursue science-related
a) Middle East Countries
college courses?
b) China
A. Humanities and Social Sciences
c) Asia (HUMSS)

d) India B. The Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM)
20. An ancient civilization, has made
substantial contributions across C. Science, Technology, Engineering,
multiple domains, including medicine, and Mathematics (STEM)
astronomy, science, mathematics, arts,
D. Information and Communicatios
philosophy, and music.
Technology (ICT)
a) Asia
24. Choose the existing programs of
b) China the DOST supported by the Philippine
c) India
A. Medical, Chemical, and
d) Middle East Countries Pharmaceutical Sciences
21. Which group implemented the B. Providing funds for basic research
various programs and policies to and patents related to science and
enhance science and technology? technology.
A. The Department of Science and C. Strengthen science education at an
Technology early age through the Philippine
B. The National Research Council of Science High School
the Philippines System.
C. The Philippine Government D. Use of alternative and safe energy
D. The Philippine-American Academy 25. What are the other areas and fields
of Science and Engineering that the country is looking forward to
22. Which of the following that the embark various research and projects?
NCRP clustered with the given policies A. Establishment of regional centers.
B. Social Sciences, Humanities,
A. Physics, Engineering and Education, International Policies, and
Industrial Research, Earth and Governance
Space Sciences, and Mathematics
C. Finding cure for various disease
B. Providing scholarships for and illness.
undergraduate and graduate studies.
D. The Philippine Congress
C. Preservation of natural sources.
D. Balik Scientist Program
26. Which of the following has Philippines can meet ASEAN 2015
established laws governing science and Goals?
technology, covering themes like
A. The Philippine Government
conservation, health, technology
development, and supporting basic B. The Philippine Congress
C. The Philippine-American Academy
A. Science, Technology, Engineering, of Science and Engineering
and Mathematics
D. The Department of Science and
B. The Department of Science and Technology
30 What is the main goal of these
C. The National Research Council of programs and policies related to
the Philippines science and technology?
D. The Philippine Government A. So students can enroll at STEM
27. Which of the following is the one
of the several identified capacity- B. People will encouraged to join the
building programs by the Philippine- Balik Scientist Program.
American Academy of Science and
Engineering (PAASF, 2008)? C. To enhance science and
technology, aiming to prepare the
A. Providing funds for basic research nation for a technologically driven
and patents world.
B. Manpower and institutional D. To save the world from global
development programs. warming
C. Climate change and global warming 31. This Filipino Scientist is known for
his outstanding research on tissue
D. Increasing food production
culture in Philippine mangoes.
28. Globally, we experience global
A. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz
warming. What should we do?
B. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr.
A. Join tree planting activities and
keep the environment clean. C. Ramon Cabanos Barba
B. Throw your trash everywhere. D. Gregory Ligot Tangonan
C. Cut trees or do illegal logging. 32. This Filipino Scientist is known for
his research in the field of
D. Do deforestation.
communication technology.
A. Gregory Ligot Tangonan
B. Ceasar A Aloma
29. Which department consulted the
C. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr.
National Research Council of the
Philippines (NCRP) to study how the D. Ramon Cabanos Barba
33. This Filipino Scientist is known for gold and silver jewelry, ceramics, and
his research on herbal medicine. metal tools.
A. Edgardo Gomez A. Stone
B. Fabian Millar Dayrit B. Metal
C. Lilian Formalejo Patena C. Bronze
D. Angel Alcala D. Wooden
34. This Filipino Scientist is 38. _____ education in schools focuses
recognized as an internationally on understanding human body, plants,
renowned physicist. animals, and
A. Gregory Ligot Tangonan heavenly bodies.
B. Angel Alcala A. Mathematics
C. Ceasar A Aloma B. Science
D. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz C. History
35. This Filipino Scientist is D. Technology
recognized as an chemistry and
39. Some ______ students contributed
president of National Academy of
to advancements in medicine,
Science and Technology.
engineering, arts, music, and
A. Ceasar A Aloma
B. Gregory Ligot Tangonan
A. Filipino
C. Ramon Cabanos Barba
B. American
D. William Padolina
C. European
36. The _______ reorganized the
D. Chinese
Philippines’ science education,
focusing on nature studies, sanitation, 40. ______ was used in building
and modernization. houses, irrigation, and developing
everyday tools for farming,
A. Japanese
hunting, cooking, fishing, and
B. Chinese
C. Americans
A. Technology
D. European
B. Science
C. Machines
37. Archeological artifacts from the
D. Mechanical
_______ Age also influenced early
Filipinos, with sophisticated designs of 41. When did the Scientific Revolution
a) 16th to 18th b) Soldier
b) 17th to 18th c) Teacher
c) 17th to 19th d) Priest
d) 18th to 19th 47. Is the church against science in the
renaissance period?
42. Where did the Scientific
Revolution start? a) Yes
a) Asia b) No
b) America c) I don’t know
c) Europe d) Maybe
d) Africa 48. Why do we need to study those 3
43. Who started the Scientific
Revolution? a) To gain deeper insight
a) Charles Darwin b) To gain knowledge
b) Nicolaus Copernicus c) To know who are them
c) Sigmund Freud d) All of the above
d) Albert Einstein 49. Nicolaus Copernicus is a
__________ scientist
44. When did science start?
a) Old
a) Last Year
b) Renaissance
b) Last Century
c) Great
c) No one knows
d) Famous
d) Last Week
50. When did copernicus formulate the
45. What is the title of our lesson 1
heliocentric model?
a) Intellectual Revolution that
a) 1510
Defined Society
b) 1610
b) Science And Scientific Revolution
c) 1520
c) Scientist And Scientific Revolution
d) 1620
d) Science that Defined Revolution

46. What’s the meaning of canon

a) Church Person
GROUP 2 6. Is Indigenous knowledge system the
understanding and philosophies
1. What is another word for Indigenous developed by local communities with a
knowledge? long histories and experience with their
A. Basic knowledge natural surroundings?

B. Traditional knowledge A. True

C. Professional knowledge B. False

D. Acquired Knowledge C. Maybe

2. Which is not one of the examples that D. Not sure

are given by Jonston (2000)? 7. This are examples of science process
A. Motivating attitudes skills EXCEPT?

B. Cooperating attitudes A. Predicting

C. Culture and values B. Critical thinking

D. Reflective Attitudes C. Problem solving

3. Who developed the framework to D. Measuring

understand Indigenous science? 8. This are examples of community and
A. Gribbin (2001) culture values EXCEPT?

B. Mkapa (2004) A. The land is the source of life.

C. Sibisi (2004) B. The earth is revered as “Mother

D. Pawilen (2006)
C. Humans are the ones who will destroy
4. Which one is not part of the the earth.
indigenous science framework?
D. All living and non-living things are
A. Science process skills interconnected and interdependent with
each other.
B. Community culture and values
9. What does DLP stand for?
C. traditional knowledge
A. Data Loss Prevention
D. Indigenous science B. Dynamic Leaning Progress
C. Data Learning Program
5. When did UNESCO recognized
D. Dynamic Learning Program
Indigenous science as one of the
significant contributors in science and 10.What year was the Research
technology? Center for Theoretical Physics
A. 1999
A. 1993
B. 2001 B. 1992
C. 2004 C. 1994
D. 1995
D. 2006 11._____ education deals with
the teaching and learning of
science and in helping the public B. It enables the students to
develop literacy in it. improve their brain function.
A. Science C. To prevent any data loss
B. Tertiary D. To promote coffee intake
C. Secondary 17. What is the main
D. Basic purpose of promoting
12. What does PSHSS science education?
stand for? A. To improve science literacy
A. Philippine Science High amongst the public
School System B. Just for fun
B. Partial Science High School C. To improve social skills
System D. To promote critical thinking
C. Productive State High School and extensive analysis
Scholar 18. Science ______
D. Protruding Stout High Service focuses on teaching.
System Learning. And
13.Science Programs and projects understanding
were organized and developed to science
___ in science in the country. A. Knowledge
A. nurture innovation B. Skills
B. innovate C. Education
C. improve D. All of the above
D. promote 19. When was the Philippine
14.What was RCTP known Science High School officially
for? established?
A. Organized crime A. 1963
B. Organizing small B. 1964
international workshops to C. 1970
foster the informal but D. 1988
intense exchange of ideas 20. Which Philippine President
and perspectives on signed Republic Act 3661,
outstanding problems in establishing the Philippine
physics and mathematics. Science High School?
C. Creation of Bioweapons A. President Fidel V. Ramos
D. Indigenous Knowledge B. President Diosdado
15. Who pioneered the Macapagal
DLP system? C.President Aureus Solito
A. Ferdinand Marcos D. President Gregorio
B. Ferdinand Magellan 21. What is the primary focus of
C. Central Visayas Institute the PSHS System in terms of
Foundation education?
D. Charles Darwin A. Arts and Humanities
16. Why was DLP so B. Science and Mathematics
revolutionary? C. Physical Education
A. It brought in more funds for D. Social Sciences
them to use.
22. In which year did the PSHS 27. Where do we build our
System Law (R.A. 8496) get foundation in Science education?
signed into law? A. Basic Education
A. 1964 B. Tertiary Education
B. 1970 C. Philippine Science High School
C. 1988 D. Quezon City Science High
D. 1997 School
23. Which publication is 28. Where do we further develop
associated with the Philippine our foundation in Science
Science High School? education?
A. The Science Scholar A. Basic Education
B. The Artistic Endeavor B. Tertiary Education
C. The Literature Review C. Philippine Science High School
D. The History Chronicle D. Quezon City Science High
24. "Pisay" was a film made in School
honor of Philippine science and 29. These are the science high
directed by: schools in the Philippines, except
A. President Diosdado one.
Macapagal A. Philippine Science High School
B. Dr. Gregorio Velasquez B. Quezon City Science High
C. Aureus Solito (an alumnus of School
Pisay) C. Manila Science High School
D. President Fidel V. Ramos D. Ateneo de Manila University
25. What is the main objective of 30. These are the skills that are
the Special Science Elementary focused in Science Education,
Schools (SSES) Project? except one.
A. To offer scholarships to A. Critical thinking skills
elementary students B. Process Skills.
B. To promote academic C. Problem solving skills
achievement in science D. Linguistic Skills
C. To develop scientific and 31. What is indigenous
technological knowledge in knowledge?
Filipino children A. A form of modern scientific
D. To encourage artistic talents knowledge
in children B. Knowledge passed down
26. What teaching approach is through generations within
used in the curriculum of the SSES indigenous communities
Project to encourage critical C. Knowledge exclusive to
thinking and problem-solving indigenous people
skills? D. A type of religious knowledge
A. Traditional lecture-based 32. How is indigenous knowledge
teaching typically transmitted?
B. Outdoor excursions A. Through formal education
C. Investigatory projects systems
D. Group discussions B. Through written textbooks
C. Orally and through lived B. Parental recommendation
experience C. Competitive entrance exams
D. Through online courses D. No admission requirements
33. Which of the following is an 39.In addition to standard
example of indigenous secondary education subjects,
knowledge? what does Quezon City Regional
A. Algebra Science High School's curriculum
B. Traditional herbal medicine include?
C. Quantum physics A. Only science subjects
D. Computer programming B. Only mathematics subjects
34. How does indigenous C. Specialized science and
knowledge contribute to technology subjects
environmental sustainability? D. Physical education and arts
A. By promoting industrialization subjects
B. By advocating for 40. Which organization(s)
deforestation provide support to Quezon City
C. By offering insights into Regional Science High School?
sustainable resource A. Department of Education
management (DepEd) only
35. When was Quezon City B. Local government unit only
Regional Science High School C. Parents and Teachers
originally established? Association (PTA) only
A. 1979 D. Both the local government
B. 1999 unit and PTA
C. 1967 41. What is the school's main
D. 1985 goal in nurturing students?
36. What is the primary focus of A. Promoting athletic excellence
the curriculum at Quezon City B. Fostering a spirit of inquiry
Regional Science High School? and creativity in science
A. Arts and Humanities C. Developing skills in the arts
B. Science and Technology D. Preparing students for
C. Physical Education careers in politics
D. Social Sciences 42. How has Quezon City
37. What region does Quezon Regional Science High School
City Regional Science High School evolved over the years?
primarily serve? A. It has remained unchanged
A. Central Luzon since its establishment.
B. National Capital Region B. It has expanded to include
(NCR) other regions of the Philippines.
C. Southern Mindanao C. It has adapted to changing
D. Eastern Visayas educational needs and trends.
38. How do students typically D. It has shifted its focus from
qualify for admission to Quezon science to humanities
City Regional Science High 43. What type of activities and
School? programs are available to
A. Lottery
students at the school to enhance D. None of the above
their education? 48. This Science education helps
A. Only academic programs students learn important concept
B. Only sports programs and facts that are related in
C. Extracurricular activities, everyday life
including science clubs and A. Tertiary Education
research projects B. Basic Education
D. No additional programs or C. Primary Education
activities D. Secondary Education
44. What is the significance of 49. who stressed the importance
including "Quezon City" in the of utilizing the natural
school's name? environment to teach students?
A. It indicates the school's A. Dewey( 2001)
affiliation with a particular B. Marx(1994)
political party. C. Knight (1986)
B. It specifies the location D. Tilghman (2005)
within the National Capital 50. Science Education in the
Region. tertiary level focuses on the
C. It highlights the school's preparation including
commitment to the performing A. Science teachers
arts. B.Scientist
D. It designates the school as a C. Engineers
religious institution. D. All of the above
45. Science education deals with
the development of people in
science, which is...
A. The heart of science
B. Technology
C. Society
D. All of the above
46. What is the first science high
school in the Philippines?
A. Quezon City Regional Science
High School
B. Philippine Science High School
C. Manila Science High School
D. Central Visayan Institute
47. Science education consider
country's as a ______ to develop
a scientifically cultured and
literate citizenry
A. Investment
B. Treasure
C. Foundation
1. Aristotle coined the term
"__________", which means having a c) SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND
good and balanced spirit. SOCIETY IN THE HUMAN
a) Eidamonium
b) Uedaimonia
c) Euidimoniea
6. Phronesis is the ability of a human
d) Eudaimonia person to do the right things for good
reasons in the best way.
2. It is likening humans to flowers
achieving their full bloom. a) TRUE

a) Human Flourish b) FALSE

b) Humane Flour 7. According to Plato and Socrates,

money was created and is useful
c) Humanity because there is a community of
d) Human Flourishing interests and needs.
3. All of which are components of a) TRUE
human flourishing, except one.
a) Phronesis
8. Science and Technology in relation
b) Friendship to human flourishing is not relevant in
c) Love the present era.

d) Wealth a) TRUE

e) Power b) FALSE

4. This is something that never ends or 9. Each and every discovery,

changes. innovation, and success contribute to
one’s pool of knowledge.
a) Human Perpetual
b) Human Flourishing
c) Human Conduct
10. Human Flourishing focuses on how
d) Humane Perpetual people live their lives in the best way
5. Human Flourishing is under the possible.
CHAPTER 2, titled __________. a) TRUE
11. First step in Scientific method in a) Formulate Conclusion
which you’ll determine if there are
b) Gather and Analyzed
unexplained occurrences unfolding.
c) Formulate Hypothesis
a) Determine the Problem
d) Determine the Problem
b) Formulate Conclusion
16. Last step in Scientific method.
c) Observation
a) Gather and Analyze
d) Formulate Hypothesis
b) Formulate Conclusion
12. Step in Scientific method in which
you identify the factors involved c) Formulate Hypothesis
a) Gather and Analyze d) Determine the Problem
b) Conduct Experiment 17. Group of scholars who believed
that only those which can be observed
c) Formulate Hypothesis
should be regarded as
d) Determine the Problem
13. Proposing an unproven proposition
a) Vienna Sausage
or supposition that tetatively explain
certain facts. b) Vienna Triangle
a) Formulate Conclusion c) Vienna Square
b) Gather and Analyzed d) Vienna Circle
c) Formulate Hypothesis 18. Theory that is basically the
opposite of Verification Theory.
d) Determine the Problem
a) Einstein’s Theory
14. A scientific test which is done in
order to discover what happens to b) Falsification Theory
something in particular
c) Bigbang Theory
d) Scientific Theory
a) Formulate Conclusion
19. The earliest criterion that
b) Gather and Analyzed distinguishes Philosophy and Science
c) Formulate Hypothesis a) Falsification Theory
d) Experiment b) Verified Theory
c) Verification Theory
15. Step in Scientific method in which d) Falsifiable Theory
you examine if the data gathered are
significant enough to 20. The Austrian-British Philospher
who proposed the Falsification Theory
conclude results
a) Karl Raimund Popper then and discovering cure or medicine
to different diseases that can long your
b) Karl Reymund Popper
c) Karl Raymund Popper
a) Average Lifespan
d) Karl Raimond Popper
b) Gross domestic product(GDP)
21. Explained by the famous German
c) Mortality Rate
philosopher Martin Heidegger in his
published work namely The Question d) Technology
Concerning Technology.
25.. Who is the Famous German
a) Literacy Rate Philosopher Discovered Technology?
b) Human Condition a) Albert Einstein
c) Technology b) John Locke
d) Martin Heidegger c) Immanuel Kant
22. Access to education provided to d) Martin Heidegger
more individuals generally creates a
26. For a long time, humans were
more informed public that could
content with their relationship with
determine a more just society.
nature. In the Earliest case of man
a) Gross domestic product(GDP) made extinction occurred over 12,000
years, brought upon by hunting and
b) Literacy Rate
territorial disputes.
c) Mortality Rate
a) Technology
d) Human Condition
b) Human Condition in the Common
23. Due to technology, lesser death Era
percentage help of medical care and
c) Average Lifespan
hightech medical treatment.
d) Literacy Rate
a) Gross domestic product(GDP)
b) Literacy Rate
c) Mortality Rate
d) Human Condition

27. Is a key economic indicator that

24. Aside from the reason that people
represents the total monetary value of
engage of less combat and less die to a
all goods and services produced within
treatable diseases now as opposed to
a country's borders during a specific
time period, typically measured on an a) it is a thing that is more ideal and
annual or quarterly basis. It is used to faster way
assess and quantify the overall
b) it is a thing to get knowledge
economic performance and size of a
nation's economy. c) it is a thing to go back or retrieve the
a) Average Lifespan
d) All of the above
b) Gross domestic product(GDP)
32.the______are reaching higher goals
c) Mortality Rate
to produce more efficient and useful
d) Technology products to satisfy people’s needs.
28. It also called the sixth extinction or a) Gadgets
more aptly anthropocene extinction,
b) Social Media
a) Holocene Extinction
c) Technology
b) Human Condition
d) Internet
c) Technology
33. What year has been involved
d) Literacy Rate technology to help change education?
29. His work "The Question a) 1987
Concerning Technology," which was
b) 1994
published in____ What year?
c) 1989
a) 2023
d) 1990
b) 1965
34. It is a various web-based approach
c) 1954
to help instructors worldwide to
d) 1974 implement teaching methods.
30. occurred from early between a) Interactive Learning Toolkit
______ to ______ years up to present.
b) Internal Learning Toolkit
It pertains to the ongoing extinction of
several species-both flora and fauna- c) Interval living Toolkit
due to human activity.
d) interest loop Toolkit
a) 800,000 to 900,000
b) 200,000 to 300,000
c) 400,000 to 500,000
35. What is Backtracking The Human
d) 100,000 to 200,000 Condition?
31. 1.What is the essence of a) ”backtrack”, it means to go back or
technology? retrace the past.
b) ”backtrack”,it means to make b. Educational
c. Social
c) ”backtrack”,it means to see what is
d. Foolproof
in the future.
40.In 2000 what did the world leaders
d) All of the above.
36.when there is no technology we live
a. Data Loss Prevention
b. Dynamic Learning Program
a) More advance and fastest way
c. Millennium Development Goals
b) People are working harder to
d. Data Learning Program
c) There is a social media and digital
phones. 41._____________contemplated on,
suggesting that developed countries
d) None of the above.
should not push forth more
37. The following are able to produce
growth but instead adopt “de-
results, except one
development” policies
a) Religion
a. Richard Rorty
b) Luck
b. Helen Longino
c) Human experience
c. Joseph Hickel
d) Human randomness
d. Paul Thagard
38.STEM (Science, Technology,
42.Science is not entirely_________,
Engineering, Mathematics) has the
such that it is correct 100% of the time
most popularity, what is the second
most popular strand? a. Truth
a. ABM b. Foolproof
b. TVL c. False
c. GAS d. Real

39.Science is ________in the sense 43.Science is too much when it _____

that it takes place through social
institutions, and often for the a. Destroying the nature

benefit of society. b. Too much technology

a. Public c. When people become more lazy

d. When the information is too much d) Endeivoir
44.___________is the teaching and 48. This term is attributed mainly to the
learning of science to school children, changes brought about by technology;
college students, or adults within the
a) Generation gap
general public
b) Advanced technology
a. Science and results
c) Advancement
b. Science as social endeavor
d) Improvement
c. Science Method
49. Access to education provided to
d. Science education
more individuals that can determine
45.There are distinct portions in the their knowledge about a
entrance exam in the secondary and
certain topic.
tertiary levels that are
a) Mortality
dedicated to___________.
b) Average lifespan
a. science and mathematics
c) Literacy rate
b. Arts and Science
d) GDP
c. Mathematics and history
50. People going to the outer space,
d. Arts and history
studying and cultivating the world are
46. One major issue is that growth can just throwing away their
create the illusion of________, but the
world's resources are finite and cannot
support endless consumption over time a) TRUE
a. Being real b) FALSE
b. Sustainability
c. False
d. Truth

47. This means social relationship that

circulates upon the work of numerous
philosopher in uniting a theory at once.
a) Endeveor
b) Endeavor
c) Eandevoir
GROUP #4 SCITECH QUIZ 5. A robot may not injure a
human being, What is the Law?
1. A actuated mechanism
programmable in two or more axes b. Law Two
with a degree of autonomy to perform
c. Law Three
intended task?
d. Law Four
6. A robot must protect its own
b. Machine
existence as long as such protection
c. Android does not conflict with
d. Bot the ___ or ___ law.
2. A robot that performs useful a. ONE OR TWO LAW
tasks for humans or equipment
b. One or Three Law
excluding industrial automation
application? c. One or Four Law
a. SERVICE ROBOT d. Two or Three Law
b. Personal Service Robot 7. A robot must obey the orders
given it by human, What is the Law?
c. Professional Service Robot
a. Law one
d. Universal Automation
3. A service robot for personal
use, Used for noncommercial Task? c. Law Three
a. Professional Service Robot d. Law Four
b. Service robot 8. The earliest robot known to
people was created by?
c. Universal Automation
b. Marc Raibert
4. Robot For professional use,
usually operated by a properly trained c. Raj Reddy
d. Colin Angle
ROBOT 9. The Three Law of Robotics
was Formulated by who?
b. Service robot
a. Stanford n.d
c. Universal Automation
b. Helen Longino
d. Personal service robot
c. Paul Thargard
d. ISAAC ASIMOV 15.According to hedonism,
what is the ultimate goal of human
10. What was the 1st country to
develop service robots?
a) Wealth and power
a. America
b) Virtue and morality
b. Japan
c) Pleasure and happiness
d) Knowledge and wisdom
d. China
16.What is one common
11.This is the first materialist
criticism of hedonism?
were the atomist in ancient Greece
a) It neglects the importance of
a) Materialism
pleasure and happiness.
b) Theism
b) It lacks a clear definition of
c) Stoicism pleasure.

d) Hedonism c) It encourages selflessness and

12.This is when you see the end
goal of is aquiring pleasure d) It can lead to a shallow or hedonistic
a) Materialism
17.Who is considered one of
b) Theism the key founders of Stoicism?
c) Stoicism a) Plato
d) Hendonism b) Epicurus
13.The idea that to generate c) Seneca
d) Zeno of Citium
a) Materialism
18.What Stoic principle
b)Thesm emphasizes accepting the natural order
c) Stoicism of the universe and events beyond our
d) Hendonism
a) Apatheia
14.It is simply coming together
randomly to form things in the world. b) Eudaimonia

A. Athoumos c) Amor fati

B. Athomos d) Ataraxia

C. ATOMOS 19.What is the Stoic concept of

"apatheia" often translated as?
D. Atomous
a) Apathy
b) Indifference D. Drunkenness
c) Joy 24. What is an actuated mechanism that
is programmable?
d) Sadness
A. Robot
20. How does Stoicism view
external circumstances such as wealth, B. Remote
fame, and social status?
C. Cellphone
a) As the ultimate goals in life
D. Laptop
b) As indifferent and not essential to
25. What is the acronym for the
virtue and happiness
sponsored collaborative project, the
c) As the sole sources of happiness "Deutsche Servicerobotik Initiative -
Germany Service Robotics Initiative?
d) As obstacles to spiritual growth
21. Parents, or at least most of
them say that these things make their B. DESIRE
children lazy and unhealthy, what are
A. Remote
26. This type of robot performs
B. Umbrella
practical tasks for humans or
C. Technological Devices equipment.
D. Chair A. Autonomous Mobile Robots
22. The word ____________ is the B. Cobot
sense of being accountable for and
C. Humanoids
accountable to and is very appropriate
to the ethics of technology. D. Service Robot
A. Responsibility 27. Who is the person behind
"Universal Automation," or known as
B. Respiratory
the "Unimate"?
C. Reversibility
A. Gregor Mendel
D. Recovery
B. Greg
23. Below are all examples of
C. Gregor Devol
the negative effects of technologies,
choose one that is not. D. Gray
A. Reclusiveness 28. In connection with question
#7, in what year did that person create
B. Laziness
the latter invention?
C. Unhealthiness
A. 2023
B. 2022 a) Deism
C. 2021 b) Pantheism
D. 1950s c) Theism
29. A service robot that is used d)Agnosticism
for a NONCOMMERCIAL task is
34.What is the opposite of
called what?
A. Personal Service Robot
a) Atheism
B. Service Robot for Personal Use
b) Polytheism
C. Both A and B
c) Agnosticism
D. None of the above.
d) Secularism
30. A service robot used for
35.Which famous philosopher
COMMERCIAL tasks, usually
is known for his arguments for the
operated by a properly trained
existence of God?
a) Sigmund Freud
A. Robot
b) Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Professional Service Robot or
Service Robot for Personal use. c) Immanuel Kant
C. Technology d) Thomas Aquinas
D. Remote 36.Theism can be categorized
31.What is theism?
a) Monotheism, Polytheism, and
a) Belief in multiple deities
b) Belief in one deity
b) Monotheism, Deism, and Atheism
c) Belief in no deity
c) Agnosticism, Secularism, and
d) Belief in the afterlife Polytheism
32.Which major world religion d) Monotheism, Nihilism, and
is based on theism? Hedonism
a) Buddhism 37.In monotheistic religions,
God is believed to be:
b) Hinduism
a) A human-like deity with flaws
c) Christianity
b) The only divine being
d) Taoism
c) One of many deities
33.The belief that God is all-
powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving d) An impersonal force
is known as:
38.Which of the following c) Albert Einstein
monotheistic religions originated in the
d) Galileo Galilei
Middle East?
43.Humanism often places a
a) Buddhism
strong emphasis on:
b) Hinduism
a) Divine revelation
c) Judaism
b) The worship of nature
d) Shintoism
c) Scientific discovery
39.What is the holy book of
d) Human potential and reason
44.Secular humanism is
a) Quran
characterized by:
b) Bible
a) A focus on religious dogma
c) Torah
b) A rejection of all forms of
d) Bhagavad Gita spirituality
40.The argument for the c) An emphasis on reason and ethics
existence of God based on the design without religious beliefs
and order in the universe is
d) A belief in a higher power
known as:
45.What is the primary source
a) The Cosmological Argument of authority in humanism?
b) The Teleological Argument a) Religious scriptures
c) The Ontological Argument b) Scientific research
d) The Problem of Evil c) Human reason and experience
41.What is humanism? d) Government laws
a) A religious belief in multiple gods 46.Humanism promotes the
idea that ethics and morality are:
b) A philosophical and ethical stance
that emphasizes human values and a) Determined by divine command
b) Subjective and relative to individual
c) A belief in the afterlife beliefs
d) A form of atheism c) Universal and based on reason and
42.Who is considered one of
the key figures in Renaissance d) Irrelevant to human behavior
a) Isaac Newton
b) Leonardo da Vinci
47.Humanism is often
associated with which branch of
a) Metaphysics
b) Epistemology
c) Ethics
d) Aesthetics
48.The humanist movement of
the 20th century is closely tied to the
promotion of:
a) Religious fundamentalism
b) Rationalism and secularism
c) Superstition and mysticism
d) Authoritarianism
49.Humanism is often seen as
advocating for:
a) A focus on the afterlife
b) The rejection of science
c) Social justice, equality, and human
d) Isolationism
50.Which of the following is a
famous humanist philosopher and
author known for works like
"The Age of Reason"?
a) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
b) John Locke
c) Karl Marx
d) Thomas Paine

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