GMAT AWA Argument

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Introduction and Conclusion

Write the Introduction and the Conclusion first

Even if you run of time, you still have compelete Essay
Otherwise a point will be deducted

Argument : Summarize the Argument
Conclude stating that there are flaws that undermine the Argument
Critique the Argument

First, Second, Third, To Begin with, Moreover, Furthermore, Additionally
Finally, To Conclude, To Sum up ..., In Sum
(To begin each body paragraph)

Write in third person's perspective

Do not repeat words and or phrases

Each Body Paragraph must have three components

What is the flaw ?

Why is it a flaw ?
Explain with easy to understand everyday examples

What is needed to correct the flaw and make the argument solid ?

Range of Vocabulary
Argument : Weaken, Undermine, Undercuts, Mitigates the value
Support, Undergirds, Bolsters, Props up, Strengthens
Issue : Problem, Quandary, Predicament
Statement, Quote, Question Stem

Plan :
3-5 mins
Organize :
Write : 20-24 mins
Edit :
3-5 mins
Review :

3 (Well Defined) Body Paragraphs <<From a safe distance all Body Para must be same size>>

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