Civic Chapter 3

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Somerville chool
RACHAE L. ClasSection Vll-d
Subject Date

Hour the state Gpuouns lork

6 Use the tom constituunay ondafsassnt te saplain who an A

2. fer safasentation date lsqjstalie aaserllyeuey constitig
sle a hresentatie whe shaelden the sconsiida af sahn-
ding halk conslitwnoios
3 Thus safoasentatiu caled MLA'S er memlars of dsa|'s latue
asemlly,and ara aotiol thtoughta qeneal alectia(Vid hon Sabha Ele
5.Tycod be hat ofa holitial ha . can be indajusiunt
i,5. That also have the adolitional resfonsililty o efaseiling
he nds and demanab af hais cernsitencus ad the Luqisfati

a2. Hew cdid some MLAs become minislos? Eahlain

dns1 The halitical hady wsere MLA has won me thar hall
te mumer o eorstitunoie ina slale can be sald a ben
2 he holitical hailethat has the majoriy is caleal taeulig
hasty and all stho membess ae calla he shhosilon
3. fter theahctien,the MLA'S belongimg te the suding party
will sot heisr loade who wdL become the chief minisla
The chik minisloe ther selecls
othex heofteministr
He Chiel Minit anol oh

halh you qetimoaim on

Qs.cay What is press - conßounee?
(b Heu dos Hhe hass -confeeno helh uu
the qouetninlis doing ? atimfomation
nsay asthoin of joonalista from te mudia
to hea alot and ask who cre ithdl
and are then ahucted quastion on a haslicular saie
to guho en tis to the larqer

oasent. Tre minisir and sema qovomen fficia's

A2. heminiler snd some aqovexmin
oflicias also emsin foasn
3Aaee The miniser axhlainsd the stahs the
kp e abeut ony eccwranc qovendnl had tae
calamities et about nyleuty laencheel
semes bus the gaueamnl
9,4.hat does the tem qpuonmat and haislaluee muon?
Any Gauotnment pafus to qouenment
minetet who hoad Hhemhe Boa dehanenta and uatios
head s he chich minis
Somerville Class/Section
*******. Date

le ceualle, His is called the eouline alof tha Qoernn

(b) l the MLAS who qather toqethesg (assmlly) in te sqislali
making bady) hay
assemlly ara calbd he koqstalua He laur wok
axe the enes ceto authorisl anod suhoise thei
Ss. Uhy sheud deciibns takun by the Chiul Ministr andl sthur ministo be
ia te aqsadim dssenbly atinot
dns Eey decisiars taken by the Chie Ministox cnd his oz her sotomag
Tmut be delatoo ahn inte leaistatiuxintut o oase
Ha he decisionbeing taken iointee best nb ohe commen a

2. Grhosien kahs the check af the workin of the aaueMIA

c Writ a thot note Gn qotnen

da The Heod a te State is the qouoner She<He isahhaintd by the lentral
evonmenl to ense that the State Grevernmt wok within the
lss ongulatien f the Conalitulin Finolot theheme of

Ars. i. Euexy qouernmnl dehailmentis heaoleol bya miister whoia als a tLA
2. Thuy do so threuah varieua defharlmeat ike the Pebic wok Dehartmoa
he dqsicwlt Dehatnt, the Heatth Depalonont the Eucatio Dhaztm
3. This aet of omakin laws on catctain dbus is
dera in te leisils
Asemlly f sach state . he vaies qovement
deharments hen
dnhleneat thes laus ond be suajoraivel for H comhetim of the
5. Whaleuo work is done key these
by he oeanbes f He Leais latiedehatmenl has to be ahhroed
5. The MLAS coalinale belwer te asemly
Léqjs latie ssemy Gnal
gevnmesl machina

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