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Word List for Spelling

Abhorrence Across Anniversary Alleviation

Abbreviate Address Antithesis Allergy

Alienate Addressee Annihilate Allotment

Algebraical Adequate Anonymous Alliteration

Aberrance Adherence Antediluvian Allocation

Abstinence Admissible Annihilation Allottee

Abhorrence Advantageous Ancillary Albatross

Abscess Admissibility Announcement Allowance

Abattoir Admission Analysis Alternation

Absence Administer Anxiety Alignment

Abundance Adolescence Apparent Allurement

Alleviate Adoration Appearance Allusion

Accommodate Adjournment Appellation Altogether

Accommodation Adulteration Appendix Aluminium

Acclamation Adultery Apparatus Ascetic

Acceleration Advantage Appreciate Association

Accelerate Adolescent Apprehension Arrangement

Acceptance Advertisement Appointment Awful

Accessory Aerial Apprehend Audience

Accessories Aeronaut Approval Autograph

Accession Aesthetic Appropriate Aurum

Accomplish Aegis Apostrophe Authentic

Accomplishment Affluence Approximately Auxiliary

Accuracy Afforestation Aquarium Authoritative

Accrescense Affront Adequately Auditorium

Accrescents Agglomeration Arithmetic Ascertain

Accumulate Agglutination Arrogance Assassination

Accumulation Aggrandizement Artillery Assent

Acknowledgement Aggregate Archaeology Assessment

Accustom Aggression Anticipated Assign

Accompany Agreeable Anesthesia Assistance

Accordance Aggressive Ambiguity Assonance

Achievement Agreement Amateur Asthma

Acquaintance Aggravate Arrears Atheist

Acquiescence Aisle Artery Athletic

Accompaniment Ameliorate Archive Atrabilious

Acquire Amelioration Allegation Atrophy

Acquittance Ambassador Alcoholic Attain

Acquittal Antagonism Alliance Attempt

Accompanies Annoyance Allegiance Attendance

Alcohol Autobiography Assignment Attention

Alienation Allegory Awkward Attorney

1. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(a) Adolescence (b) Addolescence (c) Adolesence (d) Adollescence
2. Which one of the following has been spelt correctly?
(a) Aceleration (b) Aceeleration (c) Acceleration (d) Accelaration
3. Find the Correctly Spelt word.
(a) Anihilation (b) Annihillation (c) Anihilation (d) Annihilation
4. Select the correct word.
(a) Accomodation (b) Accommodation (c) Acommodation (d) Accommodetion
5. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Accessiries (b) Accssories (c) Acsessories (d) Accessories
Bacillus Belligerent Brasserie Burglar

Barratry Bibliography Blasphemy Bilateral

Brilliant Biased Bottom Bury

Barrister Bicycle Boundary Brassard

Bargain Billionaire Bouquet Buccaneer

Battalion Barrier Buoyant Buttery

Barren Behaviour Budget Bypass

Battle Blossom Bullet Buzzard

Bankruptcy Biscuit Bulletin Beneath

Banquet Bizarre Bungalow Beauteous

Barrack Barrel Battery Bureau

Beggar Bourgeoisie Boycott Bureaucracy

Beginning Buttock Bowler Bureaucrat

Bequeath Breath Bourgeois Bellicose

Bachelor Beneficial Brochure Buffoon

Balloon Bravery Ballot Bellicosity

Bamboo Breviary Belief Beneficiary

Benevolence Britain Believe Beneficent

1. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(a) Banquete (b) Bouquet (c) Boquet (d) Bouqutte
2. Which one of the following has been spelt correctly?
(a) Bouller (b) Bowlar (c) Bowler (d) Ballar
3. Find the Correctly Spelt word.
(a) Buffalo (b) Bufallo (c) Baffalo (d) Buffallo
4. Select the correct word.
(a) Blasphamy (b) Blasfamy (c) Blasfemy (d) Blasphemy
5. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Brilliant (b) Briliant (c) Brillient (d) Brilient
Casualty Changeable Concession Circular

Camouflage Chancellery Cadaverous Campaign

Concealment Courtesy Conferred Contemplation

Controllable Characteristic Commitment Colossal

Calibre Competent Commotion Correspondence

Competition Chillum Committed Correspondents

Cancellation Controversial Cemetery Colonel

Carriage Chimpanzee Connoisseur Consumption

Category Comptroller Convalescent Collar

Conciliation Chrysanthemum Conscience Contingency

Catalogue Column Convenient Collateral

Centenary Communication Conscientious Collaborate

Catastrophe Career Consistent Collaboration

Consensus Comparative Constellation Colleague

Caterpillar Cashier Cotemporary Coastal

Conscious Caricature Coffee Corroborate

Ceiling Cabbage Contagious Compassion

Celestial Compelled Contiguous College

Cinnamon Competitive Caterpillar Concise

Calendar Cessation Continuity Conference

Callous Complement Cigarette Crevasse

Challenge Centennial Circuit Conceive

Cheque Compliment Colloquial Commemorate

Chancellor Configuration Circumstance Compelling

Committee Corruption Coquette Controversy

Courteous Criticize Commission Conqueror

Commentary Councillor Condemn Conveyance

Circumstances Commander Consignment Curiosity

Controlled Counterfeit Courier Companion

Commissary Currency Coupon Concurred

Commissariat Compensation Credential Conspicuous

Conservative Commodious Cylinder Circumference

Curriculum Corridor Competitor Corollary

Chauvinism Corroboration Crane Complementary

Colleen Correction Conceal Condominium

1. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(a) Chocolate (b) Choccolate (c) Chocollate (d) Chocklate
2. Which one of the following has been spelt correctly?
(a) Concince (b) Consciense (c) Conscience (d) Conscene
3. Find the Correctly Spelt word.
(a) Conspicuos (b) Conspicuous (c) Conspicous (d) Conspecuous
4. Select the correct word.
(a) Curriculum (b) Curiculum (c) Curriculam (d) Currieculm
5. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Committe (b) Committee (c) Comittee (d) Comitee

Decency Decision Diphtheria Depression

Dalliance Dyeing Disaster Dividend

Dissemination Depreciation Dandruff Deterrence

Decennial Discriminate Dispassionate Dossier

Decathlon Desperate Dinosaur Domicile

Deferred Diagnosis Dispensary Drunkenness

Description Discourteous Dissatisfied Dumbbell

Denote Dessert Dependent Dilapidated

Dimension Duffer Distance Dying

Defendant Deceived Descendant Dysentery

Disastrous Diabetes Dissertation Diaphragm

Disappearance Debtor Dissipate Deliverance

Definition Discerptible Desert Dialogue

Deferred Deficiency Disciplinarian Diarrhoea

Deity Defeasance Dissonance Dyspepsia

Demission Daffodil Dilemma Discrepancy

Dissident Deceive Disease Different

Daughter Demurrage Discussion Dining

1. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Diesentry (b) Dysentery (c) Disentery (d) Disentary
2. Select the correct word.
(a) Dilemma (b) Dylemma (c) Dilema (d) Dylemma
3. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Discusion (b) Discussion (c) Discusion (d) Discution

Efficient Exaggeration Exhilarate Enormous

Encyclopedia Excessive Emphasize Eczema

Ecstasy Envelop Enumeration Enthusiastic

Entrance Excellent Etiquette Entrepreneur

Efflorescence Entanglement Eligible Excursion

Enforceable Erroneously Exhilaration Equivalent

Einstein Exemplary Existence Economical

Extent Exceptionally Energetic Exasperate

Elementary Embarrassing Expedient Exhaustion

Elephantiasis Embarrassment Equipment Elegance

Experience Eccentric Expeditious Evanescence

Embassy Ethereal Explanation Especially

Emulsion Embedded Exorbitant Exaggerate

Extension Endeavour Exuberance Exhibitor

Embarrass Eccentricity Embassy Elsewhere

European Efficiency Effeminate

4. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Examplary (b) Exemplary (c) Exemplery (d) Examplary
5. Select the correct word.
(a) Excessive (b) Excesive (c) Exccesive (d) Exccessive
6. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Envision (b) Envition (c) Envission d) Envesion

Forecast Fascinate Foreigner Feasible

Fraud Fictitious Flattery Fulsome

Fallacy Fiery Fascination Frisson

Freight Famine Forfeiture Frustration

Foretell Figuration Fertilizer Fueling

Forfeit Fatigue Foresee Fulfillment

Faeces Fineness Franchise Folklore

Fascist Flagellation Forgetful Forcible/Forcibly

Faience Flammable Fragile Fahrenheit

Facsimile Foreseen Encroach Fovourable

Forebode Fallacious Ferrous Familiar

Fascination Flippancy Fraudulent

7. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Fantasi (b) Fantasey (c) Fantasy (d) Fantesy
8. Select the correct word.
(a) Foreigner (b) Foreignar (c) Foraigner (d) Foreiner
9. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Fullfill (b) Fulfill (c) Fullfil (d) Fulfil

Genealogy Grasshopper Gymnasium Gallery

Genuine Grateful Graffito Gazette

Gesture Gaiety Grievance Guarantee

Giraffe Grievous Guillotine Government

Glorious Guardian Guinea Pig Governance

Gratitude Guffaw Gynecology Grandeur

Glossary Garrulous Guinness Governor

Gonorrhoea Guidance Guttural Grammar


10. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Grief (b) Grif (c) Greef (d) Gryif
11. Select the correct word.
(a) Giraf (b) Giraff (c) Girraff (d) Giraffe
12. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Gesture (b) Gestur (c) Gestuer (d) Gestere

Helicopter Hesitance Hygiene Homogeneous

Hammer Hideous Hypocrisy Handicapped

Hierarchy Haemorrhage Hilarious Hullabaloo

Handkerchief Hallucination Hindrance Honorarium

Heresy Height Humorous Hoarse

Hippopotamus Hearsay Hemisphere Humiliation

Haphazard Heinous Hurried Hydraulic

Heterogeneous Hereditary Harass Harmonious

Harmonium Haggard Hysterical Hypocrite

Headache Hypothesis Harassment

13. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Headache (b) Headach (c) Headaech (d) Headeke
14. Select the correct word.
(a) Heinus (b) Hiens (c) Hienous (d) Heinous
15. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Honeast (b) Honest (c) Honesgt (d) Honast

Inconvenience Invoice Isosceles Inadmissible

Interpretation Implementation Inflammable Intellectual

Idiosyncrasy Impression Incriminate Intelligence

Illogical Impressionable Indiscretion Intention

Indemnity Irrevocable Inferring Illegible

Illegitimate Inaccessibility Illustration Intercede

Insensible Inaugural Ingenuous Interference

Illiteracy Implement Imaginary Imminent

Inauguration Inaugurate Inoculate Interrogate

Interruption Intermission Ingenious Indispensable

Immense Incandescent Innocent Interrupt

Irresponsible Incriminate Innocuous Inflammation

Inaccessible Inconsistent Inalienable Intolerance

Innumerable Incorruptible Installation Intransigence

Inadvertent Itinerant Instantaneous Itinerary

Irrelevant Indecision Insurance Intuition

Initial Investigate Irresistible Irresolute


16. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Inumerable (b) Innumerable (c) Innumarable (d) Inummerable
17. Select the correct word.
(a) Inflammation (b) Inflamation (c) Inflametion (d) Inflammetion
18. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Irestible (b) Irressistible (c) Irresistible (d) Irresistable

Jurisdiction Judicious Juxtapose Jeopardize
Jaundice Judgment Judiciary Jubilee
Juvenile Jupiter Jeopardy Jamboree
Jealousy Juxtaposition Jewellery Jealous

19. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Jovial (b) Joviel (c) Joevial (d) Joveal
20. Select the correct word.
(a) Juvennile (b) Juvanile (c) Juvenile (d) Juvaenile

Knowledge Kedgeree Kernel Kindergarten
Knowledgeable Kaleidoscope Knock

21. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Kindargarden (b) Kindergarden (c) Kindargarten (d) Kindargarten

Lounge Lecherous Literature Luxury
Laissez-faire License Leukaemia Labourious
Leakage Legerdemain Latchet Leisure
Lampoon Lieutenant Lightning Laggard
Laureate Longevity Loneliness Leucorrhoea
Largesse Litterateur Lineage Lethargic
Labyrinth Lymph Lustrously Leucocyte
Liaison Lilliputian Luminary

22. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Lisense (b) Licence (c) Lisence (d) License
23. Select the correct word.
(a) Laboros (b) Labourous (c) labourus (d) Laborious
24. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Leisure (b) Leisre (c) Leasure (d) Lasure

Machinery Messenger Mongoose Mathematics
Merchandise Massacre Mosquito Mischievous
Magnificent Millionaire Mountainous Misconceive
Mantelshelf Malignant Murderer Misogyny
Maintenance Miniature Monastery Melody
Magnanimous Moustache Mesmerizing Missionary
Malevolent Miniscule Misalliance Misfeasance
Merchant Mirror Mileage Missile
Malnutrition Miscellaneous Millennium Marriageable
Mediaeval Mortgage Murmur Misspell
Manner Mischief Misogynist Mediator
Maneuvre Mystery Mushroom Molasses
Marriage Measles Mutineer Monetary
Marshal Marvelous Mysterious Memorandum
Message Mileage Mediterranean Meanness
Mausoleum Mediocre

25. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Machinery (b) machinary (c) Mechinery (d) Mechinery
26. Select the correct word.
(a) Missionary (b) Misionary (c) Missionery (d) Misionery
27. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Miscrant (b) Miscrent (c) Miscriant (d) Miscreant
28. Find the Correctly Spelt word.
(a) Millionaire (b) Millionare (c) Milinaire (d) Millionair
29. Select the correct word.
(a) Mongose (b) Monguse (c) Mongoose (d) Mongouse

Necessity Numerous Nullified Nonetheless
Necessary Negligible Notwithstanding Neutral
nourish Nescience Nuisance

30. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Neice (b) Niece (c) Neece (d) Nyece
31. Select the correct word.
(a) Necessary (b) Necessary c) Neccesary (d) Neccessary

Occurrence Obnoxious Oscillation Obscene
Omitted Obstacle Overrun Obsession
Occurred Occasion Obliterate Oppression
Omission Occasionally Obedience Orchestra
Odontology Observance

32. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Ocurence (b) Occurence (c) Occurrence (d) Ocurrence
33. Select the correct word.
(a) Occasion (b) Occassion (c) Ocassion (d) Ocassion
34. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Omineuos (b) Ominous (c) Ominus (d) Ominuous

Paediatric Passenger Proceed Posthumous

Palatable Propaganda Perceive Pitiable

Proclamation Passion Postmortem Precautionary

Playwright Passionate Perilous Prairie

Papyrus Possession Perseverance Permanent

Pinnacle Perennial Phoenix Precedence

Paraphernalia Pattern Placard Prerogative

Parallelogram Pedestrian Pleasant Physique

Paroled Petroleum Paleontology Preference

Paraffin Prejudice Pneumonia Previous

Parallel Penetrate Pomegranate Palatable

Parliament Perpendicular Prophecy Peculiarity

Pneumatic Pavilion Possess Privilege

Parasite Plausible Possession Proceedings

Plebiscite Persistence Programme Plaintiff

Parenthesis Persuade Possessive Picturesque

Profession Protector Pollution Punctual

Paralysis Pertinent Proprietor Psychology

Pronunciation Precinct Permissible Preferred

Pamphlet Phenomenon Philosopher Precisely

Portuguese Pursuit pyorrhoea Personnel

35. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Posesion (b) Possession (c) Posession (d) Possesion
36. Select the correct word.
(a) Placard (b) Plaecard (c) Plecard (d) Placerd

Quandary Quarrel Quarrelsome Queue
Quorum Query Quizzical Quarry
Quotient Questionnaire Quarantine Quibble

37. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Quye (b) Quee (c) Queue (d) Quew
38. Select the correct word.
(a) Quotient (b) Quotiant (c) Qotient (d) Quitient

Rebellion Rupture Recompense Rehearse

Repelling Repentance Recurrence Rehearsal

Receive Relevant Realignment Reinstate

Referee Religious Recurred Receipt

Reference Repercussion Referendum Righteous

Recipe Restaurateur Reprehend Rendezvous

Rehabilitate Reservoir Reference Rheumatism

Recipient Rhododendron Referred Repetition

Reprieve Rhythm Referring Rhinoceros

Reparable Renaissance Recuperate Repentance

Reverie Remittance Revenue Rudiment

Rigour Rhythmically Refrigerator Reiterate

Recommend Relinquish Referring Representative

Recession Recommendation Regrettable Reimburse

Reminiscence Routine Recession Resemblance

Rescission Reconnaissance Reducible Ridiculous

Rhyme Resistance Remembrance Resistible

Reminisce Rhymester Resuscitate Restaurant

39. Which one of the following is correct?

(a) Ricieve (b) Rieceve (c) Reiceve (d) Receive
40. Find the Correctly Spelt word.
(a) Relevent (b) Relevant (c) Ralevent (d) Ralavent
41. Select the correct word.
(a) Radious (b) Radius (c) Redious (d) Redius

Subservient Semester Succeed Superficial

Saffron Separate Success Superfluous

Salient Spectacle Successful Shield

Sacrilege Septuagenarian Smuggle Scrutinize

Sacrilegious Separation Succession Surveillance

Sanctimonious Sergeant Supersede Superior

Satellite Supervisor Sufficient Susceptible

Satisfaction Serviceable Synaesthesia Souvenir

Schedule Septic Suggestive Skillful

Soliloquy Sovereignty Summary Superstitious

Schizophrenia Spelling Sobriety Slippery

Schizophrenic Sincerely Summer Symmetrical

Scrimmage Souvenir Symmetry Suppress

Satirical Spontaneous Supercilious Soberness

Scenery Squirrel Session Surgeon

Synonymous Sterilization Superintendent Surround

Scurrilous Strategy Snobbish Shakespeare

Secretariat Surreptitious Shampoo Simultaneous

Scintillating Strenuous Shepherd Siege

Specifically Stubbornness Scissor Sherriff

Secondary Subterranean Seizure Subtract

Snobbery Summon Sedentary Skiing

42. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) Sabotage (b) sabbotage (c) sabbottage (d) Subotage
43. Select the correct word.
(a) Superceede (b) Supersede (c) Superside (d) Supercide

Terrestrial Truly Tsunami Trolley

Taxidermist Technique Tomorrow Tyranny

Temperamental Tranquility Theoretical Truculent

Tariff Transmission Throttle Tuberculosis

Tannery Tournament Tuition Tyrannical

Technique Torrential Turmeric Transmit

Temperature Transient Tendency Treacherous

Temperament Transference Tantamount Trespass

Temperance Transfiguration Terra firma Triangulation

Tongue Transparency Terracotta Tolerance

Tenacious Twilight Temperate Triumph

Temperament Tobacco Territory Terrify

Terrestrial Traveller Territorial Traffic

Thesaurus Theatre

44. Which one of the following is correct?

(a) Tolarate (b) Tolerate (c) Toelerate (d) Tolarat
45. Find the Correctly Spelt word.
(a) Teror (b) Terrore (c) Tarror (d) Terror

Unscrupulous Unnecessarily Unanimous Utterance
Unceremonious Urinary Unparalleled Until
Undoubtedly Unmistakable Unwritten Umbrella
Unforgettable Universal University Unsolicited

46. Which one of the following is correct?

(a) Uggliest (b) Ugliest (c) ugleast (d) Uggliast

Veterinary Vacillation Villain Voluptuous
Vaccination Varsity Voyage Voluntary
Vacuum Vocabulary Visionary Volunteer
Vacillate Vengeance Versatile Vociferate
Viscera Ventilator Vulnerable Villainous
Vault Vassal Vigilant Vegetarian

47. Which one of the following is correct?

(a) vulnarable (b) velnurable (c) Valnurable (d) Vulnerable

Welfare Wholly Writ Whistle
Welcome Wrapped Warrant Waive
Wrestling Woolen Warrior Welter
Whether Wellbeing Whisper Warrantee

48. Find the Correctly Spelt word.

(a) weatther (b) Weather (c) Wether (d) Weathere
49. Select the correct word.
(a) Writing (b) Writting (c) Wrritting d) wriiting

Xerox Xenon X-rays

Yesterday Yammer Yeoman Youngster

Yacht Yield

Zigzag Zoology Zenana Zinc


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