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RedHerb NICE


Color Pallete : (Primary Color)

C 0, M 20, Y 10, K 0 C 0, M 60, Y 10, K 0 C 58, M 82, Y 100, K 40 C 87, M 85, Y 91, K 77
R 253, G 209, B 0 R 240, G 133, B 25 R 101, G 61, B 44 R 39, G 37, B 35
Hex #FDD100 Hex #F08159 Hex #653D2C Hex #272523
Pantone P 7-8 C Pantone P 27-8 C Pantone P 43-16 C Pantone Process Black C

Brand Story :
Obat herbal yang membawa kebahagiaan kepada pemakainya

Brand Essence :
Happines of Healthy, Have a Nice Herb

Brand Positioning :
Menjadi pilihan ketika orang segera membutuhkan
Kesembuhan dan Kebahagiaan

Brand Personality :
Fun - Happy - Modern - Playfull

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