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Status open 19
Civil 2
Constrution 0
Environment 13
Safety & Environment 1

Date Technician Location Work Activity Related to

1 3-Aug-23 EM WOC Civil

#REF! 17-Sep-23 JL MHR-112 Civil

#REF! 21-Sep-23 Jamaluddin MHR-120 Cut and Fill OB Environment

#REF! 22-Sep-23 Jamaluddin WOC Hauling and dumping OB Environment

#REF! 23-Sep-23 Jamaluddin MHR-112 Cut and hauling OB Environment

#REF! 23-Sep-23 Jamaluddin MHR-112 Cut and hauling OB Environment

#REF! 23-Sep-23 Jamaluddin MHR-112 Cut and hauling OB Environment

Safety &
#REF! 28-Sep-23 Jamaluddin WOC Cutting and Dumping
#REF! 28-Sep-23 Jamaluddin MHR-120 Loading and Dumping
Period: Aug-Oct 2023

Finding Corrective Action Status Open / Closed

Unprotected edge at some spot at WOC Area EPC to install safety berm at some area on WOC 3-Aug-23 Open

No secondary containment for Genset. No APAR EPC to inform and socialize it to the worker/team,
nearby to Genset. No roof cover for Genset. B3 APAR & B3 Waste (Hazardous & Toxic Material)
Waste (Hazardous & Toxic Material) did not put at did not put at properly place
properly place. TMP & Emergency Number has not
socialize yet to worker as it should. 17-Sep-23 Open

Tempat penyimpanan limbah sementara yang tidak

proper, rawan terjadi pencemaran tanah dan air /
Improper temporary waste storage, potentially
caused soil & water polution
PP berjanji akan memperbaiki segera / PP promised
will repair it soonest

Kebocoran yang berpotensi pencemaran lingkungan

pada tanki Solar DT dan tanki oli Hydraulic pada DT
(semua DT yang beroperasi di WOC) / Leakage from
solar tank and hydraulic oil tank of DT (all working Meminta tim mekanik untuk segera melakukan
DT at WOC), can potential caused environmental perawatan /Asked Mechanic Team to do 22-Sep-23 Close
pollution maintenance as soonest

1) Tanki solar dan tanki hydralic DT basah terindikasi

bocor, berpotensi pencemaran lingkungan / Fuel tank &
hydraulic tank are indicated to be leaking, it
potentially casued Meminta ke pada Supv. untuk segera atur perawatan /
environmental pollution Asked to the Supervisor to do maintenance Close
schedule as soonest

2) Pencemaran oleh tetesan oli dari exhaust / Pollution Meminta ke pada Supv. untuk segera atur perawatan /
caused by oil leak Asked to the Supervisor to do maintenance Open
exhaust schedule as soonest

3) Excavator tidak dilengkapi dengan HT, komunikasi

hanya menggunakan system visual / The excavator is
not equipped with
HT, communication only uses a visual system Meminta ke pada Supv. untuk menyediakan HT /
Asked to the Supervisor to provide HT as a tool Close

Melakukan dumping didaerah ilegal Disposal

(menerobos/ melewati tanda larangan) / Dumping in
illegal areas Disposal (breaking through / passing
the prohibition sign)
Menghentikan aktifitas dan melaporkan ke pimpinan /
Stop activities and report to leaders
Tidak tersedia TMP di lokasi kerja, hal ini berbahaya Aktifitas Dumping di stop sampai dokumen TMP
berpotensi salah komunikasi yang bisa menyebabkan selesai dan disosialisasikan ke pekerja / Dumping
kecelakaan traffict activities are stopped until the TMP document is
/ TMP is not available at the job site, this is completed and socialized to workers
dangerous and potentially miscommunication that Open
can cause traffic accidents
Y & Environment)

Picture Company
Name Section SWP Issuer
Before After


PP Presisi Fikram

Telah dilakukan sosialisasi
bahaya pencemaran lingkungan

PT. PP Presisi Ira Waode

Pengarahan kepada mekanik
mengenai potensi dan bahaya
tangki bocor pada lingkungan

PT. PP Presisi Ira Waode

PT. PP Presisi Ira Waode

Op excavator sudah dilengkapi
dengan HT

PP Presisi Ansyarullah
Dumping di area ilegal disposal
sudah ditutup/ dibarricade
PP Presisi Yogi / Sunasto
Date Technician Location Work Activity Related to

#REF! 28-Sep-23 Jamaluddin MHR-120 Loading and Dumping

Perawatan Alat Berat (Excavator) /

#REF! 4-Oct-23 Jamaluddin Dumping area WOC Safety
Maintenance of Heavy Equipment

#REF! 6-Oct-23 Samuel Ray Workshop Presisi Environment

#REF! 6-Oct-23 Samuel Ray Workshop Presisi Environment

#REF! 6-Oct-23 Samuel Ray Workshop Presisi Environment

#REF! 9-Oct-23 Samuel Ray MHR-112 Environment

#REF! 9-Oct-23 Samuel Ray MHR-112 Environment

#REF! 9-Oct-23 Samuel Ray MHR-112 Environment

#REF! 9-Oct-23 Samuel Ray MHR-120 Environment

#REF! 11-Oct-23 Samuel Ray WOC-Toilet Environment

Stok pile dan hauling material untuk stok

#REF! 13-Oct-23 Tiopan S Disposal D Safety

MHR 112-Shelter
#REF! 14-Oct-23 Tiopan S Safety
Office Container

MHR 112-Shelter
#REF! 14-Oct-23 Tiopan S Safety
Office Container
Finding Corrective Action Status Open / Closed

Memberi peringatan kepada SHE, untuk

memperhatikan soal parkir aman DT / A warning was
given to SHE to pay attention to DT safe parking

DT parkir tanpa Wheel Chock / DT parking without

Wheel Chock

Pekerja maintenance tidak pakai APD (kacamata dan Menghentikan pekerjaan dan meminta untuk pekerja
seragam) / Maintenance workers do not wear PPE lengkapi APD sebelum kembali bekerja / Stop work
(goggles and uniforms) and ask workers to complete PPE before returning
to work
4-Oct-23 Open

Cover oil trap yang rusak / Oil trap cover damaged 6-Oct-23 Close

Penataan gudang oli yang kurang baik /

6-Oct-23 Close
Poor arrangement of the oil warehouse

Air limbah kamar mandi dan laundry yang dibuang

kelingkungan tanpa pengolahan terlebih dahulu /
Bathroom and laundry wastewater that is
discharged into the environment without prior
treatment 6-Oct-23 Close

There is a bucket full of contamined oil at LV Inform to HSE in charge to remove the bucket and
9-Oct-23 Close
Parking Area store to hazardous waste storage

Inform to PIC Mechanic (Nur Setyo) untuk menyiapkan

simbol & label untuk semua wadah B3 / Inform to PIC
Mechanic to prepare symbols & labels for all B3
Jerigen oli tanpa simbol & label B3 / No B3 symbol &
9-Oct-23 Close
label on oil jerry cans

Inform to PIC Mechanic (Nur Setyo) to clean and

Poor housekeeping at the Mechanic LV 9-Oct-23 Close
tidy up LV Truck

Improper handling of drinking wayer, expose to Inform "Acceptor" to share the good drinking
9-Oct-23 Open
direct sunlight & soil ground water practise to all worker
No biotank/biofilter was installed for toilet. Recommendation: Install a biotank/biofilter to all
11-Oct-23 Open
Grey water directly discharge to the environment toilet at site

Random check Equipment Dozer, Location : Langsung di infokan kepada safety lapangan supaya
Disposal D, Unit no : CT 20127, mengisi form P2H operator di arahkan untuk melakukan pengisian P2H
tidak lengkap dan tidak melakukan pengecekan dengan dengan benar, dan melengkapi kekurangan dari apar
benar, SIO tidak dibawak oleh operator, APAR pin dan isi kotak P3K / nformed direct to field safety so
lepas dan taging inspection sudah pudar, tidak ada that operators are directed to fill P2H correctly, and
safety cone di unit, isi kotak P3K tidak lengkap / complete the shortcomings of the apparatus and 13-Oct-23 Open
Random check Equipment Dozer, Location: contents of the P3K box
Disposal D, Unit No.: CT
20127, incomplete in filing out the P2H and

Menginformasikan langsung kepada pengawas supaya

segera dipasangkan pagar pembatas supaya pekerja
tidak bebas mendekat ke area genset / Inform to
Supervisor directly so that guardrails are installed
1) Tidak ada pagar didepan genset / No fence in immediately, hence workers are not free to 14-Oct-23 Open
front of Genset approach the generator area

4) Tidak terpasang loto di genset yang dalam keadaan Dinfokan langsung ke pengawas supaya segera
rusak / No LOTO installed memasangkan taging LOTO di Genset / Informed to
in the Genset that is in a damaged condition Supervisor directly to install LOTO tagging on the
Genset promptly
14-Oct-23 Open
Picture Company
Name Section SWP Issuer
Before After

PP Presisi Yogi / Sunasto

TBA PP Presisi

PT Presisi N/A N/A

PT Presisi N/A N/A

PT Presisi N/A N/A

Sudah terpasang biotech

PT Presisi N/A N/A

Jerigen sudah dipindahkan

PT Presisi N/A N/A

Label B3 sudah disiapkan

PT Presisi N/A N/A

LV sudah dibersihkan

PT Presisi N/A N/A

PT Presisi N/A Denesya

PT Presisi Emil Salim

PT Presisi Yogi

PT Presisi Yogi

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