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Setup Confrontation set up
1. Choose Case File 1. Clear and Flip the HQ board
2. Choose Agents 2. Reset Target Priority
3. Set up Target priority (agent with the high- 3. Prepare the Boss - Find the Enemy card and set
est threat goes first) up the behaviour dec using the symbols on the
4. Spend Requisition credits enemy card. Use the tracker on the HQ board to
• 2 Agents - 8 Credits track the Boss’ health
• 3 Agents - 7 Credits 4. Other Instructions - See case file card
• 4 Agents - 6 Credits
4. Follow Set up instructions on case file cards Playing the Confrontation
1. No Rest or Doom Phases
Optional Setup Adjustments 2. The Boss moves first (before minions)
3. Boss Behaviour - reveal card and follow
1. Change the Minions instructions
• Either choose a threat cards from the 4. Last Ditch Recovery - If an agent gets knoked
case file constructor, or pick one at ran- out roll 3 orange dice at the start of the agent
dom then follow the instructions on the phase - if there are no blanks, the agent wakes
card up.
• Alternatively shuffle all the enemy cards
(don’t use boss or fiend cards) and draw
4 at random. Add these to the minion
Backup Agents
slots in order of resilience (lowest in A) 1. Can be recruited with requisition credits at the
then health. start of the mission.
2. Choose Remote or Direct support
2. Add Unexpected Threats • Remote - Checks in during Rest action to
• Shuffle up to 3 unexpected threats into provide information
the deck of doom. • Direct - Is treated as an extra agent in all
• When the card is drawn it will bring a respects. Only has 1 action cube and cannot do
new enemy into play - add their card to Interact, Trade or Explore actions. Their skill
the in play area. level for all tests is deemed to be Yellow unless
• If the enemy is a boss construct its be- otherwise specified.
haviour deck from the symbols listed on • Once per round as a free action a backup agent
the card - the boss will act before the can move to the area of the agent they are
minions as in the confrontation. supporting.
• Backup agents can never be chosen when using
3. Tweak the Deck of Doom target priority but can be the target of enemy
• When setting up the deck of doom you attacks (e.g. if they are closest). If in the same
can swap one icon from the following list area as the agent they are supporting when that
with any other icon agent takes damage, the damage may be applied
• Red, Green, Amber, White to the backup agent. Damage is applied in the
• Use the Easy or Hard Deck of Doom - same way as enemies. If the agent is defeated
can be mixed in in any ratio as long as their card is discarded
there are 12 cards with the grey icon
1. Enemy Phase 2. Agent Phase
Brawler Agents spend cubes to take actions
If stunned must spend 2 cubes to stand up.
1. Move - towards the nearest agent (use
priority to choose if necessary - don’t Basic actions:
move if in same area as agent) then
2. Melee Attack - If in same area as agent
(Agent tests DEFENCE)
• Spend action cubes to upgrade your dice. Move up to 2 adjacant areas
• Can spend 1 action cube to upgrade a die
for an agent in your area Leaving an area
• Downgrade 1 die if you are stunned • Enemies - Evade (take 1 damage) or take
• Downgrade 1 die for each Inferno or Frog them with you. You must evade if the enemy
Swarm in your area and each Sinister Bird cannot follow.
on the board • Inferno - take 2 damage

Entering an area
• Can only enter if there is space - each
area can hold up to 6 characters - some
1. Melee attack an agent in their area or
characters take up more space. Sceanery
2. Move - Towards the nearest agent up to
reduces the available space by its size.
move allowance. Stop if an agent is visible
• Destruction Counters - Spend 1 action cube
and in range. then
or suffer 1 damage.
3. Ranged attack - Closest agent (use
priority if necessary). Agent tests
DEFENCE. Fight (Melee Attack)
• Upgrade 1 die per other Character in same 1. Target an enemy in your area.
space or path of shot. 2. If you have a choice - pick your weapon.
• Downgrade 1 die for each Inferno or Frog 3. Test FIGHT
Swarm in your area and each Sinister • Downgrade 1 die for each other enemy in
Bird on the board your area.
• Downgrade 1 die if you are stunned. • Upgrade 1 die if target is stunned
• Spend action cubes to upgrade your dice • Downgrade 1 die for each Inferno or Frog
• Can spend 1 action cube to upgrade a die Swarm in your area and each Sinister Bird on
for an agent in your area the board
• If there is scenery in the area apply
damage to that before the agent.
Shoot (Ranged Attack)
Cowardly Requirements
• Ranged Weapon
1. Melee Attack an agent in their area or • No enemies in your area
1. Move - away from agents - will not enter
an area with an agent or unexplored 1. Target visible enemy
room. 2. Test SHOOT
• Downgrade 1 die for each other character in
Enemies attacking Enemies target area or path of shot
• Downgrade 1 die for each Inferno or Frog
Damage = attack value of agressor - Swarm in your area and each Sinister Bird on
resilience of defender. the board
• Upgrade 1 die if target is stunned
• Scenery in target area is damaged first.
Examine (Clues) Cabinet
Setup: Add 2 cubes
Must be in an area with a clue Remove 1 cube to heal two
1. Test EXAMINE damage from you and/or
• Downgrade 1 die per Enemy in Room another Agent in the same area. Cubes lost if
• Downgrade 1 additional die per enemy in destroyed.
• Downgrade 1 die for each Inferno or Frog Generator
Swarm in your area. If destroyed each charac-
Result ter in same area suffer 4
• 0-2 - No Effect damage and is stunned.
• 3-5 - Discard Clue and advance informa- Other characters in the
tion gathered by 1 same room suffer 2 damage.
• 6+ - Discard Clue and advance information Roger can interact to reset his vital spark track
gathered by 2 (once per game)

Clear Comms Array

Setup: add 1 cube
Remove 1 Frog Swarm, Inferno or Sinister Bird Remove the cube then test
from your area EXAMINE.
Interact (Not Backup Agent) • 0-2 Setup Minion B in Starting Area
• 3-5 - No Effect
Interact with a point of interest (see case file • 6+ - Examine one face down encounter card.
cards in play) or Special Scenery:
Free actions:
Forbidden Tome
Roll the effect die. Trade (Not Backup Agent)
On a or advance the If there are no enemies in your area give a
Information Gathered track starting card or requisition card with the icon
by that amount. On a ,
to an agent in your area
advance the Impending Doom track.

Orrery Explore (Not Backup Agent)

Roll the effect die. If adjacent to a door to an unexplored room,
On a or look at that reveal the encounter card and setup the room
many cards from the top of as instructed.
the Deck of Doom, without
changing their order. On a Move to Agent (Backup Agent only)
, , the Agent is stunned. Once per round a backup agent may move
to the area occupied by the agent they are
Writing Desk supporting
Setup: Add 2 cubes
Remove 1 cube to advance
the Information Gathered
track by 1.
Cubes lost if destroyed

Setup: Add 2 clues
Examine clues as normal -
no Interact action required.
Remaining clues lost if destroyed..
3. Rest Phase 4. Doom Phase
Only if no enemies are on the board Draw and resolve 1 card from the deck of Doom
If an agent is knoked out you must rest if for each Sinister Bird on the board (if none just
possible (Knoked out agents are returned to draw 1).
the board - no ijuries are healed though.
1. Remote agents check in - see backup agent
cards in play for types of test to be made.
5. End Phase
1. Refresh Action Cubes (3 less any modifiers -
• If is rolled on a remote agent test the must always refresh 1)
card is discarded.
2. Resolve Infernos
• After a remote agent checks in you may
• In each area with an inferno remove one
call for backup - the backup agent card is
clue, one Frog Swarm, one Sinister Bird and
flipped and they are added to the board.
any scenery in the area
• Direct agents may be sent away - discard
• Then roll on red die on a score of 0 the in-
any damage and flip the card to remote.
ferno is removed
2. Each agent picks 1 rest action:
• on a score of 1-3 each character in the area
• Investigate - Discard a clue counter
takes that much fire damage.
anywhere on the board and advance
• additionally on a roll of 3 add an inferno
information gathered by 2.
to each explored adjacent area without an
• Recuperate - Roll 2 red dice and heal
inferno (these are not resolved this round).
damage equal to the score
3. Resolve Frog Swarms
• Secure - Remove all Frog Swarms,
• Each Frog Swarm in the same area as an
Infernos and Sinister Birds from any one
agent moves to an unoccupied (by agents)
adjacent area if possible.
3. Trade items freely - starting card must re-
• For every 2 Frog Swarms on the board, ad-
turn to their owners
vance the Impending Doom track by 1.
4. Agents can move to any explored area.
4. If there are 3 or more Sinister Birds they are
5. Reset Target priority
replaced with Harpies
6. Advance Impending Doom.
5. Other Effects

Other Effects
Hurl Stunned

• Target is moved to an adjacent explored area • Stunned Characters are laid on their side.
• Each other character in the area suffers damage • Stunned enemies stand up at the start of their turn
equal to the roll of 1 orange die and take no further action
• Scenery in the area is destroyed and the target • Stunned agents spend 2 action cubes to stand u, any
receives damage equal to its size remaing cubes can be spent as normal.
• While an enemy is stunned you upgrade 1 die on
Fire Damage attacks.
• While an agent is stunnd they downgrade 1 die on
• Any attack that causes fire damage results in an defence tests.
inferno being placed in the area.

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